Stay at home mom - Need help in starting a blog

51 replies
Hi All,

I'm new here and I'm really excited to hear your thoughts. I've been thinking of starting a blog for a while now and have been researching on it. There are already a lot of Mommy blogs out there and I would love to hear your suggestions on what I can do to be different. I understand that content is important but aside from that what else should I be looking into?

Looking forward to reading your suggestions, Thank you!

#blog #home #mom #newbie #starting #starting a blog #stay
  • Profile picture of the author Zanesta
    Quick opinion, if you find that there are a load of mommy blogs out there, why not start a vlog? It may turn out to be better, just a thought. Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author annadavis
      Originally Posted by zanesta View Post

      Quick opinion, if you find that there are a load of mommy blogs out there, why not start a vlog? It may turn out to be better, just a thought. Good luck!
      Thanks! Will definitely look into that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Phantom X
    If you are looking to monetize it, start looking for products related to what you will be writing on your blog. Maybe baby products that you can review like strollers, cribs, etc. Then you can slap on your affiliate link in those review posts. Or, you can maybe create your own product like an ebook on advice for new mothers out there.

    Yes, content is important. I would say design of the website is also important. I think a nice looking design increases the authority of the site. There are plenty of free wordpress themes out there that look great. Or you can pay for some paid themes.

    I'd also suggest looking into SEO and researching keywords to start getting some traffic to your website once you have some content. Because if you content is golden, it doesn't really matter if you no one even knows it exists. All-In-One: Traffic Tips is a good start.
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  • Profile picture of the author GailTrahd
    I would think if you research the popular (lots of traffic and comments) mommy blogs and see what they are doing to stand out. Think about your own life and what makes your experiences and life different from others. Play to your strengths - there will be people who want to read about your abilities - whether it's parenting, cooking, baking, organizing, dealing with in-laws, how to be a better mother, how to be the best wife, crafting, working and being a mom, homeschooling the kids, going to college and being a mom, how to have your own life and be a mom . . .
    Content, Video, Infographics in the lucrative relationship market

    Accurate, Researched and REFERENCED
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  • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
    Do you have any idea of how you're going to monetize it?

    Or are you just doing this as a hobby?

    If you want to monetize it, you need a clear idea of HOW you intend to make money BEFORE you start. Your audience and niche selection is critically important in this. Otherwise, you could waste tons of time and money on a blog and still be unable to make money from your blog.

    Hope that helps!

    "You can't market here. This is a marketing discussion forum!"
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    • Profile picture of the author annadavis
      Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post

      Do you have any idea of how you're going to monetize it?
      Honestly, no. I've heard you can earn money through ads but I'm not sure where to start. What is the best way for a newbie like me to earn money in creating a blog?

      Originally Posted by GailTrahd View Post

      Play to your strengths - there will be people who want to read about your abilities - whether it's parenting, cooking, baking, organizing, dealing with in-laws, how to be a better mother, how to be the best wife, crafting, working and being a mom, homeschooling the kids, going to college and being a mom, how to have your own life and be a mom . . .
      Thank you, this is definitely something I would have to take note of.

      Originally Posted by Phantom X View Post

      I'd also suggest looking into SEO and researching keywords to start getting some traffic to your website once you have some content. Because if you content is golden, it doesn't really matter if you no one even knows it exists. All-In-One: Traffic Tips is a good start.
      Yeah, SEO is something I would have to research on. I'm actually not that familiar with it but thank you for bringing it up, I'm sure this'll help me in the future.
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    • Profile picture of the author jeremy49
      Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post

      Do you have any idea of how you're going to monetize it?

      Or are you just doing this as a hobby?

      If you want to monetize it, you need a clear idea of HOW you intend to make money BEFORE you start. Your audience and niche selection is critically important in this. Otherwise, you could waste tons of time and money on a blog and still be unable to make money from your blog.

      Hope that helps!

