Disabled Veteran Looking for advice/ guidence

18 replies
Hello all - I got some newbie questions and looking for advice.
First a little about myself I am a disabled Veteran and I am looking to turn my life around. I suffer from PTSD from the wars in both Afgan and Iraq. I need to build up a cash base to allow me to invest in other larger investments. It is hard to stay driven. My ultimate goal is to donate my VA Disablity to homeless Vets and those that are not getting any help. Well that is me in a nut shell.
I find myself overwhelmed and really would like some advice on where and how I should go. Sorry mods if any of this post violates rules, this is not my goal or intent.
I have 3 projects and I am not sure where to go with them.
Moneycoinsales.com - I sell unsearched wheat pennies plus, other coins and average a small profit. Issues I need help with here are Volume - I am on the first page on GOOGLE and have a very healthy Ebay following (These fees eat me alive), I also spend 90 Dollars in ads on Google. Where do I start getting more traffic flow.
Textbroker.com - I do this and make a small amount in it. I am a level 3 writer and have purchased ginger spell checker. This pay's but do to the lack of work at that level it is very hit or miss. Plus my lack of drive kills me on this one.
Dailyswingtrades.com - This is my Baby, I love technical analysis and if I had a nest egg trading would be my focus. I want to do a WSO for this site but I am not sure on a few things. 1) How can I set up a discount for WSO members? I have no idea how to drive traffic to this one either. I would try to set up a JV for this project but I need 50 Posts to do so. I am also thinking of doing Go To Meetings weekly to start driving sales.
If you can help with any of these (AKA. Some true honest advice) I would greatly accept it J
#advice or #guidence
  • Profile picture of the author fcf360
    Your "lack of drive" is the most important concern I have when it comes to you making it in this business. Having the right mindset and motivations, as well as the resultant drive and focus is of extreme importance. Maybe you need to find your "why's" and reboot your mind in the process.

    As for the websites, I think DailySwingTrades.com do have some good potential as a membership site where you guide traders on what to buy and what to sell. But, this will depend on your own trading success etc.

    Driving traffic is as simple as going where the traffic is and capturing that traffic as best as you can. But, even more importantly, there are many resources out there for traffic generation as it should not be that hard.
    The Warrior Forum
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  • Profile picture of the author moneycoin
    Thanks - My lack of drive is really a symptom of my PTSD. It is hard to get focused and stay focused. Not sure how I can work on this. I wish there was a way to just shut this off but I cannot. I have accomplished a lot but find it hard to keep it going without much in the way of results.
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    • Profile picture of the author fcf360
      Originally Posted by moneycoin View Post

      Thanks - My lack of drive is really a symptom of my PTSD. It is hard to get focused and stay focused. Not sure how I can work on this. I wish there was a way to just shut this off but I cannot. I have accomplished a lot but find it hard to keep it going without much in the way of results.
      In that case, you need to focus on the things that you most passionate about, things that gets you excited about so that you can work on it as hard as you can for as long as you can. And for those things that doesn't hold your attention, you can just outsource them all. I was pleasantly surprised how much you can outsource. You can basically outsource everything for very competitive prices.
      The Warrior Forum
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      • Profile picture of the author moneycoin
        That is a Great Idea - If I could outsource the Coin business and focus on the stock market one, I know I would find my passion Again. I love trading and love showing others Technical Analysis and have been doing it for many years. The down side is I have always had small trading accounts and life quickly takes away my profit. I now have become much more disciplined in my budget and was able to get the house of my dreams. Another thought I had was lowering prices on DailySwingtrades till I have proven results on the site like 4.95 a month or something like that.

        So where would I start with outsourcing a set up like the coin business - First I do around 3K in sales a month - I might see 400 in profit this I send 10% to a veteran organization. 20% for business expantion - Added products - 10% in the account left as cash - 60% to myself not much to work with.
        What I do to maintain the business,
        Post auctions on Ebay - This takes a while. I only post when they are free.
        Replenish sold inventory - This doesn't take much time as I have suppliers but sometimes its a race to find it.
        I have a email list of 500+ past customers and add about 50 to 100 a month. This is a slow process - I only email them once a month.
        Keeping up on the website - adding products and specials
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        • Hello Moneycoin,

          Welcome to the Warrior Forum! I'm Marx, and I also have a disability -- I've been totally blind for more than 10 years now after being gunned down twice in 2003 while my wife and I were just buying fried rice at a local food stall here in Manila, and we now run and manage a 9-year old certified Microsoft Partner global ICT consulting company with brick and mortar multi-lingual call center operations, multimedia marketing departments, business / product development and manpower outsourcing consultancy services...

          Originally Posted by moneycoin View Post

          If I could outsource the Coin business and focus on the stock market one, I know I would find my passion Again.

