Please help me. I've bought a lot of WSO but still lost.

67 replies
Hi all

So I'm in a bit of a dilemma right now. I'm typing this out before I go to sleep so I can get some advice overnight

I used to be a very heavy Site Build It! (SBI) user and earned about $3,000 a month with seven SBI sites (expensive as they charge $299 a year for each site) .

But my sites were mostly hit by Panda / Penguin in Apr 2012, and I also got banned from Adsense. I'm but am now very lost in terms of focus.

I have a day job and each night I come back to struggle with my online business - feeling very lost. And it's taking its toll on me and my family.

I really need help to get me back in the right direction.

I don't need to earn $100,000 a month or anything like that.
I'd be happy with $500 a month but I really need a way to prove to myself this whole online income thing still works.

I'm built up my online site portfolio since getting Panda / Penguin slapped. I also re-applied and got back into Google Adsense.

I currently have the following websites:

1) How To Build Computers Site - runs on SBI, hit by Panda / Penguin very low traffic (20 a day) and monetization. Had an old eBook in there that sold very well but it's not selling now. Running Media.Net but no money.

2) Singapore Vacation Site - running on SBI, 30 visitors daily. Poor performance, running PPC - no money.

3) Laptop Guide Site - running on SBI, 30 visitors daily. Poor performance. Running Media.Net but no money.

4) Project Management Site - running on SBI, 300+ visitors daily. I started this last year post Panda. Monetized by Adsense, earning $3 a day.

Good feeling as I have a lot of readers contacting me on some of my articles. BUT it is running on SBI and I want to move it to Wordpress - but am afraid doing so will affect traffic.

5) Digital Video Site 1 - running on SBI, monetized by Media.Net bringing in about $200 a month. 400 visitors daily. Not bad.

6) Digital Video Site 2 - running on SBI, monetized by Adsense and earning miserable $1 to $2 a day

7) Digital Photography Site - old site from SBI hit by Panda / Penguin. I switched ti to WordPress two months back. Poor traffic, 30 visitors a day. Not monetized.

I'm also thinking of starting an Internet Marketing / Personal Development site like Wake Up

I just also bought ten ready made Wordpress sites from a provider here on WF (things like coffee, wine, internet marketing, weight loss, etc.)

I've also bought products such as:
- Kindle book publishing (want to explore this one day)
- Email list building (not doing enough of this in my sites)
- Site Build It! (losing focus with SBI, I'm trying to switch to a new system)
- Affiliate Marketing (Mark Ling's Affilorama, Forever Affiliates) (don't work well for me)
- Backlink Banzai (testing this out)
- SESlingshot (testing this out)
- Outsourced to content writers (generally doesn't work well in terms of article quality)

Also read sites like Niche Site Pursuits from Spencer Haws, Wake Up Cloud, Steve Pavlina, Pat Flynn, etc.

[b]I really hope someone can point me in the right direction

To be honest with you, I just spent close to $1,000 on WSO and special offers in WF the last week. And I'm still quite lost as to how to proceed.

For example:
1) Should I just weed out all my sites and focus on one authority site? Doesn't that take too long to reap results?
2) But if I go micro-niche site, I'd have to maintain 20 to 30 to get real income?
3) Or should I "test with a standard methodology several niche sites", then pick the promising ones and dive deeper?
4) Also, I'm not sure what to outsource.
- It seems keyword research should not be outsourced.
- Content writing outsourcing doesn't work for me - I pay up to $10 an article and I still get poor quality. Anyone has tips on how to scale up content writing at decent prices? I don't want to pay $15 an article - I can't afford it.
- Wordpress set up and installation - any service provider to recommend?
- Basic marketing (SEO, forum posts, high PR link providers, backlink providers) - should I outsource this?
- And how do you continue to 'maintain sites' I really struggle with maintaining up-to-date content. Should I only introduce fresh content for sites which I want to dive deeper and develop into authority sites?

I'm really lost, someone please help me and point me in the right direction! Thanks in advance from a struggling Internet Entrepeneur.
#bought #lost #lot #wso
  • Profile picture of the author DavidOlsen
    Hey Gary,

    The key problem I see with what you're doing is lack of focus.

    You said you spent $1,000 on WSO's in the last week. Pick one of those and stick with it for a few months. You can't expect to start making money right away, you have to put some time in and learn how to work whatever system you choose.
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    • Profile picture of the author ToonChooi Tan
      Well said. If you can't find a way to focus your efforts, you will not make money online. Just stop buying any new product now, instead go through all the wso products that you purchased, choose 1 or 2 product that you believe will help you, then implement the strategies you just learn, draw an action plan , do it NOW and track the result. From time to time, adjust the action plan in order to improve the outcome. You need FOCUS on a project long enough to see any returns.

      Hope this help

      Originally Posted by DavidOlsen View Post

      Hey Gary,

      The key problem I see with what you're doing is lack of focus.

      You said you spent $1,000 on WSO's in the last week. Pick one of those and stick with it for a few months. You can't expect to start making money right away, you have to put some time in and learn how to work whatever system you choose.
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  • Profile picture of the author sirtiman
    If you can move your SBI to Wp so move it fast.

    You need mentor to make your income better than your lost before.
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  • Profile picture of the author gcbmark20

    Looks like you have a classic case of - "INFORMATION OVERLOAD" right there
    my friend.

    By far the best way to create solid and consistent incomes online is to FOCUS
    as much of your time into...


    You could easily start seeing that $500 per month if you focus on building
    a list alone and just purely sending out affiliate offers to that list as it grows.

    You could do...

    ...1. Ad Swaps

    2. Clickbanking - Where you get a set amount of clicks to your offer off someone
    who already has a big enough list and you send them the same amount of clicks
    back to their offer over time.

    3. Solo Ads - Where you are just buying clicks to your offer and building your
    lists that way.

    4. Create your own products - Build your own BUYERS email lists that way.

    Whatever you do that is the best way to build a solid and dependable income

    But HOW FAST you progress is up to you.

    If you really focus and stay consistent at building your list you will get better
    at marketing to that list and your list is growing as you learn, develop and
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  • Profile picture of the author garytanuser
    Hi all

    Thanks - I know I have lost focus and it is a real problem. I'm afraid I'm going to suck myself dry (both in $ and also time and sanity).

