Help me monetize my setup - will pay for relevant advice
I'm looking for some quality contacts and/or advice, please read full post before responding.
I got my start to IM a few years ago through reverse marketing to Free for all Sites where I had a paid account with each of them and received all of the emails of people who promoted their sites for free on these sites at the end of each day.
After collecting these leads for a few months I had a pretty quality list of 50K or so, and could make around $300-$400 a day as an affiliate promoting clickbank type site products directly to my list every day.
I realized there was definitely some profit potential if I could find a decent product to promote with RECURRING commissions coming in since getting $20-$40 a sale seemed like quite a waste...
so long story short I eventually set up my own "make money online biz opp" type site where each sale would purchase my $30 ebook initially, then went through a 20 page sales pitch I wrote enticing them to become affiliates with a couple of highpaying mlm type marketing systems, and to pay me another monthly fee for a members section of my site to basically promote the same setup/site being pitched to them as my affiliate...
So they would get a subdomain for my site, and get paid by both mlms and by me (all recurring income), each time they made a sale, and that new sale would follow the same process (I know this is VERY general and not very clear, but this post is long enough with going into any further detail)
Within a few months I had hundreds of "customers" promoting my product with a subdomain for my site, and over the longhaul I was averaging about $150 upfront per customer, and another $60 recurring for every month every customer remainded active, while they received about 50% of that.
I made close to 7 figures for the year and a half this site was active, with 100% of the promotion to a single sales page (obviously had spam complaints, so I bullet proofed the site offshore, setup my own company and payment processor to accept funds etc.) from that harvested FFA list....
but one of the MLM's went down, and the process I had set up for others to promote my site and make money didn't work for the customers anymore, so I was forced to take the site down.
I realized that all of the money was obviously in the list, so I spent the next year or so doing nothing but trying to find a great lead source that could provide me with a ton of decent emails, before worrying about setting up another business to promote (hopefully less shady this time, but money was/is my biggest concern as long as it's not adult or pharma or anything ridiculously illegal)
I got ahold of an underground source that worked for a large leads creation site, and he has been able to provide me with 200,000 new emails a day for a while now.
They are not very targeted, but all real leads who opted into either a CPA or bizopp type niche at some point over the last year, and since then I've been struggling to monetize them in the most profitable way possible.
When I mail the lists I usually receive between
500-1000 clicks and approx.
.50 per click
per 100K sent
(obviously can't mail them directly or they would shut me down, but I have a decent process that has worked thus far with a couple of redirects)
When I used to mail the to the same 50K a day I would use a few lenient hosts, and just send directly via smtp with Groupmail, but now that I have a near endless amount of leads it has been difficult to mail more than 200K a day without getting shutdown, or getting no results using a shady proxy mailer like Sendsafe or darkmail,
but I can still usually get out around 100-200K a day mailed out one way or another, usually either using interspire on a lenient Server, or via smtp...
I really would prefer never mailing out more than 200K - 300K or so a day because even though I have an optout link on all emails in can spam complaint format, I obviously still get a lot of complaints since legally it is spam since noone opted in for what they are receiving, and I would rather not push the envelope legally.
Now to FINALLY cut to the chase as to why I wrote this post-
I'm looking for suggestions from skilled experienced IMers about a great product or setup to promote as an affiliate for the time being, that will either make me SIGNICANTLY more per click that I am currently making, or IDEALLY a lot of recurring income that I can build on every month.
I know that CPA is the big thing right now, and I have accounts with 20 of the top CPA companies, but have not been able to come up with a decent setup that will allow me to bulk mail and still keep the profits, and make a lot of money per sale. I don't know much at all about frame slicing etc. and faking the refferrer to not put the accounts in jeapordy. Only way I see of making much money per click is with regpath survey or free product sites, where the same lead woudl sign up for a ton of offers, but most don't allow incentiving on any decent offers anymore anyway.
I know that this game is all about thinking outside of the box, so I know there is a decent way to be able to make at least 2K a day with the current leads I am getting in, and clicks I am producing... of having autoresponder setup to convert these leads to optins while promoting profitable products.
as I would like to have a nice stable source of income on the side before coming up with my own business once again (and I'd rather not deal with the headache and customer service attached if I can make enough without it).
So now I am asking for all of your input and help, I would prefer PMs and as much detail as possible.
I assume that there are at least a few people here who have their own site to promote with recurring commissions that could pay me more than I'm currently making with this traffic, and we could work out a deal that makes sense (even if site bulletproofing, or redirects are neccessary in the mailings to pretend the integrity of your main domain)
Or even just a site or program to promote with decent recurring backend sales, like the one I setup myself in the past.
I know that "rep" is a big thing on all of these type of forums, and there's no way to know a word I said is legit or I'm not some type of scammer... but I have no problem going over the phone, verifying my identity, and taking the neccessary steps to ensure protection on both our ends before any significant $$ is exchanged.
(Like most people in the IM world, I've been scammed a few times in the past myself, but it's a part of the game as I've developed a few long term mutually profitable business arrangements)
Once again, I prefer pms, and please be as detailed as possible in whatever you are suggesting. Like I said in the title, I usually send "tips"over paypal for any relevant advice that works out for me, in the hopes of staying on good terms in the future.