Is Fiverr traffic that you pay for actually real?

by dholi1
92 replies
In advance, thanks for answering.

I recently paid for 4 gigs to have traffic sent to one of my business landing pages. Now I usually only pay for proven traffic that I know works. But I thought I would deviate temporarily and try something knew just to see what kind of a response I would get.

According to the different google analytics reports, I'm receiving a total of around 1800 hits in all to my landing page of "real people!"

The question I have is, for those of you who are techie, do you know if they are actually "real people?"

I ask because my landing page is normally one that turns a percentage of the people who go to it into leads. But with these fiverr clicks, I might get one lead a day out of 1800 hits per day, IF that. Percentage wise this doesn't even come into the ball park of what is normal. Granted... only half of these are keyword targeted clicks/hits, but I would think that if they were real people, I would get a few more based on past experience on this landing page.

I've been told by the gig owners that they are real people and some are putting my webpage/landing page as a full page popup that people get on their computers.

Now I understand you get what you pay for. These are cheap clicks... but I still want to understand what is actually happening. Can anyone help and tell me what these fiverr gigs are actually doing/using to send the clicks?

They claim they are not using bots. But one gig owner said people are spending approximately 20 to 30 seconds average on my landing page which only takes about 5 seconds to read. A little hard to believe.

Thoughts anyone?
#cheap clicks #fiverr #leads on fiverr #pay #real #real traffic #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author NatesMarketing
    You answered your own question: 1,800 hits with 1 or less conversions.

    It's $5 bucks.

    People Pay $5 per click in some instances.
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    • Profile picture of the author dholi1
      The challenge is, I do not know if that one lead is actually from that traffic method.

      What are they actually doing? Do you know?
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      • Profile picture of the author Steve B
        Whether bots or not . . .

        What is important to conversion is that the prospects are targeted to what you have to offer.

        I don't know your niche, but my guess is that these clicks are being sent to your site without the least attempt to match their interests with what you have to offer. It's no surprise that your conversions are very very low.

        I'm not sure that it's possible to know, from your stats, what a bot click looks like compared to a human click. And if the human clicks are simply sweathouse labor in a foreign land being paid to click a link, it really doesn't matter.


        Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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      • Profile picture of the author fredlynx
        Hi! Does it really matter though? What they are doing? If they are not buying then there's enough info in that alone, you know? May not be bots but paid traffic is shady in a lot of ways in a lot of cases, especially with these gigs. Use some real targeted traffic that you trust, obviously you do not trust this method. Let it be and move on to the next one
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      • Profile picture of the author datingworld
        Originally Posted by dholi1 View Post

        The challenge is, I do not know if that one lead is actually from that traffic method.

        What are they actually doing? Do you know?
        They are sending you bots, not human beings.
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    • Profile picture of the author citizenoftheweb20
      Originally Posted by NatesMarketing View Post

      You answered your own question: 1,800 hits with 1 or less conversions.

      It's $5 bucks.

      People Pay $5 per click in some instances.
      agreed... it's mostly non organic traffic. shouldn't be difficult to guess.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Villanueva
    Only thing fiverr is good and animation or actors.

    Buying clicks or traffic from fiverr, you might as well burn the 5 dollars.

    The whole traffic trick from fiverr works like this, there are real people that is part of a network that gets paid to click your site but they are from third world countries who wouldnt care about your business.

    Stick to real organic seo or solo ads, fb ppc or ppv, or forum marketing by adding value and solving other people's problems is the best way to gain following.
    Need a Coach to generate leads and TRIPLE your online business income?
    Let me Inspire and Empower You!
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    • Profile picture of the author JakeStatler
      Originally Posted by Joseph Villanueva View Post

      Only thing fiverr is good and animation or actors.

      Buying clicks or traffic from fiverr, you might as well burn the 5 dollars.

      The whole traffic trick from fiverr works like this, there are real people that is part of a network that gets paid to click your site but they are from third world countries who wouldnt care about your business.