    Actually I know I have to build up from scratch and work hard at it. Success won't happen overnight.

    However, in terms of general direction, I need some help:
    1) Do I go with two or three authority sites or do I go with say 10 to 20 micro niches?
    - To me, having two or three authority sites is mentally "manageable" but going to 10 to 20 sites (I'm afraid I'll lost focus).
    - And as you know, doing many micro niches will force you to be more efficient (or systematic) in order to scale. As such, your value to the reader will drop.

    2) Gavin, agree about the email list. But I want to build that as a next step in my venture - I need to get a base site up and running first with good traffic so I can capture the visitors.

    If you guys need my website addresses to specific feedback, I'll do that via PM. Thanks so much!
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    • Profile picture of the author Black Prince
      I'm unsure why you are looking for new solutions when you already 'cracked the code'. You didn't succeed because of the SBI platform - you succeeded because you built content-rich sites that visitors liked. Isn't that the 'secret' of every successful website on the internet?

      Get a new host. Transfer your domains there. Build new Wordpress installs on each domain. Copy over your content. There's no harm in doing such a rebuild now that your visitors are flatlining. Then, instead of being dependent on Google, start mixing it up with social networking. Hit forums, Facebook pages, blogs in your niches - in exactly the same way as you're making yourself known here at the Warrior Forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author LegendaryGuy1
    Hey there Gary,
    your problem is lack of motivation. Your lack of willpower implies that you are not willing to make money online and that it is a waste of time. I was in your shoes one time. I used to be depressed but once I set my mind to IM, I was motivated than ever. I was working my ass off trying to get traffic and monetize my sites and guess what? It worked.

    All you need is motivation. Just find a reason to carry on. Do you want to escape the rat race? Get a dream home or new car maybe? If you find a reason and stick to it, you will be successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author TomCrick
    I'm very new here and have yet to make a dime, but I've struggled (already) with having too much information. I've bought a few WSO's and have finally decided to stick with one, focus on that and see what it yields - not going to be quitting at the first hurdle, either. So, I'd try to narrow down your decisions according to which WSO seems the most plausible, supportive and appealing, too. Junk the rest - for the time being.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Blades
    You are doing to much Gary, try focusing on one thing only. Why don't you try facebook ads and try selling t-shirts? You should be able to make $500 easy, but you have to make sure you work on getting penny clicks, so you don't blow your money.

    I hope things work out for you, but you really need to stop trying to juggle to many projects, and stay out of the WSO section.
    " I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret that.
    But I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried. "

    ~ Jeff Bezos

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  • Profile picture of the author DoubleOhDave
    If you need money fast - I recommend offering a service. You can see from a lot of these WSOs that a lot of people making money are outsourcing, Become the person they go to and excel at what you do - generally either a graphics designer or writer (or SEO guy).
    Can't do any of that? Find someone who really over delivers and resell their service. When you have enough money to get comfortable, then start putting money into your websites (one by one - not scattered and unfocused) - my advice which you will still have to gauge whether is useful or not in your own situation
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  • Profile picture of the author Alice12345
    I think focus is all you need. I was once you. Choose 1 or 2 niches ONLY.
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    • Profile picture of the author garytanuser
      Hi thanks all for the outpouring of support here. I like the advice about "staying out of the WSO section"

      I actually have a full-time job in the day, so I can't afford much time to do this at night, with wife and kids around too.

      So in a way, I need the income to be "automated". Selling a service (e.g. building / customizing sites to sell) is a good idea. Just that I fear I may not have the time.

      Currently the best option for me, like you guys said, is to focus on ONE or TWO niches only. Do you all agree? Perhaps I can just renew the domains which I have no time for and park them under "future projects".

      The other thought I have is - and this is an important question - am I barking up the wrong tree?

      I find many of the successful online folks actually get into IM ... doing stuff like my niche sites is really just a training ground ... most actually move into IM eventually, or offer IM related services like writing, site building or SEO, etc. Is that your view too? Love to hear your thoughts.
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  • Profile picture of the author Romeo90
    Focus is what you need.

    Concentrate on just a couple of core projects. I concentrate my time mainly on my blog, and then on my eBook site.

    I spend very little time doing anything else, apart from the odd few hours updating my small affiliate sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Blades
    I actually have a full-time job in the day, so I can't afford much time to do this at night, with wife and kids around too. So in a way, I need the income to be "automated"]
    Look into selling t-shirts on FB... You design the shirt, and automate your ads, and see what works. I was testing out some ads the other day to try and get penny clicks, and I sold some shirts by accident, the shirt just had a few words on it, and some corny clip art.

    PPC and product, affiliate offer is the fastest way I know to $500/month
    " I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret that.
    But I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried. "

    ~ Jeff Bezos

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    • Profile picture of the author garytanuser
      Hi Alex

      Thanks for the tip - I'll PM you
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      • Profile picture of the author Alex Blades
        Originally Posted by garytanuser View Post

        Hi Alex

        Thanks for the tip - I'll PM you
        I sent you an add on facebook, I will log in and point you in the right direction.
        " I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret that.
        But I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried. "

        ~ Jeff Bezos

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        • Profile picture of the author Langknow
          Hey Gary,

          I think you're focusing on the wrong things. Instead of thinking of which site you should do or whether you should focus on authority sites or niche sites, I think you need to do market research and find out who has a problem to solve.

          Who is your target market ?

          For example, your "How To Build Computers Site ", who was it aimed at ? Was it for Gamer's who wanted to build the most beastly computer ?

          Was it for people who never built a computer before and want to save money by building it themselves instead of buying a computer from bestbuy ?

          50 to 60 year olds who want to build their own computer as a past time ?

          Photoshop and 3d MOdellers who want to build their own computer .

          If you're able to hone down who you're going to target, then you can really focus your website on those people. Also, getting an email list is extremely important.

          Then you can start thinking about the products you want to develop for this audience. For example, say you're targeting the gamers who want to build a budget gaming computer. So you can either create a video course, or an ebook, about building an ideal computer.

          Then you can have amazon links about the parts and stuff you used too.

