Create a New Product Even If You Is Pattin a Poor Persons Butt!

2 replies
Howdy folks! Ole Thad's back with a bit of info some folks might need!

I've seen quite a few questions about creatin new products and how to find the info. Well, you don't have to know a thang about a product to create somthin but you DO have to create a product what provides a solution to a problem! You see, folks don't want to buy something just so's they can help you make money. Now, I ain't never understood that but it is what it is! So, that bein the case you is gonna have to be givin them a quality product.

Now as to HOW you find the info you need to be creatin that product, well, there are quite a few places. Have you ever gone into a bookstore and seen them cheat sheets what tell you how to do just about anything. They is usually on their own rack and they cover near ever dadgum subject you could thank of. Those would be good!

Go on down to your local Goodwill or St. Vincent de Paul and go through their books section. I have found quite a few books in them sections what date back to the 1800's. They can be a treasure trove of info. You might be findin some info what has been forgotten over the years. You might be findin an old book that tells folks how to survive in the wilderness. What folks would know best about wilderness survival than them dadgum pioneers? I have also found quite a few recipe books from the late 1800's and early 1900's. Those might have some dandy recipes to be makin some mighty fine concoctions! (I have my own recipe for makin a mighty fine concocotion but that there is another story)

Have you ever thought bout interviewin some experts and recordin the interview? You could also be makin a transcript out of it and give folks both of them! It could be somthin simple like, "How To Fix A Flat" or somethin like that. Just because you know how to change a tare don't mean all folks do. You could even add video to show em how.

How's about outsourcin the report? Why, Ole Thad has had many a report written for me. I have a really good writer who charges me somewhere in the area of $100 for a 6,000 word report. She is a mighty find writer and her work has always been excellent! I have sold many of those reports as PLR and made a dollar or two off them.

I have a mighty good friend named Kevin Riley. If you can get that fellar to stop wearin those mankini's and actin the fool, he is a mighty fine product creator. In fact, I am purty sure he is fixin to come out with a product that talks about just that. You be watchin for it!

The main thang is this... know what you is writin about! If you is writin a report on, "How To Load the Dishwasher" don't just tell them to get their wife drunk. Give em good, factual, useful, top-quality information. Have you ever heard that ole sayin that goes, "You can give a man a fish and feed him oncet or you can give him a bunch a dynomite and have him go catch a bunch of em... fish, that is! Have you heard it? Well, that ain't got a diddlysquat to do with what I am talkin about but I shore do like the sayin!

Just about any of you folks can create a mighty fine product. Now if you walk your young son or daughter to school because you and them is in the same grade then you might have some problems but other than that you should do just fine!
#butt #create #pattin #persons #poor #product
  • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
    Originally Posted by Thaddaeus T. Hogg View Post

    I have also found quite a few recipe books from the late 1800's and early 1900's. Those might have some dandy recipes to be makin some mighty fine concoctions! (I have my own recipe for makin a mighty fine concocotion but that there is another story)
    I'll point out something on this note - some of those ingredients are no longer available on the market in some of those older books, so some tinkering will be needed to update them.

    On another note - I just discovered today that Tito's vodka is gluten free. I'm not gluten free - but come across many people who are...

    "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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    • Profile picture of the author Thaddaeus T. Hogg
      Originally Posted by Jill Carpenter View Post

      I'll point out something on this note - some of those ingredients are no longer available on the market in some of those older books, so some tinkering will be needed to update them.

      On another note - I just discovered today that Tito's vodka is gluten free. I'm not gluten free - but come across many people who are...
      Howdy Jill! We used to trap glutens down by the ole pond! I'm sorry to hear that you have em at your place but just ask them folks who ARE gluten free how they got rid of them!
      Thaddaeus T. Hogg, The Hillbilly Marketeer
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