40 replies
So a consistent work flow and action is needed on a day to day basis to move forward in any kind of business. I find some days i get hardly or even no work done and other days i can literally do a weeks work in a day!

How do you stay focused, motivated and get things done?

Obviously staying away from distractions and being focused on subject helps, but is it just me, some days you end up staring at your work and feels like nothing is getting done and the drive is non-existent...
#motivated #motivation #work flow
  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I don't know what work you do or what your living arrangements are so it is hard for me to tell you. However, I can tell you about me.

    I live alone and have regular work. I only work part time due to health but some weeks are crazier than others.

    I get most of my work done in the mornings when I am most mentally alert.
    I make a daily list of tasks in priority order and then get cracking.

    I get up every hour or so and walk around, stretch and find little things that need doing. I do have days when it's harder to get motivated but if I have done the most important tasks then it's ok.

    Also it's important to take time off each week and do stuff for yourself.

    While money is great to have, I focus on helping my clientele and the money just flows from that.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    are those days you do a weeks work in a day common ...the ridged industrial ..work scedual .. is not really meant to be replicated outside a factory or office building ..

    i'm bi polar..with my energy levels and work pace shifting every few hours ..with some parts of the day being more productive than the others ..

    the last few years has been about identifying this pattern .. and identifing optimal conditions ..

    in school you could have been classifed as add ..because you would have rather been home playing a video game 10 hours a day ...

    to turn this into real information ,.

    you are probably not meant to work at the same pace every day or through the day.. you may be more productive.. if you break your work day up..work 2 hours ..then do something else,, the work 90 minutes to 2 hours ..and do something else ..cycle through the day ..work play work play work play ..

    and on the day you have much more ommph to work.. work your ass off.. and then when you really can't focus ..play more ..as long as you get your bills paid and your living how you want.. once you get that done..it might make it hard to stay focused ..

    hell if you can work 2 days a week and play five..and get your financial needs met ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Originally Posted by MattStrange View Post

    How do you stay focused, motivated and get things done?
    To be honest I'm not the best person to give advice on productivity. However something I am is consistent. And, all those days that I work add up to something significant.

    Something I learned from John Assaraf is the value of an hour. When you spend just one hour working on what's important to you, you will accumulate the equivalent to 9 40-hour weeks over the course of a year. That's some good time invested.

    For me personally I'm not just motivated by money/wealth. What keeps me going is my mission/vision which (in part) is to empower and inspire as many people as humanly possible.

    : )
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author luqmankyz
    Originally Posted by MattStrange View Post

    How do you stay focused, motivated and get things done?
    What I am going to tell you is unusual. Not many people will tell you this.

    Motivation is temporary. It can come and go. Passions can change too. But consistency is something that can be mastered. Distractions ruin consistency. What people will tell you is STAY AWAY from distractions. That never works. Was that so easy you wouldn't have been asking this question in the first place.

    Actually, we get distracted because there is room for some distraction in our schedules or lives. What I recommend is that you create distractions that are needed (like health care, family, etc.), healthy and manageable. So that there is little room left for more distractions.

    Remember you can't control all the distractions in your life because many may be governed by external factors. But you can decrease the room for distractions and stay focused.

    Hope it helps.
    "Do not where the path may lead. Go where there is no path and leave a trail." - R.W. Emerson
    | Unlock Your Strengths
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  • Profile picture of the author Yusei Imafuku
    Listen to the cosmic master and feel how the universe around you is changing.
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    • Profile picture of the author manowar P
      Originally Posted by Yusei Imafuku View Post

      Listen to the cosmic master and feel how the universe around you is changing.
      I joined the bandwagon only to see that reality is an illusion that can be tampered with.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex The Lion
    Work out exactly why you are doing this and whenever you feel bored or just begin procrastinating, shut your eyes and picture that dream in vivid detail for a few minutes.
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  • Profile picture of the author david2015
    When feeling unmotivated, take out a motivation/success story book to read or see some motivation quotes. Also, hang around with positive people would give you a positive energy.
    Mobile App For Income Click here to earn through mobile app industry
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  • Profile picture of the author allanrsm
    Motivation is the key skill that needs to be developed from within that will move you from average to excellent!