          Also, you should definitely look into moving your SBI sites to wordpress, or just start fresh using wordpress. It seems that SBI is not evolving and is stuck in the dinosaur age, and the price is just not worth it.
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Originally Posted by garytanuser View Post

    To be honest with you, I just spent close to $1,000 on WSO and special offers in WF the last week.
    Dear lord man, stay out of the WSO forum.
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author garytanuser
    Hi Langknow

    Thanks a lot - that helps me think clearly. Actually I never did understand who my target market was - this is the key!
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  • Profile picture of the author rakhwas
    You need the right mindset, stop jumping around and success will give you a chance.
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  • Profile picture of the author barbling
    Step 1.) Join Dennis Becker's Free FB Group over at . Dennis is one of the most cherished and authentic marketers you can find. He did the whole Adwords thingee and then he was slapped by Google as well. He wrote an excellent starting guide over at

    5 Bucks a Day Revisited with audios - 5 Bucks a Day Revisited

    as well.

    Step 2.) Give yourself permission to *focus* on one thing until the end. Certainly its tempting to pingPongBallize between the bazillion of ideas.... but success generally happens when you *focus* and stay the path.

    Step 3.) Give yourself permission to let go of the past. It's very tempting to beat oneself up about what had been in the past (in 2004 I broke the Google Code and made 250K before Adsense banned me).

    The past is unchangeable....BUT!

    You can always use it to springboard into the future.

    Best of skill!
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  • Profile picture of the author Slin
    Hey Gary,

    Sorry to hear you got hit by penguin and panda, but it sounds like you still have a lot of great work you can do with those websites.

    I myself work as a director for an SEO firm, and I would say stay away from SEO right now, what you need to do is focus on other ways to get traffic to your website. Usually I recommend that our clients start out with paid traffic, and then ease their way into SEO, this gives them a good stable income in case things go wrong, and once they get SEO going ROI shoots through the roof.

    Try to focus on building relationships in your niche, contact the other site owners and try to set up some kind of JV. Build up a list and use your day job income to start advertising your websites. I would imagine that you already know your conversion rate since you've had a lot of sales in the past.

    Or you could always revamp your product and release a new one. First thing I would do if I were you though would be to make friends in your niche and then to consider some good media buys to build up a following on your website again.

    Once things start to pick up take a look at fixing up your SEO. Was it a link penalty that you received? Or was it an on-site penalty? Figure out what happened and then go from there.
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  • Profile picture of the author wordpressmania
    I did not read all the comments as your own post is too long for me. Anyway, I think you are doing well so far. Just keep working. From now one make sites on WordPress. Add some new content on your old site and I think the problem will be solved soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frankalex
    Just focus on one thing until you make it profitable. Then rinse and repeat.
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  • Profile picture of the author gloria123
    Your brain is going 1000 miles per hour. You have a seriouscase of "information overload"
    You probably should take a couple of sites and focus all your efforts and energy on them until you start getting results.... Then go to the next 2.... and so on.
    Take a couple of days off and focus...
    Best of luck.
    G. Lewis.
    "Successful People Do What Average People Don't do"

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    • Profile picture of the author Tom B
      I think you need to break this down into smaller processes.

      First is getting traffic. Not just any traffic, but the right traffic that will match the type of products you want to sell.

      Second, once you got traffic, work on list building. Try out different incentives to getting people on your list, different emails be sent out and then...

      Third, start looking at converting them into sales. Matching the right products with your list, preselling them if you are selling affiliate products, giving them good content so they look at your offers.

      Whenever you are overwhelmed, look at breaking it down into little processes. You will be surprised at how easy it will be once you do that. Not only will it be easier, it will also help you figure out what you need to test and tweak.
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  • Profile picture of the author imterrywagner
    Classic case of Paralysis by Analysis?
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  • Profile picture of the author Nurkholis Hidayat
    Wordpress set up and installation - any service provider to recommend?
    WordPress is very easy to use, no need to outsource for this.There aro tons free wordpress tutorials on the internet. Don't be a lazy person to search for it. You will save money if you can master it.

    Just focus on one thing until you make it profitable. Then rinse and repeat.
    That's right, there are to many ways to make money online, but you have to focus and master it before you try the another way. Even a perfect WSO will not necessarily work for you because every person is unique, you could find your own way of online business. Just be yourself and be confident.

    Below there are posts in this forum that I hope can motivate you :
    a. Please God, someone send me an angel or pull my plug!
    b. Helping a homeless guy out...

    Good Luck Garytanuser
    Professional Animated Banner HTML5 Designer
    Make Your Banner Ads More Clickable
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    • Profile picture of the author Joseph Villanueva
      Funny thing is that, a great wso or a great coach doesn't matter if the MINDSET of the student is faulty.

      If the student wants success as badly as they want to breathe, then nothing can stop them. They either get rich or die tryin'

      If you're family has been there since day one, they will always be there. I've been there with my family and the stress and frustrations with my wife, and looking back, it made me focus even more and took out unnecessary distractions in my life.

      a year later we are closer than ever and the online business seeds I had planted, has grown into oak trees.

      The great thing with online business is that internet marketing does get slapped by google if you are not careful.

      You must have a system that creates your brand and must be protected and surrounded by other a diverse types of links for it to rank on top.

      the days of micro niches are gone and done and its now all about attraction marketing and google gives value to those who gives value to their audiences.

      Maybe it's time to rethink your strategy on how you should relate to your audiences.

      Need a Coach to generate leads and TRIPLE your online business income?
      Let me Inspire and Empower You!
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  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
    i disagree: you can focus on 2-3 things at the same time. just incase 1 fails and then you have others.
    keep going man, you have to crack the code on this forum. no one is going to hand it to have to find it..
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  • Profile picture of the author garytanuser
    Thanks everyone for the comments. I really appreciate your help even though I'm so new to the forum. I'll give an update here on my "strategy calibration and re-thinking" very soon. In fact, I probably have some ideas for products and services to offer.

    To me, the basic core tenets of an online business have been, and will continue to be:

    1. Create and deliver value. This is fundamental. Without this, you have no business.

    2. Be consistent. Invest time in your business everyday. Consistently make an effort to build up your business and you will achieve success.

    3. Be clear in your vision
    . One of the struggles I find in online businesses is the amount of "noise" and distraction that gets to you (I'm clearly guilty of this). Focus yourself and visualize where you want to go and how to get there. Lay out a step-by-step list and tick it off.

