How to set up a wordpress website and make money with it?

67 replies
Well just to the point what do I need to set up a good profitable website to make money?

First i need hosting and a domain name and then I set up the website and plugins and then?
What do I need now to do? I need a autoresponder! and a salesfunnel and a good product.Now I am ready to start posting content to my site and do the keyword research.
What product or offer should I promote or is it better to create a new product?
Hope you can give me some more ideas to what to do now?
#make #money #set #website #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ayton
    Wow that is a massive question with an huge amount of possible answers.

    First of all, domain and hosting - go with bluehost because I am using them at the moment and it was easy to setup my wordpress site there (1 click installation)

    Do you know anything about building a wordpress site? Check online for the millions of guides that they have and build something that is useable - what are you good at selling? affiliate or your own business?

    You really need to give more info!

    If you can dream it, you can do it - Walt Disney

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  • Profile picture of the author stefan007
    Well thats all folks you have to offer? very very weak? Perhaps you don´t understand me right?
    What is the best way to set up a profitable website? And please I am looking for good info not fluff ok

    Stefan Zeulner,Internet Marketer and Website Flipper
    triliano projects free to join
    classified ads with Stefan

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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
      Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

      Well thats all folks you have to offer? very very weak? Perhaps you don´t understand me right?
      What is the best way to set up a profitable website? And please I am looking for good info not fluff ok
      Seriously? You ask a question that requires a whole PRODUCTS worth of information - then people give you some guidance and recommend some posts you check out and you call it weak?

      What you're asking for is LITERALLY hours and hours of information - it might be in your favor to be a bit NICE about it instead of demanding...

      Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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      • Profile picture of the author stefan007
        I simple ask some questions and its not the answers i am searching for so---?

        Stefan Zeulner,Internet Marketer and Website Flipper
        triliano projects free to join
        classified ads with Stefan

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        • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
          Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

          I simple ask some questions and its not the answers i am searching for so---?
          So you be a d*ck about it....

          Again, you asked a question that is the equivalent to "how do you write a book" - or "how do i fix my car" - there is NOT going to be a simple 1 or 2 paragraph answer and you need to understand that.

          ALSO you need to understand that your paid membership to the war room does NOT guarantee everybody is going to drop what they're doing and give you a personalized plan just because you "asked". Also, it does not give you the right to be an a$$hole when you don't get what you want.

          Again, try being NICE and not such a demanding.....person

          Also, use the SEARCH feature - it's there to help you and you'll find TONS of helpful posts on here that will guide you to what you're looking for.

          Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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        • Profile picture of the author Katie Rich
          Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

          I simple ask some questions and its not the answers i am searching for so---?

          Stefan, if you want a particular question answering then you need to ask it.
          (or google it, as was pointed out to me)

          Do you have a niche? Have you sold anything before? Or are you just looking for general information?

          Be more specific and people will be more inclined to help.
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          • Profile picture of the author stefan007
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            • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
              Originally Posted by ronaldmd View Post

              What product to promote depends on your niche. Decide your niche first, then go to website like clickbank to promote products from the same niche, if you want to be affiliate. If you want to be vendor, create product based on your niche. Or you can be hybrid affiliate-vendor, create product then promote other people's products.
              Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

              What do you mean with niche?
              Very curious why you are not understanding "niche" given the links in your signature.

              "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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        • Profile picture of the author yukon
          Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

          I simple ask some questions and its not the answers i am searching for so---?
          Your asking the wrong question.

          Instead of asking how to make money ask how to generate targeted traffic.
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        • Profile picture of the author rbates
          Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

          I simple ask some questions and its not the answers i am searching for so---?
          I do not understand why anyone is even bothering trying to help you.
          You obviously know ALL of the answers, so why did you bother
          posting the multitude of questions that you have asked?
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      • Profile picture of the author stefan007
        when you don´t have any answer why you are posting here?

        Stefan Zeulner,Internet Marketer and Website Flipper
        triliano projects free to join
        classified ads with Stefan

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9157778].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
          Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

          when you don´t have any answer why you are posting here?
          You really ARE clueless aren't you? I'm done wasting my time with you.

