Wordpress blog review...please

by LindaC
20 replies
Hi Warriors,

I would greatly appreciate it if you would be so kind as to take a few minutes of your time to review and provide comments, suggestions, ect. concerning my blog.

| Renewable Energy

My Best 2 U,

#blog #reviewplease #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author AmyBrown
    The lifestyle theme is one of my favorites. I'm not sure about the cloud background. It's a lot of clouds when viewed on a widescreen monitor. I'd probably use a complementary blue.

    Depending on what your primary revenue model is I would test with only the ebook or only Adsense to see if that makes a difference. I rarely use two income streams on the same page.

    Good luck with your site!

    "Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast."
    Tom Peters

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    • Profile picture of the author slvrsrfr
      i like it, although i agree it seems too cloudy. and it's very busy, there is a lot going on.

      now that's just me though.
      What would you do IF you could do it?
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  • Profile picture of the author Abledragon

    I agree with the others about your background. It's a bit distracting.

    There's a lot of info on your page and that will tend to increase over time as you add to your sidebars, so my suggestion would be to make your background plain, and make it a complementary but contrasting colour to your theme and header.

    There's a great tool for matching colours here:

    Color Scheme Designer 3


    WealthyDragon - Earning My Living Online
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  • Profile picture of the author Marc Jager
    Yep, I too agree that the background is the only flaw - albeit a minour flaw
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    • Profile picture of the author melanied
      That's a really nice looking and professional blog.

      One thing, though, is The front page seemed just a bit busy - my eyes weren't sure where to land.
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  • Profile picture of the author ebuyer123
    [QUOTE]Hi Warriors,

    I would greatly appreciate it if you would be so kind as to take a few minutes of your time to review and provide comments, suggestions, ect. concerning my blog.[QUOTE]

    Should remove the cloudy weather from the background IMO.
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    • Profile picture of the author LindaC
      To my fellow warriors who responded to my request for a review of my blog...I thank you.

      And, to those of you who offered suggestions...I thank you also.

      My plans are to work on removing the clouds and using a complementary blue color background.

      Thanks Martin for the Color Scheme Designer 3 tool.

      ebuyer123...Since Iam limited in the number of daily Thank You's I can give...I will give you a thank you tomorrow.

      If I can help any of you in the future...please don't hesitate to ask.

      My Best 2 U,

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      • Profile picture of the author ppc4profit
        If you are looking to maximise your income from this blog you ought to review some items.

        1. Banner blindness - the banners are static and soon are ignored when looking at the third page, you may want to rotate them.

        2. I assume the clickbank items are higher potential earners than the adsense, so also consider including some text ads for these as text ads typically convert higher.

        3. The banners are not in the eye hotspots so whilst the site looks very good conversions may be low.

        Suggest you try a variant with the columns on the left and test other positions for the adsense in the posts as it is not highly visible.

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      • Profile picture of the author ebuyer123
        Originally Posted by LindaC View Post

        ebuyer123...Since Iam limited in the number of daily Thank You's I can give...I will give you a thank you tomorrow.
        Don't worry for that.

        Make sure you are making money from your new blog site though...
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        • Profile picture of the author dorothydot
          Hi Linda,

          I have just changed my website from a static website to a WordPress Blog. It's quite a new world, isn't it!

          I like the subject of your blog. And I do like the use of sky-clouds for the suggestion of environment-air quality concept.

          It is a bit busy. For me, I found it confusing as to the purpose of your blog - is it meant to be all scattered bits under a few categories? Or is there a common theme? beyond the renewable energy url, I mean. I think if you could somehow tell your visitors what you hope to accomplish with your blog and the benefits of reading and posting to one of your sections, it would make things clearer, quicker.

          Does that make sense?

          All those wonderful photos compete for my attention - I don't know which one to look at first. It sort of scrambles my brain.

          Having the slide show for your top banner is nice and a tad flashy - but why there? What does it mean in relation to your blog? This is where you'd summarize your blog with a title and some kind of slogan that helps orient your visitors somewhat, rather than command them to watch what at first glance appear to be random pictures fading in and out.

          You are on to something here that could well have great value.

          And congrats for getting it up! I know from working with a friend on my own blog.... it most certainly ain't the easiest thing in the world to do!

          Hope this helps,

          "Sell the Magic of A Dream"

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          • Profile picture of the author LindaC
            Thanks ppc4profit, CDawson...who is that you are holding in your photo?
            jk4net, ebuyer123,and dorothydot...you are so right. It's like getting grandma to share her secret deer meat chili recipe.

            Thank you again, fellow warriors. I have some more work to do. I really do appreciate all your comments, suggestions.

            My Best 2 U,
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  • Profile picture of the author CDawson
    I like it, only thing I noticed is that the advertisement was not showing for me.

    EDIT - I would stick some adsense maybe below the archives and a couple other places where you see fit.
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  • Profile picture of the author jk4net
    Do you use All In One Seo plugin?
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    • Profile picture of the author ebuyer123
      Originally Posted by jk4net View Post

      Do you use All In One Seo plugin?
      Many people are using it for their WP blogs,
      but I don't know whether Thesis theme will still need this SEO bad boy or not.
      Because Thesis theme already have the built-in SEO feature as far as I know.
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      • Profile picture of the author jk4net
        Originally Posted by ebuyer123 View Post

        Many people are using it for their WP blogs,
        but I don't know whether Thesis theme will still need this SEO bad boy or not.
        Because Thesis theme already have the built-in SEO feature as far as I know.
        I ask because the home page has a | in title (| Renewable Energy). I think will be better without it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Gannon
    where did you get the featured content thing!! iv seen sites with it before but dont know where to get it. Great looking site!
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    • Originally Posted by Matt Gannon View Post

      where did you get the featured content thing!!...
      To Matt and anyone else looking for the Featured Content Gallery Plugin, here's the link to it:
      Featured Content Gallery WordPress Plugin. It required to get most StudioPress (formerly Revolution Themes) to work properly out the box.

      To LindaC,
      I agree with everyone else on the background being a little busy. And the top banner overpowers & is way to busy to be next to your header graphic. Overall though, a great site keep up the good work!

      Hope it helps,

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  • Profile picture of the author scole954387
    I agree with slvrsrfr. It's a very nice theme, but you need more contrast with your colors. They blend together too much and make everything look busy.

    Other than that, the site looks great.


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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Laudano
    nice job Linda!. yah the clouds are a little too much and a it seems a little clustered. but besides that you did a wonderful job on it. great work!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nilesh
    Very nice work LindaC.just few suggetions:
    1.Is there a way to make the main purpose of the blog a little big more clearer.(usually at the beginning top portion) so visitors will know what to look for when they will land your page(which will be mostly through Google as your SEO work seems good)
    2.Your page title can be more informative for google spiders (|Renewable Energy)
    3.Add some more wording at end of page for your keywords (energy related I guess)
    4.Your ads are not showing in IE (middle right and bottom)
    5.I would not put ads on contact us page.

    Rest looks great.
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