      Stick to real organic seo or solo ads, fb ppc or ppv, or forum marketing by adding value and solving other people's problems is the best way to gain following.
      well put, this is extremely accurate
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    • Profile picture of the author Global Content Services
      Originally Posted by Joseph Villanueva View Post

      Only thing fiverr is good and animation or actors.
      True! I only use fiverr when I need any of the said services above.
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  • Profile picture of the author osamaye360
    Some of them are real while others are just to increase your page views. What I will suggest is install google analytics on your site or any other tracking tool. Use one traffic source and test. If your bounce rate or the rate at which visitors leave your site is high then discontinue with that traffic source.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dash Evra
    If someone could get 1800 decent visitors for $5, they wouldn't be selling it on Fivver. They would just use the technique for their own sites and make millions.

    The traffic are either bots or he add your link to a traffic exchange site
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  • Profile picture of the author aja akira
    I think freelancer increase traffic, but not sell. because most of the traffic is not real. that's why it is easy to increase traffic, but hard to sell for a freelancer.
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  • Profile picture of the author cyberzolo
    I ordered traffic from fiverr and it is not REAL traffic. It is all bots, how can they guarantee X amount of visitors to your site? I mean think about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author sportsgnome
    Probably the traffic your site acquired is through pay-per-click websites. Its maybe a visit from real people but they usually doesn't care what services you offer. If your primary aim is to get a lead then better switch tactics. Pay-per-click sites usually pays clickers $0.01 or less than that per click.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Don't buy traffic from Fiverr my dude. What kind of conversion rate is that? Stick to what's working for you and expand within those sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author PinkStar
    I've seen gigs where they sell a hard link and guest posting. I think those could be decent. But just traffic and the amount they promise for $5? Nah, I really don't think that's real. At the most some skimmed chinese visitors but that's just a waste of time and money.
    When buying traffic tracking it is key, so how are you evaluating the traffic?
    Move it along folks, nothing to see here
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  • I'm interested in knowing what has been working for you and why you deviated
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    • Profile picture of the author Niche Blogger
      It depends on what you mean by 'real' - sometimes it can be real traffic, but for $5 you'll never get targeted traffic that actually converts.

      Fiverr can be good for some things, but definitely not for traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Let's put it this way... What incentive will a person who got REAL traffic (and converting traffic at that) to give you the url of his gig provider? Such a person would need new competition like he'd need an extra hole in the head.
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  • Profile picture of the author realdealseo
    The majority of any cheap traffic you buy off of fiverr will be people using services like "addmefast" so they are real people. But they aren't interested in your website. Just the "points" they will receive from viewing it.

    You should hook up some kind of analytics to your site if you don't even know how long they are staying on your landing page?

    If I was you I wouldn't bother buying this type of traffic to try and sell anything.


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  • Profile picture of the author Katie Rich
    So - and yes I know I am going to sound stupid here, but I really want to know - what is the difference, other than the cost, between these sort of clicks and solo ads? Both are a guaranteed amount of clicks, just one is more expensive?
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    • Profile picture of the author realdealseo
      Originally Posted by Katie Rich View Post

      So - and yes I know I am going to sound stupid here, but I really want to know - what is the difference, other than the cost, between these sort of clicks and solo ads? Both are a guaranteed amount of clicks, just one is more expensive?

      Thats not a bad question at all.. my understanding is that they are basically the same thing except that solo ads are more of a paid exchange per based off of mailing lists. And addmefast type are an exchange of services (ill like your youtube video if you like mine) with an option to purchase points to do so.
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      • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
        Don't buy traffic? It will not convert.

        I was at same point 2 years ago. At that time I was also searching for traffic sellers. I saw people are selling 2000 vistors, 5000 vistors for a cheap price. I have tried a lot but no sales. Only hits.

        It is worthless to buy traffic if they don't sign up your email list, or don't convert into sales. What you will do with 2000 hits to your website if you can't get a single sale?

        The people who sale traffic on fiverr are simply using traffic generated software. They just put your website url and referring page url. They set the number of hits.Than the bot do the work.

        You think they are traffic from real sites. Nope they are not.

        If you say I can provide you the same software. After few days you can also sell that type of traffic . Yes...