          Best of luck Klaus

          Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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    • Profile picture of the author chickenfillet
      Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

      Well thats all folks you have to offer? very very weak? Perhaps you don´t understand me right?
      What is the best way to set up a profitable website? And please I am looking for good info not fluff ok

      If you want to be profitable, it depends on how you want to make money:

      1. Do you want to make money when people buy a product as an affiliate?
      2. OR do you want to make money when people click on ads?
      3. OR do you want to make money when people click on an ad, and fill out a form such as CPA?

      To set up a profitable website, choose a niche. It can be food, health, toys, gardening, parenting, cars, news, tutorials, or all/any topics, etc. Now write content, or create videos. Either write/make videos yourself, or buy the writing/videos from someone else.

      I recommend you buy articles / videos for your site, mainly because your English is not as strong as it could be. You will be 'making money blogging' or vlogging (video blogging) using Wordpress. Next, once you have a lot of content (300-500 pages), buy backlinks for your website, and direct them to your homepage. This will let you rank in search engines like Google & Bing, and get you visitors.

      Now for profitability: Choose one of the 3 methods I mentioned above. Let's pick the easiest, number 2. An example of number 2 would be Adsense, so sign up to Adsense if you haven't done so already. Adsense allows you to put up advertising banners, and whenever someone clicks on those advertisements, YOU make money. That's right, it couldn't be easier!

      Lastly, put the Adsense code on your site, so that you have banners up on your website. Now whenever someone clicks on the ads, you make money!

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    • Profile picture of the author Brando95
      Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

      Well thats all folks you have to offer? very very weak? Perhaps you don´t understand me right?
      What is the best way to set up a profitable website? And please I am looking for good info not fluff ok
      Did you seriously just say that? It blows my mind that you are even getting helpful replies to such a ridiculously broad question, and even more that you are getting replies after being such an ass. People pay money to get the information people are giving you for free. How about you do some research on your own?
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    • Profile picture of the author WayneT
      Are you coming down from a crack high.....
      Seriously....DON'T WASTE OUR TIME....

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  • Profile picture of the author LegendaryGuy1
    First of all, you are not clear enough, is it a niche site or a product site?
    After you get your domain and hosting part done, you'll need some plug ins which help boost your website. These include SEO plug ins which help you make your site more keyword rich. Also you'll need a sitemap which allows search engines to crawl your site and put the pages onto the search engines.

    If it's a niche site, you'll need a lot of content, don't go for the usual 5 articles, go for at least 20 high quality articles. They can be outsourced but remember to plan the outsourcing part as I have had major problems with them writing a product for me.

    Then, just add them daily or weekly and get involved in social media. This will get your site known to everyone.
    After this, find affiliate offers for products related to your niche and add adsense for extra side income.
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  • Profile picture of the author ConnectVT
    Buy a cheap hosting and get a unique name domain. Install Wordpress and choose a simple theme with good visibility. Now start writing around a niche which is unique. A niche should be one which people are searching and very less people are writing about it. Once finalized start writing around it. Soon you will start making money.
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  • Profile picture of the author tomako
    I think your website that you put in your signature uses wordpress, also it seems they had been set up to make money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Umpyman
    *gets popcorn*
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

    Well just to the point what do I need to set up a good profitable website to make money?

    First i need hosting and a domain name and then I set up the website and plugins and then?
    What do I need now to do? I need a autoresponder! and a salesfunnel and a good product.Now I am ready to start posting content to my site and do the keyword research.
    What product or offer should I promote or is it better to create a new product?
    Hope you can give me some more ideas to what to do now?
    In my own experience, you are doing it all wrong. For example, the hosting and domain name are the "last" part of my own plan to create a website that makes money. Internet Marketers that want to make money do it a lot of different ways, but the large majority "sell" products they they create or "sell" products as an affiliate. Experienced Marketers do both.

    First, I decide on what product to sell. The decision is based on a lot of factors, but the main factor is the product actually sells. It can be a product that sells throughout the year or it can be a product that is seasonal. Either way the website promotes a product that actually sells.

    I decide about the promotion. After all, the product may sell very well, but if the website is not promoted - the website and product will not receive enough visitors and paying customers.. period.

    Decide on how the copy & the website will be developed and I have a lot of experience with well developed websites that actually "convince" the customer to buy.

