The best piece of business advice you ever received...

7 replies
What's the best piece of business advice you ever learned?

Doesn't matter if it was through someone you know, a book you read, or just something you heard somewhere.

Sometimes the best advice can be so simple and have such profound effects on our success.

One of the best pieces of business advice I ever learned was:

You don't get in life what you want, you get in life what you are.

I heard that idea 3 years ago and it has been one of my guiding principles throughout all my business efforts. It has helped me achieve more than I ever thought possible.

Share your's and let's get a great thread going here!
#advice #business #piece #received
  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    When it comes to making money online and driving traffic to a website, the best advice I have ever heard from my mentor is this:

    It takes money to make money online.

    This is VERY true.

    Also this:

    Success starts in the mind first.
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    • Profile picture of the author nickjperoni
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      It takes money to make money online.
      So many people need to hear this one...great share!
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      When it comes to making money online and driving traffic to a website, the best advice I have ever heard from my mentor is this:

      It takes money to make money online.

      This is VERY true.

      Also this:

      Success starts in the mind first.
      the figure i have heard from tie lopez and some people he talks to and from other sources the figure of spending money to make money around spend 1$ to earn 2$ and scale up until it breaks ..

      i'll believ that from people who say they are spending at least 10 k a day ..and the figure appears in other businesses
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    Never become complacent. Complacency breeds contentment. If you get too comfortable, you get lazy and stop striving to acheive & experience new challenges"

    Many successful people share similar thinking, as in; "if you're not uncomfortable, you're not preparing for greater success"
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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    • Profile picture of the author nickjperoni
      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      Never become complacent. Complacency breeds contentment. If you get too comfortable, you get lazy and stop striving to acheive & experience new challenges"
      I love this. In fact, in the Army we used to take this quite preparing for our tour to Iraq, one of the most common things repeated by leadership was "Complacency Kills."

      That's so true for business life and achievement too.
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  • Profile picture of the author AmberJB
    I had created a piece of software that people should want and use. But it wasn't selling. I was at a conference, and the speaker said:
    There are three rules for a successful business:
    1. Find out what they want
    2. Get it
    3. Give it to them

    This was just what I needed to hear, as I had just said to myself "they should want this!" But you know what? They didn't. I've used these rules ever since.
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