        Hope my experience will help you.
        Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
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        • Profile picture of the author Syssolution
          I purchased a gig few days back. This was for article submission so i thought that would bring some organic targeted traffic. But this guy didn't answered any question from the first day and didn't delivered the work as promised!!! Only 75 posting were done rather than 1200 article submission which was promised earlier on the gig. I think Fiverr is not at all good for traffic.
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          • Profile picture of the author NShankar
            You must be happy that they did not complete your work. If 1200 article submissions were successful, you will receive love letter from google stating that you have been awarded Manual penalty for your outstanding spam back links. !

            Originally Posted by Syssolution View Post

            I purchased a gig few days back. This was for article submission so i thought that would bring some organic targeted traffic. But this guy didn't answered any question from the first day and didn't delivered the work as promised!!! Only 75 posting were done rather than 1200 article submission which was promised earlier on the gig. I think Fiverr is not at all good for traffic.

            Having Monthly traffic of above 50,000 visitors but low CTR and RPM in Google Adsense ? Give me a chance to fix your adsense income. Pay me once and earn more income life long. Check out my profile as an Adsense Optimization Freelancer in Upwork

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            • Profile picture of the author Syssolution
              Originally Posted by NShankar View Post

              You must be happy that they did not complete your work. If 1200 article submissions were successful, you will receive love letter from google stating that you have been awarded Manual penalty for your outstanding spam back links. !
              You're correct! Thank god.
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  • Profile picture of the author John K
    Remember this - what you pay is what you get..
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    It's not real traffic. If it is at all "real", it is just someone visiting the site and clicking off of it to go to the site of the next sucker that bought the same gig. I bet the time on the site is less than 10 seconds for most, if not all, of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author kursat
    Most of the FB and Twitter gigs actually trigger for sites and your accounts. So I will echo all that is said here. Don't trust that $5 traffic. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author NShankar
    There are lot of bots which can generate fake traffic using proxies. Some of them even have the capability to show the traffic in google analytics and also allows you to choose the source of the traffic to show as the referrer like google search, facebook, twitter etc. What you pay is what you get.

    You can use fiverr for graphics, wordpress installation, Virtual assistance for 2 hours etc but definitely not for link building and traffic. If all the fiverr traffic were true then google adwords would not be existing ! When you can get thousands of converting traffic for 5 bucks, why some one will pay 30 to 40 cents per click in google adwords. But it does not happen that way. Google adwords and Bing traffic are real and converts better than any other source (except free organic visitors).

    Having Monthly traffic of above 50,000 visitors but low CTR and RPM in Google Adsense ? Give me a chance to fix your adsense income. Pay me once and earn more income life long. Check out my profile as an Adsense Optimization Freelancer in Upwork

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  • Profile picture of the author kpmedia
    Q: Is Fiverr traffic that you pay for actually real?
    A: No. It's always bots, often using spam software on a VPS.
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  • Profile picture of the author 4hdddd
    I don't like fiverr gigs anymore. I also bought traffic for $5. But, they are nothing but bots.
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  • Profile picture of the author craighakwins
    I wouldn't go to fiverr for traffic and those kind of stuff. It's not worth it and it's not going to give you the results that you actually want. You'll end up $5 down and disappointed.
    RANK DOCTOR - PREMIUM High Quality, High Authority DA+PA+ Links. 3 Links for $35/m (Currently 20% OFF)
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  • Profile picture of the author dusaki3
    It's a boot traffic. Do not buy it. you will not your money and time. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Bryan Harkins
    Chances are good it is either traffic from bots or terrible traffic from adfly or something. It's not going to be traffic you make any money from.
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  • Profile picture of the author ATAC
    You get what you pay for !Garbage traffic along with some bots I am sure..
    There are no short cuts and the sooner you realize this the better off you will be and start to be constructive ...
    This all-in-one marketing platform saves me over $7,000 per year. See how:
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  • Profile picture of the author Highway55
    @dholi1 - If you really want to know... and do it free - toss a statcounter code on the page and then reference your recent visitors once the flood of traffic starts coming. You'll see what ips and which countries are sending the traffic.

    $1 'Set-it And Forget-it' IM Email Series
    With A Multiple Sales Conversion Guarantee!

