Can You Submit or Distribute Your Article To More Than 1 Website At The Same Time?

Profile picture of slopez
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18 replies
Hi warriors,
Can you help me with these question that I want to clear out.

Once you've written a pretty good 500+ article, Can you submit or distribute it to multiple websites, blogs, article directories, etc at the same time?
And I want to also convert my article to PDF files so that I can submit them to these docs website to increase visibility, but I'm not quite sure if I'm allowed to do that.

In the past, I've heard that once you've submitted your content to a particular website you can't give it somewhere else online.
Is this true?
I've written a few good quality content, but I'm afraid to submit them to multiple websites, directories or blogs for everyone to be able to read them.
Can you tell me what I'm understanding wrong here?
Please, any help would be much appreciated.
#article #distribute #submit #time #website
  • Profile picture of the author Marco Moeschter
    Marco Moeschter
    Profile picture of Marco Moeschter
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    You can submit your article to different sites/ Blogs but Google will see it as duplicate content because it's the same article on different sites! So I would be wise to rewrite to make it unique before you submit it to different sites.
    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Alexa Smith
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      Originally Posted by Marco Moeschter View Post

      Google will see it as duplicate content because it's the same article on different sites!
      No; this isn't right at all. That's why Google won't see it as "duplicate content". It isn't duplicate content. Duplicate content, for this purpose, is multiple copies within one domain.

      Originally Posted by Marco Moeschter View Post

      So I would be wise to rewrite to make it unique before you submit it to different sites.
      Nope. Sorry, but this is also something to avoid doing. This whole thread (only 1 page!) explains why that's such a mistaken approach.

      Originally Posted by slopez View Post

      Can you submit or distribute it to multiple websites, blogs, article directories, etc at the same time?
      You can, but what you'll gain from doing that is another matter. Here are the two "main principles" ...

      (i) Always publish your articles on your own site first and never let them be published anywhere else until Google has indexed them on your own site (which should be quick, anyway);

      (ii) You're very unlikely to benefit from submitting them anywhere where they can be published "automatically" (i.e. with no editorial approval/selection processes involved) because those sites aren't, in practice, going to have the targeted traffic that you want to attract to your own site.

      Here are two posts that give more detail.

      This one is a one-post overview of how article marketing works.

      And then this one and its links explain "how article directories work" which actually has a bearing on the question you've asked.

      I think those two posts, between them, should clarify the basics of what you're asking about, anyway.

      Originally Posted by slopez View Post

      And I want to also convert my article to PDF files so that I can submit them to these docs website to increase visibility, but I'm not quite sure if I'm allowed to do that.
      I use to do that, at one time. I don't bother any more. Still, it may help you. You need to look at the terms of service for each one, though, to see whether or not it's allowed.

      Originally Posted by slopez View Post

      In the past, I've heard that once you've submitted your content to a particular website you can't give it somewhere else online.
      Is this true?
      No, it's utter nonsense.

      Look at the world's leading news and sports websites - many of them syndicate much of their content from places like Reuters and Associated Press, where it was originally published, so you can see that it can't be true.

      Also, sites like Ezine Articles (which exists for people to find and re-publish articles in their own ezines and on their own websites) wouldn't be needed at all, if that were true.

      Originally Posted by slopez View Post

      I've written a few good quality content, but I'm afraid to submit them to multiple websites, directories or blogs for everyone to be able to read them.
      Can you tell me what I'm understanding wrong here?
      I suspect that you've slightly misunderstood the purpose of having your content re-published elsewhere.

      That's a bigger issue. But here's a very simplified explanation. Publishing content only on your own site isn't really much of a traffic-generation plan at all: the only traffic that's ever likely to bring you is some gradual, eventual, search-engine traffic (and that's typically of very low value for all the reasons explained here). The purpose of having it published elsewhere is to take your content to the places where the targeted traffic you want to attract to your site is already looking. That's called "article marketing".

      Those places aren't article directories, of course, or social media/web 2.0 sites or anything similar to that They're sites specifically relevant to your own, which already have targeted traffic but need content for their own visitors to read.

      As this post explains, although article directories do have some value (at least, Ezine Articles has, a little) no article marketer wants to use an article directory to attract customer traffic: we want the potential customers coming straight to our own sites.
  • Profile picture of the author KyleMallory
    Profile picture of KyleMallory
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    What you're talking about is not duplicate content, it's syndicated content. Big difference. News articles get syndicated to tons of websites every day, same article, multiple websites, so there should be no penalty.

