What the HELL happened to this forum???

by 101 replies
I have posted about 3 threads asking people for help with adsense and I am getting no more then 10 replies. everything on here now is people trying to show how much they know. It isn't someone asking people for help or advice.

Everything is I made my first sale, How to make $1,000 in a week, how I make 100k a month. That doesn't help me or most other people. And then when someone does post something that is like, please help me with the best way to get people to click my adsense. i get 10 replies and thats it.

I remember this forum used to be so good for helping newbies come up and would have so many people willing to help out anyone that needed it. It has changed so much. WOW!
#main internet marketing discussion forum #forum #happened #hell
  • 10 replies is good!

    You can get a lot of information from 10 replies.

    Maybe consider posting in the Adsense / Adwords / PPC Discussion Forum and you'll get a better response.

    • [1] reply
    • I SHOULD agree, but I disagree.

      Take a look at that section. Hardly anyone viewing it.

      I think we should just have 1 main section, with each post in the main marketing forum, but under a different sub (like the complete websites for sales in the WSO section).

      Just a thought, because the only things which are ever active are the WSO and the Main forum sections. Oh, and the War Room. But the treasures in there are a strict secret
      • [1] reply
  • Because everyone who figured out how to create a Twitter account is now an expert in Internet Marketing?
    • [ 4 ] Thanks
    • [3] replies
    • That's funny.

      It's hard to guess why some threads get juice and other threads
      sink.... aside from the obvious factor that threads where the
      poster brags about how much money he's made in the subject
      line usually get a lot of interest.

      The more technical a thread is the fewer people, in general, will
      have the knowledge to discuss the topic... so try not to focus
      on the quantity of the answers and look at the quality... and if
      somebody seems to know what you would like to know, ask that
      person specific questions so he or she knows what you are
      looking for.

      A great deal of knowledge is here for the asking - but you
      have to think about how to phrase the questions carefully.
    • I know tell me about it, I talk to so many wannbe marketers who think they know everything, if that was the case why aren't they making any money

      If your not making money with marketing you don't know nothing about marketing period
    • LOL, so damn true

  • To be fair, it does get old when the same thread topic is started umpteen times by newbies when with even a quick forum search they could get the answer they're looking for. Do you think it's too much to expect of people to spend a few minutes searching for an answer? I don't. I prefer a forum that has expectations of its members... not just the other way around.

    • [ 23 ] Thanks
    • [3] replies
    • Exactly, and you'll find that when a new topic is brought up that is does get a lot of attention because it is not just going over the same stuff.

      When I was a newbie, I received lots of great help and on retrospect, I did ask one or two questions that were already answered in old threads (before I found out how to use the forum efficiently) and even then, I was treated with patience and given more than sufficient help to answer my question.

      Honestly, I think this forum gets better and better and if you use it properly, you can find out everything you need to really get your business off the ground.

      • [1] reply
    • This post only 4 posts into the thread, and pretty much the best sounding post out of everyone elses.
    • Agreed wholeheartedly but sometimes, especially when looking for answers on the slightly more specific topics, the search function on this forum is practically useless and one of the worst ones I've seen on a public forum. One could type a phrase such as "best location adsense banners" into the quick search function and I'd be willing to bet somehow the "Angela's Backlinks" WSO thread is one of the first three to come up, usually with a bunch of other non-related threads that had been published that very same day.

      Now, using the advanced search function greatly increases the chances of getting what you're looking for.. but a lot of newbies don't use those. I know I've searched at greath lengths on a question I'm sure had been answered before, but to no avail. So I reposed the question, got a a great answer in minutes, and had probably helped 5 other people.

      BUT, to the original poster of this thread.. don't expect too much. 10 replies on a help question is fantastic, usually threads that get any more than that are ones that actually dispense help themselves.
  • I know how you feel. There's some really good warriors that
    give advice and post to help others and not really want anything
    in return, but there are many that post how much they earn, blow their
    horns to kind of build reputation so they can come up with WSO
    to sell to those people
  • Usually you can get good answers with only 1 or 2 replies, so there isn't much of a need to add 37 additional replies with the same good information.

    If 10 replies doesn't answer your questions, I doubt 50 could even help you then.
    • [ 3 ] Thanks
  • Eh. Sometimes I get 0 replies and 1 view, actually, even if I use google to search the forums thoroughly for an answer before posting, hahaha.

    I was surprised to see I had actual replies on my last thread I posted, though.

    I guess it depends on the people that are on at the time.
    • [1] reply
    • Hi Jim...