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  • Profile picture of the author Melissahoster
    Chances are they are real people, but not "buying" people. Just traffic isn't good enough - what you need is laser targeted traffic. Fiverr isn't known for that.
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  • Profile picture of the author lionelfrench
    Hey most of us have been trying this route but the reality you cannot get good traffic for 5 bucks. Good quality traffic requires good strategies but Fiverr is not one of them. I do agree it is all about conversion.
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  • Profile picture of the author st0nec0ld
    As much as possible I don't want to pay for traffic, when you can get it free from social bookmarking sites, blogs, forums and social media sites. I rather spend on improving my site and posting quality contents.

    12BET | Live Casino Malaysia

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  • Profile picture of the author nivlek2009
    90% of Fiverr traffic gigs are crap, but there are legit gigs. Look for reviews with specific numbers eg 8 opt-ins etc. Some gigs blatantly lie about 'SENDING REAL VISITORS' and send bots instead. Others use safelists that are chockful of marketers. They click on ads to earn credits so that their own ads display within the network but will NEVER NEVER opt in or buy etc. They are preoccupied with their own offers and are unlikely to take you up on your offers. These ads are technically not lying, they are sending real people and they are sending to a targeted list, but it's a list of preoccupied marketers, not fresh biz op seekers.
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    • Profile picture of the author JamesDLayton
      Traffic is meaningless without qualifying it first. Imagine you had a Rolls-Royce dealership. Would you invite 1800 factory workers to the launch? Or 12 local businessmen you know turn over $1million+ per year? Decide who your product is best suited for. And find them. One by one if need be but find them and retain them. A dozen lifetime customers is better than 100 fair weather ones.

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  • Profile picture of the author gcbmark20

    Yeah the traffic you get from there will be dirt cheap because it isn't targeted
    nor is it worth much to your business either.

    Hits for show, proven buyers on your lists for dough!

    Hey you now know something else that hasn't worked move onto
    something that does work.

    Never stop in your pursuit of high quality leads and traffic my friend.

    Good luck in the near future and keep pushing on.


    “We can draw lessons from the past, but we cannot live in it.”
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  • Profile picture of the author Ghoster
    Traffic for $5? Don't bet on it.

    You already know it isn't real traffic, based on what you said in your first post . Sorry, nothing for $5 is going to be that great.

    On the whole, you get what you pay for.

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  • Profile picture of the author Davidconstable
    If you want to increase your traffic, you must do the SEO. There is no alternative way to increase site traffic. Back link, ad, Social media marketing, Article, Forum posting. All of these process has a great aim, behind these kinds of work, Back link is the main. Back link may be Do-follow or, No-follow. Do-follow is better than no-follow. Because the Do-follow increase both Traffic & page rank at a time. on the other hand no-follow increase only manual traffic. I do not want to know who is doing work on your site, I don't want to know where the worker is? Is he from Fiverr traffic? no need to do these kinds of work. But You must do SEO work to increase your site traffic.
    No signature, work makes me pleasure
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  • Profile picture of the author copymyideas
    I tried this once and it was absolute crap. I paid for a solo ad and got absolutely no leads from 898 'clicks'. I contacted the seller as I felt it was automated traffic rather than a real list as advertised and he/she almost instantly refunded what I had paid for.
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    • Profile picture of the author NeshSab
      Don't waste your money on traffic gigs.

      You can try buying banner placement on a relevant blog. I think you have better chance for conversion.
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      • Profile picture of the author m2coolgo
        It is very tempting to jump for something that "sounds too good to be true". Let's ask ourselves few questions:

        - Someone is able to generate 1800 hits/day, so that means that the person has some IM/SEO background
        - Do you think that such savvy person will not know about all the affiliate programs, list building etc And if they know that, then what is the need for them to sell that traffic when they can make money themselves with tit
        - Is the generated traffic targeted?

        There would be many red flags before you would buy traffic. Most of such traffic is un-targeted and comes from pop-ups/pop-unders, traffic exchanges etc.

        Best is to take the slow and steady approach based upon solid founding blocks. This is like any other business where you need to have a plan to execute upon. Do the normal SEO optimization and over time you see much better target audience

        Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author rlopez88
    No the traffic is mostly bots, but sometimes they send highly untargeted traffic thats completely useless.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Blades
      The question I have is, for those of you who are techie, do you know if they are actually "real people?"
      My guess is that the traffic is real... real $%itty.