      This the most important step you must do before you start any blog. Just building it and hoping they will come will not work.

      I agree with Michelle, you must have a clear idea of how you will make money and where you will find customers
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  • Profile picture of the author IrisMKH
    What I love reading on mommy blogs is how they improve(d) themselves for the sake of their children.
    For example, there's a mommy who overcame her binge eating disorder because she was afraid her children would copy her behaviour.
    It is personal because she talks about her struggles with the disorder. Her worries about her family and wanting the best for her kids are also close to home for many people.
    It is helpful because she explains what she did - which is useful for anyone, not just parents, who struggles with an eating disorder.
    It is inspiring because she succeeded in spite of all setbacks she had and because she did it not just for herself but for those around her too.

    She makes money off the blog by promoting books on Amazon about eating disorders, overcoming addiction and general well-being. She also sells her own semi-biography.

    Another example would be blogging about paying off all your debt for a safe future of your family - and then you could promote financial products.

    Maybe you can find a struggle you have and write about how it relates to your family.
    Then you can also sprinkle your blog with anecdotes about your family life, for a lighter note and random little tips.


    Currently drawing:

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  • Profile picture of the author Robert X
    If you are new, I don't know if anyone mentioned this yet, but, make dang sure when you set up your blog or, Vlog, you have a lead capture form to start building your list for mommy products. It's sooooooo much better to do this right from the start. You'll thank me later and all veterans will agree.

    Robert C.
    The Warrior Syndicate
    Warrior Forum Underground


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  • Profile picture of the author AffEngineer
    Don't worry about making money from it at the start, just start and create valuable, heartfelt posts that mean something to you. If they mean something to you, they'll mean something to others.

    Too many blogs fail because people want money straight off the bat.

    As you're writing posts, etc, make sure you're tracking you're visitors. traffic, etc so you know where to focus your efforts on. Once you start increasing in popularity, then start monetizing it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
      This is TERRIBLE advice:

      Originally Posted by AffEngineer View Post

      Don't worry about making money from it at the start, just start and create valuable, heartfelt posts that mean something to you. If they mean something to you, they'll mean something to others.

      Too many blogs fail because people want money straight off the bat.

      As you're writing posts, etc, make sure you're tracking you're visitors. traffic, etc so you know where to focus your efforts on. Once you start increasing in popularity, then start monetizing it.
      Yes, you need to blog about something you're passionate about. But you DON'T need to wait until you've got a significant audience to start monetizing it. Frankly, no one really knows your blog is new unless you announce it, especially if they're not "techie". Be professional and people will feel comfortable with you from the beginning.

      "Build it and they will come" only works in the movies. It does NOT work in business.

      Also, you need to train your people what to expect from you from the very beginning. If you spend 6 months or more giving them free stuff and then suddenly decide to pitch something for sale, you'll likely get some negative feedback if they're trained to expect nothing but free stuff.

      And yes, you CAN train your peeps to buy from you in a non-sale-y, non-icky way.

      BizQ is absolutely right: start with the end in mind and reverse engineer it.

      Who do you want to serve? What do you want to sell? Blogging can be incredibly time-consuming and you'll stick with it a lot longer if you're making money.

      Some VERY important points about reverse engineering it:

      1. Pick a niche and topic you know something about and have some passion for. You'll need to be able to stick with this at least 6 months, even if you still haven't made a dime.

      There are TONS of mommy bloggers. If you're passionate about "mom topics", then go for it. But if not, don't feel like you have to do it. Pick something you know and love.

      If you decide to do "mommy blogging", narrow it down. How can you differentiate yourself from all of the other mommy bloggers out there?

      I'm not a mom, but personally, I love what Courtney Joseph does over at Women Living Well.

      2. Pick some products or services to sell to this market. You don't have to sell digital products. You can sell physical products, either as an affiliate or via dropshipping. If you decide to sell physical products, you could have a Shopify store.

