
Profile picture of svdb
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13 replies
Hi guys can someone please tell me how to make a video presentation with pictures and slides etc. Kind of like some people make sell their products. Do you
have to use a special software? or can you make it on your mac?
  • Profile picture of the author anpharmd09
    Profile picture of anpharmd09
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You can make those types of videos like you see on sales pages for a lot of products with Powerpoint or Keynote for Mac.

    Then you would just record your screen going through the presentation or have someone do it for you.

    For screen recording software you can use Snagit or Camtasia for PC and Screenflow for Mac.

    Originally Posted by svdb View Post

    Hi guys can someone please tell me how to make a video presentation with pictures and slides etc. Kind of like some people make sell their products. Do you
    have to use a special software? or can you make it on your mac?
  • Profile picture of the author moneymagneto
    Profile picture of moneymagneto
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    I use Final Cut X which takes some tutorial training. There are some good YouTube vids on FCX. Type in "Final Cut X 101" then learn how to format/export for YouTube which is pretty easy because they have a feature built in which allows exporting automatic.
  • Profile picture of the author spearce000
    Profile picture of spearce000
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    For the sort of video you're describing I use MS PowerPoint or LibreOffice Impress, and Camtasia.
    • Profile picture of the author image89
      Profile picture of image89
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      Search YouTube, you can find tutorials on how to make slide show presentations. You can also hire someone from fiverr, odesk, elance or freelancer to do the presentation for you.
  • Profile picture of the author pxjenkins
    Profile picture of pxjenkins
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    These kinds of videos are actually quite simple to make. You need software to actually make the slides, so for example you could use Keynote or PowerPoint, or there are free solutions out there, and then you need to screen recorder such as Screenflow or Camtasia to record your screen and your voice as the slideshow is presenting/playing. The main trick is to have a nice clear, steady voice as you do your read.
  • Profile picture of the author sathuri
    Profile picture of sathuri
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You need Camtasia/camstudio software and powerpoint in windows to create slide show videos.
  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Villanueva
    Joseph Villanueva
    Profile picture of Joseph Villanueva
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    If you are on a shoestring budget and want to look like a pro and have pc, just use google docs presentation for free, then to record it use screencast o matic for 17$ i believe, save it on pc. Edit it with windows movie maker, upload to youtube and embed on your sales page or website

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  • Profile picture of the author sasuke120
    Profile picture of sasuke120
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    As most people already said:Use a presentation program like ms office (if you don't have the money use libreoffice) and record your presentation with any recording program you prefer.
    • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
      Profile picture of Nightengale
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I'm doing this right now.

      I'm using PowerPoint for the slides and CamStudio (free) to record.

      Simply prepare your slides in PowerPoint (or Keynote if you're on a Mac), then open/run it in "Reading View" mode. Size the PowerPoint window to fit your CamStudio recording parameters and advance the slides as you talk.

      I've tested Snagit ($50) as well and love it for ease of use. However, for whatever reason, the overall quality was better when I used CamStudio. The picture was sharper and the audio quality (mostly the volume) was much better. (I'm always on a laptop and laptops aren't known for having great sound. I get SOOO irritated when I'm trying to watch a video I can't HEAR! So I'm especially sensitive to this. Fortunately, recording in CamStudio gives me great sound, even on a laptop.)

      So though it's more clunky to use than SnagIt, I use CamStudio because it produces somewhat better quality video overall.

      However, CamStudio doesn't record in MP4. It records in AVI format (and a couple of other formats). But Sony Movie Studio Platinum (which I use to edit my videos) doesn't even open AVI files. So I use Windows Movie Maker to save my AVI video in MP4 format and then open and edit in Sony Movie Studio.

      The video picture loses a bit of it's sharpness in the conversion, but it's marginal. And the audio is fantastic.

      Hope that helps!

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  • Profile picture of the author Vincent Denali
    Vincent Denali
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  • Profile picture of the author pxjenkins
    Profile picture of pxjenkins
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by svdb View Post

    Hi guys can someone please tell me how to make a video presentation with pictures and slides etc. Kind of like some people make sell their products. Do you
    have to use a special software? or can you make it on your mac?
    Keynote or Powerpoint to generate the slides, then Camtasia or Screenflow to record the presentation as you play (and narrate) it.

    However: there is a new Mac app out that looks seriously interesting, that I'm testing right now. Flowboard. Cheap and v interesting possibilities.
  • Profile picture of the author AzizA1
    Profile picture of AzizA1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You can easily make presentation slides by using Powerpoint or OpenOffice Impress (free).

    Simply create your slides & save.

    Then download CamStudio or Camtasia (free) & use this to record yourself providing your voice-over as you go through your slides.

    Don't need anything more flashy.. substance over style will always prevail.

    If you have a minute or 2 to spare, stop by the my Blog for some free tips :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author Beatinest
    Profile picture of Beatinest
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    I use Sony Vegas for all of my video editing needs. With a little creativity you can make some cool sales videos with graphics too.

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