    The reasons you are working towards your goal, the benefit and lifestyle that is to be earned are images and beliefs that need to be on instant recall mentally to get you to switch over to a more productive and efficient earner.
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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    Originally Posted by MattStrange View Post

    How do you stay focused, motivated and get things done?

    Obviously staying away from distractions and being focused on subject helps, but is it just me, some days you end up staring at your work and feels like nothing is getting done and the drive is non-existent...
    Hi Matt,

    Do your most productive days come just before you are going to get a big reward?

    I've noticed if I've planned to go on vacation or some other significant reward my output increases dramatically prior to the days of the reward.

    So much so I'll book multiple short breaks or plan special days out with my family knowing I have to finish X to fully enjoy Y.

    Another thing you may want to consider is consulting a psychologist on a regular basis.

    I used to think that only people who were depressed or had some other personal issues received psychological help.

    When I'm working on big projects I try to see mine every two weeks and then when things are flowing I still see them monthly just to remain focussed.

    If you can afford to strike up a relationship with a reliable psychologist who understands what you are trying to achieve it can be of real benefit.

    Think of all the sports teams employing sports psychologists....

    ...they want to win.

    I think you do too.

    Best regards,

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  • Profile picture of the author Priki
    Originally Posted by MattStrange View Post

    So a consistent work flow and action is needed on a day to day basis to move forward in any kind of business. I find some days i get hardly or even no work done and other days i can literally do a weeks work in a day!

    How do you stay focused, motivated and get things done?

    Obviously staying away from distractions and being focused on subject helps, but is it just me, some days you end up staring at your work and feels like nothing is getting done and the drive is non-existent...
    I have a few things that really help me to stay focused at work and be motivated during the day:

    While am at work, I constantly listening to a music and drinking a tea + coffee. These two things really help me to keep my focus!

    After I finish with my work, I am relaxing with books and meditation or hanging out with my friends.

    At the nights I am doing my hobbies like dancing and martial art classes.
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  • Profile picture of the author alycium
    I focus on my ultimate goal. I also use music to keep me focused. Also, I find that taking a break and exercising gives me more energy and keeps me from feeling burned out.

    Join a friendly webmaster community to discuss topics relating to SEO, Marketing, Monetizaton and more.

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  • Profile picture of the author Priki
    According to me, sleeping is the first and the best method if you like to be more motivated during the day...

    Most of the people never pay attention on this, but forgot that without normal sleeping we will never feel motivated in the mornings!
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
      Getting a good nights sleep is important for me. I take an over the counter sleep aid which helps me get back to sleep in the middle of the night.

      Another important thing for me is a daily to do list. If I fill that out the night before when I sit down to work I just attack the list and mark things off as I complete them. I find that motivating and liberating.
      Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ola Rybacka
    Always set the goals and try to do as much as you can to achieve it. Why not to keep a progressing bar to see how much you did? Or not to use projects management and time tracking software to improve productivity? We living in the time when we can choose lots of tools to help us reach our goals.

    Improve your business:
    Join Time Tracking Community | Read Time Tracking Guide

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  • Profile picture of the author KobaltDS
    "get rich or die tryin"
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  • Profile picture of the author snipp
    Still work and dont give up.
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    • Profile picture of the author KobaltDS
      Originally Posted by snipp View Post

      Still work and dont give up.
      That's the best way to be motivated
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  • Profile picture of the author xxxFerdinandxxx
    Originally Posted by MattStrange View Post

    So a consistent work flow and action is needed on a day to day basis to move forward in any kind of business. I find some days i get hardly or even no work done and other days i can literally do a weeks work in a day!

    How do you stay focused, motivated and get things done?

    Obviously staying away from distractions and being focused on subject helps, but is it just me, some days you end up staring at your work and feels like nothing is getting done and the drive is non-existent...

    to be honest, just find some music that you like. Make sure it inspires you. Then when you are feeling lazy, just go ahead and listen to it!

