Why are book cover designers hired?

Profile picture of Johnny1975
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65 replies
I ordered a front cover for my book on fiverr and today I received it.

I like it, it looks professional. But I'm not sure if it's suitable.

My book is a kind of dating book for men. But when I saw the cover, my very first impression was that it looks more like a relationship book for women. The picture shows a man and a woman smiling at each other (aaaaah). The man has a white t shirt and stubble and he's looking at her as if to say "yeah, baby, you're the one", and the woman looks like she's over the moon and she's playing with her hair. There's so much goddamm love in her eyes. The background is sky blue and I see part of a tree. The book title is over the blue background, in a darker shade of blue, and my pen name is at the bottom, in white.

I'm not knocking it. It's nice. But it just looks a bit too wholesome. I was expecting darker colours, and more of a manly feel to it, and less of a lovely dovey vibe.

Personally I'd have to look at it twice before realising what it's about, then I'd ask myself, is it what I think it is? But then again, I know nothing about what sells. For all I know this could be a very effective cover.

I'm aware that I can have up to 2 free revisions, and I've told the designer my thoughts, and I've left it up to his discretion.

So my question is, are book cover designers successful (and hired) on the basis of making good designs, or on knowing what kinds of covers sell different types of books (as well as being good designers)?

Also, just for a laugh, I tried the kindle book cover creator, and although the images that they have are fairly basic and generic, I did find one that is not that different to what this guy gave me. I don't mean that he copied it, I just mean that it's along similar lines. I could have just gone for that instead.
#book #cover #designers #hired
  • Profile picture of the author HelpingYouBeAnExpert
    Profile picture of HelpingYouBeAnExpert
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    Maybe I can answer with a question. If you where a cover designer, how much work can you do for your client if you where paid 4 dollars?

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Profile picture of talfighel
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    Where you specific as to what you wanted from this book designer?

    Maybe they just did not know exactly what you wanted and had to come up with their own ideas.
    • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
      Profile picture of Johnny1975
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      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      Where you specific as to what you wanted from this book designer?

      Maybe they just did not know exactly what you wanted and had to come up with their own ideas.
      I gave the the text to my book description and when they asked me to pick an image from some website I said you decide.

      By the way earlier today I emailed him and told him pretty much what I've said here, and he has just replied with a standard answer, completely ignoring everything I said, and now he's asking me again to pick an image. The fact that for $5 I can't expect the best isn't what bothers me. What bothers me is that 1 - he's given me a very generic, lovey dovey picture, and 2 - now he's ignoring all my questions and just saying pick an image.

      Why don't I just pick one and then go to paint.net and add the title and pen name?

      I might aswell just do this myself.
      • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
        Profile picture of Tsnyder
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        Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

        I gave the the text to my book description and when they asked me to pick an image from some website I said you decide.

        By the way earlier today I emailed him and told him pretty much what I've said here, and he has just replied with a standard answer, completely ignoring everything I said, and now he's asking me again to pick an image. The fact that for $5 I can't expect the best isn't what bothers me. What bothers me is that 1 - he's given me a very generic, lovey dovey picture, and 2 - now he's ignoring all my questions and just saying pick an image.

        Why don't I just pick one and then go to paint.net and add the title and pen name?

        I might aswell just do this myself.
        Be serious. If a designer asks you to pick an image and you
        tell them to decide you don't really have anything further coming.

        You think the cover is unsuitable... based on what? You haven't
        tested it. You haven't even shown it to us yet you want us to advise
        you. Here's my advice... next time you decide.
        If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
      • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
        Profile picture of DubDubDubDot
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        Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

        I gave the the text to my book description and when they asked me to pick an image from some website I said you decide.
        So in other words you let a random designer who may or may not know anything about the niche just pick something.

        To get optimal performance out of any designer you should submit your own concept. The more specific you are the better. You aren't going to get the fully hands off experience you are looking for at the price level you are probably willing to pay if you are going through Fiver. A regular firm would have brainstormed multiple conceptual designs and then picked one for the designer(s) to finish off.
        • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
          Profile picture of Johnny1975
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          Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

          So in other words you let a random designer who may or may not know anything about the niche just pick something.

