10 replies
Hey guys, first post to WF. I'm a massive newbie to this Internet Marketing business, not quite sure where to start. Could someone point me in the right direction or share some pointers for someone who is just starting out.
  • Profile picture of the author Zanesta
    Read, read and read. Look for resources, don't spend a dollar till you've read what's available for free. Research.

    The only tip I would give is to stick to one thing you decide to do instead of trying different things at once.

    Good luck
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    • Profile picture of the author imogenhobbs
      1. Understand basic marketing principles and steps so you don't go around in circles again and again (Check out my signature for a comprehensive post.)

      2. Get your feet wet by building a "prototype" system. Then slowly build on and make it more perfect. Think of it like you're sculpting a statue.

      3. (optional) Fail and learn your lesson. Don't be afraid of failure. Embrace failure. In fact, I WANT failure so that I won't forget my lessons. If you never fall, you never learn.

      4. Come back stronger than before with the lessons learnt. Break-even. Consistent income.

      5. Take advice from all the seasoned Warriors and marketers here (who will make more sense to you now). Seek advice from others, explore other avenues only when you've gotten ONE income stream up already. You shouldn't be jumping to this stage when you haven't done a single step above.

      Main pitfall: Don't be dependent on others. Independence is great, but being interdependent is the best habit you acquire.

      PM me if you're a self-improv/women dating ghostwriter.

      Lost your way again? 5 basic steps to never "fail"again (WF post)
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  • Profile picture of the author mdrosenkrans
    Welcome to the warrior forum!

    You're definitely in the right place, there's a ton of info here to help you out and actually earn a decent (if not very nice!) living through internet marketing.

    First, I'd suggest joining the war room (click the link in the top right corner of any page here). A lot of extremely valuable info over there (and a much better investment than buying wso after wso!)

    As for actually getting started, you want to have some kind of plan in place (it's cliche I know but seriously, if you fail to plan than you plan to fail...its true)

    To start on your own plan, you'll want to figure out what niche you're going to be in. Most people will say do what you love or what interests you, but if you really want to make money than you've also got to do something that other people are interested in too (and paying money for!). The big 3 markets are health, wealth and relationships, but your niche is going to be a very specific piece of one of those markets (ie "how to pick up girls if you're bald" or "how to cure acne naturally if you're over 40"). The more targeted your niche is, the easier it will be to understand them and their needs...

    Then you'll want to figure out how you're actually going to make money in your niche - and there's hundreds of ways to do that (start a blog, affiliate marketing, write a book, make videos, email marketing or any combination), but obviously you'll want to do whatever fits for you personally. It's just my personal preference, but I prefer affiliate marketing and email marketing (they are also some of the most commonly used ways to make money online).

    Once you've got your plan of what your going to promote and how you're going to promote it in place.....stick to that plan!!! If you bounce around from one thing to another, you won't accomplish much of anything. Spend 80% of your time DOING, and 20% of your time learning.

    Oh, and you will need 3 things. A domain name, hosting and an autoresponder. They're essential if you're going to actually treat this like a business and not just a hobby....and probably essential even if this is a hobby for you.

    Best of luck! And fair warning, please keep both eyes open...there is NOT any magic pill or magic button or fairy dust that will make you rich instantly. Its up to you. You've got to actually take action in order to see results...
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  • Profile picture of the author Viper305
    how can i make money?
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  • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert

    You'll find a lot of information on this forum to get started. Here's some things to look out for when getting started:
    -> Listbuilding: No matter what you do, start building your list from day 1, you'll be glad you did and not building a list instantly is the most common mistake people make when getting started.
    -> Traffic generation. Whether you build a list on your blog, or just set up a squeeze page to build an audience, you'll need traffic. Here's a great thread to egt started with driving traffic: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...ffic-tips.html
    -> Testing. This is a crucial part if you want to make money. You need to test whatever you are doing constantly to ensure you get the best results. Don't underestimate this.

    Hope that helps!
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    • Profile picture of the author cborgrx
      Originally Posted by JensSteyaert View Post


      You'll find a lot of information on this forum to get started. Here's some things to look out for when getting started:
      -> Listbuilding: No matter what you do, start building your list from day 1, you'll be glad you did and not building a list instantly is the most common mistake people make when getting started.
      -> Traffic generation. Whether you build a list on your blog, or just set up a squeeze page to build an audience, you'll need traffic. Here's a great thread to egt started with driving traffic: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...ffic-tips.html
      -> Testing. This is a crucial part if you want to make money. You need to test whatever you are doing constantly to ensure you get the best results. Don't underestimate this.

      Hope that helps!
      Jens hit it right on the head. I have been doing this I.M. thing for three years but just recently started building my list. Do yourself a BIG FAVOR and learn as much as you can about building your own list of followers who have chosen you because of all of the great information that you are going to share with them. Do this right and the money will follow. Just remember that there are no overnight riches here or anywhere else so tune out all of the noise. Good Luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author nazozi
    Welcome to WF! Read up forums and reviews of each topics, tune to your preferred internet marketing style. Do not buy anything that can be found for FREE. Do up some research first! All the best and Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author tourist
    sometime newbies also can become expect
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  • Profile picture of the author fatchap
    List building - for flogging IM products understandable. For hobbies and past times also understandable. For other niches - any point?

    I don't flog IM products ( yet ) , don't have any passion or hobbies I want to spend time and effort writing about. I don't subscibe to many lists even in the IM niche and none at all elsewhere. I concentrate on social interaction - not adverts but listing, liking etc.

    I think my only advice would be start a free blog - weebly or similar - write, write,write and get social. good luck.

    Or if you have a budget, buy wholesale, use amazon FBA and concentrate on driving traiifc to your amazon listing - again social . All business online and offline needs bloody hard work. No magic button to press or software to use.
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  • Profile picture of the author AmericanMuscleTA
    Just get off your butt and do it!

    You can keep reading for eternity trying to learn everything there is to know... but you won't make a dime until you.... Implement what you learn!!!!!!!!!!

    Take risks and live like know one else!

    David Hunter | Duke of Marketing

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