So...About this Spam

by 73 replies
I know that Spam is a major problem for all forums, but this is getting a bit over the top. About half the posts on the front page of this section are for 'new Deli call girls' or something similar.

Prior to the ownership change, these types of things seemed to get pulled down much more quickly and things were kept cleaner. Or at least that was my perception.

Is anyone aware of anything being done about this? I'm sure there are dozens/hundreds of people who would volunteer to be 'mini-moderators' who have access to immediately remove these types of obvious spam posts.

I hope something is done soon!

#main internet marketing discussion forum #soabout #spam
  • Mike,

    Don't worry. As soon as the moderators come over, they will get all of them deleted.

    I wish I was one of the moderators here and have the power to delete them right now.
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    • I agree. I'm tempted to volunteer but I know that nobody wants me as a moderator of this place so I'll just live with the noise until somebody arrives.

      But man, I have NEVER seen it THIS bad.
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    • Yeah..The problem is waiting around for the moderators...Some of these posts are pushing 2-3 hours old now. This never happened before...I hate to sound like 'that guy' who complains about the new ownership, but this is a problem

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  • It's a pain in the back side! Hopefully the mods sort it out soon.

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  • I counted 25 posts and it is really annoying.
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    • I know! They didn't even include pictures, provide testimonials from satisfied customers, or make us an irresistible offer. They're very poor marketers!

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  • Banned
    The deli call girl: "yours for a pastrami on rye, with extra mustard" ...
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  • Maybe Freelancer needs to hire some New Delhi Call Girls to moderate the forums? I'm sure they are very affordable, and I've heard they are very nice!

    WF Moderators - If you need a phone number for them, let me know...I know where you can find it!

    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • The spam has spread far beyond this forum.
  • The SEO section of the forum is hit even harder.

    Someone stop this please.
  • Is this a spammer or an angry troll? I mean how many of us are going to stop and see the 1000 Delhi call girl phone # and say "hmmm they posted that 1000 times, they must really be good!"?
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • It looks like these posts are being deleted now. Hoooray......
  • Banned
    It has been an ongoing, massive spam attack by one person (bots) and it is being deleted by mods. I've been reporting it for hours and it is disappearing. Prior to the ownership, there were many such spam attacks and they weren't always deleted within minutes of being posted. It really depended on who was "on" at the time. The mods then didn't sit at a computer 24 hrs per day. There are paid mods here now, so you can rest assured that they are taking care of it, along with the mods who may have stayed on after the change.
  • I used to be a moderator for one of my mentor's forum so I know how to moderate.

    If I was offered a paid job to moderate here, I would be honored.
  • I guess it wouldn't be much difficult to write a script to reduce the spam the forum is getting.

    As far as I know, spammers post identical or very similar content in a very short time period. What I would do is to write a script that monitors if a member posts identical or similar post within a short period of time. Even if the spammer spins the content, such a script would be able to identify it from the links etc.

    Once caught, that member will be temporarily blocked from posting again, recent posts will be hidden, the last post will be reported to the moderators. If it is identified to be certain spam after human-eye inspection, the member is banned etc. If it is not spam, the block is removed.

    No real member would make identical or very similar posts in a very short time, so with the right script only the spammers will get caught and the real members will not get affected. If the script ever catches innocent members, it can be fine-tuned accordingly.

    Just an idea.
  • Administrator
    It's very annoying. We're going to have a dedicated anti-spam team and will be installing some device tagging software to block signups from spammers.
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    • Sounds excellent to me, onwards and upwards

    • Why not block certain words like their business name they operate under?
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    • Banned
  • While you're here, admin, change the white on the WSO picture to match the background
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    • Administrator
      We're just playing with a few things. We're going to replace that banner completely.
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  • it doesnt annoy me as I know they'll get deleted eventually. Don't forget that the mods arent robts they are humans.

    Would be good if they could employ a couple of these guys though.

  • IMHO spam threads on the subforums are now (after the ownership change) staying much longer than earlier. Is it because people are less motivated to report posts now? Not sure.
  • Throwing a captcha on new posts would probably eliminate the bulk of it.

    Limiting the number of threads new members can start would alleviate the rest. How many normal users will start more than 5 threads a day? Not many... limit it to one new topic per day (no limit on number of REPLIES within that topic) until they get their post count up, that will give the mods time to catch up. Surely there's a way at the database level to calculate what "normal" use would be and then use that data to create a set of rules for new members.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • I definitely like this idea a lot. No need for new members (or regular members for that matter) to be starting so many threads at a time.

      Also, what does reporting a post actually do? Just send a notification to admins? I must have done this on 10 posts the other day from two spammers and no change was made for several hours.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • captcha will chase people away like fireworks in a dog kennel.

      Limit new users to ""threads per day until they have 50 posts and 30 days.
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  • Starting to see alot of chinese posters, advertising their items...anyone else seeing this?
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    • Yeah, I have seen them too and they are very annoying.

      I can see them in other forums too but they usually get deleted VERY fast.

      They post and then their posts get deleted. Then their accounts get deleted too so they are wasting their time.
  • I would say that I've seen the spam increase right around the time

    when WF was being sold to new owners.

    If there is spam, the moderators will eventually pick up on it.
  • Seems to me that once again, spammers have found their way here to the warrior forum and are now spamming with useless posts.
  • I have to agree; I haven't been here long and today I notice far more spam than usual.
    If the mods don't have ban privileges then now would be the time to give them that.

  • Exactly. you are right. if the authority do not take any steps against the spam, it will increase day by day.
  • What's really irksome to me are those, "how do I monetize/promote my site?" threads where they inevitably leave a link to their site right in their post. Maybe it's just me, but I find that extremely lame and annoying. I see several of those a day. Invariably they are promoting something in their sig.

    Step 1: Search the forum for the 2,000,000 threads just like yours.
  • its weird since freelancer bought out wf this starts happening
  • I reported a couple today (some MORON posting a ton of soccer matches) and the SPAM posts were pulled down in a few minutes...

    Seems to me the SPAM reporting feature is working just fine...IMHO.

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  • 92

    I know that Spam is a major problem for all forums, but this is getting a bit over the top. About half the posts on the front page of this section are for 'new Deli call girls' or something similar. Prior to the ownership change, these types of things seemed to get pulled down much more quickly and things were kept cleaner. Or at least that was my perception.