          To get optimal performance out of any designer you should submit your own concept. The more specific you are the better. You aren't going to get the fully hands off experience you are looking for at the price level you are probably willing to pay if you are going through Fiver. A regular firm would have brainstormed multiple conceptual designs and then picked one for the designer(s) to finish off.
          Well actually you've kind of answered my question. The whole point of what I'm saying isn't to complain about the picture (I understand that for $5 I shouldn't expect the best), it's to ask whether cover designers are good at knowing what kinds of covers are suitable for various types of books, or if their skills are solely in designing covers.

          Commercial writers are not only good writers, they are also good at knowing what sells. Likewise, my question is about whether or not cover designers are also good at knowing what sells.

          For all I know, that picture might be exactly what will sell my book, and it could well be that the guy knows exactly what he's doing in terms of picture choice. I'm prepared to disregard my own personal feelings about it. But all I wanted was to know if cover designers are generally good at knowing what sells (as well as being good cover designers), and you've kind of answered that.

          I did give him an idea of my book. I sent him the text of my book description.
          • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
            Profile picture of DubDubDubDot
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            Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

            my question is about whether or not cover designers are also good at knowing what sells.
            I wouldn't assume any designer knows how to design for optimal selling potential. That isn't really in their job description. They have no way of obtaining that knowledge since they are not end product sellers and their clients probably won't be sharing financial results with them.

            In your case I would research dating advice ebook covers that are known to be successful and show those examples to the designer and tell him to go in that direction without blatantly copying anything.
          • Profile picture of the author Katie Rich
            Katie Rich
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            Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

            The whole point of what I'm saying isn't to complain about the picture (I understand that for $5 I shouldn't expect the best), it's to ask whether cover designers are good at knowing what kinds of covers are suitable for various types of books, or if their skills are solely in designing covers.

            I did give him an idea of my book. I sent him the text of my book description.
            So for a $5 you expected this person to read the whole book text, choose an image because you didn't, produce the cover and know that it will be perfect for your book.

            Really? You couldn't be bothered to choose the image to depict what you had written but you expect someone else to be able to find the perfect one?

            Book cover designers are hired for their expertise in designing covers. End of. If you want more then you will have to pay MUCH more. Or at least show some interest rather than complaining that you were asked to contribute.
            • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
              Profile picture of Johnny1975
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              Originally Posted by Katie Rich View Post

              So for a $5 you expected this person to read the whole book text, choose an image because you didn't, produce the cover and know that it will be perfect for your book.

              Really? You couldn't be bothered to choose the image to depict what you had written but you expect someone else to be able to find the perfect one?

              Book cover designers are hired for their expertise in designing covers. End of. If you want more then you will have to pay MUCH more. Or at least show some interest rather than complaining that you were asked to contribute.
              Hold on a second. Has it not occurred to you that I know nothing about these things? I don't think it was unreasonable of me to assume that a book cover designer would know what sells. I mean, surely, if you're a book designer, your success would depend on how well the books you design for sell, and not just on how nice your pictures are.

              But now I get it. I was incorrect. I've learned that book cover designers don't necessarily know what sells. At least the cheaper ones don't. They just design covers. I didn't know that but now I do. Ok let's all move on. Message understood loud and clear, lesson learned.

              What do you think of the 3 covers above?
              • Profile picture of the author Katie Rich
                Katie Rich
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                Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

                Hold on a second. Has it not occurred to you that I know nothing about these things? Ok let's all move on. Message understood loud and clear, lesson learned.

                What do you think of the 3 covers above?
                No it didn't occur to me, so my apologies.

                The three above?
                1/ Very good
                2/ OK with a suitable image in the middle
                3/ Utter rubbish, but then, I'm female so it doesn't appeal to me.
                • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
                  Profile picture of Johnny1975
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                  Originally Posted by Katie Rich View Post

                  No it didn't occur to me, so my apologies.

                  The three above?
                  1/ Very good
                  2/ OK with a suitable image in the middle
                  3/ Utter rubbish, but then, I'm female so it doesn't appeal to me.
                  Sorry I sounded harsh but it wasn't meant that way. Text has a funny way of exaggerating things.