      3. Build an e-mail list! The process for making sales online goes like this:

      Traffic > Opt-in page > Autoresponder series (or e-zine) > Sales page

      I can't stress this enough.


      Your blog/website is NOT for making sales! It's for building your list. Put your opt-in form in the header of your site. (And other places.)

      E-mail is for making sales.

      It's a two-step process. So don't be short-sighted and sell banners and ads on your site and send all of your hard-earned traffic AWAY from your site. Everything on your site should funnel your visitors to your e-mail list.

      THEN you can either offer your own products or others' products (as an affiliate) via e-mail.

      Learn how to write autoresponders which sell.

      Ok, some resources for you:

      1. Check out Derek Halpern at Social Triggers He has a course called Blog That Converts, which teaches you how to build a blog that makes sales. It's not open all the time, so get on his list and watch for when he offers it again.

      2. Read what Ryan Deiss says in this post: How We Grew a Blog to $6 Million+ in 12 Months

      3. If you want to sell physical products, check out Ben Adkins' Arbitrage Magician. He doesn't have it available all the time, so get on his list and watch for it. Or you can e-mail his team and ask when it will be open again.

      You can find him on Facebook here: His website is The Official Blog of Dr. Ben Adkins | Serial Progress Seeker

      He doesn't offer his stuff all of the time. Usually, he'll open something for a limited time and then close it, so get on his list and pay attention.

      He's VERY good at what he does and I've learned a lot.

      He also has two different trainings when teaches you how to write autoresponders which SELL:

      Followup Master Plan and Followup Master Plan: eCommerce Edition. Both of these products literally HAND YOU the exact e-mail sequences you need to sell a digital or physical product. They are very, very good!

      Again, they're not available now, but get on his list.

      4. Pick a good WordPress theme

      5. Pick an e-mail service like AWeber and hook it up to your website.

      Ok, that should be enough info for you. So your next steps are:

      1. Pick a niche and topic
      2. Pick one or two products or services you'll sell.
      3. Now put up a website and write your first autoresponder series for your first product.
      4. NOW create an enticing freebie offer to get people on your list and start building your list! Since you have the autoresponder in place, you'll almost immediately start making money as you build your list.

      This is what a lot of us (including myself) didn't do. We put up a website, spend some time and money building a list but because we don't have the backend in place, we don't make money. You'll save yourself a lot of time, money and grief if you follow this overall process and reverse engineer it.

      Hope that helps!

      "You can't market here. This is a marketing discussion forum!"
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      • Profile picture of the author zetetician
        Thanks for the fantastic info, Nightengale.

        Am bookmarking this page so I can keep re-reading your post as I go about setting up my blogs.
        Zetetic: seeker, one who proceeds by inquiry.
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  • I am completely agree with AffEngineer.
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  • Profile picture of the author BizQ
    Just because you are a mom it doesn't mean you have to start a "mommy blog". There are a million topics you could blog about. Also, begin with the end in mind.

    All this "just provide value" is true and very nice but if you want to make money then that needs to be considered upfront. That doesn't mean you should slap affiliate links all over the place with no regard to a content strategy- but thinking that traffic and money will flow if you are passionate about your blog is what keeps a lot of people broke.

    For reference-

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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    Here's what I've learned blogging for over a year and averaging around 4k monthly unique visitors for over 6 months:

    1) Get a badass theme right out of the gate.

    2) Make sure your blog is really fast. Don't install more than 10 plugins. (I think I have like 6 installed)...

    3) Build a list so that you can constantly pump traffic to your blog without the help of guest bloggers, gurus, Google, or whomever else.

    4) Write content that's controversial, if it's boring nobody will read or share it.

    5) The main purpose of your blog is to build your list! (Just my humble $.02).

    PS: I know... My traffic is kind of puny right?

    Remember that Google absolutely HATES my domains though (It used to be an autoblog back in the day haha)...

