Default Wordpress Audio Attachment Display Setting

Profile picture of BigNorm
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15 replies
Hopefully someone here can help as I can't find a solution anywhere not even on the wordpress support forum.

I want to upload multiple audios files into differing posts on my wordpress blog. By default wordpress embeds it's audio player opposed to a link to the audio file. This isn't a huge issue if I'm inserting one file, but when it comes to multiple files it's time consuming as I have to go through and change each file one by one to Links instead of the media player.

Is there a way to change the default option "Link to Media File"? The media player plugin I use automatically embeds it own player with the sound byte name and time of the track when the audio track is inserted into the post as a link.
#attachment #audio #default #display #setting #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author trevord92
    Profile picture of trevord92
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    When you upload there's a box on the right hand side.

    Just above the "Insert into Post" button is a section labelled Attachment Display Settings.

    In that section there's a dropdown box that's labelled "Embed or Link."

    Hopefully that will give you an option that meets your needs.
    • Profile picture of the author BigNorm
      Profile picture of BigNorm
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      Originally Posted by trevord92 View Post

      When you upload there's a box on the right hand side.

      Just above the "Insert into Post" button is a section labelled Attachment Display Settings.

      In that section there's a dropdown box that's labelled "Embed or Link."

      Hopefully that will give you an option that meets your needs.
      Thanks but I need to know if it's possible to change the default from embed media to link to media. The manual way is just way to slow and tedious if i'm uploading 100+ sound bytes
      • Profile picture of the author trevord92
        Profile picture of trevord92
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        Originally Posted by BigNorm View Post

        Thanks but I need to know if it's possible to change the default from embed media to link to media. The manual way is just way to slow and tedious if i'm uploading 100+ sound bytes
        There should be a way to do that - in theory WordPress remembers your last choice but that didn't work for me when I tried it.

        Could be worth talking to someone on Fiverr. When I've gone down that route, I've explained it as simply as possible and messaged 3 possible vendors so I stand a chance of getting 1 say "yes, that's easy".
        • Profile picture of the author BigNorm
          Profile picture of BigNorm
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          Originally Posted by trevord92 View Post

          There should be a way to do that - in theory WordPress remembers your last choice but that didn't work for me when I tried it.

          Could be worth talking to someone on Fiverr. When I've gone down that route, I've explained it as simply as possible and messaged 3 possible vendors so I stand a chance of getting 1 say "yes, that's easy".

          Not a bad idea, at this stage anythings worth a try.
  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
    Ron Killian
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    I've been using a plugin, MP3-jPlayer (free on and will automatically link MP3 files for you.

    Don't know if it would work for you, just a suggestion. If your even using MP3's.
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    • Profile picture of the author BigNorm
      Profile picture of BigNorm
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      Originally Posted by Ron Killian View Post

      I've been using a plugin, MP3-jPlayer (free on and will automatically link MP3 files for you.

      Don't know if it would work for you, just a suggestion. If your even using MP3's.

      Does this include mp3's which I have uploaded to my media section which I insert into my posts or just external links? I know I can bypass the problem by using sound cloud, but I prefer to have control over my files on my own site opposed to a third party site.
      • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
        Ron Killian
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        Originally Posted by BigNorm View Post

        Does this include mp3's which I have uploaded to my media section which I insert into my posts or just external links? I know I can bypass the problem by using sound cloud, but I prefer to have control over my files on my own site opposed to a third party site.
        I just had to double check, I couldn't remember. I just put in links, like and it automatically turns them into player. There is a setting for that on the plugin settings page:

        Turn mp3 links into players

        (Use the 'Add media' button on the edit screen to add links, or you can manually add/write links into the page. Links will be turned into players using the shortcode specified under 'Template Options' below.)
        Works great for me.
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        • Profile picture of the author BigNorm
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          Originally Posted by Ron Killian View Post

          I just had to double check, I couldn't remember. I just put in links, like and it automatically turns them into player. There is a setting for that on the plugin settings page:

          Works great for me.
          Did you try to insert bulk audio links into a single post at once? This is where I'm running into issues. If so and they all stayed links and didn't end up being inserted in default wordpress player, then happy days, I'll go grab it.
          • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
            Ron Killian
            Profile picture of Ron Killian
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            Originally Posted by BigNorm View Post

            Did you try to insert bulk audio links into a single post at once? This is where I'm running into issues. If so and they all stayed links and didn't end up being inserted in default wordpress player, then happy days, I'll go grab it.
            Like I said, I just placed the link to the MP3 and the plugin turned it into a audio player. Some pages I have a number of MP3's. Any link to an MP3 will be turned into a player.

