I lost focus with SBI and am looking for new systems to make money online
I'm new to the Warrior Forum and I'm glad there's such an active community of Internet Marketers who can help and share thoughts and ideas.
A little history about myself. I started out in Internet Marketing about 2002 - back then I bought a little eBook called MYSS (Make Your Site Sell!) from Ken Evoy. It was a good book and helped me understand the basics - build a good content website, do pre-selling and then put on Adsense, affiliate links, etc.
I went on to buy Site Build It! (SBI) and was a loyal customer from 2002 until today. At its peak, I had seven SBI domains and the total income was about $4,000 a month. Pretty decent.
The unfortunate thing was that I was very dependent on Google traffic. I think 80% of my traffic came from 20% of the keywords in my sites. My content was decent but was not up-to-date. I was just sitting there and cashing in the Adsense checks and got complacent. I created some eBooks to sell and they did pretty well. But then Panda and Penguin hit in Apr 2012, my revenues completely tanked.
I was frustrated and sad. I picked myself up, started new SBI domains, and I had two up and running as of today. They bring in some money, but not near the levels I had in 2011 (which was the peak for me). I'd be lucky if my Adsense makes $100 a month these days.
As you can imagine, there are a few things on my mind now.
1) I refuse to give up on Internet Marketing because after so many years, you KNOW you can make decent money online. You can't make millions, etc. but you can make a couple of thousand a month and that's all I'm after. I believe that's fully realistic and achievable.
2) I know and see the core online business model changing.
Quality - It is clear you can't just slap up a site, throw in 30 articles and expect Adsense cash to roll in. You need to create and deliver value. So that is now my motto. My articles cannot be crappy - they need to be high quality.
Monetization models - it cannot just be Adsense alone anymore. You have to bring up more of you own products, email list marketing and also other channels like Kindle / iTunes bookstand, etc.
3) I also know the platform I'm using must change. I stuck with SBI for more than ten years. It was a good place and I truly believed in the system.
Now, I believe I need to build my own with Wordpress and plug-ins. I'm adjusting all my sites to move towards Wordpress and the learning curve for me is steep.
Also, the SBI community and I are totally disillusioned and I'm looking for new "mentors" to help me online.
If anyone knows of some mentor I can follow, please let me know. I've gone through these Warrior Forums, bought a couple of products but I guess I am still "lost". I'm afraid I will end up losing focus and just spending lots of money on different IM products and not knowing what to do.
Thank you all and I look forward to interacting with everyone here!
Blog Post: Why You Need Multiple Streams Of Income, NOW!
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Blog Post: Why You Need Multiple Streams Of Income, NOW!
For more internet marketing hints and tips follow me on Twitter - @TheIncomeSherpa
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