Where to Find Guest Bloggers?

20 replies
Where can I find high quality guest bloggers other than myblogguest?
#bloggers #find #guest
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    I don't know if you know (maybe you do, and that's why you've already excluded it?) but many of MyBlogGuest's sites have understandably been de-indexed by Google, and some of the service's users have unsurprisingly had their own sites penalized.

    Google is firmly committed to identifying and penalizing people who use "services" designed to exploit their ranking algorithms, i.e. "guest blogging for SEO purposes". They say so openly, repeatedly and consistently. It's because of this that many people (entirely wrongly) believe that "Google doesn't like guest blogging". Google likes guest blogging just fine. What it doesn't like is the abuse of guest blogging "for SEO". (Rightly, of course - because the true benefits of guest blogging have nothing to do with SEO at all).

    So you might want to stay away from any other "services", too. (Which is maybe why you asked?).

    I do a lot of guest blogging, and find it very beneficial indeed. This post explains many of the ways I find places to do it. If you're looking for guest bloggers, I think you can apply some of these idea "in reverse", for example by identifying people with sites in your own niche, and approaching them offering them the opportunity. Perceptive marketers will jump at it.

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  • Profile picture of the author nazozi
    For online marketers, that list includes Gregory Ciotti, Danny Iny, Leo Widrich, Neil Patel, Marcus Sheridan, and many others. Using Google search, search for the name of prolific guest bloggers in your industry plus the phrase “guest post by”. This will reveal all of the sites that these guest bloggers have posted upon. They should be good places for you to guest post upon as well. A bonus would be if you actually know a guest blogger in your industry that can make an introduction for you to the owners of blogs they have guest posted upon.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph

    I agree with the posts above - minus FIverr - but would say, building relationships with the top bloggers in your niche will expose you to folks. Now, after you're meeting new people, you'll be able to find matches for your blog.

    Know that top guest bloggers/bloggers spend their time wisely. They'll only guest post on authority sites because it is the best use of their time, for leveraging purposes.

    I'd start commenting on authority blogs from your niche and promoting authority bloggers. Patiently build bonds. People will allow their content to be posted on your site when they trust you, and folks who post really, really good content, and folks who'll drive traffic to your blog through guest posting, need to be wooed.

    We worked for 3, 4 or 5 years or more to build our names and will only post to blogs which are trusted, relevant and which will mutually benefit all parties involved.

    So in an essence, make buddies, by promoting others, and commenting on blogs, and you'll find potential guest bloggers both through the authority blogs themselves....and if your site is really good, and attractive, skilled bloggers will send you guest post requests.

    Come to think of it, before you follow any of the advice listed above, take care of home base. Build an authority blog, boost your social shares, and make it attractive to people who wish to place guest posts, and the emails and social media requests will smoothly flow in.

    All the best.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author michakins
    You can't just say you wanna guest blog on this or that blog. You should not only build relationship with the owner of the blog, you also need to build relationship with the readers you're targeting. You do this through responding to comments and watching what type of posts are receiving the most comments on the blog.

    Before you approach any blogger, consider tweeting, liking and plusing their posts. This is the fastest way to make them recognize you. Don't be aggressive when it comes to guest blogging. Just take it slow! A single guest post can boost your rankings and send you lots of highly targeted leads.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by michakins View Post

      You can't just say you wanna guest blog on this or that blog. You should not only build relationship with the owner of the blog
      Sometimes it helps to read the thread (or at least the OP) before replying, Michael. The OP is the owner of the blog. He's looking for people to provide guest posts for his site, not trying to get his own posts published elsewhere, to which your entire post refers.

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  • Profile picture of the author a2hosting
    Do you have a Contact Us option on your blog? Sometimes the best way to get guest bloggers is to offer a way for them to reach out to you instead of vice versa. With that being said, I'd still be careful:

    The decay and fall of guest blogging for SEO
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  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    I send out 50 emails per week seeking out guest writers in my niche. I get a ton of free content as a result.

    If I find a great article, and the copyright holder isn't interested in syndicating it for free, I make a cash offer... Put $100 for the content (it must be excellent and will do very well on social channels).

    It's a hustle, bit once you have a provider, they provide multiple pieces of content so it gets easier over time.
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
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    • Profile picture of the author KalobTaulien
      Do a search for similar niche sites. For example: you write about technology - look for technology bloggers and contact them. Content curators are often looking for 2 things:
      1) Content to come to them so they can take a break
      2) New places to get their content out.

      I write about a lot of different subjects with a lot of knowledge behind them. Feel free to PM me and maybe we can work something out.

      Kalob from Footrr.com

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  • Profile picture of the author littledan
    I have used bloggerlinkup.com in the past with some success. Once I have had a good guest blogger on my blog I tend to keep in touch with them and build a small team of regular guests rather than having loads of random bloggers.