    So all of my blog traffic is basically generated from Social Media Shares, and Email Traffic. (The point of this epic rant? Make sure to enable social sharing, and also build your list!!!)

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  • Profile picture of the author Marco Moeschter
    You have to ask yourself what makes you special. What is the thing you have in your personality for example that you can show on your site. There is something in all of us we just have to cultivate it. When you find this let's call it unique selling point or even your story than you know what you can write about what others can't. Hope that makes sense!
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  • Profile picture of the author sagittarius
    Mommy blog is still a broad niche, so I suggest you go a bit deeper to be able to monetize it well. You can download Jason Garcia's quick report here: Free Download | The Six-Figure Formula if you want to be an expert in your niche (and if you're really passionate about having your own blog!). It's a very thin report, I suggest you spare some time to take a look at it.

    Make sure that the niche that you choose has a lot of searches to get more traffic and exposure coming in. This is also crucial if you're trying to monetize your blog. Check out high ticket baby items from Amazon like strollers or cribs (for babies) or perhaps kitchenware. It's easy to get an effort ROI on high ticket items by writing a review or feature post about it.

    Also, make sure you join Clickbank for other options.

    zanesta suggested vlog, which is also a good idea to make your content stand out. Having both a vlog and a blog is a great idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author VivekThakur
    I love to read on mommy blog is about baby care, product they use, clothes, health tips etc.
    whatever is your topic make it informative and should list blog on warrior forum for us. Lets see...

    Enjoy Life.

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  • Profile picture of the author UBotBuddy
    Lots of awesome sauce in Nightengale's post above. I even picked up some great stuff here.

    As to my advice, make sure that you really want to blog. I found out the hard way that it wasn't my style.

    I am a analytical thinker which makes me better at product creation. After I mastered my development platform I started my own training website which makes me a decent part-time income.

    Next I would suggest participating in a forum like this one. Staying alert for your primary focus and jump in is a great start for building your reputation.

    Good Luck to you!
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  • Profile picture of the author gregdavidson727
    Originally Posted by annadavis View Post

    Hi All,

    I'm new here and I'm really excited to hear your thoughts. I've been thinking of starting a blog for a while now and have been researching on it. There are already a lot of Mommy blogs out there and I would love to hear your suggestions on what I can do to be different. I understand that content is important but aside from that what else should I be looking into?

    Looking forward to reading your suggestions, Thank you!

    Do your keyword research and write long, interesting blog posts on topics that get LOTS OF SEARCHES and have MINIMAL COMPETITION.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    I just think a few of you are loading her up with too much information beyond what she asked. It's why some newbies never get further than the "thinking about doing" stage.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
      Originally Posted by Joan Altz View Post

      I just think a few of you are loading her up with too much information beyond what she asked. It's why some newbies never get further than the "thinking about doing" stage.
      You're right. I did. Sorry about that.

      Let me revise my post:

      "Do your keyword research and write long, interesting blog posts on topics that get LOTS OF SEARCHES and have MINIMAL COMPETITION."

      There. Hope that's helpful and not too overwhelming.

      "You can't market here. This is a marketing discussion forum!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Maggs
    Hi Anna, my stepdaughter has been doing really well online in this niche. She reviews products, sells advertising space and gets some amazing products to review for free. She's had some really cool stuff to review and gets to keep all the items. Take a look at her site, she does a good job 4 Munchkins Plus Mummy | She understands very little of the technology and drives traffic from Facebook.
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  • Profile picture of the author evakent256
    My suggestions for you ... read what the other mommy blogs are about, and make yours different. New stories, give it a personal touch
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  • Profile picture of the author alvinhy
    Content is definitely important, but make sure you create value.

    From all the years I have been in Internet Marketing (failed a lot of times), I noticed there are no shortcuts in it. You have to build value. VALUE.

