make money with music from home URGENTLY

Profile picture of jfingaz123
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
18 replies
If anyone could add some insight on this, I'M REALLY am in need.

I've played music live for a living for 28 years. Recently got pulled over coming home from a show after a couple drinks....yada yada. Bottom line: license GONE, almost all current money and forseen future money GONE. Confined to my house for months but with no way to pay rent. (extreme overkill IMO)

Anyway I had to learn someway to make some money from home really fast or lose my family and our meager belongings. So I started creating instrumental songs for would be singers in my small home studio. I record the songs to their liking and send it to them over the internet. Over the last 5 months I've placed several hundreds of ads on craigslist in almost every sizeable city in the US and beyond.

I've gotten a few clients, enough to pay the major bills, but I have to go back in forth through email and phone with hundreds of people to just retain one customer and that takes so long. Even then my rate has to be embarrassingly low because they don't have the budget to pay. It just doesn't make sense to spend 40 hours creating a masterpiece if no one I know can buy it. I can make "beats" all day easily because I play music for a living, but that market seems so saturated and people are used to paying a kid with a laptop a few dollars to "produce" a beat.

I know that I have an exceptional level of talent and my songs are professional quality so that's not the issue. I also play all the instruments myself, which is a money saver for any serious client. On occasion I've had people who really know listen to a couple songs and they been ecstatic saying, "dude you've got it, you just need to hook up with the right people!"

I also have some music on the top "license your music for TV etc." websites already. I'm sure there's so much other music to sift through that making sales is few and far between.


Please not the "submit your music to xxx website." These sites are over saturated and the percentages they actually pay out are a joke even if they make a sale. I also recently (few days ago) created a website with some minor "beats" for sale, so there's that.

*And I do have an email list of about 900 people in the produce music niche. I've been creating sound libraries and attempting to sell to them, the sales are almost zilch even though the product is of extremely high quality. Maybe something else can be done there?

Much respect in advance for the great responses I know are sure to follow.
#home #make #money #music #urgently
  • Profile picture of the author Rick Rodd
    Rick Rodd
    Profile picture of Rick Rodd
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    May I recommend to you fellow Warrior, Steven Wagenheim he knows this stuff very well. I hope he sees your thread soon enough.

    Rick Rodd
  • Profile picture of the author BradCarroll
    Profile picture of BradCarroll
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Have you considered selling lessons, how-to, etc? Some people sell prepaid lessions via Skype or other video chat. That is one of the most immediate ways to make money that I can think of.

    Perhaps more profitably, information marketing is alive and well in the music niche! Especially in the guitar and bass niches. Just about anything you know how to do musically (including producing, mixing, etc.), you can make money teaching to others.

    It sounds like you have enough experience to make yourself an authority in one or more music sub-niches, if you want (i.e. you've got plenty of "proof factor" and "authority factor"). If you have the chops (and it sounds like you do). you might want to consider selling lessons, courses, etc.

    As long as you can record yourself playing, you can get traffic. Tons of people search Youtube in order to learn specific songs, techniques, modes, etc. This guy offers lessons every day, and he's far from the only one:

    Blues Guitar Playing in the Style of Eric Clapton | Guitar Control

    He's far from the only one making money here. Even people like Scott Grove make money teaching lessons etc. online (he has a ton of long videos, some of them helpful and some not, and makes money selling DVD lessons via eBay). He offers plenty of free lessons, but also plenty of boring hour-long rants where he tells people how stupid he thinks they are. If that guy can make money doing this, you can too!

    However you choose to make money, it sounds like a blog and video channel could help you out. I'm a consumer in this niche...I know I like to read "war stories" and opinions as well as factual info and how-to stuff.

    All of this is just the tip of the iceburg. And worth looking into!
    • Profile picture of the author jfingaz123
      Profile picture of jfingaz123
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Yea, BradCaroll, I've put up several ads for teaching students through skype. I've spoken with about two dozen people who get interested, then flake out as we get closer to actually doing the lesson.