                  Why don't you like the 3rd picture? It's got a good girl and a bad girl, what's not to like?
              • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
                Profile picture of Tsnyder
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                Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

                Hold on a second. Has it not occurred to you that I know nothing about these things?
                It occurred to me instantly!

                Now, you toss up a bunch of covers and it occures to me again!

                Dude... how do you know the original won't work? It occurs to me
                that you know very little about actually marketing a product. Put the
                thing on your site and throw a thousand visitors at it... then you'll find out
                if it works.

                The opinions and advice of other members of the forum... although well
                intentioned and possibly even spot on... is no substitute for putting it out
                there and testing it properly.

                In the end the lesson you need to learn is that the only opinions that
                matter are the opinions of people with credit cards in hand looking to buy
                products that solve problems for them.

                By the time you're finished here you'll be so confused you won't do anything.

                Go test the first one. Once you have a reasonable handle on the response
                put up another and test it. If it outperfoirms the first... all other things being
                identical... then leaeve it up.

                You're doing your best to complicate it very simple process. Stop doubting and
                asking and start testing.
                If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
                • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
                  Profile picture of Johnny1975
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                  Ok I now have 3 covers to choose from. As I say I don't like the 1st one that much. The 2nd one is good, but just a minute ago I got the 3rd one, which even though he combined 2 pictures (which I didn't ask for), I think it's great. In fact I love it. It makes me want to buy my own book.
            • Profile picture of the author HelpingYouBeAnExpert
              Profile picture of HelpingYouBeAnExpert
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              Originally Posted by Katie Rich View Post

              So for a $5 you expected this person to read the whole book text, choose an image because you didn't, produce the cover and know that it will be perfect for your book.

              Really? You couldn't be bothered to choose the image to depict what you had written but you expect someone else to be able to find the perfect one?

              Book cover designers are hired for their expertise in designing covers. End of. If you want more then you will have to pay MUCH more. Or at least show some interest rather than complaining that you were asked to contribute.
              Katie, yes that is what they expect for $4! Not just that but much more!

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              • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
                Profile picture of Johnny1975
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                Originally Posted by HelpingYouBeAnExpert View Post

                Katie, yes that is what they expect for $4! Not just that but much more!
                You misunderstand.

                My question wasn't : Why do people who charge $5 not do a better job?

                It was : Do cover designers have knowledge about what kind of cover design sells a book, or does their expertise extend only to being able to design covers?
          • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
            Mike Hill
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            Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

            Well actually you've kind of answered my question. The whole point of what I'm saying isn't to complain about the picture (I understand that for $5 I shouldn't expect the best), it's to ask whether cover designers are good at knowing what kinds of covers are suitable for various types of books, or if their skills are solely in designing covers.

            Commercial writers are not only good writers, they are also good at knowing what sells. Likewise, my question is about whether or not cover designers are also good at knowing what sells.

            For all I know, that picture might be exactly what will sell my book, and it could well be that the guy knows exactly what he's doing in terms of picture choice. I'm prepared to disregard my own personal feelings about it. But all I wanted was to know if cover designers are generally good at knowing what sells (as well as being good cover designers), and you've kind of answered that.

            I did give him an idea of my book. I sent him the text of my book description.

            They are designers... not mind readers... He asked you to pick an image and you told them to do it. Right there is where you lost control but still expected what you thought in your head.

            When you first thought about getting a cover design you must have had some idea as to what would really knock your socks off. Maybe not the layout but what about colors, the theme, the feeling you get when you look at it. All this information can really help a designer.

            But at the end of the day you paid $5... what are you expecting for $5... a $200 design? For $5 bucks he would have spent maybe 10 minutes on the cover. You can't expect the Ferrari when you only paid for the gas.

            But, at the end of the day it's not about what you like, it's about what your customers respond to.

            -Mike Hill

            PS. Th first design is the better one IMO... But it all depends on your demographic, specifically their age, past relationship experiences, etc...
      • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
        Profile picture of Johnny1975
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        Originally Posted by londonwarrior View Post

        Then do it yourself. You expect way too much for $4. If you'd paid $100 I'd have some sympathy for you, but what the heck do you expect for $4? You already said the cover was good. And now you're wasting your time discussing it. Do it yourself or hire someone else. Simple.
        I'm not wasting my time at all discussing it, because I like to know what people think of the covers. It doesn't hurt to ask. Also, you misunderstand what this thread is about. I'm not asking why a $5 job isn't as good as a professional job. As I've said many times I have no issue about that.
  • Profile picture of the author godoveryou
    Profile picture of godoveryou
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    Sounds like maybe you should do it yourself if you know what you want and aren't willing to make a serious investment in your asset.