      I thought you gave up a few months ago, glad to see you're back.

      You were here B4, you know how it is, ask a simple question and the new members looking to get their post count up will be all over it.

      Not much has changed...

      Just do some searches and you'll find it.

      A good Adsense GURU is here...

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • [DELETED]
  • I haven't checked but did you post it in the right forum?

    The main forum is as the description says: "Where We Talk About Making Money". Not where we ask questions about AdSense.

    That's why Allen created a whole separate forum to discuss and ask questions about AdSense:

    Adsense / PPC / SEO Discussion Forum

    As the description so clearly states for the AdSense forum:

    "This section is for discussion about Adsense and Adword strategies, techniques, ideas...etc. Please keep all posts on topic and we'll see how this goes."

    And yes this forum gets more eye balls than the AdSense forum but that's where the actual AdSense experts are hanging out so you might get much better responses about the subject matter. You don't need 100 replies just 1 that offers the correct info to get it going.
    • [1] reply
    • Why are you moaning and groaning about the fact you "only" got a little bit of help?

      I want to ask you two blunt questions:

      1) Have you taken ACTION on the answers you were given?

      2) Have you given help to others on this forum?

      What goes around comes around, so if you contribute to others, one way or another you will get your share of help.

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [ 6 ] Thanks
    • [4] replies
    • HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA OMG* that was funny

      *(Oh My Gosh ) in case you were wondering
    • LMAO

      You just knocked off a lot of next week's WSO traffic. Hahahahahahahaha.

    • That was freakin hilarious!

      Kudos for unveiling your secret tactics!!


    • lmao! You know the old saying: "You can lead a horse to water..."
  • ~30 responses answering your original questions about adsense...

    WOW! is right - lots of people stepping up. Time to use the information and put it to use.
  • I can't believe that someone would come to the forum ask a question, get 10 answers and then start a post bitching about how people aren't going out of their way to help them.


    Since when did the world owe you an income?

    This forum is STILL FULL of amazing people and when a real call for genuine help is put out - this forum is the best there is.

    Asking people to lay your business out of a plate for you and then bitching when we don't all line up to spend our time doing your thinking for you says a lot more about you than the forum.
    • [ 34 ] Thanks
    • [3] replies
    • Agreed...

      Noticed the OP hasn't replied yet, though I do remember the same kind of negative attitude from you Jim, a while ago.

      I think then you vowed to "Quit IM" and never come back.

      Did you even listen to any of the advice you back received then?

    • Andy,

      LMBO! Don't bring Him into it. He didn't have anything to do with it.

      Seriously though, I appreciate you stating what you did before I got to do it.

      Sometimes I don't quite understand where these people come from!


      Well, hope this thread satisfied your need for attention!
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
      • [1] reply
    • Has the OP vanished, or is he just overwhelmed by receiving more than 10 responses? There are a lot of good points being made here, I'd be interested in hearing his response (unless he quit IM forever again).

      This is so true! Some days I get a feeling of deja-vu when I see the new questions. The "What's the best Autoresponder?" threads, the "I'm overwhelmed, where do I start?" question, the "Help - I need to make 1000 bucks by next Tuesday" pleas - they are all great questions but they have been asked (and answered) dozens of times already.

      Is it surprising that the senior members don't leap up and respond to every "how do I build my list" question they see? I know that I love helping other members, but it can get tiring answering the same question you responded to last week.

      Very true - do you really need 10 responses all the time? If you're starting a debate (which this thread isn't as we all seem to be on the same side) then I can understand wanting a lot of responses, but if you want to know how to do something then one correct answer should be all you need. Besides, most of the other answers will probably just be newbies building up their post count.

      I completely agree with everything Andy wrote, and especially this line. This is by far the best IM forum in the world. It's a community, a place where you can interact with others who have similar goals to your own. It's a give and take arrangement - you don't just use it as a personal research service (that's what Google is for). I have not only gained a wealth of information here, I have also made friends with other Warriors around the globe. My biggest regret is not having joined earlier.

      • [1] reply
  • Banned
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks Andy.

      Thanks Sudhir, that's the quality that keeps newbies on the sh** list.

      • [1] reply
  • Ok, I just have to reply to this thread.....

    I'm satisfied with 2 replies and you're complaining about 10 replies??? WOW.
  • Wow Jim I thought you were gone forever. I think I recommended that you try something else since you weren't having any success. I was on Warrior Forum back when you had that thread about quitting IM and I don't think the Forum has changed much at all. I would even say it is getting better all the time! I am always learning new things here.
  • There is still TONS of information to help newbies here. So much so that its information overload.