    Might sound super silly, but trust me it isn't. At least not for me ; )

    Hope I could help you!
    Stay awesome, you can do it!
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  • Profile picture of the author irawr
    Originally Posted by MattStrange View Post

    So a consistent work flow and action is needed on a day to day basis to move forward in any kind of business. I find some days i get hardly or even no work done and other days i can literally do a weeks work in a day!

    How do you stay focused, motivated and get things done?

    Obviously staying away from distractions and being focused on subject helps, but is it just me, some days you end up staring at your work and feels like nothing is getting done and the drive is non-existent...
    It's a skill, you develop it. You're not taught how to get motivated or how to have full control over your actions unless somebody else is directing you. You have two choices here, either get a coach (really helps) or read/listen/watch motivational material EVERY DAY. I'm serious, spend 1 hour EVERY DAY learning about self motivation techniques and you will develop the ability. I personally like to listen to audio material while exercising. Daily exercise in the morning helps me to become alert and while listening to the audio I typically get to the point where I'm actually pushing myself through the workout so I can jump in the shower and get to work.

    Also, don't think you're alone. Everybody has this problem to a certain extent. For some people it actually gets worse the more successful they are, because money obviously has diminishing returns. Some people get to 100k a year and feel that's good enough, so they stop pushing themselves, even though they might be able to do 500k a year.
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    • Profile picture of the author agoel
      This is very powerful. I have added multiple anchors (terminology used in NLP) which is basically any thing/routine/sound that you can use to start an activity. So, set your goals and set anchors which reminds you of your goal as soon as you get distracted.

      Originally Posted by irawr View Post

      It's a skill, you develop it. You're not taught how to get motivated or how to have full control over your actions unless somebody else is directing you. You have two choices here, either get a coach (really helps) or read/listen/watch motivational material EVERY DAY. I'm serious, spend 1 hour EVERY DAY learning about self motivation techniques and you will develop the ability. I personally like to listen to audio material while exercising. Daily exercise in the morning helps me to become alert and while listening to the audio I typically get to the point where I'm actually pushing myself through the workout so I can jump in the shower and get to work.

      Also, don't think you're alone. Everybody has this problem to a certain extent. For some people it actually gets worse the more successful they are, because money obviously has diminishing returns. Some people get to 100k a year and feel that's good enough, so they stop pushing themselves, even though they might be able to do 500k a year.
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      • Profile picture of the author MarkYoung
        3 motivators for me would be--

        Thinking Positively. Of course, it is easier said than done. But it can be practiced. If you always look at things in a positive way even when everything seems awry, you will always stay composed. Also, the connection between mind and body is very strong. If you are always thinking positively, it is amazing how things usually just start to fall where they should be.

        Know that negative thoughts are normal. Negative thoughts are scary because they are an indication that something is very wrong. But once you learn to accept that it is only normal to feel that way, you will soon get used to it and begin to feel better. For example, it might scare you that your boss is always shouting. But once you convince yourself that shouting is his normal voice and tone, it will no longer scare you.

        Find the right inspiration. There is nothing wrong with doing things for other people. You might want to do it for your parents, siblings, friends, or that special someone in your life. Having these things will keep you motivated and focused. When you are feeling down, just think of how they want you to succeed and what your success will mean to them. It will get your mood back.
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  • Profile picture of the author Net 700
    True motivation comes from within. All the information you need is already hidden within your subconscious. You must find the true nature of yourself and identify all the strong characteristics that set you apart from the flock, then slowly take reasonable action that might later turn to momentum.
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  • Profile picture of the author MattStrange
    Thankyou so much for the replies, some great ideas and stories. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author starfactor
    Very good points guys. Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Reimaru
    Motivation is somewhat strange, but my tip is (as Jonathan 2.0 and luqmankyz already pointed out) to be consistent in your working hours.

    DO IT and work, even if you don't feel like it. Whether it's just writing on a pad and trying to determine what you should do next, when you get that "work mode" or FLOW (it's a psychological state), you'll get a LOT done quickly.

