Top 50 States by Products Purchased - Amazon Affiliates

3 replies
So here are the top items sold off of eBay par state, some ideas to build niches off for you new and old users. Amazon stores, etc.

What Does Your State Buy the Most on eBay?
#affiliates #amazon #products #purchased #states #top
  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    The contradictions would throw off any marketer. You'd expect Utah to buy baby stuff
    and New York to buy less firearms. You can't always go by expectations. TEST
    trumps everything in this business.

    From there, eBay figured out which items shoppers buy on its site the most, in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. Curious revelations abound, like the fact that firearms are the most popular in New York, even though the state has one of the toughest gun laws in America. North Carolina buys the most baby products (despite not having the highest birth rate— that would be Utah), while the paranoid folks of Oregon buy the most security and surveillance items.
    -Ray Edwards
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Williams
    I can't say the Oregon one surprises me. Lots of pot
    growers, not to mention paranoid rednecks. The cities
    are full of hippies and the country is full of those that
    are certain the government will take their land...

    The New York one is definitely surprising to me though.

    Colorado buying hydroponic supplies is probably not a
    surprise to anyone, for obvious reasons.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sojourn
    This is great stuff!

    I'm thinking this information could be used even further. For example, it puzzles me why Arizona's top eBay purchase would be flowers. Is it because our local market for flowers isn't as strong as the selection on eBay?

    If that's true, could you figure out which flowers were the most purchased by Arizonans on eBay and then do some posts discussing flower prices in Arizona and showing competitive affiliate offers?

    That's what strikes me with each state. Why? Why that product? Is there a gap between price or is the gap local availability and then how do you leverage that to your advantage? Lots of ideas come to mind!
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