Is there a way to search WF .....

3 replies
specifically in the titles? I wanted to search for posts that mention "gravity" but only in the title. Searching for "gravity" in posts gives me results that are all over the place and not necessarily what I want.
  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fletcher
    If you go to search -> advanced search. Then under the keywords box there's a drop down. Change that to "In title only" and you're good to go.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ryan700
      Originally Posted by Andy Fletcher View Post

      If you go to search -> advanced search. Then under the keywords box there's a drop down. Change that to "In title only" and you're good to go.
      Thanks, I don't know how I missed that!
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      • Profile picture of the author defy
        You have to be logged in for the search function to show up. Maybe you looked before you were logged in.

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