          I suggest writing down a daily or weekly step by step guideline / manual for completing the tasks that you need done for your coin business operations, including reporting systems and processes that will keep you updated regarding completed daily / weekly tasks and so on -- Screen shots and brief videos would be good;

          Then, determine the number of hours per day or per week that is needed to complete your tasks;

          Next, list down the set of skills that is required to properly complete your tasks;

          Then, determine your monthly budget for outsourcing the things that you need done; and

          Go to oDesk.Com among other freelancing sites, register an account and set up a comprehensive job post with a trial one-week agreement or something that can allow you to accurately pinpoint the right person to hire as your contractor...

          Best of luck!
          Need Custom Programmatic SEO or GenAI Engineering Work Done? Drop Me an Email HERE ...
          • Chief Machine Learning Engineer @ ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
          • Lead GenAI SEO Campaign Engineer @ Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
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          • Profile picture of the author moneycoin
            Thanks Marx - I will get started with that next week
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            • Profile picture of the author JosephC
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              • Profile picture of the author RichBeck

                Thank you for your service... I thank God each and every day for all of our Veterans...

                You received lots of good advice......

                Focus on one of your "passions" that is a solid money maker... Outsource the rest.

                Figure out what is the "most productive" time of day to work....

                Get started now.......

                All The Best,

                Rich Beck BCIP, MCSD, MCIS
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    I don't know if I can or if I may promote this here
    No, you may not.

    Feel free to contact me in my inbox I will do my best with this!
    Feel free to read the forum rules:


    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author Lance K

    moneycoin...THANK YOU for your service!
    "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
    ~ Zig Ziglar
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  • Profile picture of the author Fun to Write
    It sounds like you are taking on one too many projects. This scatters your mental focus and eats up your time. I suggest choosing ONE item of business to focus 80% of your time on. That means most of your time, energy and mental focus is on building your success in this single niche. Use the remaining 20% of your time and energy on the other stuff.

    Since you love technical analysis and trading, I say this is your main breadwinner. Instead of rushing into a WSO, take time to study the niche market. Figure out who your ideal customer is and what they really want. You can join investment forums and answer questions. Being successful at selling anything involves knowing what people want to spend money on and giving it to them. It's not about what you think they want. I hope this makes sense.

    Plan your work around your disability. There are probably times of the day when you are filled with lots of energy and drive. Some people work better in the morning while others enjoy working at night. Maybe you can only focus for a couple of hours before getting distracted. Fine. Work for two hours and take a break...another two hours...break...etc.

    You can do whatever you put your mind to do. Just narrow your focus and energies into one area. You'll find that you will make faster progress this way.

    Thanks for your service to our country.

    Focus+Smart Work+Persistence=Success

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  • Profile picture of the author RobinInTexas
    Originally Posted by moneycoin View Post

    Hello all - I got some newbie questions and looking for advice.

    disabled Veteran and I am looking to turn my life around. I suffer from PTSD from the wars in both Afgan and Iraq. I need to build up a cash base to allow me to invest in other larger investments. It is hard to stay driven. My ultimate goal is to donate my VA Disablity to homeless Vets and those that are not getting any help.
    That's an admirable aim, but I think you should put that on the back burner, and make it a priority once you are established with a strong steady cash flow.
    I find myself overwhelmed and really would like some advice on where and how I should go.
    As far as the internet as a revenue source, you can lurk and participate on the various forums here, especially the WarRoom, and not so much the WSO section at first because it's difficult to avoid the shiny new object syndrome and separate the real gems from the junk.
    Moneycoinsales.com - I sell unsearched wheat pennies plus, other coins and average a small profit. Issues I need help with here are Volume - I am on the first page on GOOGLE and have a very healthy Ebay following (These fees eat me alive), I also spend 90 Dollars in ads on Google. Where do I start getting more traffic flow.
    You may find some good tips and advice here on that as well, managing your Google expense and maximizing the return on your ad spending. But see my later comment.
    Textbroker.com - I do this and make a small amount in it. I am a level 3 writer and have purchased ginger spell checker. This pay's but do to the lack of work at that level it is very hit or miss. Plus my lack of drive kills me on this one.
    This is something you might take a close look at, what is the cost in your time, verses the return.
    Dailyswingtrades.com - This is my Baby, I love technical analysis and if I had a nest egg trading would be my focus. I want to do a WSO for this site but I am not sure on a few things.
    This seems to be THE thing that gets your juices flowing and pumps you up, I would suggest working to build your nest egg. If you can make this grow, and the satisfaction it would give you to have success there AND generate cash on a regular basis. Spend most of your time there.

    As far as eventually promoting a WSO, there are several reasonably priced WSO's and or Classified ads here on how to do it. Again spend some time
    1. Making a list of what's availible
    2. Asking questions on the sales thread
    3. Picking the best one or two to obtain.