    Value gets trusts with your readers and therefore gain competitive advantage with your competitors. It doesn't matter if you have a lot of competition, this means there is a market for your niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author joekoffi
    Hi Anna,
    I think you have gone through some of these mom blogs you have identified. My question is this - How do you think you are different? If you figure out how you think you are different, start the blog from that angle. I'm sure you are not same as they are. You are different. There should be something that makes you unique. That should guide you through
    Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers, Revealing unknown killer Affiliate Marketing tricks for Bloggers. Special Discount: WF17
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  • Profile picture of the author guitarizma
    Originally Posted by annadavis View Post

    Hi All,

    I'm new here and I'm really excited to hear your thoughts. I've been thinking of starting a blog for a while now and have been researching on it. There are already a lot of Mommy blogs out there and I would love to hear your suggestions on what I can do to be different. I understand that content is important but aside from that what else should I be looking into?

    Looking forward to reading your suggestions, Thank you!

    You could focus on pregnancy, its complications and child growth issues - I mean the medical issues.
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  • Profile picture of the author wDigital
    Don't let the fact that there are loads of other similar blogs deter you. You own your own story and that will be your unique selling point. Just be yourself and put out regular content, like minded people will connect with you.

    All the best
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    • Profile picture of the author Marie Pugh
      As you can see, you will be getting a ton of different opinions and ideas - and some of them have most likely got you pretty confused now about where to start!

      That being said, mommy blogging is a bit different than say, a marketing blog. Mommy blogs DON'T have to be narrowed down to a tight little sub-niche like so many people recommend. You will see some of the most successful ones have topics in DIY, crafts, parenting, recipes - and everything in between.

      Yes, it is better if you can focus it down to a really small niche, but if you do, you better be able to keep the interest there and know enough to keep fresh content coming all the time!

      My mommy blog covers all areas. I make money through affiliate offers, (I have links in different posts to products of interest to my readers), advertising, (Adsense), and sponsored posts - which unless you are actually a mommy blogger, you likely wouldn't understand a lot about.

      There are entire services set up to connect mommy bloggers with brands and businesses looking for people to review and write about their products - in return for free product or payment.

      So seriously - I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about getting it just right. The mommy blogging niche isn't as cut and dry as other marketing niches - you CAN change your focus later on if you find yourself leaning more in that direction. For now, start writing about what interests you, and start getting content out there. Start building your social following, because that is where you will get a lot of your traffic.

      For now - just get started and don't get too overwhelmed with everything else. You can learn as you go......just like pretty much every other mommy blogger out there

      The rest will come as you learn - SEO, affiliate marketing, testing, tracking.......

      The best thing to do is just get started.
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  • Profile picture of the author sweetcrabhoney18
    With all the advice found here you might want to get some good quality books on blogging or even a coach/ mentor to help you get started. Blogging or even vloging and podcasting can be a huge challenge without some kind guidance. Good luck

    keep moving forward

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  • Profile picture of the author wakey7
    I'm sorry but I saw an opportunity here for a shameless plug!

    You can check my signature for details, but you need hosting with Wordpress installed. Good hosts will allow you to do this with just a couple of clicks.

    You next need an awesome theme and to just start writing! Ads are easy to place on Wordpress with plugins, but you first should establish an audience. Use the Jetpack plugin or Google analytics to see how many and what sort of people are reading your stuff. Then you will know what to advertise.
    Web hosting for £1.99 per month, with no upfront fees! Use your own domain name or buy one with your hosting!

    Choose the £4.99 per month option and
    use promotion code 'WARRIOR'
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  • Profile picture of the author suepreme
    Someone I have benefited from listening to is Derek Halpern of Social He has a special video on branding yourself so that you stand out as not just the generic "Stay At Home Mom Lady With a Blog" but the "Stay at Home Mom (with a hook)" that will make people remember you. He gives you lots of good ideas to brainstorm what your hook could be.

    Oh, and just another random thought...remember the movie "Julie & Julia"? The main character made a challenge for herself of making all of the recipes in Julia Childs' cook book in just one year and blogging about each cooking experience, whether it was good, bad or ugly. Then she threw in some personal stuff in her blog and got an amazing following. What challenge could you commit to that might be worthwhile, touching and compelling?


