You Will Succeed When your "Shoulds" become "Musts"

10 replies
Hi fellow warriors. I love finding meaningful quotes that really convey a powerful message, I heard this one the other day and it really struck a chord with me. I wanted to share it.

~You will succeed when your "Shoulds" become "Musts"

How many times do you go about our week saying "I should" do this or that...

But you're no better off than at the end of the week than when you started.

I like this quote because it makes you think about where you're placing your priorities.

What are the "I shoulds" in your life and business?

Now ask yourself what are the "I Musts" you live your daily life by?

Do you notice how much of a stronger conviction you have towards your "Musts"!

Now imagine you turning all your "I shoulds" to "I MUST!"

You cant help but succeed when you have this kind of drive behind your actions.

I hope this makes you think about what your "Shoulds" and "Musts" are.

Change your mind and your internal dialogue about your priorities and change your life!
#musts #shoulds #succeed
  • Profile picture of the author SmartTim
    This is a great tip. Should always led to procrastination. But, MUST always led to something else. Which is an action you need to execute and you MUST take action with it.

    Take action consistently usually led to massive of results.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Yunker
    I love Tony Ronbins too!

    He's a great influence.

    Some people think making money is just the techniques when in fact it's mostly a mind game.

    Good luck you guys! Best of wishes to your success

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  • Profile picture of the author Brendon Brackin
    This is really true! One of the things I've noticed about the word should is it creates no win feelings inside yourself. If you should do something then you're adding guilt because you aren't doing something you really don't want to do, if you shouldn't do something then it's something you really want to do and are creating guilt for yourself. Just choose and accept responsibility
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  • Profile picture of the author superhuman247
    ^^^ Agreed.

    I work with a lot of elite athletes and the word should is banned in conversations as it is so psychologically dangerous - for an athlete there is no should - "I should win this match", "I should hit a PB" etc take focus away from the process and the performance. We look to substitute the would could in for should - could is a word of opportunity and helps shift the focus back to working in the now rather than the past or the future.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tomas Gabriel
    Hey Guys!

    I love this post! But I feel I have to add something to it because it's NEVER ever that simple as people make it out to be...

    EVERYTHING that has to do with tips & tricks ALWAYS has a catch 22.

    There's no ONE WAY of a tip. There is always something more BEHIND that tip or mindset that makes it WORK!


    The reason people say should or that they don't stick to it and create a must are different reasons...


    1) I don't feel I can do it

    2) I don't feel I'm good enough to make it (or some variation of it)

    3) I don't have enough money/time/energy

    4) I've never succeeded before

    5) I always fail

    6) I don't really know or feel 100% confident that I'll succeed

    etc etc...

    In order to create this "MUST" you need to explore the reasons WHY you sabotage yourself with these feelings & thoughts.


    Creating a sense of urgency to do it. Because just saying that you must NEVER works without a strong mindset in place BEHIND it.

    One way of creating urgency is by imagining you're going to die in an allotted time-frame.

    EX: I'm going to die in 3 months. Do I want to go out remembered and having contributed to this world or am I just going quietly into the night?

    The main driving force of this is to FEEL & THINK about how it feels inside your body when you say you're going to die!

    Sit back quietly and REALLY think about it!

    When you find this feeling, you'll know!

    Because if you don't explore WHY it's important to MUST, instead of should...

    You have no emotional trigger to actually go through with it.

    This "trick" makes you communicate a sense of urgency to your brain, coupled with a powerful motivator to continue.

    Without this, your MUST will never be realized if you don't have the mindset in place already!

    Another way you can create a sense of urgency in your mind to have a deadline and to get your brain to UNDERSTAND that you want & need to do this, is by imagining that you'll run out of money in the allotted time, say 3 months or whatever you set a goal for. Then afterwards you'll die if you don't get this goal DONE (because you'll have no more money for rent, food...whatever)!

    This also requires you to sit down in a quiet place and imagine HOW that FEELS! Use that feeling to trigger that sense of urgency for your whole body by making your brain understand it.

    The REASON WHY this works, is because your brain has ONE FUNCTION!

    And that function is to help you survive!

    So communicating with your brain in a LANGUAGE that it UNDERSTANDS is paramount and WILL make lasting change happen.
    Signature - What if you couldn't fail again…EVER?! No matter how hard you tried! What if you were guaranteed 99% success rate, of reaching your highest goals? Check out this site for your ABSOLUTE success and get the first chapter of the book!
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  • Profile picture of the author JenniferGiacoppo
    You can even simplify that with changing it to
    drum roll ...wait for it............" I want". When you identify something with " want it because" then it changes everthing.
    Example: I should go to the gym, but I am feeling tired or lazy.
    I want to go to the gym because I know after some time I will feel good and I will feel good about myself.
    When you identify why you want something it becomes a massive game changer. You will either then realize if it is worth doing in that moment or not.

    "Attitude is everything. Your mind-set is your attitude. It is the difference between success and the lack of it!"

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  • Profile picture of the author mentat47
    I definitely agree with. All ''Shoulds'' must became ''Musts", because when you program your brain that you must do it, He will start acting like that, otherwise with ''Should'' He will put that thing in the future, like in the basement.
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  • Profile picture of the author vicg100
    So true, thanks for the post I needed to hear something like that.

    Also to add to that, although its great to turn "shoulds" into "musts", it's also crucial to prioritize and know which "shoulds" need to be "musts". What is that one thing you "should" do that will make the most impact on your business/life? Those type of things are "musts" before any other trivial thing you need to get done.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gandolfo85
      That's the quick & simple road to success for sure. However is not an easy one because you have to mature your mindset to the next level.
      Discover HERE The EASIEST Money Maker EVER
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      • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
        Here is one I wrote a few weeks ago as I was thinking about life.

        "A man that would give up his principles dies a new death at each revocation. The man of steadfast truth dies but once".
        Patrick Shelley
        Free eBook =>
        The Secret To Success In Any Business
        Yes, Any Business!
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