    The truth is, no matter how great your book is, if the cover looks like a homebrew or $5 job then a lot of people will never buy it to find out how great the material in fact may be.

    What I'm really getting at is if this is a product you are going to invest a lot of time into promoting and supporting than pay professionals to do 'dress it up.'

    There's a reason that sales copy and real cover design costs hundreds (on the cheap side) and thousands of dollars... You can't by hamburger and complain that it's not steak.

    Well... I take that back. You can complain about it obviously because that's just what you are doing here.
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  • Profile picture of the author IanGreenwood
    Profile picture of IanGreenwood
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    MMmmmmm! Design is a strange thing. It's a lot like art really. What one person likes another hates. I doubt if there's a right or wrong design for any book cover. A talented designer will try to "capture" the book in a picture - never an easy thing to do. The best advice is probably to do exactly as you've done and work with the designer until you're happy. After all, it's your book, and you're going to have to sell it.

  • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
    Profile picture of Johnny1975
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    Is there a way to post the image here?
  • Profile picture of the author godoveryou
    Profile picture of godoveryou
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    That button that looks like a picture - it's right in between the planet+paperclip and the quote box.
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  • Profile picture of the author godoveryou
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    What's the name of your book again?
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    • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
      Profile picture of Johnny1975
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      Originally Posted by godoveryou View Post

      What's the name of your book again?
      The Smart Man's Dating Checklist - What to Look for when Seeking a Good Woman.
      • Profile picture of the author PinkStar
        Profile picture of PinkStar
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        Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

        The Smart Man's Dating Checklist - What to Look for when Seeking a Good Woman.
        "seeking a good woman" - your title implies serious dating and if so, I think the picture fits. But if you don't mean serious dating and instead have written a PUA book then maybe one of those action movie posters would have been more fitting... and you should have told the designer this and even linked to a poster/bookcover you like for inspiration since a pic says a 1000 words.
        Move it along folks, nothing to see here
        • Profile picture of the author shmeeko69
          Profile picture of shmeeko69
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          I do think doing it yourself might have saved all of this hassle, as we're only talking about $5?

          To think of the bad decisions I made a few years ago and I wished it was just fiver dollar mistakes............
          The Rock n Roll of Marketing Reviews
          • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
            Profile picture of Johnny1975
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            Ok here's the original that I was given :

            And just a while ago I asked him to give me this one (with gold writing, done so that it looks like it's embedded into the book, and minus that rectangle in the middle) :

            And this one, which I really like :

            So now I'm waiting on those.

            For a book called "The Smart Man's Dating Checklist - What to Look for when Seeking a Good Woman", which is best?
      • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
        Sandra Martinez
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        Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

        The Smart Man's Dating Checklist - What to Look for when Seeking a Good Woman.
        The first image works for that title. It also puts expectations over the guy. So I see how that can be trouble for you.

        The second... nah.

        The third one. It might work. But the title might be better as "Seeking the right woman." You know... good women are not that appealing to some.
        • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
          Profile picture of Johnny1975
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          Originally Posted by Sandra Martinez View Post

          The first image works for that title. It also puts expectations over the guy. So I see how that can be trouble for you.

          The second... nah.

          The third one. It might work. But the title might be better as "Seeking the right woman." You know... good women are not that appealing to some.
          Is the 2nd one unappealing because it looks like a little black book? (That's what I was going for).

          Yo se que the first one does work with the title, but it's just a bit too generic, I bit too blah. It lacks edge. I don't know if it would appeal to those of the male persuasion. But hey I could be wrong. I have no idea what people like.
          • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
            Sandra Martinez
            Profile picture of Sandra Martinez
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            Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

            Is the 2nd one unappealing because it looks like a little black book? (That's what I was going for).