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  • Profile picture of the author annadavis
    Wow, some of the things here are a bit overwhelming but it is VERY MUCH appreciated. I now know that joining WF is indeed a good decision. Some stuff here I would have to spend some time reading through and really understanding it but if you have more advice, please keep them coming.

    Again, thank you all for taking the time to answer my question.
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    • Profile picture of the author gregdavidson727
      Originally Posted by annadavis View Post

      Wow, some of the things here are a bit overwhelming but it is VERY MUCH appreciated. I now know that joining WF is indeed a good decision. Some stuff here I would have to spend some time reading through and really understanding it but if you have more advice, please keep them coming.

      Again, thank you all for taking the time to answer my question.
      Stop thinking about it because you're wasting your time. Buy hosting and a domain TODAY and start blogging.
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      • Profile picture of the author annadavis
        Originally Posted by gregdavidson727 View Post

        Stop thinking about it because you're wasting your time. Buy hosting and a domain TODAY and start blogging.
        Thanks for the push gregdavidson727! I'm now looking at my options on which domain and hosting service would fit with the nature of my blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author manishak
    If you want to start a mommy blog, it is good, as you can really relate to the products that are required for that. However, why not start a blog on something that has interested you as a person, something on your hobby? What were your hobbies? Did you like gardening or shopping clothes or music? Something different basically. Why I am saying this because there are so many mommy blogs and the niche is kind of saturated.

    Although you may consider narrowing the 'mommy' niche down to just selling baby clothes or strollers or baby products or baby fashion. IMO more focused the niche, more sales you'll get.
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  • Profile picture of the author AuthorityBuilder
    Originally Posted by annadavis View Post

    Hi All,

    I'm new here and I'm really excited to hear your thoughts. I've been thinking of starting a blog for a while now and have been researching on it. There are already a lot of Mommy blogs out there and I would love to hear your suggestions on what I can do to be different. I understand that content is important but aside from that what else should I be looking into?

    Looking forward to reading your suggestions, Thank you!

    Wow! So, you're looking to start a blog. Yes, many Mommy blogs are already out there and my idea for you is to create a blog giving mummies real solutions psychologically support their disabled children. So, this blog will focus on especially mummies with disabled children. So, this will be more focused and the monetizing options are also great for this kind of blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author Carl Donovan
    Michelle Nightengale hit it on the head. Sure, you should blog about something you have passion for. Sure you should create solid content. But if you don't have a PLAN, you are wasting your energy. There are millions of abandoned blogs online, started by people who thought they could make money at it and discovered otherwise.

    But a plan in place will give you the motivation to stick with it and monetize it.
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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    I would advise you to start with Blogger it is very user friendly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Sell something exotic... like a penis enlargement manual or something. Instant cash if you market it right.
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  • Profile picture of the author ijohnson
    If you want to start a "Mommy blog", I would suggest you research your competition or someone already successfully doing what you would like to do. Study their blog/website and find a way to do it better!

    Decide upon a sub-niche in an area that you already enjoy or really are passionate to learn more about, i.e., weight loss after pregnancy, teaching your baby how to read, cooking healthy meals, massage for babies, juggling kids as a stay-at-home-mom, etc. Pin down a sub-niche, then create a list of at least 20 keywords to target in your content. Make sure your content is very good and resonates with your readers or intended audience. In addition to organic traffic to your blog, you can find your audience using social media or via paid advertising.

