Becoming an IM blogger

by hennen
22 replies
After almost five years of blogging, I feel like I have enough experience to start and internet marketing blog. I have a name picked out and a logo designed. I'm getting ready to launch the site.

For all IM bloggers, what are your top traffic sources (I heard Pinterest is huge for this), and what is your overall tips for going into this niche? Also, how much are you making per month?

  • Profile picture of the author Elvis Michael
    One of the main things (and it should go without saying) is to provide quality.

    Now, don't take that word for granted. It's not just about knowing the subject, but rather about going above and beyond with each blog post. Even if the post takes you over 15 hours to research and write. Gather quotes, facts, statistics, whatever it takes to make it pop. Ask questions, provide answers, interview someone -- whatever it takes to ensure that every single article stands out.

    Once you're done and the post is published, don't just move onto the next one in hopes that "if you build it, they will come." Ideally, you should spend about 20% of your time composing the article and about 80% of the time promoting it heavily.

    This article should give you an idea on the promotion part:
    How to Get 5,000 Visitors to Your Next Blog Post
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    • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
      Originally Posted by Elvis Michael View Post

      One of the main things (and it should go without saying) is to provide quality.

      Now, don't take that word for granted. It's not just about knowing the subject, but rather about going above and beyond with each blog post. Even if the post takes you over 15 hours to research and write. Gather quotes, facts, statistics, whatever it takes to make it pop. Ask questions, provide answers, interview someone -- whatever it takes to ensure that every single article stands out.

      Once you're done and the post is published, don't just move onto the next one in hopes that "if you build it, they will come." Ideally, you should spend about 20% of your time composing the article and about 80% of the time promoting it heavily.

      This article should give you an idea on the promotion part:
      How to Get 5,000 Visitors to Your Next Blog Post

      Agreed on your first set of tips. Create value and quality. It is never about trying to show how much you know about the subject, but more so on how to create good information to share with them that's the key,

      80% should be about porting it heavily. Best of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph


    Create value, and spend most of your time, when you're not polishing your writing skills, posting in-depth, 5 paragraph or longer comments, on the top IM blogs. Promote top IM bloggers.

    I've made outreach the foundation of my current promoting campaign, and have scored testimonials from NY Times Best Selling Authors, million dollar earners and other wildly successful bloggers, for my eBook. My blog is gaining serious traction too

    Help the top folks in your niche succeed if you want to succeed. After reading their posts, you'll learn from the best IMers out there. Then, promote the stuffing out of these folks and do a smash up job posting comment on their site to make friends with them, and to get your name out there.

    When the pros promote you - because you're writing daily, and publishing long, smart posts 2 or 3 times weekly - then your IM blog takes off.

    Give whatever you wish to have, and surround yourself with IM leaders, to cut down your learning curve for 3 to 5 years.

    All the best.

    Signing off from Savusavu, Fiji.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author Mcfoxr

      Congrats for this giant step.

      This forum is the first and one of the best ways to start. Be active and committed.

      For the traffic aspect check out this post Here.

      The principle is all thesame.

      Hope this helps
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      • Profile picture of the author hennen
        Originally Posted by talktotop View Post


        Congrats for this giant step.

        This forum is the first and one of the best ways to start. Be active and committed.

        For the traffic aspect check out this post Here.

        The principle is all thesame.

        Hope this helps
        Thanks, that post helped a lot.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyPlan
    Check out Google+ as many people who are interested in SEO (and also internet marketing) are there to learn from others. You can get included in some relevant groups and market your blog via your own page or profile there. LinkedIn is another relevant place for IM related groups that would allow you to link back to your own blog (from the signature line of articles you post there in groups).
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  • you can also use Facebook pages, they are very active and they drive so many traffic.
    Other sources: twitter, instagram
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  • Profile picture of the author seo3659
    check some PPV sites, there are biggest traffic sources
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Villanueva
    Hey Hennen,

    I personally do both paid and organic traffic for my blog. I optimize my blog post and monetize it accordingly. I have my youtube channel and forum marketing with signature as well.

    Facebook ppc, solo ads and wso are my main paid ads to scale my business faster.

    You must understand that traffic comes from everywhere and putting your content or squeeze page in as many targeted eyes as possible is the key in the IM world.

