A very personal (and long) story - don't read if you are sensitive.
Yesterday I had a funny day and it really brought home a lesson I wanted to share with you.
When I started out in IM I was married, in the military and my head was filled with thoughts of starting a family and making money from home and being a great dad.
I had some debt. Not enough to stop me sleeping, but enough that I fealt uneasy when I went to the ATM or when mail came through the letterbox.
The reality was that over the years I'd always had a habit of spending a little more than I was earning and never had any savings to fall back on.
Living like that resulted in me always feeling anxious about anything to do with money.
Sometimes I'd overspend and get caught short and end up selling some things in order to cover a bill.
I knew this wasn't right but it sort of seemed normal at the time.
I looked upon debt at just part of life.
Well after 14 years in the military and 10 years of marriage, I left the military and pretty quickly afterwards got divorced too.
We had just decided it was time to have children but didn't have them, so I suddenly went to a single life with no expectation of children anymore and took on the joint debt we'd built up over the years.
Now, you're probably wondering why I'm telling you all of that.
It's to give you an idea of where my mind was at when all this was going on.
I wanted to cope with the debt but never really realised just what that much debt (around $100k) actually meant when you had no house and only enough income to pay all of the minimum payments - no more.
The debt seemed like it would last forever and tie my hands behind my back as far as being able to create a successful life and have a business.
Whenever the phone rang - I worried.
Whenever the mail arrived - I worried.
Whenever someone knocked at the door - I worried.
It got so that I was having anxiety almost constantly.
That was a very powerful state to be in. A debilitating state, but very powerful and all of the things happening at the time were anchored to it.
Now - we get back to the good bit (yes it's ok now).
Once I got to the point of no return with the debt my (my personal) only option was to make more money and deal with the debt.
So over the years, using Internet Marketing to help me, I did that.
In most peoples terms I've got it pretty good now and I have a good life.
However, some of my bad habits and mentality still linger.
I still have no savings.
I still spend too much.
I still am pretty irresponsible with money - and I know it.
Last month I gave away around $4000 to help other people out - but I didn't check whether I had the money to spare. I had a good month revenue-wise so I was on auto-pilot giving away what I thought felt right.
That was ok, but yesterday my bank account went straight to the limit of my overdraft facility.
It turned out that my card was cloned and some one had spent my money.
I spotted it quickly because two bills for £300 for 'fuel' from a company in Wales showed up - and not only was I not in Wales buying fuel, I was in Slovakia delivering training, so there was no question something was wrong.
So all in all - I went from booking tickets for my upcoming travel to paying an emergency visit to the bank to stop my card and work out what to do.
So - why am I telling you all this?
Because at that moment when I checked my account and all of my money was gone (I had a few hundred pounds in cash on me so it wasn't completely all gone) - My mind went right back to my earlier financially worrying days and I broke out in a sweat on the spot.
I thought those days were long behind me.
But what I noticed was that as soon as my mind went back to that state - I was worried about everything. I was thinking about my rent being paid today but no money in the bank - would I be out on the street - with no savings?
I fealt like the world had crumbled and I started to see all of the ways things could go wrong and my life could be bad.
All this over a few hours. I was wondering could I afford food now?
Instead of having a health meal like I usually would - I went to McDonalds and had some fast food.
It was like I'd been thrown straight back in to the worst time of my life.
All that - from one small problem at the bank.
Now, this has been a long post and I thank you if you got this far because the message I have is really important.
In fact, there are two lessons.
1 - Don't let this happen to you. Make sure you have savings. Whatever your situation is, you can probably put something small away each month - you'll be surprised how it adds up and if life catches you out - it will save you the stress.
2 - The only problem that really occured for me yesterday (in reality) was the change in my mindset.
I went from a world of positive possibilities to a world of pain - almost in an instant.
It reminded me just how powerful your mindset is - it's your world.
Particularly - when you have a negative mindset.
If I kept that negative mindset, I have absolutely no doubt that I would struggle to create success in my life and succeed at attracting failure and misery.
I know a lot of people that are struggling think the mindset stuff is just what you read about in books and doesn't apply to 'normal' people -but I can assure you - it applies to YOU. Maybe more than you know, and it may be crippling you and your dreams.
If you're currently in a negative place where you don't believe your life is likely to get much better - I'd love you to do me a favour. Go outside on a sunny day, give yourself some time to let your mind go blank and just admire nature and remember that life is what you make it. It's not based on the stuff around you. It's not based on the people around you or your education - it's a personal thing between you and the Universe or God. You're not in a competition with anyone - you are the only person who lives your life and you deserve it to be a great one full of love and happiness.
Love and happiness are feelings which you control - so do what you need to in order to tap into those - they'll change your life.
Expect success and look for opportunities and signs of it whatever is happening and wherever you go - it will start to find you like a magnet when your mind is in this state.
Your friend.
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