            Yo se que the first one does work with the title, but it's just a bit too generic, I bit too blah. It lacks edge. I don't know if it would appeal to those of the male persuasion. But hey I could be wrong. I have no idea what people like.
            Black and gold talk about night and money, luxury, that kind of thing.

            About the guy knowing what sells... could be, but I wouldn´t count on it. Art and marketing are a powerful mix. I don´t think you will find those guys in fiverr. I could be wrong. We all have ups and downs, but still...

            Thing is, the only way to grasp the concept of a book is to read it; way out of the platform prices.
            • Profile picture of the author Steve B
              Steve B
              Profile picture of Steve B
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              It doesn't really matter what you like, what appeals to your designer, or what people in this forum prefer.

              If your goal is to sell as many books as possible, do this:

              Go to the Kindle store, search on the the very best key words that describe your book. Look at the top sellers in the same categories as you plan to list your book.

              Notice what the covers of the top selling books look like. Take a screen shot of the top ten covers and send it to your designer.

              Tell him you want to do the same kind of design. My guess is there will be some common theme or elements of design in at least 7 or 8 of the top ten designs.

              Learn from what's already selling in the Kindle store.

              The very best to you.


              Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

  • Profile picture of the author yuccarichard
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    Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

    So my question is, are book cover designers successful (and hired) on the basis of making good designs, or on knowing what kinds of covers sell different types of books (as well as being good designers)?
    I don't think there's any niche specific formula at least, but just with a good design, colours and a cover that catches your eye you will tend to sell more of course. When the designer is well aware the colours, contrast, typography and laying it out and especially aware that the cover needs to look good when small thumbnail as well, then I think there's a recipe for a selling cover.

    Also for example good colour contrast might be a winner, for example in movie posters...blue and orange tones together are very popular...see image.

  • Profile picture of the author Jtraits
    Profile picture of Jtraits
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    as i read, it looks like you picked up a wrong decision. you left them to decide for you? and now you critisize them for not doing what you wanted ? you did not tell them clearly what you wanted and you let them decide for you... next time, you decide and give them the guidelines of what you want to do
  • Profile picture of the author John Jonas Phil VA
    John Jonas Phil VA
    Profile picture of John Jonas Phil VA
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    I think you should take this opportunity to test which book design would work best? Why not use the one the designer gave you and then have another designed according to your specifications?

    That way you'll have first have information on what works best.
  • Profile picture of the author cpoalmighty
    Profile picture of cpoalmighty
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    Honestly, I think the designer did a great job for $5 . Based on your responses, I do not think he speaks English very well which is why he does not answer your questions. He may not even be aware as to what you are asking him / her! Also, that is probably the reason why he / she is asking you to "select an image" all the time because they might be able to grasp what you desire based on picture and not words. You definitely need to take those factors into consideration. I hope things go smoothly this rounds
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  • Profile picture of the author 0oo0
    Profile picture of 0oo0
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    Dude, you paid $5...

    You get cheap when you go cheap.
  • Profile picture of the author Katie Rich
    Katie Rich
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    The third image looks like a cartoon book image, you want people to take your book seriously.

    Perhaps a few guys need to comment on the suitability, I'm the wrong gender.
    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
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      I'm going to offer a bit of a contrary view here.

      You just got a bit of very valuable information. The first photo, the one your designer picked, shows you what that designer thinks fits your book. He may not "know what sells", but he knew what your book title and description said to him.

      Odds are, he's not alone. Only one way to find out, of course.

      As for the second image, the leather bound thing? Meh...

      The third doesn't fit your title. If anything, I'd crop the "she devil" out of the picture and use the "good girl" alone. Still a bit cheesy, but it fits.

      Disclaimer: I haven't had to worry about the dating pool for 35 years...
  • Profile picture of the author GarrieWilson
    Profile picture of GarrieWilson
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    The middle one w/ an actual checklist incorporated. The 1st does look girly and the 3rd looks cheap.
    Screw You, NameCheap!
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    • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
      Profile picture of Johnny1975
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      Originally Posted by GarrieWilson View Post

      The middle one w/ an actual checklist incorporated. The 1st does look girly and the 3rd looks cheap.
      You mean like a box with a tick in it? That's what I had in mind. But I really love the two girls. What's cheap about it?
  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    Profile picture of Tsnyder
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    So now you have three... wonderful.