    Don't wait until you get motivated. When it's time to work, just do it!

    (One final tip: Schedule your Free Days - You MUST have days where you do absolutely nothing work related or stressful. Just one day can energize you for a week's worth of effort.)

    I don't know how well it would work for you, but it should be worth trying.
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  • Profile picture of the author PassiveIncomes
    Reward yourself with gadgets like new iphone, andriod phones all these works!
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  • Profile picture of the author nsserve
    Do what you love and love what you do... that is the most simple way of staying motivated
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  • Profile picture of the author bashca03
    That means you're normal! Being in a routinary cycle almost everyday makes anyone burned out and might want to lay down on the bed the entire day or simply get themselves a luxurious vacation once it happens. To get to your goals and stay motivated, you may want to try some of these tips:

    1) Jot down
    - Make a list of your goals
    2) Categorize
    - Long term from short term, places, things/properties
    3) Calculate
    - Know how much you earn
    4) Make a Chart
    - make a chart wherein your goals are listed in accordance to the time you wanted it to be done or achieved
    5) Raise
    - Since you did #3 already, start raising the fund needed for each goal
    6) Invest
    - If you think that what you earn is not enough to reach your goals on your timeline, do something to increase your income.

    With this, you will be able to think twice when you feel like lying in bed instead of getting up and drive yourself to move. Remember, a delay on your income means a longer wait for things you have been wanting and wishing for.
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  • Profile picture of the author mindtricks18
    Start to create new opportunities that allow you to change your current situation and focus on the future, not on the past. Without a real goal, life can become really unfocused and pointless. Without aims and dreams, you have nothing really exciting to do, no task or anything that motivates you and gets you going. Change that, by thinking about some goals that really excite you. Objectives that inspire you so much that you begin to see how much of an impact you can make, maybe even to the benefit of other people’s life.
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    • Profile picture of the author lanserno
      Originally Posted by mindtricks18 View Post

      Start to create new opportunities that allow you to change your current situation and focus on the future, not on the past. Without a real goal, life can become really unfocused and pointless. Without aims and dreams, you have nothing really exciting to do, no task or anything that motivates you and gets you going. Change that, by thinking about some goals that really excite you. Objectives that inspire you so much that you begin to see how much of an impact you can make, maybe even to the benefit of other people's life.
      Since you wrote what I wanted I will add one quote as Bonus...

      " We become what we think about "

      For me, motivation is consequence of wealthy life.... keep your self busy, activ & positiv Enjoy Life

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  • Profile picture of the author BrendaRKl
    I make lists. I also keep myself from being obsessed over stats so I stay on task. I also work offline a lot so I'm not tempted to get into things that will distract me.
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  • Profile picture of the author alphab
    You need to focus on your goals.Revise and revisit your aims or goals in the morning in order to get them completed within the time frame you have set.
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    • Profile picture of the author ElGuapo
      I think we need to be precise with the terminology.

      People who are actively working on their business should already be 'motivated'. I believe that resolve to hit your goals is essential to success. If you don't have that resolve, then you need to have a rethink. Something is off. Perhaps you don't need the money. Perhaps you are in the wrong area of business. Figure that out above all else.

      But if we're talking about efficiency or productivity, ah, then we can get into some hacks.

      My biggest hack relates to what John Wooden said: be quick but don't hurry. There are two components to it:

      1. Take your time in the morning. Take several hours to adjust if you wish. Read the news, work out, breakfast well, go for a long walk to get some fresh air. Loosen those muscles and let your head settle. Don't do anything that is mentally taxing.

      2. Resolve to spend at least three hours taking on specific tasks. Take 10 minute breaks at the end of each hour to have a drink, check your email, look out of the window. You can get an enormous amount of work done in just three hours of being in focused, prime condition. If you want to go longer than three hours, do so by all means; but make those three hours your golden period.