      I'm pretty sure the traffic is real, but from people on PTC sites. They get paid a penny to click and stay on your site for 5 seconds.
      " I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret that.
      But I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried. "

      ~ Jeff Bezos

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    • Profile picture of the author Davmac40
      For what it's worth I trust very little on Fiverr. I've used it for various things and have only had 2 gigs that did what they advertise to do.

      The big secret of Fiverr is that most of us think: "It's only $5" and don't bother chasing a refund.

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  • Profile picture of the author AzizA1
    At the end of the day, you get what you pay for.... If a gig offers you 10,000 hits to your website for a $5 (or even $10), then chances are, it's too good to be true.

    Also you have to be careful.. SEO & generating traffic to your site is a delicate thing that must be done properly. (i.e. if you buy a gig that creates a 1000 backlinks to your site from few directories in a space of a few days, you'll come up on Googles radar for all the wrong reasons & you risk getting your site blacklisted).

    Learn about the right way to bring traffic to your site & what works... You need to put the work in - but the end results will be more beneficial to you.

    You can find more reputable SEO experts that will help promote your site through sites such as Make sure you do your homework though & the person you're hiring knows their stuff. Also be prepared to may more than a $5. :-)
    If you have a minute or 2 to spare, stop by the my Blog for some free tips :-)

    ==> 7 Days to $1000 Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author daneelpeter
    90% of the traffic you received are not genuine most websites are banned is hit for hit add me fast and like four like are used for such traffic and one website hit leap is top for giving traffic or you tube views for free.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    They do not buy or sign up. Personally, it seems to me like they are bots, but I could be wrong. Hey, traffic that does not convert uses up your bandwidth and cost you some money. Choice is your. Most of us want traffic that yields results, but I can see that you might want the traffic to test your website for some reason.
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  • Profile picture of the author Highway55
    Anyone that offers 10,000 (or something similar) visitors to your site in a short period of time is preying on the ignorance of the buyer, and will deliver un-targeted traffic (if any). Better to spend your money on something else.

    $1 'Set-it And Forget-it' IM Email Series
    With A Multiple Sales Conversion Guarantee!

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  • Profile picture of the author pawandave
    just for sake fiverr traffic is scrap, if you won't choose carefully but that one too very difficult to choose
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  • Profile picture of the author rabbitking
    Pay peanuts and get a monkey mate. Most of the traffic is from bots pinging your site.
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    • Profile picture of the author omgfirstmillion
      I have never tried it but for what I have read is just fake traffic from bots.
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  • Profile picture of the author beasty513
    You need targeted, fresh traffic to your landing page.
    Buying traffic from Fiverr is worthless and not worth the hassles.
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  • Profile picture of the author SonnyKing
    Seems like this has already been answered but I will chime in with my answer as well.

    When it comes to "real" traffic, everyone thinks that "conversion" means the same.

    Some people will tell you that conversion means boost my Alexa ranking for my new site that
    i just built. If that's your conversion and that's what happens when you bought that traffic...then that was REAL traffic.

    However if you are looking for SALES conversion then common sense should tell you that if you can get all the traffic you want for the same price as a Subway sandwich...then everyone would be doing it and have the best success in the world. Unfortunately that's not how the free market works. Something that has value to it will have to cost you.
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  • Profile picture of the author SoberPlanet
    No! Usually, traffic from Fiverr Gigs can get your site and/or Videos in trouble. Do the right thing and look around this Forum for the proper ways to gain traffic.

    Learn What is Vaping all about! The Davinci Ascent & Halo Triton are great Personal Vaporizer starters.

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  • Profile picture of the author jvjoe
    Traffic from fiverr gig sucks... it
    a waste of time and money,
    it's better you invest that money in
    solo ads, PPC campaigns rather
    than paying someone to send you fake
    traffic which can affect your PR
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  • Profile picture of the author sasuke120
    Nope it's botted
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  • Profile picture of the author Jtraits
    little difference does it make if it's real or not to be honest ... see the conversion rates and numbers. 1 out of 1800 ? that's .... not good. either you are doing something wrong or the traffic is just for the eyes of people
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  • Profile picture of the author bestofsigns
    What are they actually doing? Do you know?
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  • Profile picture of the author sr.20
    I would recommend avoiding Fiverr or any marketplace like this for buying traffic, it is more than likely bots or fake traffic according to those figures...

