Yay!!!! Here's to my 1000th Post!!!! : )

6 replies
Fellow Warriors,

As Di shared on her 2000th post, I'd also like to share what I learned in my 14 years of internet marketing career.

As a newbie back in the year 2000, I spent about $20,000 buying ebooks, courses, mentor programs, softwares jumping from one shiny object to another never focusing one one thing long enough to succeed.

Now looking back, one thing I lacked was focus.

Most of the ebooks I read should've worked unless the method itself was never tested from the beginning. But then I never committed to follow though that method until I see the result.

But one thing I learned going through a ton of trials and errors is that I must focus on one thing at a time.

So if it's a list building, I should forget about anything else but focus on building my list. If it's building backlinks for higher ranking, I should forget about anything else until I see my desired ranking. If it's making my WSO a success, I should solely focus on doing that and only that.

When I learned to do that, I was able to make $10,000 a month consistently. And I never thought it's possible to make that kind of money online.

And for the newbies, I strongly suggest to use this forum wisely. There are loads of information that can make you money and many many honest and respected warriors here who can help you.

So ask questions. Join War Room. Find your mentor. And NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!!

Lastly, I want to take this time to all the warriors who helped ME and guided me to have this success. Without your help, I won't be here writing this post.

So thank you!!!


#1th #post #yay
  • Profile picture of the author barbling
    Originally Posted by Super Affiliate View Post

    Fellow Warriors,

    As Di shared on her 2000th post, I'd also like to share what I learned in my 14 years of internet marketing career.

    As a newbie back in the year 2000, I spent about $20,000 buying ebooks, courses, mentor programs, softwares jumping from one shiny object to another never focusing one one thing long enough to succeed.

    Now looking back, one thing I lacked was focus.

    Most of the ebooks I read should've worked unless the method itself was never tested from the beginning. But then I never committed to follow though that method until I see the result.

    But one thing I learned going through a ton of trials and errors is that I must focus on one thing at a time.

    So if it's a list building, I should forget about anything else but focus on building my list. If it's building backlinks for higher ranking, I should forget about anything else until I see my desired ranking. If it's making my WSO a success, I should solely focus on doing that and only that.

    When I learned to do that, I was able to make $10,000 a month consistently. And I never thought it's possible to make that kind of money online.

    And for the newbies, I strongly suggest to use this forum wisely. There are loads of information that can make you money and many many honest and respected warriors here who can help you.

    So ask questions. Join War Room. Find your mentor. And NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!!

    Lastly, I want to take this time to all the warriors who helped ME and guided me to have this success. Without your help, I won't be here writing this post.

    So thank you!!!


    Powerfully true indeed!

    Focus is one of the key elements of success (she said as she is up at 1:29am creating the GOLD version of her latest launch).

    Without focus, everything becomes bright shiny objects.

    With focus, success is achieved.

    I like this part:

    But then I never committed to follow though that method until I see the result.

    Knowing yourself (and taking ownership of successes/failures) is also key. 'sides.... you learned what DIDNT work for you and that helped create a springboard of future success FOR you.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9154009].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DianaHeuser
    Originally Posted by Super Affiliate View Post

    But one thing I learned going through a ton of trials and errors is that I must focus on one thing at a time.
    That is the key element and hard work. Well done on your 1000th post Joe

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9154018].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Super Affiliate
      Originally Posted by DianaHeuser View Post

      That is the key element and hard work. Well done on your 1000th post Joe

      Thanks, Di! I was very moved by your achievement and what you shared as well.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9154020].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Super Affiliate
    I totally agree. If I learned to focus earlier, I would've achieved my success faster. But I'm also glad to have gone through that path because I see a lot of newbies make the same mistake all the time. So I can point them to the right direction because I went through that myself.

    Thanks for your kind words and feedback!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9154019].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    Originally Posted by Super Affiliate View Post

    So if it's a list building, I should forget about anything else but focus on building my list. If it's building backlinks for higher ranking, I should forget about anything else until I see my desired ranking. If it's making my WSO a success, I should solely focus on doing that and only that.
    Nothing can be achieved without one being focused.
    Jumping from one project to another never helps. Focus is the element that leads to success.
    Well done on your achievement
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9154063].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Delgreco
    Very well said and inspiring. Thank you.
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