Making a Living Online - Do You Find It Harder and Harder?

Profile picture of activetrader
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
21 replies
I wonder if others will agree with me on this... I find that making money online is becoming more and more difficult... and I am not talking making chump change... I am talking about making a comfortable full time living... nowadays you have to work three times as hard.

You have to become more creative... find more ways to surpass your competition... With new folks coming on board every day, lousy economy forcing people to seek additional sources of income... everyone and his grandma is now online selling something... the market is so over saturated... AdWords is no longer as easy as make money while you sleep as it used to be.... Google first page competition is cut throat... etc.

Do you find it has become more difficult for you or has it become easier, or the same as before?
#find #harder #living #making #online
  • Profile picture of the author Kim Davis
    Kim Davis
    Profile picture of Kim Davis
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Perhaps people have to be more unique than they used to have to be. I would think the more you learn the easier it should get because you get wiser about how to promote the what.
  • Profile picture of the author Gambbit
    Profile picture of Gambbit
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    With the increase in competition, the market has also expanded.

    We just need to broaden our thinking, look to provide genuine solutions to masses who desperately need it and make money in the process.

    It's a part of the human nature. People who have been there in the past would think it is easier now because there are so many opportunities, resources etc. Those who are starting today would think earlier days were better because of lesser competition.

    Truth is, the best time is NOW.

    Start today, overcome that mindset, follow a working system and you'll see success.

    All the best.
  • Profile picture of the author lakshaybehl
    Profile picture of lakshaybehl
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Best thing is-- Its is still easy to make 7 and 8 figures... Mind numbing numbers-- because only so few people would ever compete at that level. And yes $50K on the internet really is chump change-- so it is hard to make.

    I agree with you-- Hard to make chump change on the Internet.

    What I am going through right now is a complete reformation of mindset-- so even I am having a hard time to believe exactly what I am saying to you. But I have begun to believe. Cool, eh?

    • Profile picture of the author rapidscc
      Profile picture of rapidscc
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by lakshaybehl View Post

      Best thing is-- Its is still easy to make 7 and 8 figures... Mind numbing numbers-- because only so few people would ever compete at that level. And yes $50K on the internet really is chump change-- so it is hard to make.

      I agree with you-- Hard to make chump change on the Internet.

      What I am going through right now is a complete reformation of mindset-- so even I am having a hard time to believe exactly what I am saying to you. But I have begun to believe. Cool, eh?

      Hahaha - Lakshay, that was a good one..

      Ok. Here is my two cents..

      I am not earning several thousand dollars a month. But what I have observed that still works is this. (I think I have a talent on observing)

      1. Look for a unique "value" proposition that is hot.

      -An example of this is somebody who can deliver 1,000,000 visitors in a year or even a few months.

      -or your complete step that earned you 20k in 1,2,3 or several months.

      Look for a person to help (a newbie maybe) who is in need of assistance, and make that newbie succeed using your system.

      2. Compile an information product based on your proven system.

      video, ebook, sales site, affiliate program.

      3. Throw in a WSO.

      In the WSO, throw in as much value as you can, don't hold anything back. Don't be shy to share all of the things you know about internet marketing that works. There's no use hoarding all of your SECRET TECHNIQUES if it's not earning you money.

      Give the best you can give.


      I've observed this happen to a particular WSO and I even found out that it was done by a young dude..much younger than I am..Apparently he earned about 10k in about a week.


      Clearly, there is a way to make money online..All I have to do is JUST DO IT

      Even I am starting to believe myself now..

  • Profile picture of the author MrsAuspicious
    Profile picture of MrsAuspicious
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    I believe that the increase in competition also brings in new clients/customers. The more "new" people who are in the market, the more exposure we are given. Even though they are in the market as well, they are new and trying to find their place so in a way, its beneficial for us all and helps us each to earn a living.
  • Profile picture of the author elle56
    Profile picture of elle56
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    Only means the market is expanding. Competition will be fiercer that's why it is important to be at the top of the game. Always.
  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    Profile picture of Raydal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm a copywriter so I'll talk from that perspective.

    When I first started offering my services about 7 years ago
    I didn't even have to try to get on Google's first page. There
    were so few copywriters online that just "copywriter" in my
    URL and title placed you on page 1.

    The number of other copywriters advertising on Adwords were
    also about 8 total, so you ranked as high as you want if you were
    willing to pay the bidding fee. Today it's different.

    Bottom line is that the jobs came by easily and competition was
    low. Today there is a lot of "noise" in the market place as more
    and more people are taking that title without even writing a few
    letters (sometimes less than 5) in their lifetime.

    Today you have to work harder to distinguish yourself. The money
    doesn't come by default. I find that I have to offer more value
    as well if you expect to get your usual fees in this economic climate.
    So I have to work harder for the same money.