      Kay King, yes it's extremely strict, because I exercised my right to refuse the breathalyzer so they are sticking it to me as hard as possible.I can go out to work, but can't be anywhere that serves drinks. Would hate to get arrested on stage just for being there! Anyway, your workshop idea is very interesting. I will look into that.

      And I will check out udemy as well chaudhary. Thanks.

      Any other ideas out there?
  • Profile picture of the author Chaudhary Daniyal
    Chaudhary Daniyal
    Profile picture of Chaudhary Daniyal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Whatever instrument/instruments you play, you can create 'How To' videos teaching beginner's and upload them to !! You'll need to put in the effort once and you'll make passive income.

    If that doesn't pan out, or alternatively, you can upload them to ClickBank as a Vendor.

    Also, you can offer the video's as PLR here at WF or anywhere else on the Internet. Music is very strong industry and a profitable niche. People would love to get a product they can sell for 100% Profits.

    Sig in the making ...

    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kay King
      Profile picture of Kay King
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I recommend to you fellow Warrior,
      Why would you suggest a professional musician contact an amateur who DOESN'T make money with his music???? I don't understand the purpose.

      If you read this person's comment about "beats" you might understand why that other member is having problems selling his "beat tracks".

      I can make "beats" all day easily because I play music for a living, but that market seems so saturated and people are used to paying a kid with a laptop a few dollars to "produce" a beat.

      To the OP - I doubt very much if this harsh sentence is from one little charge, is it? Don't know where you live but here it's common for court to grant permission (even for those under home confinement) to attend work as long as they don't violate terms of the sentence.

      If you cannot get permission to be taken to and from (friend/family/cab) gigs where you can play and earn a living - you may be doing all you can for now. "Months" is not "years" so try to get through it as best you can.
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      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
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  • Profile picture of the author BradCarroll
    Profile picture of BradCarroll
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I second what Kay says about transportation, and would like to add that there are several states that will allow you to drive on your first DUI/DWI if you agree to have an interlock installed on your vehicle (I live in one of them).
  • Profile picture of the author BradCarroll
    Profile picture of BradCarroll
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    As a writer I should communicate more clearly: I love in one of those states, not in a vehicle with an interlock device!

    (I drive a van...I just don't live in a van by the river.)
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kay King
      Profile picture of Kay King
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Not sure how forthcoming the OP is - most places I've lived don't impose house arrest for a first offense.

      after a couple drinks....yada yada
      He doesn't seem to take it seriously but clearly a judge did.

      If you can't leave the house for anything - can you teach aspiring bands or run a workshop for wannabe musicians from your home? Not sure if that's possible (noise-wise) in a rental.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
  • Profile picture of the author Sunganani
    Profile picture of Sunganani
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What do your clients want to buy?
    Where are they online?
    Go there and give it to a price.
    The devil is in the details, I know but this is the big picture that helps on the wheres and hows.
    • Profile picture of the author jfingaz123
      Profile picture of jfingaz123
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Sure that's the idea. My issue is obviously the selling, not the product. I would be interested in a joint venture with someone who knows how to market to my list. In fact I have attempted to put up several posts in the JV section ISO a partner. However for some reason every one of my posts gets deleted there.....(that makes sense)
      • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
        Brent Stangel
        Profile picture of Brent Stangel
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        Originally Posted by jfingaz123 View Post

        Sure that's the idea. My issue is obviously the selling, not the product. I would be interested in a joint venture with someone who knows how to market to my list. In fact I have attempted to put up several posts in the JV section ISO a partner. However for some reason every one of my posts gets deleted there.....(that makes sense)
        What exactly did these people opt in for? That's going to have a huge impact on what they will respond to. Have you been bombarding them with offers?

        What's your axe? Can you get really specific and specialized? i.e. teaching Hendrix solos or "how to go round the kit like Ringo Starr?"
        Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
        All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
        • Profile picture of the author jfingaz123
          Profile picture of jfingaz123
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          maybe you just dont know the math. and i have had my attorney petition the judge, who said he doesn't care at all. Anyway back to the real point.