    Decide on the up-sale or specifically what additional products and services will "sell" as up-sales.

    I decide on the "support" that will be necessary to fulfill the customer & products. Important considerations are: The Customer Always Comes First "Mentality" and the second most important consideration is "Product Deliverability", the third most important consideration is "Communication" which is very, very important for future sales.

    There are more, but that is a good start.

    Once I have decided on all that I then decide on the host & the domain name. Example, but not limited to: The host must be a good host with a good support team in case I need support and the domain name might be the name of the product I created or an approved domain name for an affiliate product.

    Let us know what you have in mind and we can be of more help, but be as specific as possible.

    Jeffery 100% :-)
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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  • Profile picture of the author noxterorange
    For this get the web host then create a website, design theme for your website and then market your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    perfect german thinking Hitler!
    While I agree with the post, this is totally uncalled for.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author NicSennen
    Stefan - you are a War Room member - there is a ton of stuff in there about this eg

    Katie - you can use plugins to set up a sitemap on your WP site - GoogleXMLSitemap for Google and WP-sitemap for users.
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    • Profile picture of the author RobinInTexas
      Originally Posted by NicSennen View Post

      Katie - you can use plugins to set up a sitemap on your WP site - GoogleXMLSitemap for Google and WP-sitemap for users.

      Katie has a sitemap on her site. It's generated by Yoast's SEO plugin.


      ...Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just set there.
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      • Profile picture of the author Katie Rich
        Originally Posted by RobinInTexas View Post

        Katie has a sitemap on her site. It's generated by Yoast's SEO plugin.
        Thank you RobinInTexas.

        Katie is now studying 'How To Use and Understand Wordpress and it's Multitude of Plugins' via Google
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        • Profile picture of the author fosu
          Originally Posted by Katie Rich View Post

          Good answer. Can I ask you what a sitemap is please? I'm new to Wordpress and have no idea if I have one or not.
          Site map is done automatically once you use a plugin or in your webmaster tool account when you type your site and submitted, it should look like this

          Google will crawl and index the site map, it's mean Google will index all pages and post of your website.

          So, for example if you write a ton of contents in your Wordpress blog, instead waiting for Google to index you single content, with just one site map mentioned above Google will crawl all pages and indexed them if they are not.

          The other benefit from Sie Map, is for your reader, once you have site map link, let say you have it in the footer or menu, it will be easy for your users to surf around your website once they click on the site-map link.

          I use 2-3 plugins in all my WordPress, here is one of them
          Sitemap Generator Plugin for Wordpress · Dagon Design you can read and understand more.

          Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

          What product or offer should I promote or is it better to create a new product?
          They are ton of product to use, from Offervault - CPA- Comision Junction I wouldn't recommend Clickbank, I had no success with such product or might I have not done inuff research and split testing these product.

          Also, your requirement are not clear, because we don't know if you have use any strategies and failed, or you haven't at all use any techniques, Are you looking to brand the website as authority?, or are you looking to promote many sites and place affiliate products and adsenses,

          If you have domain and hosting, to fill full you business for long term I would recommend you add an autoresponder to collect subscribers, this will cost you another monthly charge between $10 and $20, personally I use Aweber and as far as I know is one of the best.

          Finally, to succeed you need to have a plan, witch I believe you have it already, or you might add this to it.

          With one website: to get inuff traffic
          -Create different account web 2.0 properties
          -Post to different directories and add in your resource box the website link rich keyword as anchor text
          -Do not buy junk backlink, built more backlink to high autority website, you have already create different account web2.0 account these are High PR,
          -Diversify you backlink, with comment on forum, post to other blogs with your links
          -Social media is what Google are looking for now a day....a interact with facebook-linkdln-twitter-
          -Don't forget to set G+
          - Upload Video to Youtube, and backlink to your site are worth for ranking and traffic generation from SEO perspective.

          If you know already these point above, and have apply it I don't see the point why you are not ready to go......