    The forum has changed over the last few years in that it is fragmented more into subtopics, which is great. I think this is the best forum on the internet, especially with the way in which you can search for just about any IM topic you'd like with just keywords. I've been on many other forums with no search functions at all.

    Sounds like you need to just lurk in the adsense portion of this forum and ask your questions there. Don't rip on the forum as a whole when its your lack of navigation that that is most likely holding you back.
  • You got more than 10 replies on this thread...

    Mike Hill
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Okay, that was funny. LOL

      Seriously, forums go through changes all the time. I've been hanging out here a little over two years. It IS different than it was 2 years ago, but I'm still happy to come here and get a free education on every aspect of IM.
  • Things are constantly changing, so it is ridiculous to think that the forum is going to be the same 6 months from now or even a month from now. The same holds true for Internet Marketing. Things are always changing, and we have to be able to adapt to change in this business. Heck, 10 years from now, Google could be replaced by the next hottest thing in search engines. You just have to be flexible to change with the times. Twitter is one of the hottest social media sites now, but it was not long ago when Myspace was all the rage.

    As I said in my previous post, I actually think Warrior Forum is better now. You joined about the same time I did, so I've seen changes here just like you have.
  • There is so much free help here I think it's too much sometimes for the newbies, imformation overload is a bad thing, and I think that is what has happened here with you.
  • I know I ask way too many questions, but I get a majority of them answered. I'm not really expecting 2-3 pages of responses, though. Plus with my first profit, I'm going to reinvest in the war room, like several people mentioned doing. Also, the search is my friend. My search-fu is improving and allot of my personal FAQs are answered by going through some of the older posts.
  • You need to give 'thanks' to the replies.

    If you get 10 replies, add thanks to every reply.

    This way you will get many replies.
  • Hi Jim,

    I know how you feel...

    Posing questions and not getting the answers you wanted...

    There can be two types of responses to this from you...

    Start a thread like this


    move on to figure out what else you can do...

    As suggested, use the search feature to find exactly what you want,
    or go google to look for what you want
    or buy some products that can give you want you want...

    I think life has to move on and we have to take ownership
    of what has happened...

    This is the true mindset of a successful marketer...

    I think for many successful marketers out there, they
    could have similar experience like yours...asking for help
    and no (or very few) people helped them....

    What do they do?

    They move on and created their successful business today...
    by working really hard and taking ownership of their lives.

    My 2 cents,
  • Banned
  • Paul Myers is right. Not only did the OP's post insult everyone here, but so did his subject line.

    I clicked on it because of the subject line only to find someone whining and griping about how "only" 10 people responded to his questions in another thread. Are you kidding me??? Ten responses is still quite a lot and knowing the Warriors here, probably contained a lot of very useful content.

    This is THE Internet marketing forum and really the most helpful place on IM ever. I can't believe someone would gripe about getting "only" 10 responses. Sheesh!

    • [1] reply
    • Oh boo hoo hoo............So some people feel like they are a little insulted by the OP. Well get over yourselves already. GEEEESSSSHHH !!!
      Frankly, the OP point does indeed have some validity to his point. I can relate to some degree with what he is saying.

      But Jim, like someone said go to the Adsense Section and it will be better to post there.

      I know it can be frustrated when you dont feel like you are getting the answers you need. But like anything in Life it does take some time and effort to really find out what you need.

      This is definitely one of the best places to learn that is for sure.

      Just keep at it !!!
      Peace !!
  • Banned
  • With 47 replies and over 1,000 views so far for this thread - I don't know what you are complaining about (lol).

  • Perhaps this forum should have several sticky pointing to informative threads that newbies can go to.
    • [4] replies
    • I would think you'd only need to take action on ONE good reply to get results.

      Kindest regards,
      Andrew Cavanagh
      • [ 1 ] Thanks

    • Thats a great idea! It would save alot of folks from asking the same questions day in and day out..

      The only thing is, someone would have to put a guide together that is addresses newbie questions...
    • They did for a while actually...Not sure what happened, but the post is still available...

      Here's the link...

      New? -- Read This! > This is Ebbi's post to help us newbies get started here in the Forum.

    • I don't post much but even I had to reply on this. I have the exact opposite problem. I am usually overwhelmed by all that goes on here. I do know that since I'm going to try IM again I need to plug in here with the Warriors. If the answer is not here then there is no answer anywhere.