          Lou how did you do your advertising for the lessons and selling your music to websites?
  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Profile picture of salegurus
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sorry OP but your story does not add up... And like Kay and others have mentioned there are ways to get to and from work...
    I'm thinking just another WF tall tale...
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kay King
      Profile picture of Kay King
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Don't necessarily agree - the problem is his type of work is done in night clubs and bars,....and conditions of his sentence don't allow him to be around drinks.

      I would definitely try to get some relief from the court - even if it requires a breath test every time you work. I think perhaps there's more history than you're sharing but that's not unusual here.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
  • Profile picture of the author Lou Roggio
    Lou Roggio
    Profile picture of Lou Roggio
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There are so many ways to make money from music at home. I was a private piano and vocal instructor in my home studio for over 26 years and made an excellent income. I advertised for the first 6 months, and thankfully, word of mouth referrals took my business to heights that shocked me. I was required to start a waiting list! That's one avenue. Another way is to compose and sell your own music to be used as background music for websites. The Warriors here have posts about that all the time. I perform house concerts, and have a booklet I wrote along with my own website that explains how house concerts work. If you can get a ride to nearby homes in your community, it's an excellent and well paid way to showcase your talents. PM me if interested for a free copy of the 4 page House Concert Guide.
    Unique, professional content written with a passion for quality! Write Away Web Content
    • Profile picture of the author Edutainment
      Profile picture of Edutainment
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      • Profile picture of the author Lou Roggio
        Lou Roggio
        Profile picture of Lou Roggio
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Edutainment View Post

        Lou Roggio & Denise Roggio

        I admire your career teaching private lessons from home for all those years. Maybe you can offer me some advice. I created a music product that I am interested in getting exposure to aspiring artists and affiliate marketers. About the product:

        Product Name: Independent Artistry
        Product Description: A how-to artist-development book for music artists
        Product Website:
        Target Audience: 16-24 year old aspiring music artists
        Affiliate Networks: TripleClick/SFI & ClickBank
        By day I solicit high schools to implement the curriculum, and by night I'm searching the web for affiliates who share my target market to promote the product. Any advice?
        Hi, Edutainment:
        Thanks so much for your compliment and sharing your passion for developing young artists! You've chosen to market your book to a wonderful age group, and I say that because that particular generation is the age that is addicted to media via cellphone and tablet. Here are my suggestions to you: have you tried Social Media? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, etc...To help your cause and marketing, you could offer free downloads to the first five responders who answer the question, "Why I Want to Be a Musician". Serious responders would be worth giving a copy to, since you could become their mentor. One other great marketing strategy is QR Codes. Since you don't mind canvassing the high schools/colleges during the day, hang a small poster on every bulletin board you see with no text, just a simple QR code that leads to your site. It will peak the curiosity of that technology based generation, and they'll scan it into their device. You can get free QR codes or paid QR codes on google. We've marketed my CD's that way as well as on Social Media. I hope that helps, and wish you the very best in your marketing.
        Unique, professional content written with a passion for quality! Write Away Web Content
  • Profile picture of the author TotalWebsiteControl
    Profile picture of TotalWebsiteControl
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    Find someone on youtube who is successful. Copy them
  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Profile picture of travlinguy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you're talented then create royalty free music. For this to work you NEED to be good. I've been collecting royalty free music for 12 years. I've probabably got 1500 tracks. There have been some very big royalty free WSOs here. I bought one back in the spring of this year. 101 royalty free tunes of all types. Not a bad song in the bunch. The offer made WSO of the day if I remember right.

    Royalty free music sells well to people producing videos and whiteboard animation. They're always on the lookout for new original stuff. There are dozens of ways to market it. It all comes back to being able to come up with a wide variety of original songs. They've got to fit many themes. It's not hard if you're talented.

    There was a gal here that put out 10 excellent songs for a dollar a month or so ago. Very high quality material. It was a teaser offer as she'll be putting out a much larger collection soon. I'll be there. Based on the teaser offer I'd buy anything she put out.

    And there are plenty of people that snap up good royalty free tunes. I'm always in the market for them as are MANY others. If you build (and put it in the right place) it they will come.

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