          GOOD QUALITY TRAFFIC make you the SALE... definitely

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  • Profile picture of the author mikesalaru
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    • Profile picture of the author Crowsnest
      Wow, what a debate; this is my first ever visit to the forum as a newbie to IM and it is obvious that there is some fantastic information here...... and also some not so useful stuff; but don't you think it's a little like doing the weekly shop, in that we all walk around a store with access to the same huge range of goods, but only pick what we like and what we can use.
      We are all different!
      I have my blog site up and running after using Court Tuttles helpful guide site to using WordPress and was also able to get some help directly through Court by email - the guy is so patient!!
      Really enjoying the range of views on here!
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  • Profile picture of the author FanPageLinks
    Hi Stefan.

    To make money online you must.

    Find what people want, give it to them quickly, simply and affordably.
    Answer there questions, form a friendship and build trust

    Good luck my friend
    Over $64,000 In Affiliate Sales!!!
    Everything will be revealed >>> [Click Here] <<<

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Stefan, what moves you? What makes you emotional? What do you love doing? What are you passionate about? Toss that making money BS out the window. You'll make dough through your passion, not your website. Start there, and then you can move into practical steps. Without the passion angle, you may make a few bucks but you'll be miserable, or at least, unfulfilled.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Logan
    At the beginning you can start selling products as an affiliate. Later when you get familiar with all dynamics related to this business, you can start creating your own products. Note that it is not imperative to have your own site/blog in order to earn a good money on the web. But it surely is necessary if you want to make a long term business.
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  • Profile picture of the author EvilFred
    Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

    Well just to the point what do I need to set up a good profitable website to make money?

    First i need hosting and a domain name and then I set up the website and plugins and then?
    What do I need now to do? I need a autoresponder! and a salesfunnel and a good product.Now I am ready to start posting content to my site and do the keyword research.
    What product or offer should I promote or is it better to create a new product?
    Hope you can give me some more ideas to what to do now?

    Hey there Stefan,

    What you are saying is absolutely right, but you need a detailed guide:

    1. Buy a Domain
    2. Buy a Hosting (Bluehost, Godaddy etc)
    3. Create Website
    4. Buy Articles
    5. Create Sitemap
    6. Tadaa you're done.

    I think you can do most of it yourself, but without articles you won't be anywhere. If you want fun to read articles, then yes Im your man.

    P.S. Ohh grow up people, we are all here to make money and help each other out.
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  • Profile picture of the author nick20
    First your website must be professional, I saw your site, the design is very ugly.

    I create a website (, I sell of WordPress site ready to use for people who have no programming knowledge and wishes to have a professional website. The sites are fast, secure , configured and made with professional themes.

    Then, when you possess a professional website, start thinking about what you write on your site, for example you can talk to a professional field where you excel.

    Create at least once a week a new post , put in the sidebar of your website of advertising that encourages a click , for example advertisements for dating sites, then little by little , members come to register on your site you will begin to earn money .

    Of course, the best way to get money through the internet is to sell a product, but if you have no product to sell, find an idea that interested many people.

    For example, I'm a fan of MMA, if I create a site on MMA and gradually many people visit my site, I will open a shop in affiliation with Amazon on the product of MMA, there is a wordpress plugin that allows you to be affiliated with amazon.
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  • Profile picture of the author avowzone
    As your site is new you can use Adsense or other CPC ad networks to make money. Once you have enough content then start SEO to get traffic and when reach 500-1000 visitors a day then apply for buysell ad. I found buysell ad is the top most ad network to make money. Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Maggs
    Hi Stefan, a couple of thoughts I see you are using wordpress on your where you are setting yourself up as a brand and another where you have a micro job website, like Fiverr.

    I must confess I'm not keen on the theme you are using on your personal site and I personally would consider changing it.

    I saw a really nice theme in HTML5 and CSS3 for free on Which would look a lot more professional:

    WordPress › Alexandria « Free WordPress Themes

    Also get rid of your uncategorised category...that looks unprofessional, change it to something like "General"

    It's always going to be better to have your own product and to focus on building a get yourself a nice theme and a product to give away, create a funnel and start building a list of buyers.

    Also get rid of the articles on your personal site as they look like they are most probably dupe content...create some good quality articles yourself, don;t waste your time pulling articles from Article directories...Google will not love you for that.

    You could expedite the process by purchasing some solos and by driving traffic from social networks. You could even do reviews on your personal blog to build your brand,authority and trust.