    What next?

    (hint... the answer does not lie in taking an informal poll here)
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
    • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
      Profile picture of Johnny1975
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      Originally Posted by Tsnyder View Post

      So now you have three... wonderful.

      What next?

      (hint... the answer does not lie in taking an informal poll here)
      I'm going to test them.
      • Profile picture of the author GarrieWilson
        Profile picture of GarrieWilson
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        Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

        I'm going to test them.
        Will you also be paying the creator for the other two?
        Screw You, NameCheap!
        $1 Off NameSilo Domain Coupons:

        • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
          Profile picture of Johnny1975
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          Originally Posted by GarrieWilson View Post

          Will you also be paying the creator for the other two?
          No I don't need to. Its $5 for the job plus 2 free revisions.
          • Profile picture of the author Mark Hess
            Mark Hess
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            Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

            No I don't need to. Its $5 for the job plus 2 free revisions.
            If you're going to test all 3 on an active page, then you need to pay for all 3.

            Revision typically means if you don't like the first cover, the person will make 2 more revisions free of charge until you are happy.

            In this case, if you use all 3 to split test, you're actively using all 3 designs and that person needs to be paid for their work.
            • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
              Profile picture of Johnny1975
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              Originally Posted by Mark Hess View Post

              If you're going to test all 3 on an active page, then you need to pay for all 3.

              Revision typically means if you don't like the first cover, the person will make 2 more revisions free of charge until you are happy.

              In this case, if you use all 3 to split test, you're actively using all 3 designs and that person needs to be paid for their work.
              I had no idea. He didn't mention anything about that. So, tell me if this is right :

              If I pick one and use it, and then leave it at that, no problem.
              For every other image that I use, even temporarily, I have to pay him.

              So, what do I do, do I just go back to fiverr and say hey, here's another $5 / $10 because I used another picture / all three?

              And do I have to credit him on my copyright page? Or do I have to credit depositphotos.com (where he got the images)? Or both?
              • Profile picture of the author Mark Hess
                Mark Hess
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                Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

                I had no idea. He didn't mention anything about that. So, tell me if this is right :

                If I pick one and use it, and then leave it at that, no problem.
                For every other image that I use, even temporarily, I have to pay him.

                So, what do I do, do I just go back to fiverr and say hey, here's another $5 / $10 because I used another picture / all three?

                And do I have to credit him on my copyright page? Or do I have to credit depositphotos.com (where he got the images)? Or both?
                If you pick just one and use it, then yes, no problem you only pay the $5.

                If you decide to use the other ones, then they need to be paid for since basically you're treating them as 3 separate works.

                Personally, I've never credited any site/designer for ecover graphics that are displayed on my sites.
      • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
        Profile picture of Tsnyder
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        Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

        I'm going to test them.
        Excellent! My bet... the first one produces the greatest results.
        If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
  • Profile picture of the author webcosmo
    Profile picture of webcosmo
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    For each person, that title suggests something different. For me, it`s something funny. For another, something dark, full of secrets. It`s subjective. You should have told the designer what you feel about the book, and how you picture the cover in your mind. Then expect results. But that would cost more than 4 bucks. For 4 bucks, the results are amazing. A picture and a text. Great job!
  • Profile picture of the author healtheworld
    Profile picture of healtheworld
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    Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

    knowing what kinds of covers sell different types of books (as well as being good designers)?
    Most of them if not all are just good graphic designers.

    Unless the designer has a background in copywriting then perhaps they will know how to design a cover that sells.

    But for $5 I doubt that they would go the extra mile of designing a cover that sells.
  • Profile picture of the author Super Affiliate
    Super Affiliate
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    As for a graphic designer, it's really not easy to come up with something that you may go crazy. It rarely happens. I was a web designer myself for a number of years and that was the hardest thing to find out what my clients really want. When I would ask them, they didn't even know what they wanted exactly.

    So when I order any kind of graphics from Fiverr seller, I would pick a graphic myself and give it to him to work with. That's easiest to do.
  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    Stuart Walker
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    Don't know if anyone mentioned it or not but you'll want to check your 'designer' isn't using copyrighted images.

