Can somebody explain to me how I can build a list and capture emails?

Profile picture of samuelbell
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
9 replies
Hello Ladies and gentlemen

I am now at the stage where I am getting about 40 Unique visitors a day to my blog , Still not had any sales and think its time to start collecting emails I am going to offer a small 10 page mini eBook As an incentive.

I am using a blogspot to host my blog and I find it joy to use, it's simple for a beginner. My problem is I don't know how to set up a list, Do I need some script to go in my blog? Where do I set up an account that auto responds when they sign up?

Any help is most appreciated
#build #capture #emails #explain #list
  • Profile picture of the author Don Schenk
    Don Schenk
    Profile picture of Don Schenk
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Samuel,

    You need an autoresponder service like Aweber (dot) com or GetResponse (dot) com.

    Once you sign up to their service, they have a section in their website in which you design a form for your readers to enter their name and email and any other info you want readers to enter.

    The autoresponder service creates a snippet of code for you to drop into the HTML of your site, and then the response form will magically appear in your site. When one of your readers puts in their info and hits the submit button, the autoresponder service collects the information for you.

    The autoresponder service lets you place any number of follow-up emails in their system and handles all the responses for you. And you can do an email blast to your list anytime you wish.

    Does this make sense?

  • Profile picture of the author samuelbell
    Profile picture of samuelbell
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for your Helps guy's it all makes sense now, unfortunately I don't have any money to pay for this service is there a free way of doing this?
  • Profile picture of the author Harry Behrens
    Harry Behrens
    Profile picture of Harry Behrens
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    GetResponse is considered to be a good alternative to Aweber, and they do have a free version: AutoResponder from GetResponse! - Free edition!!

    Obviously it's going to be more limited than the paid version (not sure exactly in what ways though, sorry) but it can be enough for you to get your feet wet and at least start getting something out there, which is better than nothing.

    List building is such a crucial part of the process though, I would really think about it and consider springing for the paid version of either aweber or getresponse and soon as you can afford it. It'll be the best investment you make in your online business aside from actual hosting/domain etc.

    - Harry Behrens

  • Profile picture of the author samuelbell
    Profile picture of samuelbell
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you hmbehrens I am going to sign up now and use the free version.
  • Profile picture of the author tofumonkey
    Profile picture of tofumonkey
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    honestly samuelbell,

    i really hope you can get your own hosting & GetResponse.
    Hosting cost $100 per year. Get Response cost $150 per year. Domain $10.

    Total investment: $260 per year.

    Honestly, it's worth it.
    Hosting, domains & autoresponder software are the most basic tool for an internet marketer. Scrimping on such service and you'll realize you pay more in opportunity costs.

    Just imagine a basketball player without proper basketball shoes. Yes, he can play with normal shoes, but it just doesn't cut it...

    Hope this helps. Cut down & save on anything else, but these! Go for it!
    • Profile picture of the author Jillian Slack
      Jillian Slack
      Profile picture of Jillian Slack
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      If you're getting 40 sign-ups per day right now and you intend for this to continue to grow, it really will be worth the time and money to go ahead and pay for this service.

      Don't look at it as a luxury or something difficult to find the money for.

      You NEED this for your business to survive and flourish.

      What can you give up in order to pay for this?

      There MUST be something you can let go of and spend that money on your list provider.

      Can you give up stopping at your favorite coffee shop for X days per week?

      How about taking your lunch to work with you (if you are still working for someone else) or eating lunch at home instead of out with friends or colleagues as often (if you are working from home)?

      Or maybe cutting back on the number of movies you rent each month?

      Fewer "date nights" out with your significant other or spouse (at least until the business is off the ground)? He or she needs the attention, yes, but be creative for a little while and surely he or she will understand that it's for your future and you'll both see the benefits shortly.

      My point is that there is probably a way to find this money in your budget and get your list going the RIGHT WAY from the start.

      You're in for a pain in the rear if you set it up with one service now, and then in a few months you realize you need the features that one of these professional services can offer you.

      You'll likely lose part of your list when they have to go through the double-opt-in all over again.

      They won't understand that you're moving from a freebie to a professional service. They won't understand why they need to sign up again. It's not their concern. All they know is that they signed up ONCE, so why sign up again?

      Make it as easy as possible for these people to be on your list.

      Plus, you must think about what your time is worth.

      You've already spent some time doing your research and learning about the various services.

      Now you're spending your time trying to find something that will do the same things for free.

      So "free" is already costing you money, since your time is valuable.

      Set it up the right way from the start.
  • Profile picture of the author TK6863
    Profile picture of TK6863
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Go t tofumonkey's website ...

    That's how you capture names and build a list and away you go.

    Grea header and the copy walks you right to his optoin form and he's got you hooked.

    good stuff.

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