    Then you can promote affiliate offers...there's many things you could do...

    Your signature indicates that you build websites and flip them...but if we go to your examples we are seeing sites that are incomplete which will not help with your credibility..I'd get rid of the sig until you have done a bit more work.

    I don't mean to be harsh, but you do have quite a bit of work to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author karolk
    Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

    Well just to the point what do I need to set up a good profitable website to make money?

    First i need hosting and a domain name and then I set up the website and plugins and then?
    What do I need now to do? I need a autoresponder! and a salesfunnel and a good product.Now I am ready to start posting content to my site and do the keyword research.
    What product or offer should I promote or is it better to create a new product?
    Hope you can give me some more ideas to what to do now?
    So let me get this straight. You have a blog in your signature labeled "internet marketing blog" and yet you're posting a question on how to make money with a WordPress blog.

    This whole thread looks like a signature click bait for me, nothing else.
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  • Profile picture of the author stefan007
    Wow finally good some great infos now.But what will I do with it?

    Stefan Zeulner,Internet Marketer and Website Flipper
    triliano projects free to join
    classified ads with Stefan

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    • Profile picture of the author datingworld
      Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

      Wow finally good some great infos now.But what will I do with it?
      Take action on it
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      • Profile picture of the author Crowsnest
        I agree, this is why too many people fail as they jump from idea to idea not making a serious start with anything. You can always improve your website/content etc as you go, but consistent focused effort is what's needed to make a decent start.
        I wasted about 18 months wanting to get something set up that was perfect, but I have learned that it's best just to get something started!
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    • Profile picture of the author CratesOfJoy
      Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

      Wow finally good some great infos now.But what will I do with it?
      I don't understand how did you even found this forum in the first place?
      Originally Posted by datingworld View Post

      Take action on it

      I think this is where the theard should of ended really. How clueless can you be?

      I mean this forum is to help people but how do you expect us to help someone who is rude and someone who is actually has no idea what he wants! How can we help you if you can put the right question?

      TheMostCoolGadgets | We have a Gadget for Everyone !

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  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
    i am going to make this very simple: you will never go wrong with health niche. people will pay to feel better.
    go to Health and Beauty Affiliate Programs by
    and find a good niche. great payouts.
    but, now just find good keyowrds
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  • Profile picture of the author wordpressmania
    Well, you need to work hard to make money from your website. No way other than working hard can ensure making revenue from your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author snic15
    Sell what you can do the best. There are million of things done already by million people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Bagley
    You are being absolutely rude. People are actually answering your question. Maybe you are not getting the answers that you are waiting for because your question was very (but VERY) badly put. And learn some manners!!
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  • Profile picture of the author sagittarius
    If you really want to earn a good passive income through Wordpress, then you would have to build highly valuable content, not just some content to fill your site to rank in the engines. If you'll use Wordpress as an affiliate or a product creator, it's very much up to you. How much time, passion and effort can you render?

    When you prefer to do it long term, consider blogging for a highly profitable niche. Give your readers valuable content and promote products on the side. Give away something to add them to your list where you can apply soft sell, hard sell and list relationship strategies to get them to buy from you.

    To be honest, you questions are many but very broad. What is it really that you want to learn? It's not enough that you have the tools, you need to know the fundamentals.
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  • Profile picture of the author malik4u7861
    what type of the job you can do and what type of your education and what is easy to you you can write on , you can do blogging and affiliate marketing best like amazon marketing website


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  • Profile picture of the author extravalue
    Just an idea outside the box, if you are building a content-oriented style of WordPress website, you may consider to charge a small amount from user who want to comment on your blog with do-follow link as extra revenue.
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  • Profile picture of the author kajuma
    Hi Stefan,

    I recently set up a blog as a platform to launch an internet marketing business as part of a course that I took and have started to make money with it. While the course was great in that it gave good action steps, it lacked a whole lot in the 'how to'. I've therefore decided to build a practical look-over-my-shoulder course where I build a similar blog and record everything from the setting up of domains and hosting to the driving of traffic, building a list and offering products for sale.