    But organic and paid works hand in hand like yin and yang because organic is for long term and paid is to scale you business bigger.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gh0zt
    Google often give out free adWords credits - so do other ad companys - try to take advantage of some of these, they are an awesome traffic source.

    Forum marketing and blog marketing (connecting and sharing with other bloggers) and social media marketing (twitter, pintrest, fb) will be massive traffic sources for you if you do things right

    Good luck, crack on with it

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  • Profile picture of the author Mcfoxr
    Furthermore Henen,

    As you go about getting established in the IM world, do not forget to build your list from the onset. This is crucial and highly important.

    In building the list, you can include an optin form on your site and give a freebie as a bait in exchange for your site visitor's email and ensure you have a good funnel in place.

    Another way of building the list is by creating a product that is a solution to a major problem within a forum. Contribute and give highly informative comments in the forums. With your squeeze page link as your signature, you tend to get more exposure.

    Due to the fact you are recognized and give good information, people will tend to click your link and possibly optin into your list after which they are redirected to your sales page for that product or any other related affiliate product if you do not want to go through the route of product creation. A lot of people shy away from creating product.

    Just felt like adding this.

    Hope this helps again
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    • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
      Originally Posted by talktotop View Post

      Furthermore Henen,

      As you go about getting established in the IM world, do not forget to build your list from the onset. This is crucial and highly important.

      In building the list, you can include an optin form on your site and give a freebie as a bait in exchange for your site visitor's email and ensure you have a good funnel in place.

      Another way of building the list is by creating a product that is a solution to a major problem within a forum. Contribute and give highly informative comments in the forums. With your squeeze page link as your signature, you tend to get more exposure.

      Due to the fact you are recognized and give good information, people will tend to click your link and possibly optin into your list after which they are redirected to your sales page for that product or any other related affiliate product if you do not want to go through the route of product creation. A lot of people shy away from creating product.

      Just felt like adding this.

      Hope this helps again

      Yes, don't ever forget to build your list from the get go. It'll eventually grow from time to time as you get more visitors.
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      • Profile picture of the author hennen
        Originally Posted by internetmarketer1 View Post

        Yes, don't ever forget to build your list from the get go. It'll eventually grow from time to time as you get more visitors.
        What the best service for email marketing?
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  • Profile picture of the author carcin0genic
    Search Engines, Facebook, StumbleUpon, and Pinterest for traffic.

    I mix it up between value posts and review posts around buyer keywords. Obviously the longer the content the quicker authority is gained. I personally don't publish under 1,000 words.
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    • Profile picture of the author hennen
      Originally Posted by carcin0genic View Post

      Search Engines, Facebook, StumbleUpon, and Pinterest for traffic.

      I mix it up between value posts and review posts around buyer keywords. Obviously the longer the content the quicker authority is gained. I personally don't publish under 1,000 words.
      If you write such long articles, how often do you post?
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      • Profile picture of the author hennen
        Has anybody made a 6 figure income of IM blogging?
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  • Profile picture of the author bennie07
    Hennen, you may want to look at the link below in reference to traffic sources:

    Get Thousands of Visitors To Your Next Blog Post | Content Champion
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewStark
    Marketing will be more important than the content as you can spend days writing the best possible content but if no-one reads it then you've wasted your time.

    Conversely some of the worst writing ends up being popular as the blog owner knows how to generate traffic. For me when it comes to information I like to see and read personal blogs rather than magazine style sites as to me it gives more of a genuine feel.

    Ultimately you may get the best results from writing on the established blogs and build up your own following this way?
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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    Twitter remains a superior source for all forms of traffic. It's very easy to engage and build a following on Twitter.
    Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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  • Profile picture of the author karlstech
    I see many great posts here and all of them are helping me with my own online business (am in the infant stage so to speak) but I would like to know more about the email list or subscription, could someone explain it and how to effectively implement it into your business?

    Thank you and good luck to you hennen!
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  • Profile picture of the author karlstech
    I see many great posts here and all of them are helping me with my own online business (am in the infant stage so to speak) but I would like to know more about the email list or subscription, could someone explain it and how to effectively implement it into your business?

    Thank you and good luck to you hennen!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ferzy
    I think it's more important to find an untapped niche in the internet marketing area - since it is so crowded, than focus on creating a general im blog and driving traffic from the same sources everyone else does.
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