19 replies
I need some help for the steps to start in internet marketing.
#internet #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    What kind of website do you have? I would recommend SEO for long term results but Facebook & Youtube are good ways to reach people as well.


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  • Profile picture of the author kb24
    read as much as you can here come up with a plan and stick to it..
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    First understand that internet marketing is simply an advertising medium and a very powerful one when used right.

    First you need to know what you are going to sell, either your own products and services or become an affiliate for others.

    Do you have any ideas in mind of what your actually going to sell?
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  • Profile picture of the author RayanBel
    I need some tips to start working in internet ,is email marketing +click bank is good way to win money i'am new in this field.
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    • Profile picture of the author cborgrx
      You need to read a lot and soak up everything like a sponge. Then what you will learn is that the money is in the list. So why not mosey on over to the email list section and hang around there for a while. Just remember to dish out quality material and build a relationship with your followers and the money will follow. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    Yes email marketing + clickbank is a good start

    Sounds like you could use someone to show you the basics of business and marketing. I would look for a good person to learn from before you do anything else.

    What I do an time I want to master something new is find someone who is currently doing what I want to do, then get some training maybe even coaching from them.

    Make sure you are very careful about who you learn from so take some time to do some research before picking something.
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    • Profile picture of the author RayanBel
      Thanks for your reply .where i can found the needed steps to start this business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Franck Silvestre
    Here we go: Treat this as a real business. I mean that you will need to advertise to get traffic to your offers.

    Step 1: Find your niche.

    Step 2: Become an expert in your niche (you don't need to know everything. All you need to do is to know more than the AVERAGE person).

    Step 3: Start building your list.

    Step 4: Sell something to your list.

    Step 5: Sell more awesome thing to people in your list who already purchased your stuff in step 4.

    Step 6: Network with other marketers in your niche (Skype, Facebook, offline...)

    Step 7: Get affiliates promoting your stuff for you, do SEO for you, send emails for you, set up PPC campaigns for you and sending you tons of sales and subscribers.

    Step 8: Tweak your funnel to increase the visitor value.

    Step 9: Get a mentor to go to the next level (or get into a mastermind group in your niche).

    Step 10: Get out of your business, let others work for you.

    Step 11: print the above!

    Former Body Guard, Now REAL Traffic & List Building Coach
    >> HOT WSO: Six Figure Solo Sellers <<

    Winson Yeung said: "...Definitively A++ recommended WSO"
    Kevin Riley said: "Franck, glad to see you bringing out MORE and MORE GREAT stuff"
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    • Profile picture of the author RayanBel
      Thanks Franck
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  • Profile picture of the author trendier
    You could also do ebay or amazon, and make your own store. For example, let's say someone buys an item off of you. You could send them an email referring them to your store on your own domain. This way you don't pay ebay commission and you get a return customer(hopefully!).
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  • Profile picture of the author FunMakingMoney
    Hi. What would you like to market in the internet?
    I think this is the first step...hihi...
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Read up on these forums, read up on blogs like charlesngo.com
    Figure out what type of,products you are interesting in promoting and which traffic sores interest you
    Then read up on them more
    Jump in and start with your own campaigns while you continue to read and ask questions

    Sorry, I know this isn't step by step, but making money online typically isn't step by step
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  • Profile picture of the author jimvol
    Step one- Figure out what you want to be online... (Millionaire doesn't count)... you are going to be.. what

    Step two- Start working on your brand IMMEDIATELY. Forget the bizop or the product you are going to promote.. you need to worry about your brand.. this step includes setting up your blog, auto responder, etc etc.

    Step three- build your email list....

    Step four- continue building your list AND building a relationship with your list...

    Step five- Sell subtlety to your list..

    NEVER forget the 90/10 rule... 90% content 10% selling... some may even say 95% content 5% selling.

    The point is to engage and get people to stay on your site and build faith and trust in you.

    Then PROMOTE... but do it the way a friend would.


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    • Profile picture of the author marthaross
      Hi. Good thing you're into internet marketing. It's a trend this year and in the upcoming years. And you're in the right place to ask. Anyway, internet marketing is a full-time task. Like an ordinary office work, you have to be on it for a couple of hours. You've got to know SEO, SMO, digital advertising... and a lot more if you want to go along the trend. Just keep on learning.
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    • Profile picture of the author RayanBel
      What example of brand that i should create, i'am interested in weight loss .is email marketing +click bank is good start for beginners.should i start learn HTML+PHP for web site creation?
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  • Profile picture of the author Pedro Lopes
    Definitely stick around this forum and not just in the WSO area - although I do recommend researching and learning through WSOs, just don't fall in love with "get rich quick" sales letters.

    Fall in love with learning and implementing.

    And of course focus - focus on a niche and know more about it than the average person.

    I think Franck broke it down pretty well..

    Oh and.. invest in the War Room!

    Best of luck to ya!
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    • Profile picture of the author annavirk
      I agree with the information given by "jimvol" I understand it completely! Thank You so much for sharing this.
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  • Profile picture of the author giulio74
    first of all welcome to join us you're in the right place

    meantime counsel to read the forum
    then try to be more precise
    in what you need help?
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  • Profile picture of the author BobyRurka
    Focus on networking, instead of cold calls.
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