            It's a free plugin, try it out Nothing to lose but a few minutes.
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            • Profile picture of the author BigNorm
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              Originally Posted by Ron Killian View Post

              Like I said, I just placed the link to the MP3 and the plugin turned it into a audio player. Some pages I have a number of MP3's. Any link to an MP3 will be turned into a player.

              It's a free plugin, try it out Nothing to lose but a few minutes.
              Didn't work unfortunately Ron, I could in essence use a third party host for the mp3's and then get the links from there and paste them into a wordpress post, but it mean I wouldn't have control over my links which is why I need them hosted directly on my site. Thanks for your suggestion though.
              • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
                Ron Killian
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                Originally Posted by BigNorm View Post

                Didn't work unfortunately Ron, I could in essence use a third party host for the mp3's and then get the links from there and paste them into a wordpress post, but it mean I wouldn't have control over my links which is why I need them hosted directly on my site. Thanks for your suggestion though.
                How did it not work for you? Unless I miss understood what you were trying to do. Did you check the box to turn links into players?

                For me, I post any direct, raw url for a MP3 and the plugin automatically turns it into an audio player.
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                • Profile picture of the author BigNorm
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                  Originally Posted by Ron Killian View Post

                  How did it not work for you? Unless I miss understood what you were trying to do. Did you check the box to turn links into players?

                  For me, I post any direct, raw url for a MP3 and the plugin automatically turns it into an audio player.
                  It does insert it's own player for mp3 links for sure, but in order for me to insert mp3 links from my media section archive into my post, I first have to change the default format from embedded wordpress mp3 player to an mp3 link. This is the area which I'm hoping someone knows how to change. If the default format was to post the link opposed to the wordpress player it would my life so much easier as it means I can choose a how bunch of audio files in my media section and post them all at once and have my own media player run the files.
                  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
                    Ron Killian
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                    Originally Posted by BigNorm View Post

                    It does insert it's own player for mp3 links for sure, but in order for me to insert mp3 links from my media section archive into my post, I first have to change the default format from embedded wordpress mp3 player to an mp3 link. This is the area which I'm hoping someone knows how to change. If the default format was to post the link opposed to the wordpress player it would my life so much easier as it means I can choose a how bunch of audio files in my media section and post them all at once and have my own media player run the files.
                    I don't know what to tell you. I insert a link to a mp3 file, publish the page/post and the plugin turns the link in to a player. Works for me every time.

                    Did you check the plugin settings page? You have to check the box that says turn links into players. Think I mentioned that before.

                    Of course link is like:
                    HTML Code:
                    Or what ever your link is to the MP3.

                    Sure don't know why it won't work for you. I haven't had any trouble with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author BigNorm
    Profile picture of BigNorm
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    I think your missing the first step which is giving me the problem. If you go to your wordpress post and Add Media and then choose a few audio files and then insert them into the post without changing the Attachment Display Settings on the right hand side. The audio files will be added to the post with the default wordpress player.

    It's that default setting which I want to change within the wordpress environment, so any audio links I insert into a post are just raw links not embedded.
    • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
      Ron Killian
      Profile picture of Ron Killian
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      Originally Posted by BigNorm View Post

      I think your missing the first step which is giving me the problem. If you go to your wordpress post and Add Media and then choose a few audio files and then insert them into the post without changing the Attachment Display Settings on the right hand side. The audio files will be added to the post with the default wordpress player.

      It's that default setting which I want to change within the wordpress environment, so any audio links I insert into a post are just raw links not embedded.
      Oh okay, I was wondering about the media player. That makes sense then. My bad.

      I upload the MP3's with FTP, then just add the hyper link.

      Ya, seems there should be a way to turn that off or change the setting. I can't see a way under any wordpress settings.

      I've never used the wordpress audio. From what I am seeing it adds:


      This must be only when using the add media function, as it doesn't affect my raw links.

      Only work around I can think is to strip out the [audio and ], to be able to use the player I mentioned. Though, don't know if that would be an option or save you anything, or take more of your time. Least that's what it says on the net.

      Sorry I got it wrong.
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