Why are book cover designers hired?
I like it, it looks professional. But I'm not sure if it's suitable.
My book is a kind of dating book for men. But when I saw the cover, my very first impression was that it looks more like a relationship book for women. The picture shows a man and a woman smiling at each other (aaaaah). The man has a white t shirt and stubble and he's looking at her as if to say "yeah, baby, you're the one", and the woman looks like she's over the moon and she's playing with her hair. There's so much goddamm love in her eyes. The background is sky blue and I see part of a tree. The book title is over the blue background, in a darker shade of blue, and my pen name is at the bottom, in white.
I'm not knocking it. It's nice. But it just looks a bit too wholesome. I was expecting darker colours, and more of a manly feel to it, and less of a lovely dovey vibe.
Personally I'd have to look at it twice before realising what it's about, then I'd ask myself, is it what I think it is? But then again, I know nothing about what sells. For all I know this could be a very effective cover.
I'm aware that I can have up to 2 free revisions, and I've told the designer my thoughts, and I've left it up to his discretion.
So my question is, are book cover designers successful (and hired) on the basis of making good designs, or on knowing what kinds of covers sell different types of books (as well as being good designers)?
Also, just for a laugh, I tried the kindle book cover creator, and although the images that they have are fairly basic and generic, I did find one that is not that different to what this guy gave me. I don't mean that he copied it, I just mean that it's along similar lines. I could have just gone for that instead.
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