    Tip: depending on what your niche is go find blog owners or site owners in your niche and contact them directly, pay them a little money and ask them to run a solo ad or display a banner .

    If you dont have time to research this, then outsource someone to do it for you

    Always skip the middle man go directly to the source

    I hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    Typically, these "overseas clickers" spend less than one second on your page. Also, they do not buy anything or sign up. Yeah, those special services cost extra green. What I call it is "trash traffic" that uses up my bandwidth and does not generate any money. Best strategy is to use that five dollars to get links to your web site and that will help your rank as well as send some traffic your way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael J Anthony
    I once bought a gig for traffic from Fiverr, mostly out of curiosity. It turned out to be traffic from text exchange solo ads. These are the guys that advertise sending your ad out to a network of 29 sites and 30,000 members for $24.95, for example. Once you purchase one of these packages, you can then set up a bunch of solos that go out over their member networks. So that's what someone sent as their gig. Better than bot traffic but still very low quality.
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  • Profile picture of the author NatWil00
    Traffic purchased from Fiverr has NO value. Is totally garbage. Do not waste time and money with this nonsense!
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  • Profile picture of the author graphicsdev
    I think the real question here is.. if your traffic is converting?

    You see they can pretty much give you thousands of traffic (REAL or NOT)
    but if it isn't the market of what you have to offer then it is pretty much useless.
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  • Profile picture of the author Caleb Spilchen
    The answer you see, lies in the question.... Here in Canada the BIG KING just launched for $5 for the entire combo (Trust me in Canada for a burger combo thats like given for free)... Anyway it SUCKS, it tastes like $5 in comparison to the BIG MAC....

    Same thing with cheap traffic, most of the time it doesn't convert, doesn't help your business, and makes your conversion rate look like crap...

    (And most of the time they spend $2.00 buying the traffic on some shady website)


    Canadian Expat Living in Medellin, Colombia

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  • Profile picture of the author T S Chan
    Please don't waste your precious time and money on fiverr traffic.

    My experience: It doesn't work at all.

    A few years back, I had a landing page that converts 5-6% consistently (giving away a free report about how to set up an ebay business for beginners). And I bought a few thousand clicks on fiverr from different sellers. Guess what...

    None of them opt in, can you believe that? ZERO opt in.

    I ask for my refund and totally abundant fiverr traffic from that point of time.

    Now, I would rather spend my time and money on producing high quality content to attract TARGETED traffic.

    Hope it helps...
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  • Profile picture of the author Geek3000
    Why would someone want fiver traffic anyway?
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  • Profile picture of the author NathanKruz
    Tip: Never buy traffic from Fiverr! Its all fake and they are bots. Google will eventually find out and penalize you for it.

    Hope this helps PM me if you have any questions

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  • Profile picture of the author Saluki Guy
    I've had no luck with fiverr seo. The voiceover guy I use is good though.
    There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted — all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures. - Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
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  • Profile picture of the author nazozi
    I wouldn't touch Fiverr when it comes to traffic. A lot of the people who buy traffic from Fiverr don't know what they are doing and don't realize it is fake. When I used to do more consulting back in the day, I saw people buying Fiverr traffic and all of the visitors came from "bots". Pretty much machines that just kept hitting your site to make the numbers go up.
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  • Profile picture of the author tabius
    I paid $15.00 one time cause I was Gaurateed 1400 Hits,Visitors whatever or Moneyback. I did receive my 1400. I gave a Outstanding review All In the Chinese language, I quickly was returned a Full refund.
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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    If traffic could been this cheap, wouldn't all of our problems solved

    don't ever trust a traffic generated at that cost
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  • Profile picture of the author elusian
    Although there are a few (very few) legitimate traffic gigs on fiver, the majority are robots. You will get traffic. You will even see it in your analytics but you will not get any actual visitors. I know because there is someone on fiver selling that same software so that others can create fiver gigs and get into the "traffic game"
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  • Profile picture of the author aabagail
    Of course you have paid any freelancer ,who worked for you.I am sure freelancer can increase your traffic, but he never be able to increase your sell. If your aim is to increase your sell, it is not possible by a freelancer. most of the traffic is spam. Not the real.


