5 replies
What is the most legitimate and cost effective way to learn how to become a stock trader?
#learn #trade
  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Originally Posted by DURABLEOILCOM View Post

    What is the most legitimate and cost effective way to learn how to become a stock trader?
    A question for a place where stock traders hang out perhaps. You might luck into one here but you're more likely to get a bunch of nonsense "advice."
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      The "trade2win" forum might be helpful to you, to start you off. It's actually British-owned, but the principles of trading stocks are similar everywhere. They have a slightly lower tolerance for spam and nonsense than many forums, and the quality of advice - perhaps particularly from the moderators - there tends to be well above average. (I know nothing about stock trading, myself, but I trade forex a bit - they cover both, there.)

      In general, be aware that it's a subject about which there's far more misinformation than information, on the web.

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  • Profile picture of the author jbmarwood
    My advice is to read a couple of books on the basics or take a good course then start getting involved.
    Open up a dummy account and start trading with fake money then start off very small.

    The best way to learn is by doing.

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    • Profile picture of the author HDRider
      Read all the books you can get a hold of and keep reading, then get a paper trading account, I recommend TOS (think or swim) great platform. Sign up for paper trading. They give you 100,000 to trade with.

      Don't even think about using real money until you are making consistent profits. However everything changes when it is real money, emotions and a ton of other factors. Some of the best traders I know paper traded for a year before using real money.

      Been doing this a long time, in fact I have CNBC and the market up on my other screens getting ready for today's opening as I write this.

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  • Profile picture of the author borsaronero
    Originally Posted by DURABLEOILCOM View Post

    What is the most legitimate and cost effective way to learn how to become a stock trader?
    I've been in stock market for years, and also I made some good money, but the results don't worth the effort.

    If you want to make real money you need to have solid base, lot knowledge, cold blood and money that you can set on fire.

    I would prefer webmarketing.
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