These damn CON MEN peddling lists as a miracle. "from zero to $30,000 a month with my list!"
Then the presenter starts in with:
"the list makes thousands a day! " or..." one of my students made $17,230 last week and another made themselves $200,000 on the down low" whatever that means.
Am I wasting my damn time? I'm in the fitness niche
I have a list. Dunno how to grow it.
These guys are nothing but liars. Right?
I bet the top 0.005% do make $6000 a week, but what a scam I'm starting to feel it all is.
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Internet Marketing Lounge - A Blog About IM Life.
Internet Marketing Lounge - A Blog About IM Life.
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WARNING: A 50 Million Dollar Man Taught Me His Secret... Which Resulted 6,000 Sign-ups on My Email List.
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