3 Great Tips To Keep Your Focus While Working Your Online Business
+Method of Operation- Make A Schedule or Deadline
Using your time efficiently is a big part of being productive. Use planners, software or calendars (Google Calendar) to stay on track.
Use the Countdown Clock/Calendar method to create urgency
+Create A Checklist
A checklist is keeps you organized and insures accountability that you will get done what needs to be done for the day. Use A hard copy checklist- an electronic checklists tends to be easily forgotten- if it is out of sight it is usually out of mind ..So keep it next to your computer during working hours.
+Prioritize Your Income Producing Activities
If it earns the most it is most important...
Organize your IPA's on your checklist
in the order that makes you the most income for you.
Don't mistake movement for achievement. It's easy to get faked
out by being busy. - Jim Rohn
What keeps you focused? Please reply with your thoughts and tips