How I made $1k in a month, and then $7k in 3 months

33 replies
I'm all for sharing information freely, which is why I enjoy these forums so much. Many people have already helped me here, and I hope I can do the same in the future.

Here's just a little encouragement for newbies like me.

Story #1

Back in 2005/2006, I didn't know anything about IM methods, I just wanted to make money somehow and knew that the internet platform was ripe with opportunity--it was just a matter of me grabbing it.

One winter, I learned about a website called Build-A-Niche (BANS). I don't even know if it exists anymore, but I noticed that many people made their sites selling (through commission junction) ebay items. I wanted to do the same, but couldn't think of what to sell... until I heard some news about the popularity of the Superbowl.

That's when the idea hit me: Superbowl tickets are usually sold out, but you can always find them on eBay. So I made a site selling eBay Superbowl tickets. To market, I simply went to the largest Craigslist cities and advertised the same Superbowl tickets that were being sold on my site. When I received inquiries, I directed them to the corresponding auction on my site.

In less than 30 days I scored a grand from eBay commissions. Unfortunately the Superbowl happened and that was it.

Story #2

When I was living in Colorado without a job, I would browse Craigslist for various gigs. I noticed one gig, a handwriting study, offered software compensation for a handwriting sample (for software they were developing). So, I went in, did a simple 1-hour test, and I got my choice of brand new software. I chose Microsoft Office Pro, which at the time was worth the most, like $499 or so.

I immediately sold it on eBay for around $420. Then I had the idea: What if I offered people monetary compensation for taking the study in exchange for the software? So I advertised on Craigslist "$100 for a handwriting study." And people bit. Many people. The funny thing is, they knew how much Microsoft Office was worth, but they didn't want to bother selling it themselves. They were happy enough with the $100 cash.

I spent most of that summer meeting people at various locations exchanging software for cash. And eventually, I found an eBay buyer who would purchase every copy of Microsoft Office I had. Ironically, it was a win-win-win-win situation, and 3 months later I pocketed over $7000.

Unfortunately the company didn't need anymore handwriting samples. lol.

After a series of random jobs, traveling, getting married, etc. I want to get back into it, hoping to find the right opportunity yet again.
#$1k #$7k #made #month #months
  • Profile picture of the author jazzd1
    Hey man, Nice ways to make some funds..Thanks for sharing.,I'm sure you'll find something else successful but hopefully this time it will be something for the long term..
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  • Profile picture of the author Saiah Davis
    Hi JohnJames...

    Good methods that you have shared. It says to me that you have been able to identify opportunities, act upon them 'correctly' and reap the rewards.

    I think that is very important and determines how ones are able to make it through in light of circumstances that may arise. Being able to identify opportunities and not wait to be spoon fed.

    Hope you are able to identify the opportunities out there now that you are getting back into it my friend.

    All the best
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  • Profile picture of the author startefl
    Yeah, the hard part is seeing the opportunities, and you seem to be doing alright at that
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  • Profile picture of the author zuberr
    Craigslist is a great source for finding clients for any kind of gig. Why don't you get into online service arbitrage?

    Basically, you will find clients looking to get certain jobs done, like, mobile apps, short videos, transcription, etc... And then you find people who will do the work for less and you're left with a nice profit for being the middleman.

    Craigslist-Fiverr arbitrage is one strategy that might work for you.

    All the best
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  • Profile picture of the author JosephGipson
    Great strategy, what many of use fail to realize is, with the simple knowledge like this and combining it with sources that are readily available to us, they can make pretty good living.
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  • Profile picture of the author Synnuh
    Thanks for the trip. I'd forgotten about BANS lol. And Vic, whatever his name was. The $1 per day 100 site dude.

    Cool to read your hustle.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnsams364
    It is a good idea, there are many people who earned money by this way. Firstly I earned money from the Facebook. Though it was a small amount of money, but I was so excited, when I earned the money. Thanks for sharing your story.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
    It is a great job in turning a simple idea into a nice chunk of change.

    Now figure out a way to turn this strategy into an actual business.

    "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

    Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

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  • Profile picture of the author winnermarketing
    Alway interesting read case history!