    The best way to do this is to write the article and post on it your website. After it gets indexed send it to similar sites who need content. They can post your article if they include a link back to your site. Good way to get new visitors who are already warmed up to you a little.

    Do not spam your article everywhere, make sure the sites are relevant to your content

    • Profile picture of the author unclederek
      Profile picture of unclederek
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      Originally Posted by KyleMallory View Post

      What you're talking about is not duplicate content, it's syndicated content. Big difference. News articles get syndicated to tons of websites every day, same article, multiple websites, so there should be no penalty.

      The best way to do this is to write the article and post on it your website. After it gets indexed send it to similar sites who need content. They can post your article if they include a link back to your site. Good way to get new visitors who are already warmed up to you a little.

      Do not spam your article everywhere, make sure the sites are relevant to your content
      Agreed! Heck, I would even call up bloggers and businesses that you don't know and send them your content and ask them if they like the content to link back to you... Youll be surprised... 10 calls could equate to 3 or 4 massive links that will skyrocket you in the SERPs quickly.

      Good Luck,

      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Alexa Smith
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        Originally Posted by experthero101 View Post

        Agreed! Heck, I would even call up bloggers and businesses that you don't know and send them your content and ask them if they like the content to link back to you... Youll be surprised... 10 calls could equate to 3 or 4 massive links that will skyrocket you in the SERPs quickly.
        Absolutely. Though that small part of the equation still brings only search-engine traffic. But much more valuably than that, the process you describe can also bring you plenty of pre-targeted traffic directly from the sites where the content is re-published to your own site, without a search engine being involved at all. That's what "article marketing" is.

  • Profile picture of the author slopez
    Profile picture of slopez
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    Thank you everyone for all of these help.

    But what do I do since don't have my own website or blog to publish my content???
    You see, I started learning about making money online not a long time ago. And I learn that the three main things one need to have in order to make it:

    1. a domain name.
    2. webhost.
    3. a squeeze/landing page.

    So, how should I post my articles to my website or blog, if I only have a squeeze website for a free giveaway that I'm giving to visitors????
    What should I do in this case???
    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Alexa Smith
      Profile picture of Alexa Smith
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      Originally Posted by slopez View Post

      But what do I do since don't have my own website or blog to publish my content???
      Get one? (And make sure it's a self-hosted one, not one on someone else's domain that you won't really own or control yourself.)

      This can even be done free, if it absolutely has to be, by starting off (for example) with a self-hosted WordPress blog at, or, or freehostia.

      (It helps to register a domain-name, though, rather than using the free subdomain that those free hosts will also give you.)

      Originally Posted by slopez View Post

      So, how should I post my articles to my website or blog, if I only have a squeeze website for a free giveaway that I'm giving to visitors???? What should I do in this case???
      Have a Big Strategic Re-think. Honestly.

      How are you going to host your squeeze page and give away the giveaway? (Host your site the same way?). The purpose of having the articles published in places other than your own site is to draw the already-targeted traffic from those "other places" to your own landing page, right? So, wherever you have the landing page hosted, you can also have your own site hosted there, too, perhaps?

      You appreciate that you're also going to need some kind of autoresponder, for email marketing, if you're planning to collect email addresses via a squeeze page?

      Are you planning to do this for some kind of affiliate marketing?
  • Profile picture of the author slopez
    Profile picture of slopez
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    yeah for affiliate marketing. I would like to promote other people's product since I don't have my own one.

    And ok, understood, maybe I should get a blog set up then.

    Would a fanpage on facebook work???
    I've heard that a fan page can also work as a blog where we can constantly post new content.
    Not that I don't want to buy a webhost, because I already have a unlimited domain hosting plan with my currently webhost provider.

    I'm sorry, it might be a silly question, but please, bear with me since I'm only starting in this business.
    And thank you all for all of these great info. It surely gives me a new understanding on what to do next.
    And also thank you in advance for all of the great help you will provide me with.
    I really appreciate it.
  • Profile picture of the author abubah
    Profile picture of abubah
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    That doesn't sound like a good idea.

    It's best to just write a high-quality post and try to get other bloggers to link to it.
    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Alexa Smith
      Profile picture of Alexa Smith
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      Originally Posted by abubah View Post

      That doesn't sound like a good idea.
      On the contrary: it's an excellent idea, and it's the underlying basis of how large and increasing numbers of Warriors are making our full-time livings. (A little forum-posting tip for you: sometimes it helps to read the thread, before replying to it ).