    4. Keep up with the times
    . I was obviously guilty of this - partly due to my chasing money rather than providing value in my websites. You need to keep up with the times and read on the latest trends. If you keep your head buried, you will lose out very soon. So a forum like this has tremendous value here.

    5. 80% marketing, 20% content
    . I used to think that if I created 1,000 pages of content - I'd be able to make a huge killing online. Now, I think differently - and clearly Google thinks differently too. I'd rather spend 80% of my time reaching out to others, making partnerships, marketing - than bury my head writing content day in and day out. Content is still important, obviously - but it's even more important to just "get out there" and reach other people.

    6. Think like a hungry man
    . An analogy I like to keep in my head is to "think like a hungry man". If I were a destitute person, thinking about how to get my next meal, do you think I'd spend time planning and thinking how to get food? No! I'd be out on the streets, looking for every morsel or opportunity to get free food - just to survive. I think we need to think more like this - it helps to cut out distractions and focus on what is essential. It encourages action rather than 'over analysis' (which, again I've been guilty of).

    Keep the conversations flowing, my friends!
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    • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
      Originally Posted by garytanuser View Post

      Thanks everyone for the comments. I really appreciate your help even though I'm so new to the forum. I'll give an update here on my "strategy calibration and re-thinking" very soon. In fact, I probably have some ideas for products and services to offer.

      To me, the basic core tenets of an online business have been, and will continue to be:

      1. Create and deliver value. This is fundamental. Without this, you have no business.

      2. Be consistent. Invest time in your business everyday. Consistently make an effort to build up oyour business and you will achieve success.

      3. Be clear in your vision
      . One of the struggles I find in online businesses is the amount of "noise" and distraction that gets to you (I'm clearly guilty of this). Focus yourself and visualize where you want to go and how to get there. Lay out a step-by-step list and tick it off.

      4. Keep up with the times
      . I was obviously guilty of this - partly due to my chasing money rather than providing value in my websites. You need to keep up with the times and read on the latest trends. If you keep your head buried, you will lose out very soon. So a forum like this has tremendous value here.

      5. 80% marketing, 20% content
      . I used to think that if I created 1,000 pages of content - I'd be able to make a huge killing online. Now, I think differently - and clearly Google thinks differently too. I'd rather spend 80% of my time reaching out to others, making partnerships, marketing - than bury my head writing content day in and day out. Content is still important, obviously - but it's even more important to just "get out there" and reach other people.

      6. Think like a hungry man
      . An analogy I like to keep in my head is to "think like a hungry man". If I were a destitute person, thinking about how to get my next meal, do you think I'd spend time planning and thinking how to get food? No! I'd be out on the streets, looking for every morsel or opportunity to get free food - just to survive. I think we need to think more like this - it helps to cut out distractions and focus on what is essential. It encourages action rather than 'over analysis' (which, again I've been guilty of).

      Keep the conversations flowing, my friends!
      7. (And the one that's got you stuck) Put passion first, opportunity second. As long as you're meeting a real need in the marketplace, passion will give the drive to STICK WITH ONE THING until it works. Right now, you're chasing opportunity first. That's why you're changing your approach every time you see a new opportunity. That's a direct route into information overload and becoming a consumer instead of a producer.

      That's what's happening to most people on this forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author assenal
    BUT it is running on SBI and I want to move it to Wordpress - but am afraid doing so will affect traffic.
    It wont hurt you, your traffic may decline slightly in a short period, but I'm very sure it will rebound strongly soon, and it will have much more traffic, wordpress looks good for you, but you still can try drupal, the learning curve of using drupal is a little more steeper, but if you have adequate time, drupal is better, IMO.
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    • Profile picture of the author marketingdynasty
      You have no business plan right now. You have to stop buying every WSO that comes out. You must know what direction you want to take your business and keep following that plan until you are making money. Come up with a business plan, break down your business plan into small goals so you get your business up and running, and you must test and tweak until you get your business profitable.

      Buying WSO's is not running a business. You are just a consumer when you are constantly buying WSOs. You need to be the one selling products and services, and marketing your business.

      It is nothing wrong with buying a WSO that helps to enhance your business or business model, but just buying every shinning object is not a good thing.

      I believe you will get things going again. Here's to your success!
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  • Profile picture of the author garytanuser
    Hi assenal

    Many thanks for that. I've been loyal to SBI for many years but recently have just made a switch to Wordpress. I think it's a good decision.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    I just spent close to $1,000 on WSO and special offers in WF the last week
    This will be a kick in the guts but you need it and hopefully you will take it in the good nature it is meant.

    If you have spent $1,000 on offers the last week then the issue is YOU -- nothing else.

    You are an opportunity seeker and until you break from that mindset you;ll continue to buy new shiny objects and get nowhere.

    Pick one thing. Stop visiting the WSO forum and unsubscribe from all the emails lists you are on. Stop buying things. Focus on that one thing and only on that one thing until you make it work.

    THAT is the fastest way to succeed.
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    • Profile picture of the author sovannachuon

      You have Googleitis and WSOitis. Don't feel bad about it. This is a common issue for many; myself included. I started the IM journey six months or so ago as I seek for home-based business opportunities. I'm a techie by trade, but I never made a dime online. Here's my lesson-learned and hopefully you and other newbies can benefit from my faulty start.
      1. Get Clarity - I concur with those who point this out. You need to ask yourself why are you doing this. It is NOT the money. Money is only the byproduct of your success, my friend. It is the feeling and desire. Here's mine.

      I wanted time freedom, and the opportunity have my wife stay home. She works in a hotel since she arrived in the U.S.A eight years ago. It is hard labour. I owe it to her. She doesn't even have time to go to school and learn proper English because hotel doesn't have fixed schedule.
      You know something, my friend, because I am super clear on my goal, she has been home for a week now. After some plannings and adjustments to our lives, we don't need her job to stay afloat nor do we need me to make money online to replace her income.

      That's how the Universe works. You need to get clarity. Then, the Universe will start to open up doors for you. It might not be something that you want or thought of.

      In our case, we thought it was money, but that was not our solutions.