    Now I'm not looking to sell you anything. I decided that my best motivation to finish the course would be to offer it to my subscriber list for free -at least until I've finished it. So if you'd like, you can go to my link below and sign up for the free course. As long as you sign up before I complete it, you can work through the entire course for free.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author multitechservices
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
      Originally Posted by multitechservices View Post

      If you want to make money fast, you should consider making a website offering a service. Offer a service like graphic design for example. You don't necessarily have to do the work yourself but you can outsource it. Look for someone who does the same service for a low price. You buy from them and resell it for a higher price. I do this myself and I like to outsource my work to Bannerloo. They offer quality graphic design work for a cheap price. It gives me enough room to make a good profit.
      I dunno, they build their website with a free WEBSITE builder and didnt take the time to host on their own domain or anything. I would not trust that site, looks like some fly by night deal or something.

      Plus, there are already great sites like odesk, fiverr, etc you can get graphics at for reasonable prices

      Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan3
    Keyword with decent traffic + article that converts= money
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  • Profile picture of the author rr1455
    Some great words.... If you use groundsite, they have some free themes and info.

    Roger Rohrs (skype:

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  • Profile picture of the author primeaque86
    Basically, it would be a step by step process.

    1. Build your site, make sure to have a professional design... with that I recommend to use Genesis Framework: 7 Reasons Why I Used the Genesis Framework -

    2. Build quality contents. The first 6 months of blogging (well, basically I am talking about blogging, but it's pretty the same in building static sites) will be focused on building helpful contents to attract readers and search engines like Google and Bing.

    3. I suggest you to focus on building backlinks, as well. Learn how to do first and second tier link building using web 2.0 sites!

    4. If you got contents, if you got the reason to invite readers to subscribe to your website, then you are pretty sure to kick start building a responsive email list, my friend told me that the money is on the list.

    Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

    Well just to the point what do I need to set up a good profitable website to make money?

    First i need hosting and a domain name and then I set up the website and plugins and then?
    What do I need now to do? I need a autoresponder! and a salesfunnel and a good product.Now I am ready to start posting content to my site and do the keyword research.
    What product or offer should I promote or is it better to create a new product?
    Hope you can give me some more ideas to what to do now?
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  • Profile picture of the author dressupdown
    I have a niche website for sale if you're interested. I had someone make it for me last year, but never got around to marketing it because I took on a new job. Let me know if you're interested.

    Learn How To Get Traffic To Your Site For Free, While Also Earning Commission!
    > Click Here To Learn How <

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  • Profile picture of the author sadecent
    huge question , By the way u can make Wallpaper site , earn 150$ - 250$ per month from second or third month (as a newbie) then flip it for about 2000$ - 3000$ ,,, by far the easiest way I have seen to make money online
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  • Profile picture of the author Benzo22
    If you really want to do it the easy way and you have some cash, you can check out these guys:Affiliate Websites
    They are affiliate marketers who also build professional websites.They will sell you a complete website in any vertical you choose, complete with affiliate links, original content and a domain name. After that you can promote your site by using PPC, SEO, or social media. Whatever works best.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnZ
    Setting up a WordPress website is quick and easy. Once you decide how you're going to use the site, go online and pick a theme. Depending on your budget, you can choose a free or a premium WordPress template. In general, paid themes are optimized for the search engines and have more features.

    The theme can be installed with one click. Make the necessary settings, add your favorite plugins, and start adding content. As your website grows, you can install new widgets and change the theme layout. It's really easy - you just have to get used with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Landman
    Saying people's answers are "Weak" just shows your lack of appreciation and respect towards others. How about you pull some finger and do some research before you come and criticize other people's helpful advice.

    Founder of Artrift - Digital Art Social Network | My Portfolio - Landman | My Creative Blog - MyPixelbox

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  • Profile picture of the author dyjtsdyk
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

      In my own experience, you are doing it all wrong. For example, the hosting and domain name are the "last" part of my own plan to create a website that makes money. Internet Marketers that want to make money do it a lot of different ways, but the large majority "sell" products they they create or "sell" products as an affiliate. Experienced Marketers do both.

      First, I decide on what product to sell.

      Decide a niche and what you are going to sell. Do some research.
      What you sell and who you are selling it to is going to determine what you need for setting up your site.

