help needed changin hosts

14 replies
Hey guys, I had a hosting included with a premium membership, I cancelled the membership and now I need to move to my new hosting, my new hosting is ipage and they work with sql data base, I tried to use the export tool in Wordpress and it only exported the posts and comments,(did it in a xml format) didn't take the plugins or the codes I inserted in the plugins.

Now I tried to install WordPress on their hosting so I can use it to post like I used to, did half of it and not sure what should I do next (somehow manged to make a sub domain and imported the xml file on it but not sure how to turn that into the live site and how to add the already mentioned plugin with the codes I inserted in it all without hurting my URL or look like duplicate content or hurt my SEO)

Contacted their support twice and couldn't understand what they want me to do (I am not that much of a tech savy) but what I understood is that I should convert the xml file to sql and then upload it to the cpanel (not sure if I did that would I still be able to use the WordPress interface or not ).

Did what I just wrote even made sense?? please help it feels like all my efforts is gone to waste and it is kinda depressing
#changin #hosts #needed
  • Profile picture of the author seopratyush
    Follow these steps:

    1. Backup plugin folder using file manager from old hosting
    2. Backup your current wp theme folder located in(wp-content/themes/your-theme-name)
    3. Backup uploads folder

    As you mentioned you have already taken backup of your posts, pages, comments etc.. so now you need to install wordpress in the root folder and upload the your theme folder into themes where you can see 2 default themes - twenty13 and twenty14

    Now, upload plugins and uplaods folder using file manager that you may be using. Activate your uplaoded theme through wordpress dashboard.

    In order to retain the URLs you need to change the permalink found under setting->permalink the same way as set in your previous dashboard.

    I hope this will help
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  • Profile picture of the author lonerwold1
    Sorry but it doesn't, I don't think they have a file manger because as I said it was included in a premium membership, all I ever did was to go to WP log in and post, if I needed a plugin I would just click add plugin and that is it, never used a file manger and so I don't know how to do these steps
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  • Profile picture of the author moneywithtim
    Where did you register your host/domain, most of the time they will help you out!
    Tim Roosendaal - Online Affiliate Entrepreneur

    [MUST WANTED] Six Figure Income Online eBook!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rbtmarshall
    if you dont have access to the control panel or the database, then you will probably just have to get the names of the plugins and install them at your new site within wordpress once you set it up, then import the posts data you have along with any theme or childtheme.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vincent Abrugar
    You can just use Wordpress plugins like Duplicator or WP Clone to copy/clone your site
    from old server and move it to new server. Basically it works like this; you install the plugin at your old server and then download the generated backup copy, you can then restore that backup file at the new hosting.

    If you have a little budget, you can just hire someone to help you move your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    If you are unfamiliar with website transfers, just ask your new hosting provider. Probably they will transfer your old site to new one.
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    I would use a tool like wptwin. You can then clone your current wordpress site, all posts, pages, plugins, settings, and move it to another domain or hosting within just a few minutes.
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  • Profile picture of the author sr.20
    Use filezilla, there is lots of videos on youtube , this way the files "should" transfer over without issues

    Make sure you name the directory folder, as if you don't it will create a sub domain and its located in the public folder
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  • Profile picture of the author Grazina
    Have a look at hosting services which a2hosting and ifastnet provide.
    These hosts are worth every cent you pay for their service. And they have active and responsive tech staff.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobuddy
    I use this wp plugin and works great, its free.. get it here..
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  • Profile picture of the author lonerwold1
    Thanks for all the input guys, unfortunately most I am unable to do, as I am no longer able to install any new plugin due to the limitation that the premium member site put on me after I cancelled.
    My new hosting is iPage, they tried to help but as I said they asked me to change my xml file to sql which I can't do because I don't know how, searched the web and couldn't find a free tool or software that would do that,

    Clarke, Thanks that sounds like a good and easy to follow advice, I will look into that I just hope it is not another plugin
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Oh damn. You should never cancel your old hosting until things are up and running with your new hosting (guess you know that now ). It's pretty bad form if the old company won't give you access to your old sites just so you can move them over.
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  • Profile picture of the author lonerwold1
    Yeah, I know what you mean willer, I still have the option to resubscribe before the one month notice expire but I don't want to pay 47$ just for the hosting
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  • Profile picture of the author Rbtmarshall
    I remember a few years ago I needed to do a similar conversion. I ended up buying a little program to do specifically that and never used it again.

    You might want to ask in the programming section for how to convert the xml to sql. im sure there are free options but they may require a little coding knowledge. When i was looking to do it, the price of that program was worth the amount of time it would have taken to figure it out for free, I remember finding some info on stackoverflow but was unfamiliar with the scripting they were talking about.
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