    A lot of these cheap designers on Fiverr do. They'll just grab something off Google that they have no idea whether they have the right to use and chuck it on your book.

    If shit hits the fan it will be YOU who gets in trouble and not them as it's you that's using it.
    • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
      Profile picture of Johnny1975
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      Originally Posted by Stuart Walker View Post

      Don't know if anyone mentioned it or not but you'll want to check your 'designer' isn't using copyrighted images.

      A lot of these cheap designers on Fiverr do. They'll just grab something off Google that they have no idea whether they have the right to use and chuck it on your book.

      If shit hits the fan it will be YOU who gets in trouble and not them as it's you that's using it.
      Good idea. How do I do that?
  • Profile picture of the author flyingdutch
    Profile picture of flyingdutch
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    Two remarks:

    1. For a fiverr design you get what you pay for. I will post my complete horror story maybe later on.

    2. If you have 3 covers and you don't know which one to choose: Run an FB add for 2-3 days with the 3 pics (send them to your site or whatever. The only thing you're interested in is : how many people click on which image"). will cost you maybe 10 bucks. But you will have the opinion of 10, 20 or 50000 viewers.
  • Profile picture of the author Lance K
    Lance K
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    If you ask me, the title is going to inhibit sales regardless of the cover art.
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  • Profile picture of the author christophercuna
    Profile picture of christophercuna
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    Originally Posted by Lance K View Post

    If you ask me, the title is going to inhibit sales regardless of the cover art.
    I agree. I wouldn't rely on a book to tell me what kind of woman I should choose.

    Anyways, you get what you pay for, I guess. But I like the first one. Just be careful of copyright.
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  • Profile picture of the author jex1
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    I use fiverr for most of my covers, and coverama now for books that rank really high in global search results.

    When you are making a book and there are 30mill search results for that niche alone on amazon alone it is worth paying $50 odd for a good cover.

    I was advised to sort my covers out recently and I did and i went from rank 200,000+ on amazon to sub 50k just by changing the covers.

    I use a guy on fiverr for all of my other books, he is brilliant but the difference between that guy and the proper company is with that guy I have to supply an image ($8 - shutterstock), and exactly what I want and where.

    The company - I just ask them to supply a great image and say I want some striking colours but really professional and let them get on with it - they are the experts when it comes to graphics, not me, which is what you pay 10x as much for!!!
  • Profile picture of the author Pak Voter
    Pak Voter
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    Second one is very good.
  • Profile picture of the author ecoverbee20
    Profile picture of ecoverbee20
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    Nice cover but Wow $5 for a cover and uses Stock photos that costs $1 and more. Think maybe the designer is losing money on this one.

    If anyone uses fiverr for book covers you need to check the image licenses they used to make sure you don't end up paying hefty fines for illegal use of images.

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  • Profile picture of the author miklanderson2
    Profile picture of miklanderson2
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    If you want to make sure you're covered, you could purchase the images used in the covers from Deposit Photos just to be on the safe side. That way, if there's any question where they came from in the future, you'll have proof you have the rights to use the images. I don't think Deposit Photos charges a whole lot for their pictures and it might be worth it just to make sure you're good to go.

    "A bargain is something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist."
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  • Profile picture of the author BookfabulousDesigns
    Profile picture of BookfabulousDesigns
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    As a cover designer, I will always ask the client what their book is about. What message they are trying to convey. The genre of the book. Also if they could have the perfect cover what would it be. A lot time clients have a very basic idea or none at all. So it's not uncommon for a client to say, "I trust you" or "you're the designer, what do you think?" Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. One you will waste time making a cover and then like you, not really liking it. It can be avoided by simply explaining what you want.

    As a designer I get paid for my time, consultation, and some clients either have their images or I will search for them, so that also takes a lot of time too.

    This being said, my suggestion is that you really get in depth of the story with your designer and help them understand what you want the cover to say. It is always important since there are plenty of cover snobs and if a cover is dismal you won't get the result you want.

    Also remember if you wouldn't pay $5.00 for a suit to an interview that could possibly change your life, then why would you do that for a book cover? If your book is the next bestselling book, then you want people to pick up that book, so invest in your book, it deserves the very best of you in every way.

    Good luck.

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