      2. Up until recently, I poured in money into new WSO. I purchased a countless number of programs. Honestly, I was addicted to buying. This reminds me of Groupon, SocialLiving and PricePlunge. They offer deals all the time. I thought that I was smart and jumped on them. Here are a few that I purchased and never used. I bought a Groupon deal to learn how to fly an airplane. Then, I bought another one on parachute jumping. Because I didn't have clarity (#1) and got trapped in a vicious cycle of one shinny object after another, not only that I didn't get to fly airplane, parachute jumping, but I didn't even get to learn from any of the programs.

      Now that I know my problems, that's half of the battle won, right? So unplug yourself from this trap of purchasing. I cut back a lot but still suffer from WSOitis. lolz

      3. You got to know your market. This is similar to #1. You have to understand people's pain point. This is the fundamental of buying and selling. I authored a book on Unconventional Ways to Buy and Sell your Property. Funny enough, I don't apply this concept in IM which I should and will. To understand your market, you need some researches done. Here're the basic steps.

      Pick a niche or two or three. This is regardless of an authority site or micronic. Pull up your favorite search engine. Then, type:
      <niche name> forum
      <niche name> web site

      This might be a flaw in my thought process, but I think if the niche is big enough there got to be a forum or website for them. Just like you, you wrote SBI blog posts to answer some common computer problems.
      Next, go to Quantcast and Alexa to determine the demographic. This serves multiple purposes. You want to validate the demand in those niches. Also, you want to know if folks in those niches have money to spend or not. In addition, the demographic info tell you the age range, gender and location. Some people tell you to run ads on Facebook or Google. To have penny click, you need to narrow down your audience.
      Yeah, you have a job now. You and I wasted so much moolah on WSO. You have to do it properly though to reap the benefit long-term.
      Once you understand your market, move your SBI site to self hosted WordPress, focus on creating authentic contents and don't worry about building your list at first. Just put yourself in someone's else shoe. Don't you get turned off when you first visit a blog or site, and they have popups everywhere? If you provide values and you already know the market needs your info, they will come back. At the very least, leave them a good impression, so they will share and like your articles.

      4. Unique and value content - when you focus on a number of niches, you have more time to write your own content. This is SUPER important. Part of the value is YOU, my friend. People buy products and services because they tend to like who you are, how you write and what is part of the package. You don't want to deal with people who shop for low price because they won't return to your site next time. So start building your brand and be yourself. This is what I didn't do, and I was all over the map. Now, it is just my firstnamelastname(dot)com I basically start over again using the info that I am sharing with you now.

      5. When you produce great content, you need to let the world know. You highlighted the 80/20 rule. Excellent! You have a plan. Spend 20% on content production and 80% on marketing. How? When you first started, write your own content like I mentioned above. After you made some dough, then thoroughly do some screening of college students near you and find one or two who can adopt your writing style. Put that into a standard operating procedure and repeat the process when the first batch leaves you. Have that first badge recruits and hires their replacements before they go.

      Here's the marketing part. You the know the feeling of being hit by Penguin and Panda so you probably know what you did wrong.
      Google and other search engines love fresh, authentic and relevant contents. Since you write your own content, it is authentic. Your market research as outlined above will provide relevant content. You already said that you will do this consistently. Then, you will have fresh content.
      Next, you will want to focus on a few SEO strategies at most to begin with. Also it is a part of your branding. Garytanuser(dot)com is available. Make sure you protect your brand by securing the same handle with all social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and fifty plus others. I'd use fiverr to help me with this unless you have kids who you can exploit lol or you want to save $5. Since you and I spent so much on WSO, what is five buck anyway. lolz

      Once you have your social signal setup, link all your accounts to socialadr, tribepro and onlywire. Those are the services that I am using. There are other similar services out there. PM me if you want referral or other recommendation. This will semi-automate your content distribution and syndication.

      The next part is to go out and interact with your market. Remember, I told you to search for <nich market> forum? Alright, pick two to three top one, create account and start providing value in the forum just like what I am doing now if you haven't notice I am not selling you anything or pushing you toward any particular direction. You are the ingredient to your success, Gary. You have to find your own path and define your own vision. Then, you have to walk it. No one else can do it for you. They can just show you what has worked for them.

      Rinse and repeat - once you got one site going, leverage on content syndication to get the word out and you only infrequently need to refresh your site with new content. There are several billions of Internet users out there. It will take a few years for all of them to read your valuable content so focus on create one that will last.

      Heck man, I am preaching this, but I have not walked the walk yet. My new branded site will hopefully follow the same outline that I am sharing with you today. Off course, I will do grammar check before I post as I am not great with it. Pardon me for all the spelling and grammatical errors.

      Happy Easter everyone!!! I'm a reformed Buddhist, but I try to observe all major holidays especially the one that get me a day off from work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    Agree with Will. No one should be spending $1k in a week on offers. Buying offers doesn't achieve anything.

    Taking action, on the right things, helps you achieve your goals.

    Less buying. More working.
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  • Profile picture of the author garytanuser
    Hi Sovannachuon

    Thanks for the wonderful encouragement and very in depth post.

    I agree that getting involved in providing real value is the way forward. In the past, I'd bury myself in content, forgetting that there's a wider world out there to look at!

    These days, I focus more on looking out at the world. It's more than content. It's about interaction, the value you provide others.

    I will certainly work hard - buy less and work more. I guess I never step into the candy store that was WSO before - now I've learnt my lesson!

    Stuart: Thanks for your replies too.
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  • Profile picture of the author sovannachuon

    You have had a great start. You see potential of generating income and you did it once. Google evolves frequently because they are in the advertisement business. They don't want anybody to beat them in their own games. A lot of people try to find short cut. I must admit, I am one of them. Eventually, Google will change their method. Now a day, they are looking at social media and social engagement. I personally utilize Google's own properties such as Blog and Hangout as part of my content distribution method. It seems to pay off handsomely at time. I would like to take it a step further by building my a larger circle and involve them with my scheduled Hangout. That will hopefully generate a viral effect. This requires more thought and planning.

    Like I said, I only started six months ago. Although I wasted a ton of money on programs, it is part of my learning process. It should be yours as well. By coming here and openly ask for help, you have strength which not many has.

