Turning your targeted leads into sales...

5 replies
I'm looking for a few more ideas, techniques and strategies on how to turn your targeted leads into buying customers once they opt in to your list. Thanks.
#leads #sales #targeted #turning #turning leads into saless
  • Profile picture of the author GoPeterB
    send them a free guide on something relevant, give them valuable advice, share personal stories or news with them, sneak some promotions in there.
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    • Profile picture of the author landing-page-dude
      Here's an idea:

      Create 3 content pieces that are valuable, they can be video, articles, audio, or anything. Send one a day for three days, on the fourth day, send out your offer, but add some special discount or twist to it. Like a "customer appreciation bonus" when they order it today.

      Giving good content that helps people solve problems is a great way to get people interested, then you throw in the whole..."if you think that was cool...check out what my product can do for you"
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  • Profile picture of the author investor7
    Like a few others have said, share a few things with them before ever introducing your promotions. Limit how many times you send out messages to your entire list each week. If you send too many messages your list will stop caring about what you have to say and your messages lose value in the eyes of your opt ins. Also try to use personal contact messages and not just automated messages so that your opt in knows you have taken the time to speak specifically to them.

    Hope that helps,

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin
    Hi Mike!

    Be sure at some point to survey your list....Find out what their pressing problems are as well as what kind of specific content they'd like to know more about.

    From your survey you can generate additional autoresponder content as well as products to sell to them in the future.

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  • Profile picture of the author Franck Silvestre
    Always use BONUSES. They work like crazy.

    And offer free consultation and coaching (Many want use it anyway, it's the sad truth).

    These two are proven to work, whether it's your products or affiliate products.

    all the best,

    Former Body Guard, Now REAL Traffic & List Building Coach
    >> HOT WSO: Six Figure Solo Sellers <<

    Winson Yeung said: "...Definitively A++ recommended WSO"
    Kevin Riley said: "Franck, glad to see you bringing out MORE and MORE GREAT stuff"
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