List Building - Where on Earth do I start?

Profile picture of wilks3y
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
27 replies
Hi All

I've been beavering away online for some time now and haven't really gotten anywhere.

The amount of times I've seen "The Money is in the List" is unreal! So, I think its about time I gave it a go.

I'm so confused with it all, does anyone know any good places to start helping me build a list? E.g:

Forums, WSO's, Guides etc?
#building #earth #list #start
  • Profile picture of the author agelmanager
    Profile picture of agelmanager
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Do you have a page to grab peoples details maybe before they enter your site. This could be one place to start. There are places you can buy lists but this can be expensive and I have not done it.
  • Profile picture of the author Rene Frydson
    Rene Frydson
    Profile picture of Rene Frydson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've been building my list my self for some time now, and I found that Solo ads is the best way to start out with. You can find many solo ad providers in this very forum, and also if you search on Google for "solo ad poviders" you'll be able to find some lists. I recommend adding them on skype and make the deal through Skype. I found that sealing the deal over Skype is the best.
    Solo ads requires a little investment though (the more clicks you buy, the more you pay obviously).
    You can also create short, helpful reports and offer them as a free WSO here in the Warrior Forum, and make people opt-in to your list in order to get the free report. You'd have to become a member of the War room in order to do this, and each WSO costs around $40 I believe, but this method can pay off tenfold compared to a solo ad if you're giving away something very valueable.

    This are the best ways when you're first starting out to get the ball rolling.. Then after a while when you are able to produce a decent amount of clicks, you can start doing ad-swaps. (Recommend looking into ad-swaps aswell as you go forward)

    For free quality content on digital marketing and productivity at -
  • Profile picture of the author wilks3y
    Profile picture of wilks3y
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for the great responses so far !

    So I've decided I might try and write a Report / Produce a Video to give-away as an Opt-In Bonus.

    Just trying to figure out what to actually offer in exchange for the opt-in. Like I just want to figure out what the most valuable thing I could give-away would be, in order to build a quality list.

    PS - When looking at building a squeeze page, is it a good idea to have its own domain? Or could I put it on a sub-domain of an existing site such as:

    • Profile picture of the author Shaneman
      Profile picture of Shaneman
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by wilks3y View Post

      PS - When looking at building a squeeze page, is it a good idea to have its own domain? Or could I put it on a sub-domain of an existing site such as:

      A squeeze page on a sub-domain should be fine, as the presentation of the web page and the quality of what your giving away for free is more important than the web page address.
  • Profile picture of the author Katie Rich
    Katie Rich
    Profile picture of Katie Rich
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Whatever you produce make sure it is a valuable to the niche you promote. A short video or pdf, either is good.
  • Profile picture of the author growitinvestit
    Profile picture of growitinvestit
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    whats niche ?
  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    Profile picture of Sarevok
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Stop what you're doing and brainstorm.

    Who is your end user demographic... What do they want... Where are they... What can you give them... And how can you get it to them?

    After you brainstorm on those... Everything will become clear.
  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    Profile picture of rmolina88
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There's a million guides out there. I suggest trying the "Make Money Online" sub forum here on WF.
  • Profile picture of the author Hugh
    Profile picture of Hugh
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    As Sarevok said, decide exactly which people you want on your list.Then figure out what all of these people want.
    Give them a taste.
    If you do these steps right, they will be happy to give you their email
    in exchange for more of the same.


    "Never make someone a priority in your life who makes you an option in theirs." Anon.
    "Some see private enterprise as a predatory target to be shot, others as a cow to be milked, but few are those who see it as a sturdy horse pulling the wagon." -- Winston Churchill

  • Profile picture of the author LegendaryGuy1
    Profile picture of LegendaryGuy1
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    A 'Make money online' email list is probably the most profitable one to start out with but you will need to offer more than your competition. There are other email list offers like gaming etc.

    You can offer a free eBook or report and make the visitor give you their email address to access it.
    One way to find a list with 100% buyers is to make a product and sell it for $5-30 etc. Whoever purchases it must join your list. That's it. You'll have an email list full of buyers who may be willing to purchase even more products from you.
  • Profile picture of the author Trummer
    Profile picture of Trummer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Like you i started to implement list building a few weeks ago. On my blog i am sharing everything i do.
    For me it was very important to finally get started. There is so much information out there - too much i think.
    My advice for you is:
    If you don`t have a website - set a website up. Think of a topic you love, get a domain and hosting and build your site. Then use an autoresponder to start building your list. And make sure you have something of value to give away to your subscribers, so they are willing to subscribe. Give value and then start promoting/driving traffic to your site.