  • This reminds me of a well know quotation
    with apologies for a small adaptation:

    "Ask now what this forum can do for you
    but rather what you can do for this forum"

    With a spike in the influx of new members
    the forum's focus has changed. As a result
    it's more difficult to answer lots of questions.

    I'd suggest that the more experienced Warriors
    are perhaps being more selective. I know that
    I'm much more likely to help people who have
    demonstrated an ability to help themsleves
    over those who don't seem to have done even
    a basic search.

    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Roger,

    Thank you for yet another great "tell it as it is" post.

    For anyone who cares to pay attention, please note
    the amount of research and preparation that Roger
    put into his response.

    Then you might realise how, if the OP has the balls
    to take the feedback on board, how Roger's post
    could really help him to break through his current
    limited thinking.

    • [ 2 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Hi John,

      I haven't finished yet

      Hi Jim,

      (your follow up post)

      I don't want to say that comment was predictable of someone with the entitlement attitude, but there's a tribe....

      As has been explained, the reason why people are answering here is because they are fed up of people like you. Does that not tell you something? Do you enjoy making people fed up? Does it make you feel better about your own failure that you can interfere with other peoples' success?

      You think you are in a position to tell the good people of this forum what they should be doing? Don't make me laugh.

      As far as I know, no-one here made that 'video.' It's a website I like to use to *help* others. It delivers a lesson. The lesson is -

      'You could have used google to find the answer to your question rather than wasting pixels here AND by doing so, you would have just taken one MASSIVE step towards success in business.'

      No-one can hold your hand all the way to the top. A massive percentage of people fail in business because they don't have the tenacity to stick it out through the tough stuff. I've been sticking it out through tough stuff for six and half years full time. It's still tough now, that hasn't changed. But you don't see me whingeing on here about how tough it is. I relish the challenge.

      Success NEVER falls into peoples' laps. And if it might appear to have done so, then it will never last. Success is like personal fitness. It has to be earned, and you have to KEEP earning it, otherwise it disappears and finds a more deserving person to attach itself to.

      This post isn't for you Jim - you're a lost cause in all probablility. It's for the others who may have seen your posts and might think that they can get away with the same ineptitude and entitlement mentality and outright selfishness.

      It's not just about the forum. It's also about what you need to succeed - long term. And if someone has the same attitude as you, they will never succeed. They will only ever be someone's employee, someone's lackey - and a poor, whingeing, useless one at that. Their only skill in life will be to make excuses and to blame others for their failures.

      I was when I linked someone to lmgtfy.com and I am by posting this. But it only looks like help to those who are genuinely looking for help - not those who are only here to spread their negativity around like a dirty protest, because they are so angry with themselves at their utter lack of self motivation and initiative.
      • [ 5 ] Thanks
      • [1] reply
  • Roger... dude... you are a total riot. If I could buy you a Bass right now, I'd buy you a dozen.
    • [1] reply
    • Hi Michael,

      Bass? Is that Bass Bitter? I think that's made by M&B which (coincidentally) is in my old home city of 'Brum'.

      I don't do bitter, I'm a weak, fizzy lager man. As my German friend said to me - 'it's like a combination of German beer....and water.' Lol.

      But thanks.

      I do want to point to John's point above. My intention is not to drive Jim away, but actually the opposite - to put some fire in his belly. When I say 'you're a lost cause in all probablility' - that's a challenge.

      I hope the general forum populous can see the method in my madness. This 'style' was taught to me by my greatest life-mentor, who saved me (at a young age) from a life of certain humiliation, cowardice, weakness, frustration and failure.

      He himself learnt the style from his father, a true Yorkshire coal miner, who allegedly started him young by saying -

      'Jump off the wall and I'll catch you son.'

      Then he moved away and watched him hit the ground.

      He followed up with - 'First lesson in life, lad - never blindly trust anyone.'

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
      • [2] replies
  • I've noticed a few essay replies with waffle in hope that people will look at their sigs. As the saying goes...

    "An empty barrel makes the most noise"
    • [1] reply
    • I have read some great responses in this thread, in "discussion style" which makes for some of the best threads in my opinion but sorry, your post is total crap.. sorry, I would normally be nicer and explain myself more but I am choosing to post this response "Roger Style" because his posts in this thread made sooooo much sense.. so there it is..
      • [2] replies
  • Jim,

    I keep asking myself Why in the name of God do you want to make 0,6$ with Adsense when you can make $25 with tested IM techniques you can learn here for free.
  • That is one of the problems with forums like this with most visitors. You are lucky people aren't saying "MY NEW PRODUCT ANSWERS THAT ALL, CLICK HERE!"! Then again, such posts are generally not allowed here. One wonders what would happen if they were.