    Build a relationship with them, offer them products they can use that are of value to them and build a list of subscribers as you go.
    Make every day count!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kirill Vasilyev
    Hey anadavis,
    you can get the blogging platform here

    Simply sign up FREE and start blogging
    And you can make money with that too

    This blog is already ranking high in google
    so you can get traffic right away
    and make some money

    let me know if you have more questions
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  • Profile picture of the author Wargamon
    Are you going to be a MUMMY blogger or BABY blogger? It makes a different concentration point.
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  • Profile picture of the author melvinsh
    Their are many facebook group dedicated to blogger opps for mom bloggers. Most Mom bloggers do product reviews or list giveaways since they are easiest to make into a business. They are very easy to rank and build. I can help you if you'd like. I know how to get you some pretty good exposure by just partnering with a bunch on mom bloggers.
    Signature - Social Media Syndication - stop buying fake shares & likes! Get Real Shares from Onlywire & Sendible users managing their own social profiles! Drip feed - Anonymous Shares - Spun Content - View Reports - FREE Accounts - 45+ Social Networks - Take The Tour

    Wanna run a successful Giveaway? SKYPE: Justin.chasar I can get you 1000s of real subscribers, facebook likes, etc. in days
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  • Profile picture of the author Bryan Harkins
    Congrats on starting a blog! It's really exciting when you start new business ventures I would say one thing you can do to make you stand out is doing video reviews of different ways to make a few extra bucks from home. A lot of people have blogs talking about how to make extra money posting on forums, reviewing music, and so on. But not many people leave video reviews. That can really make you stand out.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B

      A good resource to visit is Darren Rowse's ProBlogger web site.

      It's not specifically about "mommy blogs" but he is very good at giving you tons of great ideas about how to make money from your blog, if that's your intent. Darren has done it and is a good teacher and his site has a ton of information to help you monetize the blog.

      The very best to you,


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author kennethchooks
    There are lots of advice you can get here but I will suggest you spend some good money buying an ebook or video training from any of the top bloggers out there like John chow, shoemoney and peruse the trainings as much as you can and take the necessary steps.

    This will provide a better long term investment of your time and money as you are standing on the shoulders of people who have ALREADY done it successfully.

    Hope my advice helps
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  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    call it a mummy blog and appeal to the rest of the world
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  • Profile picture of the author ratracegrad
    There are a lot of successful mommy bloggers out there. You need to find a USP that will allow you to compete against them or create your own niche. For example create a blog on how to raise autistic children. You might want to consider starting a podcast that interviews moms and provides valuable informtion. The podcast would drive traffic back to your blog. You can also do lots of short videos that could rank on youtube and keep people engaged on your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author ABN
    Your decision to start a blog is a good one! Just be ready for a roller coaster ride. Consistency is important. Commitment is important. So you will have to commit to consistent additions to the blog. Don't have big expectations and you will be happier with results you do get. It will take time to see results, but if you keep at it they will come.

    It's important to know that you can have the best website online... but if no one knows about it, it won't produce anything. So marketing is key. And you'll likely need to rely on social media sites to grow your base of readers and followers. And just because there's a lot of sites out there in the same area you want to be in doesn't mean you can't succeed in growing a popular site.


    - Specialize in a small number of things (at least to start with)
    - Don't start off by loading your site with ads. Start small there too.
    - Make sure the layout is good, spacey, not cluttered, and geared for reading/viewing content. Refer to some popular sites.
    - Definitely start off with a newsletter/subscription form so people can subscribe and you can start building a list.
    - Look at some of the top competitors and try to determine what is popular in terms of features and content, and include them in your plan.
    - Use WordPress (self-hosted) if possible, so you won't end up stuck not being able to do something you need to do and then have to move. It also has a lot of themes and plugins that will make the process much easier for you.

    Hope this helps! Good luck with your venture!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kerryrus
    From my own personal experience I can tell you that focusing on differentiation in the early stages of your blog start-up can leave you with analysis paralysis.

    There are so many ways you can differentiate yourself from other bloggers including your unique writing voice and personality.

    Just being honest, ethical and genuine with everything you do is a great starting point. You don't necessarily have to come up with some totally unique angle to stand out in a market place.

    Just my 2 cents. Hope it helps!
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