      Originally Posted by abubah View Post

      It's best to just write a high-quality post and try to get other bloggers to link to it.
      Nope - not so at all: that's extremely unlikely ever to be as good as having the high-quality post itself widely syndicated in front of the traffic you want to attract to your site.
      • Profile picture of the author abubah
        Profile picture of abubah
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        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        On the contrary: it's an excellent idea, and it's the underlying basis of how large and increasing numbers of Warriors are making our full-time livings. (A little forum-posting tip for you: sometimes it helps to read the thread, before replying to it ).

        Nope - not so at all: that's extremely unlikely ever to be as good as having the high-quality post itself widely syndicated in front of the traffic you want to attract to your site.
        Good points. I just think that syndicated content is usually only suitable for news websites and websites that are already well known out there.
        • Profile picture of the author myob
          Profile picture of myob
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          Originally Posted by abubah View Post

          Good points. I just think that syndicated content is usually only suitable for news websites and websites that are already well known out there.
          Your persistently unfounded presumptions about content syndication just ain't so. :rolleyes:

          For those who are actually using this marketing model, it has proven itself on its own merits to be not only the most efficient way of directly driving highly targeted traffic for virtually any niche, but also remains consistently aligned with Google's ongoing algorithm changes.

          Originally Posted by slopez View Post

          In the past, I've heard that once you've submitted your content to a particular website you can't give it somewhere else online.
          Is this true?
          I've written a few good quality content, but I'm afraid to submit them to multiple websites, directories or blogs for everyone to be able to read them.
          Can you tell me what I'm understanding wrong here?
          Please, any help would be much appreciated.
          THANK YOU ALL!
          Your misunderstanding originated from residual misconceptions by self-serving "marketers" who were trying to sell their services based upon the maligned premise of gaming the search engines, notably Google. The fact is, syndicating quality content has always trumped so-called "articles" written only for SEO.

          An excellent classic, Turn Words Into Traffic, will provide you with a detailed marketing plan for marketing your articles. This marketing model has worked exceptionally well long before the internet even existed, and is now more relevant than ever before in context of Googles's latest alogorithms.
          • Profile picture of the author abubah
            Profile picture of abubah
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            Originally Posted by myob View Post

            Your persistently unfounded presumptions about content syndication just ain't so. :rolleyes:

            For those who are actually using this marketing model, it has proven itself on its own merits to be not only the most efficient way of directly driving highly targeted traffic for virtually any niche, but also remains consistently aligned with Google's ongoing algorithm changes.

            Your misunderstanding originated from residual misconceptions by self-serving "marketers" who were trying to sell their services based upon the maligned premise of gaming the search engines, notably Google. The fact is, syndicating quality content has always trumped so-called "articles" written only for SEO.

            An excellent classic, Turn Words Into Traffic, will provide you with a detailed marketing plan for marketing your articles. This marketing model has worked exceptionally well long before the internet even existed, and is now more relevant than ever before in context of Googles's latest alogorithms.
            Thank you for the notice. I'll definitely look into it
  • Profile picture of the author slopez
    Profile picture of slopez
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    Thank you Alexa,
    You really seem to have a wide knowledge on this topic.
    All of your replies are really helping me move forward, and I'm starting to see some improvements in my work.
    I will start a facebook fanpage to post my content as soon as possible following your recommendations regarding that.
    Again, thank you everyone for all the replies,
    You have no idea how much it has helped me developing my online business.
  • Profile picture of the author TimothyTorrents
    Profile picture of TimothyTorrents
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    You can do it.

    But not everyone wants to publish articles that are already published on your website. Most people want unique content. Some people don't mind though, pack the article into a .doc file, and send it out to different websites, see who bites.
  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Trey Morgan
    Profile picture of Trey Morgan
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    Originally Posted by slopez View Post

    Hi warriors,
    Can you help me with these question that I want to clear out.

    Once you've written a pretty good 500+ article, Can you submit or distribute it to multiple websites, blogs, article directories, etc at the same time?
    And I want to also convert my article to PDF files so that I can submit them to these docs website to increase visibility, but I'm not quite sure if I'm allowed to do that.

    In the past, I've heard that once you've submitted your content to a particular website you can't give it somewhere else online.
    Is this true?
    I've written a few good quality content, but I'm afraid to submit them to multiple websites, directories or blogs for everyone to be able to read them.
    Can you tell me what I'm understanding wrong here?
    Please, any help would be much appreciated.
    Yes you can distribute your articles to multiple sites and yes you can convert your articles into a pdf and share it on docs websites.

    If you're worried about running into problems you can write articles specifically for distribution separate from the articles you write specifically for your own site.

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