As a Man Thinketh in his heart so is he

4 replies
As a Man Thinketh - Think and Grow Rich - The Magic of Thinking Big - The Secret - all have one thing in common. They all reveal the same timeless success principles.

The success principles never change - the only thing that changes are the messengers and as we relate to different people, so we will relate to different messengers.

Napoleon Hill said "We become what we think about."

James Allen stated "As a man thinketh in his heart - so is he."

Over time I realized that I had been going around with random thoughts (and tragic lyrics to songs playing over and over again) in my mind and when I look back I can see why my life was pretty desparate. I had thought this was normal though - I actually thought it was about putting on a brave face and suffering quietly inside ( I think I probably felt proud of myself and thought I was brave, a bit like a martyr )

And that's O.K. because that was who I believed I was - that was the only way I knew how to survive - that was my map of reality.

Thank goodness I read the books above I realized that if I wanted to change some things in my life, I had to change.

I began to work on me. I began to monitor what I read and thought. I had no idea of "Maps of reality", ego or belief systems at that time - this came much later through LifeFlow meditation and Michael Mackenzie.

When I implemented these together, everything semed to make complete sense for me - everything just jelled together and the rest is history.

Habitual thoughts become feelings, which turn into habits and habits create results which in turn become beliefs.

I wish you an abundance of good thoughts, peace and joy because

it's very true what James Allen stated - as a man thinketh in his heart so is he
#heart #man #thinketh
  • Profile picture of the author JagSEO
    Nice, Thanks for sharing your story. I will search for Michael Mackenzie.
    Hooked To Success -Personal development For People Who Wants Success.
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      It's a very profound idea that we can't take for granted.

      I mean we do, like all the time, but if we want to get the most out of life you really need to control your thoughts so your life is how you intend for it to be; not merely how others and society have imposed their wills onto you.

      This brings me to the point where some people argue that a lot of the self improvement success books are all the same. But i think there's a definite purpose there that needs to be embraced positively.

      Some call these books "shelf help books" because they appear to fill the pockets of the authors who write them. Their content is nothing really unique and hasn't been since somewhere around the 1970 - 80's where there was a revival of thought emergence about creating your ideal reality through your mind.

      But we keep forgetting over and over and over and so we make the same mistakes and forget how powerful we are thereby creating a reality that suits how we feel often in reaction to trivial crap (getting cut off while driving, not having small stuff work out for us etc).

      When we react habitually and continually in this way we create our reality as a reaction to the bad crap out there, which is not an optimal way to live. This cannot happen if we really want a life of our own design; something greater than simply "reacting" to our world.

      I keep a number of success books and tapes on constant cycle. I read and listen, read and listen on and on and on because it's empowering and it helps me not forget what's really going on. I am the one creating my reality as i want it, and it won't be just me acting out of fear or something else that i don't want.

      I see the success books that talk about this "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" as reminders about who we really are.

      You can think of self help success books as a way to make the author richer, but is that thinking helping you in any way...really?

      I just think we tend to forget how powerful we really are sometimes and keeping yourself in check with whatever works as a reminder for you (like for me the books and tapes help a ton) as often as possible is the way to ascend and embrace our true essence.
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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        I think there is some strong evidence to support the notion of truly believing and then becoming what you believe.

        In some instances though, people can become delusional and waste a helluva lot of time .

        For instance, my roommate in College on his resumes his senior year would put next to his desired
        position , ' CEO ' !

        Well, that is ambitious but maybe a little too ambitious coming straight out of College.

        After 24 years since graduating my friend is still a Sales Rep

        Moral of story : Think BIG but also balance it out by being realistic in what you think and believe so as to not waste a lot of years of doing nothing !

        Robert Andrew
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        • Profile picture of the author heavysm
          Originally Posted by discrat View Post

          I think there is some strong evidence to support the notion of truly believing and then becoming what you believe.

          In some instances though, people can become delusional and waste a helluva lot of time .

          For instance, my roommate in College on his resumes his senior year would put next to his desired
          position , ' CEO ' !

          Well, that is ambitious but maybe a little too ambitious coming straight out of College.

          After 24 years since graduating my friend is still a Sales Rep

          Moral of story : Think BIG but also balance it out by being realistic in what you think and believe so as to not waste a lot of years of doing nothing !

          Robert Andrew
          I think the key here and with the title of this thread is the "thinketh in his heart" part.

          When a belief is firmly in the heart of a person and consumes them to the point where there is little if any doubt they'll get the goal (in the spiritual world this is known as knowingness or having personal truth) that goal tends to become reality.

          I know a lot of people, business friends and those in the 9-5 world, who create huge goals but don't follow through with them because they've since let it go because life got in the way.

          If it's a goal you seriously want it must be instilled into you daily, or even multiple times daily, to really cement it into your subconscious.

          Once that goal has been accepted subconsciously, and i mean truly accepted, i believe it is then as natural to the person as their next heart beat.

          When the belief is held and repeated over time with doubt from the goal removed (just as you would clear a beautiful house from the junk that prevents the the beauty from coming through) it's just a matter of time before the chances to attain it come into reality.
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