      The way you are going about it right now is like you are buying a building on main street to turn into a store front and have no idea what you are going to sell in the store. If you decide to make a book store up front, this would determine how the site needs to be set up. If you decide you are going to have a pet store, this too determines how the site will be set up. Not to mention what would be appropriate domain names.

      Researching the niche first tells you if it is even worth your time to pursue.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • What determines a good blog is content, CONTENT IS THE KING, you must actually put some unique & usefull content after that you can make some affiliate marketings or create your own product
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    • Profile picture of the author bentanck
      How to set up a wordpress website and make money

      My opinion.. The easiest and fastest way is to outsource it...

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  • Profile picture of the author JeanneLynn
    I saw very thin content and the theme isn't pleasing. Just using the basic Wordpress themes like Twenty One would be better. You should go to Fiverr or Warriors for Hire and buy some articles.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Westbrook
    Hi Stefan,

    So there are so many ways to do this but first let me just say, take some time to really identify your niche. Don't just jump into any niche. Choose a niche that is interesting and fun for you, that you're passionate about preferably, and move in that direction. Remember that Internet Marketing is not about getting rich overnight. If you stay focused and steady, and really research and dive into your audience, then you will find success. Find the audience that most interests you, the need they have that is something you can help with or even solve, and then find out who's out there now trying to meet that need. Learn from them, what they are doing well or poorly. Then do it all better. And collect email addresses! Your number 1 priority at the beginning is to build a really nice list. You do this by giving away something of value, greater value then them sharing their email, and then spend time developing a good and reputable email relationship with them. This allows you to also find what really interests them, what their needs really are, and you can then build a better product. Then when you're ready to launch the product you have a list to market it to right off the bat.

    So if you have a domain and wordpress, your next step is to get an account opened with an email system such as GetResponse or one of those guys. Then identify your niche. Then create a free report or some other valuable product that can be given over email. Then setup your email list and create a capture page in Wordpress as your main page on the site, with a simple offer and call to action with the email capture form. Then get that page in front of your audience.

    I know this is not all super specific how to do each step, but it's about the mindset and the focus. Don't spend energy creating a killer site until you have identified your audience, what works with them, who they are, where they are, how you'll get in front of them, getting that email marketing account setup and a good offer, landing page with email form, etc etc.

    Hope this helps to move you in the right direction and good luck!!
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  • Profile picture of the author ronaldmd
    Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

    Well just to the point what do I need to set up a good profitable website to make money?
    What you need is traffic. It doesn't matter if you could make the best website on earth, if there's no traffic, there's no sale.
    Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

    First i need hosting and a domain name and then I set up the website and plugins and then?
    Yes, you need hosting and domain name. Do keyword research first before buying domain name.
    Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

    What do I need now to do? I need a autoresponder! and a salesfunnel and a good product.Now I am ready to start posting content to my site and do the keyword research.
    Once your website is up and running and it has content, sign-up for autoresponder such as aweber, icontact, etc.
    Keyword research needs to be done first before everything else.
    Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

    What product or offer should I promote or is it better to create a new product?
    Hope you can give me some more ideas to what to do now?
    What product to promote depends on your niche. Decide your niche first, then go to website like clickbank to promote products from the same niche, if you want to be affiliate. If you want to be vendor, create product based on your niche. Or you can be hybrid affiliate-vendor, create product then promote other people's products.
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  • Profile picture of the author DrForum
    Originally Posted by stefan007 View Post

    Well just to the point what do I need to set up a good profitable website to make money?

    First i need hosting and a domain name and then I set up the website and plugins and then?
    What do I need now to do? I need a autoresponder! and a salesfunnel and a good product.Now I am ready to start posting content to my site and do the keyword research.
    What product or offer should I promote or is it better to create a new product?
    Hope you can give me some more ideas to what to do now?
    You can get a domain and start an ecommerce website then sell goods and services online. All you need is carry out a detailed research work so that you identify the niche that is not utilized to the maximum. After that, you will be able to find the thing that other competitors are not having so that you implement in your ecommerce website. When you are able to plan well, you will get enough dollars compared to other ways of making money.
    The Elite Ad-Network | Adsnik
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