    Yes, it's not as easy. But winter shows you the difference between
    the evergreens and the deciduous plants.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
  • Profile picture of the author mkuba
    Profile picture of mkuba
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I agree with what most people are saying here. The internet is a huge blackhole with a plethora of information. I think there is still ALOT of money to be made. Just think outside of the box and you'll find a profitable niche. I'm having varied success using the eBay affiliate network. I'm considering publishing an ebook soon as to my methods of promotion, but so far I've been pulling close to $200 a week from being an ebay affiliate. With a few months work I hope I can push it through $1k a week. Also, in my spare time I've been toying with information blogs/comedy blogs. I see a lot of money making potential of sites that don't actually sell anything.
  • Profile picture of the author YellowDot Software
    YellowDot Software
    Profile picture of YellowDot Software
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    This is true in just about every single industry out there:

    The basement is full, but there's plenty room up top.

    The trick is to just get out of the basement
  • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
    Ron Douglas
    Profile picture of Ron Douglas
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    We're also in the middle of the biggest recession of our lifetime. When circumstances change, you have to adapt. I'm increasing my revenue by adding new products, making new deals, and being more creative.

    The beauty of this business is there is no cap on your income.

    Just like a doctor, lawyer, or other professional, our specialized knowledge and experience should always demand at least six figures. If not, you need to re-evaluate what you're offering, how you're offering it, and who you're offering it to.
  • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
    Profile picture of derekwong28
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    The recession is bad enough but is only part of the story. True there are new competitors but it would take most of them time to make good money.

    One big problem is that Google has been making big changes in terms of SEO, Adwords, and Adsense criteria at the same time. That means that many methods that worked before no longer works well. Even if you business does not depend directly on Google, you could still be affected as many of your customers affiliates will be.

    I really wished it were really as simple as working 3 times as hard. I am trying my best to be as open-minded as possible and try to be newbie again. For example, somewhere down the line, I forgot all about split testing and am now paying for it.

    Again, it brings out the point that IM is very volatile and you must prepare for anything. The World Wide Web itself had not been around for a long time. Therefore, it is important to save up excess money and to have a backup plan if things do not work out.


    Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

  • Profile picture of the author sfnum8
    Profile picture of sfnum8
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think now is the best time ever to make money online, yes the competition is fierce but there are more opportunities available, more affiliate programs ect..
  • Profile picture of the author writergirlk
    Profile picture of writergirlk
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    It's the same. I've recently changed my business model - I've totally phased out ghost writing but am going to reintroduce it in a different way. I've really stepped up the efforts of working with my blogs and websites.
  • Profile picture of the author The Villa
    The Villa
    Profile picture of The Villa
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    Yes, yes, yes. It definitely is a hundred time harder. I thought I would have more time for my family now that I am working online but my work period has just extended beyond 12 hours a day
  • Profile picture of the author ezimedia
    Profile picture of ezimedia
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    yes it is getting tuffer to make money online these days... but it also has to do with what is going on in the world right now... you just need to work harder and smarter..

  • Profile picture of the author Josef_Benjamin
    Profile picture of Josef_Benjamin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by activetrader View Post

    I wonder if others will agree with me on this... I find that making money online is becoming more and more difficult... and I am not talking making chump change... I am talking about making a comfortable full time living... nowadays you have to work three times as hard.

    You have to become more creative... find more ways to surpass your competition... With new folks coming on board every day, lousy economy forcing people to seek additional sources of income... everyone and his grandma is now online selling something... the market is so over saturated... AdWords is no longer as easy as make money while you sleep as it used to be.... Google first page competition is cut throat... etc.

    Do you find it has become more difficult for you or has it become easier, or the same as before?
    Your perception is what causes your struggle.

    If you think everybody's out to stop you from reaching your goals,
    than so it will be.

    yea I know this thread is old, but what the hey.

    Personally, making money, any amount I want, is sometimes too easy.

    But thats because I faithfully know it to be true. If I feel like making
    $100 a day, I just do. It's all faith
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  • Profile picture of the author GetStreetSmart
    Profile picture of GetStreetSmart
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    I think the field is more crowded now because most internet marketers are competing for the same people. Finding a niche is helpful and I have also started using social media marketing. I have found that internet marketers are not necessarily good at social media marketing

    Hope that helps

  • Profile picture of the author Tyrus Antas
    Tyrus Antas
    Profile picture of Tyrus Antas
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    If you have nothing unique and/or of value to offer, yes, it's difficult. Most affiliate marketers fall into this category.

    If you spend years marketing and selling your own products you'll end up with strong domains, strong backlinks, strong brands. You create something to last.

    If you spend years selling affiliate offers through Adwords what do you end up with? Nothing. You're just a salesman.


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