    I look forward to reading your success story.
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  • Profile picture of the author brutecky
    Originally Posted by garytanuser View Post

    To be honest with you, I just spent close to $1,000 on WSO and special offers in WF the last week. And I'm still quite lost as to how to proceed.
    The people selling those WSO's made $1000 last week. Think about that and you will understand what your doing wrong.
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    • Profile picture of the author coolguy123
      Gary, are you singaporean?
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    • Profile picture of the author Alice12345
      Originally Posted by brutecky View Post

      The people selling those WSO's made $1000 last week. Think about that and you will understand what your doing wrong.
      Maybe you should start selling wso.
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      • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
        First take a break a day or two away from all information. Lay out a foundation going forward.

        You make $200.00 a month with Digital site # 5 and another $1-2 a day with Digital site # 6 Plus site # 4 brings in some money.. If that's the case scale one or two of these sites to produce more !

        Dump sites 1-2.. Figure out what to do with site # 7 and monetize ASAP if you keep it.
        Or sell # 7 and another in a package deal. Just keep 1 or two sites max. Any only focus on one for a few months.

        Now to Articles you have been hit by Panda, so learn not to depend on Google. You are penny wise and dollar foolish. You wont buy a decent article at $15.00 yet piss away a Grand on Wso's ..Stop buying info products ! Before you wind up broke with no family! Invest in quality articles from decent writers. In the long run it will pay better dividends.

        AdSense and your sites. Don't offer to show your sites to any one here. Also you were very lucky to get your account back. If that is your money source protect it and find another source. Nothing stings like watching an account shut down with money in it! Good luck going forward.

        You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
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  • Profile picture of the author Anoopchawla
    Mate, it looks like you have a lot of things going.

    Just focus on one thing, set a goal and you will be back on track.

    Why are you questioning this whole online business things?

    I assure you it still works and always will. Internet is just a medium, as long as you are solving problems you will have a business no matter what medium you are using.

    My suggestion: Find a market you are passionate about, that also has a potential and stick with it.

    Isn't your goal to become financially free one day?

    Well, with so many thing you won't ever be able to do that.

    so FOCUS...

    Free Training: How To Turn What You Already Know Into A Profitable Digital Product:

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  • Profile picture of the author M3ga
    I'm in the same position. I also spent a lot of money on WSOs and unfortuantly I probably earned maybe $20 from my investments. I would be grateful to earn $2 a day
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    • Profile picture of the author rlfrye
      I too suffer/suffered from information overload and lack of focus. I have just started to unsubscribe and have committed to quit buying "shiny baubles". I have picked a mentor and am following their advice, Time to focus and put what I know into action.
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  • Profile picture of the author bmoore62

    You're spreading yourself way too thin and trying too many projects at once. It's the classic information overload syndrome. I've been there where I've tried to do too many things at the same time and ended up spreading myself too thin and not knowing where to go. I was confused and overwhelmed.

    It wasn't until I found a coaching program and a mentor that things started to turn around for me. Find somebody you can trust and go from there. Trying to make it on your own is a recipe for disaster.

    It sounds as if you know what you want. That's the first step. Now find someone who can help you get there. There's no shame in seeking and asking for help.

    I hope you find what it is you want. Best of luck to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author guitarizma
    Originally Posted by garytanuser View Post

    Hi all

    So I'm in a bit of a dilemma right now. I'm typing this out before I go to sleep so I can get some advice overnight

    I used to be a very heavy Site Build It! (SBI) user and earned about $3,000 a month with seven SBI sites (expensive as they charge $299 a year for each site) .

    But my sites were mostly hit by Panda / Penguin in Apr 2012, and I also got banned from Adsense. I'm but am now very lost in terms of focus.

    I have a day job and each night I come back to struggle with my online business - feeling very lost. And it's taking its toll on me and my family.

    I really need help to get me back in the right direction.

    I don't need to earn $100,000 a month or anything like that.
    I'd be happy with $500 a month but I really need a way to prove to myself this whole online income thing still works.

    I'm built up my online site portfolio since getting Panda / Penguin slapped. I also re-applied and got back into Google Adsense.

    I currently have the following websites:

    1) How To Build Computers Site - runs on SBI, hit by Panda / Penguin very low traffic (20 a day) and monetization. Had an old eBook in there that sold very well but it's not selling now. Running Media.Net but no money.

    2) Singapore Vacation Site - running on SBI, 30 visitors daily. Poor performance, running PPC - no money.

    3) Laptop Guide Site - running on SBI, 30 visitors daily. Poor performance. Running Media.Net but no money.

    4) Project Management Site - running on SBI, 300+ visitors daily. I started this last year post Panda. Monetized by Adsense, earning $3 a day.

    Good feeling as I have a lot of readers contacting me on some of my articles. BUT it is running on SBI and I want to move it to Wordpress - but am afraid doing so will affect traffic.

    5) Digital Video Site 1 - running on SBI, monetized by Media.Net bringing in about $200 a month. 400 visitors daily. Not bad.

    6) Digital Video Site 2 - running on SBI, monetized by Adsense and earning miserable $1 to $2 a day

    7) Digital Photography Site - old site from SBI hit by Panda / Penguin. I switched ti to WordPress two months back. Poor traffic, 30 visitors a day. Not monetized.

    I'm also thinking of starting an Internet Marketing / Personal Development site like Wake Up

    I just also bought ten ready made Wordpress sites from a provider here on WF (things like coffee, wine, internet marketing, weight loss, etc.)

    I've also bought products such as:
    - Kindle book publishing (want to explore this one day)
    - Email list building (not doing enough of this in my sites)
    - Site Build It! (losing focus with SBI, I'm trying to switch to a new system)
    - Affiliate Marketing (Mark Ling's Affilorama, Forever Affiliates) (don't work well for me)
    - Backlink Banzai (testing this out)
    - SESlingshot (testing this out)
    - Outsourced to content writers (generally doesn't work well in terms of article quality)

    Also read sites like Niche Site Pursuits from Spencer Haws, Wake Up Cloud, Steve Pavlina, Pat Flynn, etc.

    [b]I really hope someone can point me in the right direction

    To be honest with you, I just spent close to $1,000 on WSO and special offers in WF the last week. And I'm still quite lost as to how to proceed.