    As you see there are many steps involved, if you want to start building a list, but it`s worth it, as this is your most valuable asset for the future!

    I hope to take action and wish you all the best!
  • Profile picture of the author Cgray
    Profile picture of Cgray
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by wilks3y View Post

    Hi All

    I've been beavering away online for some time now and haven't really gotten anywhere.

    The amount of times I've seen "The Money is in the List" is unreal! So, I think its about time I gave it a go.

    I'm so confused with it all, does anyone know any good places to start helping me build a list? E.g:

    Forums, WSO's, Guides etc?
    To be honest with you I started with sending out value to people and also advertising a good converting offer. That really took alot of load out setting everything up yourself.
  • Profile picture of the author RoninMarketer
    Profile picture of RoninMarketer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If I were you I would start with building a blog around your niche. This way you can target your audience through your content. There are methods I use to get instant targeted traffic. You then should have an optin form on your blog for people to get more information from you through giving something of value away for free.

    This could be a news letter, video, report, DVD, PDF. There are tons of PLR out there for all kinds of niches. Just Google your niche and find a free or cheap one to give away.

    Once you start adding valuable content to your blog consistently, you will start to see more traffic to your blog.

    Over time this will turn from a trickling stream of traffic to a raging river and your business will explode. Blogging is a long term strategy and you will not get rich over night but it sure is a valuable assett to building a highly targeted following and list.

    Just my thoughts
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Chicas
    Chris Chicas
    Profile picture of Chris Chicas
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    No need to make things complicated. As stated above, get a website/squueze page going and sign up with an inexpensive auto responder. Using Wordpress is the way to go. And you can even go to Fiverr to get set up.

    I also agree that not spending to much money while starting out is the way to go. Network via Skype, Linkedin, WF, Facebook, Google plus.

    Testing out everything is always best. Good luck.
  • Profile picture of the author carcin0genic
    Profile picture of carcin0genic
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you want to generate leads for free (no money we ALL know it costs time) to start building your list I would say Youtube is the easiest, but certain strategies on Facebook also work really really well.

    Get your tools first (squeeze, autoresponder, offer) the nfigure out where you want to focus.

    You'l get much more done and become more of an authority in a particular area if you focus on mastering ONE traffic source

    Hope that helps

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  • Profile picture of the author carcin0genic
    Profile picture of carcin0genic
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you want to generate leads for free (no money we ALL know it costs time) to start building your list I would say Youtube is the easiest, but certain strategies on Facebook also work really really well.

    Get your tools first (squeeze, autoresponder, offer) the nfigure out where you want to focus.

    You'l get much more done and become more of an authority in a particular area if you focus on mastering ONE traffic source

    Hope that helps

    Let's Network!!
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    • Profile picture of the author gruss
      Profile picture of gruss
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Four years ago I built a list of 2,600 people in one month in the lotto niche, which was a big mistake for me because I didn't want to write to people about gambling systems.

      I flipped that website and began working on a website in niche I was mildly passionate about. I purchased a turnkey website, which come complete with some malicious code and got me slapped by Google. I spent a lot of time and money trying to get that account back and the website going again, but gave up and I pretty much moved onto the next bright idea at the time.

      About 2 weeks ago I started a website in a niche I am passionate about, I add content daily and I speak to the list frequently. I don't try to sell them things all the time, preferring to build a long term relationship, by providing them with value first and foremost.

      The website has been modestly monetized and Traffic to the site is growing, as is the number of members on the list.

      My best advice is to start by finding something you're passionate about and feed great information to people with a similar interest.

      Obviously you need to also have a market place with products to sell and a large number of people who are just as passionate as you are.

      Search the forum here and you will find plenty of evergreen niche lists like the following.

      When the foundation has been laid start your marketing efforts, introducing niche specific squeeze pages, driving traffic and landing them on offers and all the things that will provide you with rewards for your efforts.