    Originally Posted by RichBeck View Post

    Figure out what is the "most productive" time of day to work....

    Get started now.......


    ...Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just set there.
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  • Profile picture of the author moneycoin
    I want to thank Everyone for the great Advice – Steps I have taken since my last post.
    I set myself up with a weekly scedual hopefully I can complete it.
    I am creating Facebook Pages for my Websites
    I am going to start a indiegogo fund raiser to help me sponsor my sites and allow me to focus on them better – This fund raiser will be a fair valued one where they will get access to my products. I like this idea so what the hell
    This whole venture is scary as hell for me. I could end up losing some of my disability and not be able to pay my bills. I still owe it to those that did not make it home. Bottom line failure is not a option….
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  • Profile picture of the author trkr81
    My wife and I recently had a discussion about motivation. The result of that conversation was quite interesting....

    A few years ago, I was at the top of my game and doing rather well for myself. For the first time in my life, I actually had time to reflect on the drive behind my motivation.

    A few years later, I lost it all (and this is where my real training began).

    Sometimes, we reach certain peaks or high points in life, and tend to think "ahh,... I have finally arrived!" These "high points" can happen to anyone by chance. But, can that person do it again, and again, and again, over and over consistently after failing repeatedly?

    When we focus on what we've done in the past, or what we've achieved, or how "important" or successful we were as a CEO, a soldier, executive, business owner, etc, we actually hinder our ability to fail. We somehow think we're beyond failure and that we "shouldn't have to climb again. And failure my friend,... is the key to success.

    At the age of 21, our mistakes and the results of our failures haven't beat us down enough. But by the time we're 40+,... we start to ask ourselves "should I just stay down this time? I don't think I can take another failure."

    You have to get really good at "getting back up". But how do you get back up after you've repeatedly has your ass kicked? The answer, I believe, lies in your purpose.

    When you have a reason that you believe in with your whole heart, you'll find yourself in a state of hyperfocus and endurance that you never knew you had. That reason alone will drive you. You'll tap into mental reserves that will enable you to do massive amounts of work in very short periods of time. Your achievements have already happened in your mind, and therefore you're not fearful of failing.

    The fear of failure (for me anyway) increases with age. We have less time to recover from mistakes. But this is the one that woke me up...

    I've also noticed a fear of success! Yep. Fear of suceeding!

    One day, I was working on a project and my wife could see I was struggling. She asked "what's wrong?" and as I began to talk, we uncovered that I was actually fearful of big success with that project. Because of my past experience as a business owner, I started reflecting on the long days of paperwork, the TAX MAN, employee headaches and bellyaching, and all of the troubles that come with being a business owner. It was that mindset that was crippling my drive to complete the project.

    So, my advice? Be mindful of your fears but do not halt progress because of them. Work on what excites you and drives you. Picture who you want to become and step into that picture.
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  • Profile picture of the author Phil Wilkinson
    Hi moneycoin,

    There's a lot of good advice here. One of the best came from Fun To Write.

    Taking on too many different projects may doom all of them to fail.

    Especially since you have concentration problems, try reducing the number of things you're trying to accomplish, and concentrate most on the thing you love to do.
    "Find a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life"

    Thank you for your service.

    Best of luck sorting these matters out.

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  • Profile picture of the author rwyp
    Great advice everyone,

    The OP and I have very similar issues regarding concentration and too many projects. At peak I had over 200 domains all just sitting there growing dust and collecting renewal fees (thats what happens when you watch TV at 2AM with your laptop open). Things changed when I asked myself "what are you really passionate about? "What can you talk about for hours and never get bored or distracted? - Yada Yada Yada, my 200 domains when down to 30 and 90% now have sites that are doing something. The take away - Its a lot easier to execute projects you passionate about. When the business is at a good point you can hire sales copy to help you with other niche areas.

    Happy Marketing,
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  • Profile picture of the author David Hooper
    I did an interview with Antonio from Real Men Real Style a few months ago and he mentioned starting something with John Lee Dumas from Entrepreneur on Fire that is dedicated to helping train military guys at online business...or something like that. It was something said in passing, so I may not have all the details correct.

    Regardless, he's somebody you may want to get in touch with.
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  • Profile picture of the author moneycoin
    More leads you guys are great - I started when I got up today and I still have a few more things to do before going to bed. It was a great day, I have a great feeling of accomplishment
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  • Profile picture of the author moneycoin
    The last few days I have had to weigh out whether or not it is worth fighting to reach my goals at the cost of possible losing my home and stability. Being on disability there is a chance that in time I will lose this and if I fail after that I have nothing.
    I am going to take this risk and take it in a big way.
    Bottom line is I took a risk fighting for this country, it is time to take a risk and overcome my limitations and benefit from the capitalism this country provides.
    Wish me luck,
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