    There ALSO used to be a requirement, that people should have easily figured out, that access was to be to purchasers of some of alan says products and services. so it was SOMEWHAT exclusive. nOW, EVERYONE can get in, etc...

  • Geez, Roger ... stop holding back! Will you PLEASE just tell us how you feel?

    Honestly though, that was one helluva great post (parts 1 and 2).
    You definitely expressed what many of us feel.

    I'm not sure how old the OP is, so I'm going to assume he's young (under 25) .. which is the generation of the "ME, ME, ME, It's all about ME" people. Obviously, there are exceptions to that as there are many young entrepreneurs here at the WF who are doing a wonderful job. But this OP, as demonstrated by Roger's sleuthing skills, is someone who obviously won't be going far in life if all he does is whine, moan, groan, and expect others to do the work for them.

    Oh well, his loss. More profits out there for us!
  • I spend more time reading here than posting. Anyway, I've seen repeated threads day in, day out. Why not use the search function to start with? You may have to sift through a lot of threads, but that's how things are. You need to look for the answers yourself. People are not obliged to give you or me or anybody the answers. If they offer their help, great. If they don't, then go do your homework. At least you tried.
  • I've been able to find some good information on any
    question I've had. I've never gotten the chance to
    post because I did a little research here and found
    some concrete answers I could use.
  • If I really want /need an answer, I offer cash.

    Doing so normally gets lots of help or atleast one good answer.
  • So, are you going to post a 4th and 5th and 6th time? I could have answered, but my answer would have been useless because I don't know jack about AdSense. In other words, it's better to look at the QUALITY of the answers as opposed to the QUANTITY (UNLESS you are more interested in attention than results).

    That totally contradicts your first sentence. If nobody is answering then how can they all be trying to show you how much they know?

    What forum are you on? People are asking for help and advice all the time. Just like you said you have done in at least 3 previous posts.

    How do you know what helps other people? Seems like you are assuming everyone else is a carbon copy of you.

    That is your experience. Some threads that ask for help get 0 responses, some get 100s - stop taking it so freakin' personally. At least you got responses. BUT, here's the thing...apparently you know what answer you are looking for (because it seems the answers you have received aren't fitting the bill).

    So, instead of whining about not getting enough responses (read: the right response), why not start a thread where you OFFER the advice. If nothing else, you could explain what hasn't worked for you, that will help others from making the same mistakes.

    Yep, all you need to do is look at the 1st post in this thread to see evidence of that.

    However, look under you picture and you will find the most likely cause of your perceived "problem". What am I referring to? Where it says, "Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post". What I mean is, how much have you contributed to the forum? I don't know you, and you may be a decent guy, but right now you are coming across as someone who feels the world owes you a favor - it doesn't, we don't. But there's a difference: we are willing to help; it's up to you to accept that help or throw it back in our faces because it's not what you want to hear. Unfortunately, it looks as though you have chosen the latter.

    All the best,
  • Let them toot their horns about how much they made, Sometimes they detail exactly what they did instead of holding it close to their vest.

    I have learned SO much stuff on this forum in this section, that would rival alot of what is in those $97 ebooks. Stuff that helps newbies and veteran IMers. I have to agree with the other poster who said that 10 replies is alot.
  • Jim, There is great value to the posts here that have been directed back to YOU. You can get mad about some of the comments or realize that all these Warriors cared enough to make their comments and hopefully help you to improve your attitude. Remember, these Warriors didn't have to make any comments at all.

    Sincerely, diger
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I think this is great place with all kinds of info...but if you really need to find something you just got to search. Very simple.

    Here is new thread for Adsense http://www.warriorforum.com/adsense-...s-learned.html check it out...
  • Venting your spleen on the forum members will not get your problem solved. You will do well for yourself if you adhere to the advice already given in this thread.
  • You need to keep in mind that the people using this forum have changed in the last 6 to 12 months since the economy in so many countries nose dived. That naturally changes the forum. For good for bad? I'm not in a position to say.

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  • 142

    I have posted about 3 threads asking people for help with adsense and I am getting no more then 10 replies. everything on here now is people trying to show how much they know. It isn't someone asking people for help or advice. Everything is I made my first sale, How to make $1,000 in a week, how I make 100k a month. That doesn't help me or most other people. And then when someone does post something that is like, please help me with the best way to get people to click my adsense. i get 10 replies and thats it.