      Although this is a formula I used in the past to build a decent size list, it also paid well from the affiliate product and Adwords placements in the website. I am following this method again right now and it still works, I am just kicking myself now that I stopped doing it 3.5 years ago, because any list I started building back then would be massive now.

      You asked for help and here are the steps I used:

      1: I purchased a nice looking niche blog (from a reputable developer) with a decent amount of articles.

      2: I deleted all the content and wrote my own (it takes time, but is all mine and unique)

      3: I added niche specific advertising for products from other vendors as an affiliate (graphical and text links throughout the site)

      4: I began sharing every post I made in Facebook, Google+, Stumbleupon, Pinterest and a few other social media websites

      5: I added a mailing list subscription box on every page and pop up which is on a slight delay, asking people to subscribe to my mailing list the first time they come to the website.

      6: I began doing a little promotion via Facebook ads and am about to expand into some alternative advertising as soon as I put in place a couple more squeeze pages, which are relative to the niche topic.

      Just do it! -

      Even if you start out slow, it will grow if you feed visitors great content and are persistent.

      This is only one model for building a list and I know you can also just suck people into joining your list and spamming the living daylights out of them, but how more much enjoyable would it be to build a business around a topic you're passionate about.

      Good luck
      • Profile picture of the author Simpilot938
        Profile picture of Simpilot938
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Some terrific information here. As an example of a squeeze page and give away, you could just follow the link in my sig (if it's legal to say that).

        Free tools (plus your time)

        Autoresponder: Listwire --- It's free but beware though. everyone who signs up to your list also signs up to the two site owners lists.
        Giveaways:- Search for PLR + your niche. PLR means you can re-write and relanbel stuff with your name and brand.

        Make sure your give aways have value and are related to your niche. Don't forget to pass your subscribers through a 'buy this' page for something related but inexpensive.
  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Randall Magwood
    Profile picture of Randall Magwood
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    Start with a niche. Then get an autoresponder (Aweber, Getresponse). Then setup your squeeze page. Then insert HTML autoresponder code into squeeze page. Then drive traffic to your squeeze page. That's the basic gist of it.
  • Profile picture of the author wilks3y
    Profile picture of wilks3y
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks to everyone for the help and advice !

    I have everything cleared up now, apart from one thing. All of the PLR articles I've been looking at in my niche all LOOK EXACTLY LIKE ARTICLES? How can I hype this up enough to become worthy of an email submission?

  • Profile picture of the author ddev
    Profile picture of ddev
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Launch your own paid products. You'll build a list of customers.
    • Profile picture of the author squidface
      Profile picture of squidface
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ddev View Post

      Launch your own paid products. You'll build a list of customers.

      aha....wise man. The difference between a list of tire kicking freebie seekers and people with money and willing to spend money is huge!
      • Profile picture of the author l0gic
        Profile picture of l0gic
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by squidface View Post

        aha....wise man. The difference between a list of tire kicking freebie seekers and people with money and willing to spend money is huge!
        Yes, this is a key thing to remember. Depending on what kind of list you're looking to build, you'll have to approach it in different ways.

        If you're looking to eventually sell solo ads, a freebie-seeking list is fine. Your product is the traffic you can get from your subscribers, which you sell to other people looking to promote their product.

        On the other hand, if you're hoping to make affiliate sales from your subscribers, you'll probably want buyers who've purchased one of your products (or an affiliate product) in order to get on the list in the first place.

        That little gateway (the purchase) is a HUGE difference between people willing to spend money on their business and those hoping to coast along for free.

        I created a $1 product that I wrote myself to form that gateway between tire-kickers and action-takers. Those who buy my product end up on my buyer's list. They're leagues ahead of my freebie list in terms of responsiveness and action-taking.

        Just something to keep in mind.
  • Profile picture of the author squidface
    Profile picture of squidface
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    the trouble is it's getting very saturated. Most of the people on your list are fellow salesman.
  • Profile picture of the author cheehien
    Profile picture of cheehien
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I’m working on an email list, but it’s slow building. Why? Because I started two weeks ago – it just takes time!

    I am building my email list by :

    1) offering quality freebies that people want;

    2) getting on other blogs and commenting,

    3) working the social media (FB, Linkedin, Twitter, etc etc) mercilessly

    4) working my friends and colleagues.

    All of this is to build a following so people will visit my squeeze page when I go to publication.

    Affiliate templates are not allowed.

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