      I also highly recommend using an app like Things to keep track of the tasks that need doing.
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  • Profile picture of the author JenniferGiacoppo
    Hey Matt,
    this is such a great topic because it is the influence in our lives. I read some of the other replies and noticed there was the repetitive word being used and that was 'consistency'. Yes consistency is everything.

    What I have discovered is that it is best to become inspirational rather than motivational.
    Let me share the difference.

    They both come from a different place and so they affect you in different ways.

    Motivation is -doing something you don't like because you HAVE to do it.

    Inspiration is -doing something because you WANT to do it.

    If you can find daily inspiration then it will change the way in which you approach things in life. It is a definite change in emotion. Energy will also line up in the way you want things to happen.

    Laurence mentioned that they often gets up and walks around to take breaks and does things for himself outside of work that make him feel productive and good. It is good to establish a routine or schedule. Hope this helps-Jennifer

    "Attitude is everything. Your mind-set is your attitude. It is the difference between success and the lack of it!"http://www.jennifergiacoppo.com

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanstevens93
    I always look at expensive things which I currently can afford. It motivates me to push harder to afford them one day.

    Amazon books - Search for Ryan Stevens on Amazon

    Quora - follow me - Ryan Stevens
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  • Profile picture of the author kimanierick
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    • Profile picture of the author kimanierick
      With all the things we have to do every day it is very hard to stay motivated and do all the things you need to do in a day, that is why there are many things you can do in order to stay motivated and do the job. Some of those things are:
      - you have to be serious; you have to know what you want to achieve no matter if you work for someone or have your own business. You have to know what you want to be in your life and do not quit and be serious to get all the things done to make your dream come true.
      - you have to be surrounded with great people; good surrounding is everything, to do a good job and be motivated you have to be surrounded with people who are motivated and want to work.
      - you have to take care of yourself; you should eat healthy and do some exercise so you can concentrate more on your work.
      there are many other things but these ones are some of the most important.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brian T Burkard
    Like anything else, you will have days where you are motivated and inspired and others where you may struggle.

    The best thing is to condition your mind and create a trigger, something that will help you when you are not feeling motivated. It may be a song, a motivational video a quote...etc.

    Two powerful things that have helped me to be more consistent on a daily basis is:

    1. Determining my "WHY". Why am I doing this? Having a big why will help pull you along and get you through the times when you are not feeling motivated.

    2. Small daily habits. Create small daily habits that are really easy to accomplish and that are easy to do every day. By making them really small you are able to complete the task and it helps to build momentum.

    An example would be that you are going to work on your business for 15 minutes everyday. Now you say 15 minutes, what can i get accomplished in 15 minutes?

    Well 1, 15 minutes is such a small time that you will say i can do that and you won't try to procrastinate because it is easy to do and we don't mind doing easy. Second by doing this each day you are going to develop a positive habit in your business and lastly, once you are working for 15 minutes and you see how fast it goes you may say i will do another 15 minutes or you may end up doing two hours.

    Now if I told you that you Have to do two hours everyday and you run into a day that you don't feel like it, you will probably not do it that day. But if you know you only need to do 15 minutes to accomplish your goal you will most likely end up putting in more hours thus building your business faster!

    Good luck!
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  • "They say motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." - Zig Ziglar

    There will always be days where we lack motivation. The important thing to realize here is that you are noticing this. If you notice it, you can change it. You've just got to remind yourself of what you LOVE. Love is one of the strongest driving forces out there if not THE strongest. If you are doing what you love for work, then just remind yourself of that love. If you are not doing what you love, I suggest discovering your true love and passion and find that "pull of becoming" inside you to follow your dream.

    Other things. Try to ALWAYS have a personal development book or audio around where you can read or listen daily. Without tools at hand, it's hard to build something.

    Want to wake up LOVING your life? SECRETS TO SUCCESS>>> CREATE a life you love by DESIGN!

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  • Profile picture of the author DiegoRMS
    Perhaps you're burntout

    Go on a mini-vacation or alike, and re-boot your brain. Take a break, then after a few days, ask yourself WHY you're doing the things you're doing. The drive will come from that
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