    For example:
    1) Should I just weed out all my sites and focus on one authority site? Doesn't that take too long to reap results?
    2) But if I go micro-niche site, I'd have to maintain 20 to 30 to get real income?
    3) Or should I "test with a standard methodology several niche sites", then pick the promising ones and dive deeper?
    4) Also, I'm not sure what to outsource.
    - It seems keyword research should not be outsourced.
    - Content writing outsourcing doesn't work for me - I pay up to $10 an article and I still get poor quality. Anyone has tips on how to scale up content writing at decent prices? I don't want to pay $15 an article - I can't afford it.
    - Wordpress set up and installation - any service provider to recommend?
    - Basic marketing (SEO, forum posts, high PR link providers, backlink providers) - should I outsource this?
    - And how do you continue to 'maintain sites' I really struggle with maintaining up-to-date content. Should I only introduce fresh content for sites which I want to dive deeper and develop into authority sites?

    I'm really lost, someone please help me and point me in the right direction! Thanks in advance from a struggling Internet Entrepeneur.

    Sometimes you need to "unlearn" to be able to learn something new. You said you bought a bunch of WSOs, but did try out all of them? Could you identify the problem areas in all the WSOs?

    See JUST buying WSOs isn't going to get you anywhere. You need to start selling. WSOs might show you how to do that, but you need to take action. If your mind is too clouded with unfulfilled expectations, just step back from your desk and analyze things with a drink in hand.

    Relax for a while and prioritize things. You don't need a bunch of site to make $500 a month. So don't try everything at one. Master one and then move to another. You will succeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author wkathome
    I would suggest focusing on one or two things that are going to move you closer to your Goal....Hope you have defined exactly what that is or else, your just shooting in the dark..

    Perpetual Income 365 is a plug-and-play affiliate marketing software created by for all levels - from newbies to advanced marketers


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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    Just got to say one thing, you have spent alot of money on wso's but have not invested int he best investment here, the war room. Then head on over to the discussions cause most those wso's get put there sooner or later anyways.
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    • Profile picture of the author bloomingrose
      What about the most basic question - what is even mildly interesting and intriguing to you? Site development (and most really successful people say develop one site as an authority site rather than chasing hundreds of niches) writing for Kindle, selling services?

      Is there anything that makes you smile at the thought of it?
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  • Profile picture of the author star007
    Sound like information overload. I used to suffer from that myself...until one day I decided to only read emails offering products (software vs. how to guides) that I either need to do the job at hand or plan to use in the future BUT first I decided what 2 things I wanted to do the most and am now focused just on them, concentrating on one at a time.

    Perhaps this might work for you too. All The Best!
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  • Profile picture of the author elusian

    You can either build an authority site or the niche sites. Keyword research is the key, along with finding niches with real pain in the market. Also decide on whether you are creating your own products or affiliate offers and make sure that you have something to sell that that niche is hungry to buy.

    As far as wordpress install, just go with a hosting provider that has cpanel like namecheap or hostgator. It is a simple one click install. There are tons of tutorials on how to do this on youtube.

    As far as getting good content from outsourcers, it is really a testing process. You try out different writers until you find one who writes consistently well and then you stick with them.

    My advice for the overwhelm feeling is to take a day off. I know that this seems counter intuitive but it seems like you are too close to the problem. Go do something fun and then see if you are able to think clearer about what you want to achieve. You may even have your aha moment while you are out relaxing.
    [$1000 Commissions] Watch this webinar to find out how to earn $1000 Commissions straight to Your Paypal Account.. http://www.BUYDFYCOM
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9479024].message }}
  • You know what the 1% WSO sellers do that the 99% warriors don't? When you figure that out you will make money and it's super simple and super easy! You just have to stop and use common sense to answer it!

    Join Next Live Mastermind Zoominar 100% Real World Secrets to Get Up And Running. Are you Stuck? Don’t miss it
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9479648].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ZephyrIon
    Originally Posted by garytanuser View Post

    Hi all

    So I'm in a bit of a dilemma right now. I'm typing this out before I go to sleep so I can get some advice overnight

    I used to be a very heavy Site Build It! (SBI) user and earned about $3,000 a month with seven SBI sites (expensive as they charge $299 a year for each site) .

    But my sites were mostly hit by Panda / Penguin in Apr 2012, and I also got banned from Adsense. I'm but am now very lost in terms of focus.

    I have a day job and each night I come back to struggle with my online business - feeling very lost. And it's taking its toll on me and my family.

    I really need help to get me back in the right direction.

    I don't need to earn $100,000 a month or anything like that.
    I'd be happy with $500 a month but I really need a way to prove to myself this whole online income thing still works.

    I'm built up my online site portfolio since getting Panda / Penguin slapped. I also re-applied and got back into Google Adsense.

    I currently have the following websites:

    1) How To Build Computers Site - runs on SBI, hit by Panda / Penguin very low traffic (20 a day) and monetization. Had an old eBook in there that sold very well but it's not selling now. Running Media.Net but no money.

    2) Singapore Vacation Site - running on SBI, 30 visitors daily. Poor performance, running PPC - no money.

    3) Laptop Guide Site - running on SBI, 30 visitors daily. Poor performance. Running Media.Net but no money.

    4) Project Management Site - running on SBI, 300+ visitors daily. I started this last year post Panda. Monetized by Adsense, earning $3 a day.

    Good feeling as I have a lot of readers contacting me on some of my articles. BUT it is running on SBI and I want to move it to Wordpress - but am afraid doing so will affect traffic.

    5) Digital Video Site 1 - running on SBI, monetized by Media.Net bringing in about $200 a month. 400 visitors daily. Not bad.

    6) Digital Video Site 2 - running on SBI, monetized by Adsense and earning miserable $1 to $2 a day

    7) Digital Photography Site - old site from SBI hit by Panda / Penguin. I switched ti to WordPress two months back. Poor traffic, 30 visitors a day. Not monetized.

    I'm also thinking of starting an Internet Marketing / Personal Development site like Wake Up

    I just also bought ten ready made Wordpress sites from a provider here on WF (things like coffee, wine, internet marketing, weight loss, etc.)

    I've also bought products such as:
    - Kindle book publishing (want to explore this one day)
    - Email list building (not doing enough of this in my sites)
    - Site Build It! (losing focus with SBI, I'm trying to switch to a new system)
    - Affiliate Marketing (Mark Ling's Affilorama, Forever Affiliates) (don't work well for me)
    - Backlink Banzai (testing this out)
    - SESlingshot (testing this out)
    - Outsourced to content writers (generally doesn't work well in terms of article quality)

    Also read sites like Niche Site Pursuits from Spencer Haws, Wake Up Cloud, Steve Pavlina, Pat Flynn, etc.