    Free Guide to Make Money Online [Now!]
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  • Profile picture of the author John Moore
    Very Interesting stuff dude! Actually got some great inspiration from your way of thinking!
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    These are examples that you can make money online if you are smart enough, you just have to think outside the box sometimes.
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  • Profile picture of the author gupta78
    Nice Inspirational stories for new people want to get into internet marketing business.
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  • Profile picture of the author AffiliatePrograms
    Sounds like you definitely know how to hustle.
    ♦ - 100% free super high paying programs. Make up to $10,000+ per deal & lifetime revenue share.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Paule
    thanks for sharing . . . opens ones mind to thinking outside the box. You rock!
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  • Profile picture of the author Javisito
    Interesting, this reminds us that money can really be made in many ways online, keep it up :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Nice practical ways to use the internet to make money. You should continue to look for a way to do the same thing with other forms of products. If you think about it hard enough, i'm confident you can figure something out. But great story.
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  • Profile picture of the author winnermarketing
    Great post!
    The important thing is you described your evolution!

    Free Guide to Make Money Online [Now!]
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnJames
    Glad it could inspire.

    I'm currently working on a way to make money doing something I actually enjoy!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hersh
    Hey John,

    You're definitely in the right path, keep up the good work :-)

    All the best in your future campaigns!
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  • Profile picture of the author Richy Burns
    Hey Dude,

    You have done what most IMers have not..Made money!! And you seem very good at exploiting opportunities and getting creative. If I were you, I'd get a coach / mentor in an area you like, as well as in an area that is evergreen. With the proper guidance and your ability to be creative and move fast, it could be a great fit!!

    Best of luck!


    Richy Burns

    Want 50% Open Rates and 30% Click Rates with All Your Emails?? Click Here

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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Nice story. I made a stack of money from shareware until mobile came along and people stopped using downloadable PC software.

    I'm a web developer and I'm currently applying for jobs in London. There is GIGANTIC money being made online these days. The best thing you can have is detailed insider knowledge of a niche (wine, dating), then exploit it. The really big money is being made by people who have services. So don't blog about wine, dropship it or allow people to buy and sell it to each other.
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
    I like the Microsoft Office deal....pretty neat
    There is still money t be made offline (mixed a bit with online)

    You seem to have a good knack for finding an opportunity

    IMHO don't bother with a "coach"....LOL...some of the stuff I see on here is just absurd and you don't need to waste money . You want to make money so do it
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10179007].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author vinayvinu
    I have a question here. I know lot of them promote various products from amazon, ebay and lots more e-commerce website. But i have a doubt how do people buy your (means affiliate marketers) affiliate product from e-commerce sites? What's the use buying these affiliate products of e-commerce sites from your site? Do people buy frequently?
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnJames
      Originally Posted by vinayvinu View Post

      I have a question here. I know lot of them promote various products from amazon, ebay and lots more e-commerce website. But i have a doubt how do people buy your (means affiliate marketers) affiliate product from e-commerce sites? What's the use buying these affiliate products of e-commerce sites from your site? Do people buy frequently?
      In my case, it's mostly a matter of how something is advertised, and getting to the customer first. Amazon/ebay, etc can only go so far to reach customers. They can't be very personable, if you know what I mean.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnGravelle
    Great share man, a little bit creativity can take you for a long ride
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  • Thanks for the flashback on BANS sites...I had quite a few of those until Google deindexed them all in one quick swoop. Thinking outside the box...filling the supply for demand out there. Great stuff.
    Signature - Money Making Tips, Tricks, and Case Studies
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  • Profile picture of the author CapnWillard
    You are a master arbiter. Thanks for sharing that JohnJames!
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  • Profile picture of the author harckeenwhalay
    You've done a great job.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryan2008
    Great post good luck in your future endeavors.
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  • Profile picture of the author hometutor
    Thinking outside of the box. Great job bro. I often find solo business owners to have employee minds no diversification not outsourcing no hiring). At least in the computer repair field which is my field. I had a guy call me about redesigning my business card. Local guy here in Honolulu. I had two thoughts.

    1. I don't want my business card redesigned

    2. I want to see if I can outsource this guy

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  • Profile picture of the author MeelisM
    Hey John

    Those are some cool creative ways of earning money. That's what entrepreneurship is about - looking at the world and seeing opportunities everywhere.

    Looks like you've got it mastered

    Good luck!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jolly Serath
    Sounds interesting
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