    Learn how to make more money while working less with high ticket commissions and a top tier business! > www.22s.com/242161 <

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    • Profile picture of the author PinkStar
      I have seen people on Fiverr selling guestblog spots and with guidelines such as what kind of content, minimum amount of words etc. If your blog is popular enough, maybe make a few bucks and get quality posts?
      Move it along folks, nothing to see here
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by littledan View Post

      I have used bloggerlinkup.com in the past with some success.
      I hope and trust you're not still using it now?!

      As explained above, many of MyBlogGuest's sites have already understandably been de-indexed by Google, and some of the service's users have (unsurprisingly) already had their own sites penalized.

      Google is firmly committed to identifying and penalizing people who use "services" designed to exploit their ranking algorithms, i.e. "guest blogging for SEO purposes". They say so openly, repeatedly and consistently. It's because of this that many people (entirely wrongly) believe that "Google doesn't like guest blogging". Google likes guest blogging just fine. What it doesn't like is the abuse of guest blogging "for SEO". (Rightly, of course - because the true benefits of guest blogging have nothing to do with SEO at all).

      So you might want to stay away from any other "services", like that, too?

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      • Profile picture of the author littledan
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        I hope and trust you're not still using it now?!

        As explained above, many of MyBlogGuest's sites have already understandably been de-indexed by Google, and some of the service's users have (unsurprisingly) already had their own sites penalized.

        Google is firmly committed to identifying and penalizing people who use "services" designed to exploit their ranking algorithms, i.e. "guest blogging for SEO purposes". They say so openly, repeatedly and consistently. It's because of this that many people (entirely wrongly) believe that "Google doesn't like guest blogging". Google likes guest blogging just fine. What it doesn't like is the abuse of guest blogging "for SEO". (Rightly, of course - because the true benefits of guest blogging have nothing to do with SEO at all).

        So you might want to stay away from any other "services", like that, too?

        No I haven't used them for a while and I notice their website has changed since I last used them, although I have no idea if their business model is still the same.

        I understand what you say about Google, but I don't see the connection (not blaming you, I'm blaming Google). Ever since Google was created they have this nasty habit of making 2+2=5. They make so many none existent connections. Just because someone is using a service to provide a guest blogger doesn't necessarily mean they are trying to cheat the system. Guess what, and this is a real long shot here, maybe, just maybe they want someone to write a guest blog!!! Shock, Horror. However, I don't imagine that has ever crossed the mighty brains at Google.

        Google is the classic case of being so intelligent with so many mind boggling employees that most of the time it completely misses the bleeding obvious. Hence, their search engine is a joke

        Learn how to make more money while working less with high ticket commissions and a top tier business! > www.22s.com/242161 <

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  • Profile picture of the author Samuel Adams
    Depending on what your niche is, you might be able to locate a good writer on Google+. Check out some more recent posts there of someone who blogs or writes in your niche. You can see actual samples of their writing quality via posts made on their Google+ profile or page. This will let you know if that person is right for you. Then contact them via their page or profile by sending a message and explain what you need. In this way, you can tap the potential of an influence maker. Not only could you end up with a guest blog post but also links back from the influence maker's Google+ which could result in more traffic as they show off their most recent work.

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  • Profile picture of the author mattmajernik37
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by mattmajernik37 View Post

      MyBlogGuest has recently been deindexed by Google, and many of its users are complaining that their own sites have been penalized.

      If you'd read the thread before posting in it, you'd already know that: it's mentioned just above.

      In short, your post here is every bit as helpful and perspicacious as all the other drivel and nonsense posts you've made in this forum over the last few hours to inflate your post-count and get your signature-file on the board as much as possible. I don't think I've ever seen anyone make quite so many completely futile and unhelpful posts in such a short space of time as you have, today.

      And now, apparently, you're even bumping non-current threads in order to do it. That'll make you really popular.

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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        MyBlogGuest has recently been deindexed by Google, and many of its users are complaining that their own sites have been penalized.

        If you'd read the thread before posting in it, you'd already know that: it's mentioned just above.

        In short, your post here is every bit as helpful and perspicacious as all the other drivel and nonsense posts you've made in this forum over the last few hours to inflate your post-count and get your signature-file on the board as much as possible. I don't think I've ever seen anyone make quite so many completely futile and unhelpful posts in such a short space of time as you have, today.

        And now, apparently, you're even bumping non-current threads in order to do it. That'll make you really popular.

        LoL. Here is where he puts his tail between his legs and walks out the back door with his face red like a beet
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  • Profile picture of the author thescribe
    If you're looking for guest writers, first make sure you have a prominent link at the top of your own blog for guest posting. Search for relevant blogs in your niche and build a relationship with the blog owner. Make sure the content is compatible with that on your own sites. In addition, as part of the relationship building process, connect with potential blog owners/guest posters via social media.
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  • Profile picture of the author master reseller
    Put a request in your signature line on any major writer's forum and you are likely to find a blogger for your site. This could also work on an internet marketing forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris30K
    You can always post on Jobs.Problogger.Net

    Chic Fil A > McDonald's

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