    [b]I really hope someone can point me in the right direction

    To be honest with you, I just spent close to $1,000 on WSO and special offers in WF the last week. And I'm still quite lost as to how to proceed.

    For example:
    1) Should I just weed out all my sites and focus on one authority site? Doesn't that take too long to reap results?
    2) But if I go micro-niche site, I'd have to maintain 20 to 30 to get real income?
    3) Or should I "test with a standard methodology several niche sites", then pick the promising ones and dive deeper?
    4) Also, I'm not sure what to outsource.
    - It seems keyword research should not be outsourced.
    - Content writing outsourcing doesn't work for me - I pay up to $10 an article and I still get poor quality. Anyone has tips on how to scale up content writing at decent prices? I don't want to pay $15 an article - I can't afford it.
    - Wordpress set up and installation - any service provider to recommend?
    - Basic marketing (SEO, forum posts, high PR link providers, backlink providers) - should I outsource this?
    - And how do you continue to 'maintain sites' I really struggle with maintaining up-to-date content. Should I only introduce fresh content for sites which I want to dive deeper and develop into authority sites?

    I'm really lost, someone please help me and point me in the right direction! Thanks in advance from a struggling Internet Entrepeneur.
    Go to and sell all of them and open a GPT website and getting people to complete offers for points. Or put content lockers up on all of your websites and squeeze what you can from them. This could make that $500 a month easily.

    Buy new book and be entered to win $100 to your Zelle, PayPal or CashApp! Plus, check out the free sample on Thank you for your support! Contest ends at 1,000 purchases.

    See the life of a real affiliate on Instagram

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9479816].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author saulmaraney
    keep focused my friend and start implementing what you have already purchased
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  • If you have a list, start to use that to your advantage.

    Find some affiliate offers your fans will be interested in at Clickbank or offervault, and send them to your lists.

    [CENTER][B]==> Do you want to make money online? [/B]
    Free video: How regular people are making 6-figures per month on the internet! [URL=""][B]Watch this free video now![/B][/URL] <==[/CENTER]

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9541859].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Girandon
    My experience: how this days most of "making money systems" works? They DON'T.
    Most people are just naive and believe how they will achieve high goals very fast and easy.. without real work you will achieve nothing, but spend a lot of money for special secret trainings, tips, guides,... which don't work and bring you no results, they just empty your wallet.. No one will share with you a secret, which brings them least not as long as it brings them money.. Most people who tell you how to make fast money online, they didn't earn money that way. But they are making money by selling you there so called secret system!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9541929].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by garytanuser View Post

      I find many of the successful online folks actually get into IM ... doing stuff like my niche sites is really just a training ground ... most actually move into IM eventually, or offer IM related services like writing, site building or SEO, etc. Is that your view too? Love to hear your thoughts.
      The reason you are seeing this is because you are spending all of your time looking for IM/MMO information. If I spent all my time looking in chicken coops, I might get the idea that the only birds are chickens.

      Originally Posted by garytanuser View Post

      Thanks everyone for the comments. I really appreciate your help even though I'm so new to the forum. I'll give an update here on my "strategy calibration and re-thinking" very soon. In fact, I probably have some ideas for products and services to offer.
      I'd be very careful not to turn this into a "follow me" thread, as they are not allowed. The place to document your journey is on your Warrior blog or your own blog. Link to it from your sig.

      Originally Posted by garytanuser View Post

      6. Think like a hungry man[/B]. An analogy I like to keep in my head is to "think like a hungry man". If I were a destitute person, thinking about how to get my next meal, do you think I'd spend time planning and thinking how to get food? No! I'd be out on the streets, looking for every morsel or opportunity to get free food - just to survive. I think we need to think more like this - it helps to cut out distractions and focus on what is essential. It encourages action rather than 'over analysis' (which, again I've been guilty of).
      The problem with "thinking like a hungry man" is that it's way too easy to get trapped in that thinking. If you're always in scrape and scrounge mode, you'll never do the things that will take you past that.

      Better to spend at least some time thinking about how to get in a position to pay for what you need. Then you no longer have a problem, you have an expense.

      For example, three of your current sites are throwing off cash, to the tune of almost half of what you said you wanted to make.

      Switching from SBI to a decent shared account could knock a 0 off the $2100 per year you pay SBI. On a monthly basis, that's another big chunk towards your goal.

      Sell or dump the sites that are not making you money, and show little or no chance of doing so in the future. Then put your energy to building one or more of the remaining sites in a smart way to make it the rest of the way to your goal.

      And unless you have something very specific to look for that will advance your business, stay the hell out of the WSO section.

      The key isn't in getting all your traffic for "free", the key is being able to pay more for your traffic than anyone else. Once you reach that point, you could make it more profitable for your competitors to send their traffic to you than keeping for themselves.
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      • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
        Did I miss the update from Gary?

        Is his situation the same?

        Why respond to these old threads without knowing the results from the original thread?

        It would be good to hear from people who make these posts and let us all know if they used any of the advice they got.


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        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
          Originally Posted by gjabiz View Post

          Did I miss the update from Gary?

          Is his situation the same?

          Why respond to these old threads without knowing the results from the original thread?

          It would be good to hear from people who make these posts and let us all know if they used any of the advice they got.


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          • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
            Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

            My post not directed toward you, rather, I think your good advice has fallen on deaf ears.

            Still good info for the rest of us, but it would be nice to hear from OP.

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  • Profile picture of the author gmarklin
    You need to sit down, focus, and begin to make a plan of action that make some sense,, and and stick to it. You are on information over load, and unless you get off of that you will have no chance.

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  • Profile picture of the author online only
    One site. One method. Be focused and laser-targeted, the rest will come
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  • Profile picture of the author pitocus
    Focus on your strengths. I recently killed about 6 sites in niches I could not care less about to start focusing on a couple of real e-commerce businesses. These sites made some money but it was a constant energy drain. Now I have more time to focus in what's important and have the clarity to go and find synergies in any new projects I tackle. Couldn't do that with mattresses and gardening tools competing for my attention
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