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  • Profile picture of the author jross07
    I think it's junk traffic, but it looks extremely real.

    For example:

    I once ordered a solo ad from a massive list there (think it was like 700,000+). I got tons of traffic, and even a few opt ins. I waited a few weeks and ordered that same gig again. And I noticed I had got the same individual emails to opt in again, and that's when it hit me. What are the odds of that happening!? lol...stay away from Fiverr traffic

    Internet enthusiast, learning every day!

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Davison
    I would stay clear of these gigs on fiverr as they aren't buying traffic (as you have found out). Fiverr is good for graphics etc.

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  • Profile picture of the author aksingh000
    you spend 4 or 5 gig . It is nearly useless. You get automated traffic ie,clicks generated from bots.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyPlan
    The only reason you want traffic is to make sales or get people to sign up to an email list. So if it's not accomplishing either of these goals, then who cares if it's 'real human web traffic' or just bots hitting your page. Either way, your money is wasted. Lots easier ways to get traffic to a page and cheaper too, if you know how to use social media well.
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  • I generally steer clear of fiverr for traffic purposes as it typically is a complete waste of money. You would be better spending your $5 on paid traffic (PPC)!
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  • Profile picture of the author Al amin
    Those are fake traffic!! Dont waste time and money on fiverr.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Zones
    i had the same experience and i realized that it is from bots and traffic exchanges.
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  • Profile picture of the author alexandermadison
    Some traffic may real. But most of the traffic is spam. so one freelancer can increase a site hit within a short time, but he is not able to increase sale, at a short time. It is so hard to increase sell. It need many time, of course the traffic is the first step to increase sell, but it need to be real traffic not spam.

    Do not be crazy.

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  • Profile picture of the author AnnaMolly
    If you buy 25,000 hits for $5 you can guarantee yourself the traffic is not real. In fact, any thousands of visitors for $5 is just not real, period.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gau
    Originally Posted by dholi1 View Post

    In advance, thanks for answering.

    I recently paid for 4 gigs to have traffic sent to one of my business landing pages. Now I usually only pay for proven traffic that I know works. But I thought I would deviate temporarily and try something knew just to see what kind of a response I would get.

    According to the different google analytics reports, I'm receiving a total of around 1800 hits in all to my landing page of "real people!"

    The question I have is, for those of you who are techie, do you know if they are actually "real people?"

    I ask because my landing page is normally one that turns a percentage of the people who go to it into leads. But with these fiverr clicks, I might get one lead a day out of 1800 hits per day, IF that. Percentage wise this doesn't even come into the ball park of what is normal. Granted... only half of these are keyword targeted clicks/hits, but I would think that if they were real people, I would get a few more based on past experience on this landing page.

    I've been told by the gig owners that they are real people and some are putting my webpage/landing page as a full page popup that people get on their computers.

    Now I understand you get what you pay for. These are cheap clicks... but I still want to understand what is actually happening. Can anyone help and tell me what these fiverr gigs are actually doing/using to send the clicks?

    They claim they are not using bots. But one gig owner said people are spending approximately 20 to 30 seconds average on my landing page which only takes about 5 seconds to read. A little hard to believe.

    Thoughts anyone?
    Hi everyone am mlm marketer am doing mlm marketing,So I have my banners and referral links and i want to do advertising of my banner and links..
    So which i am thinking to buy paid traffic and doing advertising..So anyone can suggest me good traffic sources..
    from my search i got two reputed traffic sources which is better for advertising as follows :

    1.Google adwords
    2.Facebook Ads

    So any can tell me the conversion rates of these two advertising in terms of percentage....

    And also tell me any other good paid traffic sources..

    Thank You if you suggest and guide me...
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  • Profile picture of the author timwal
    A lot of the people who buy traffic from Fiverr don’t know what they are doing and don’t realize it is fake. Most of the traffic sold on Fiverr came from “bots”. Pretty much machines that just kept hitting your site to make the numbers go up.
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