How Often do you Visualize???

Peace Of Mind
Profile picture of Peace Of Mind
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87 replies
Every book on personal development says visualize the end result.
It has been written from Think and Grow Rich to The Science of Getting Rich.
Visualization is a very important factor to achieving success.
Believe you already have the item, see yourself enjoying it
and let go is the saying. right?
Feeling as you already have achieved your goal and it will come when your ready to receive it.

Like Einstein said " Imagination is more important than knowledge"

So my question is when do you visualize and how long do you focus on seeing yourself with your desire whether its a spouse, money, freedom or a financial break though? Is there is specific time of the day which works best? Do you have a story to tell, about how the LOA has worked for you?
  • Profile picture of the author giliav
    Profile picture of giliav
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    I do it 2-3 times a day at min. My "prime time" is during my daily meditation session, just before I go to sleep. I enjoy that a lot and find it helps me keep "my eye on the ball".


  • Profile picture of the author HansM
    Profile picture of HansM
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    I never visualize myself reaching my goals, but I always visualize results of products that I'm working on... But I guess most people will do that...

    The Online Business Architect

  • Profile picture of the author int-mark
    Profile picture of int-mark
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    Hi the best time is when you get into your bed just before you go to sleep. The reason is that this will actually help you get to sleep and will have more of an affect on your unconsious mind directly before you go to sleep. Just do it for 10 minutes and really feel emotions while you do it. Visulise it from different perspective - 1st, 2nd and 3rd and then when you finish let go and trust it will happen. You will drift off nicely to sleep.
    • Profile picture of the author cheesy
      Profile picture of cheesy
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      Originally Posted by int-mark View Post

      Hi the best time is when you get into your bed just before you go to sleep. The reason is that this will actually help you get to sleep and will have more of an affect on your unconsious mind directly before you go to sleep. Just do it for 10 minutes and really feel emotions while you do it. Visulise it from different perspective - 1st, 2nd and 3rd and then when you finish let go and trust it will happen. You will drift off nicely to sleep.
      I second this, i usually vizualise when im in bed, it does help you get to sleep. I also think about everything that needs to be done the next day, instead of writing it down, i should really write it down though.
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  • Profile picture of the author teedubya
    Profile picture of teedubya
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    I meditate 2-3 times a day... even if it is for 5 minutes at a time. Its sooo helpful.

    One of the reasons is this...

    Your eyes have millions of receptors that process EVERYTHING that you see... then your brain has to PROCESS everything that you see... so, if you close your eyes for even 5 minutes... you free your mind up to have it work for you.

    I highly recommend it.
  • Profile picture of the author onpurpose
    Profile picture of onpurpose
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    That's so funny! I had just answered question with a similar answer in the thread called: Tips On Getting More Done During Your Day

    So, I visualize many, many times a day!

    And meditate for an hour every afternoon!

  • Profile picture of the author acedalright
    Profile picture of acedalright
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    Every night before sleeping I lay there and think about what I want to achieve. Sometimes I go to bed early just to have more time to think
    • Profile picture of the author chrisgoode
      Profile picture of chrisgoode
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      I have a book a I've created with pictures of all the things I want, I look at this every morning and every night. On the computer I have 100 life goals, with many images matching to that goal taken from the internet. For example I want to own and drive a brand new Red Ferrari, I put as many images as possible into the word document so that it helps me visualise what it would be like to drive it.
  • Profile picture of the author janvera
    Profile picture of janvera
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    I've said this before, but visualizing is great. Just be careful to not do TOO much of it before you actually implement your strategies or else you'll end up with a bunch of broken dreams!
  • Profile picture of the author edmltw
    Profile picture of edmltw
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    The basic concept behind this action is:

    If you can't even picture your goal, your brain can't probably do much more hibernating.


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    • Profile picture of the author Matt D.
      Matt D.
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      I do it before I go to bed and sometimes I get super hyped about it and think about it for hours during the day, and I mean hours. It is really fun.

      Take care
      Hard work always pays off.
  • Profile picture of the author aussieroo1
    Profile picture of aussieroo1
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    I visualize before going to sleep while clearing negative thoughts away at the same time.
  • Profile picture of the author Anthony La Rocca
    Anthony La Rocca
    Profile picture of Anthony La Rocca
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    I visualize during meditation of financial freedom and shakra unlocks
  • Profile picture of the author snyder7
    Profile picture of snyder7
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    I try to do it during my morning meditation and before bed. As well as saying a prayer.

    Sometimes it's hard though, I get caught up on the daily shuffle and sometimes my emotions take the best of me. But I persevere.

  • Profile picture of the author mbrig
    Profile picture of mbrig
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    My best time of day is early in the morning, I've heard it called the "power hour" amongst other things. I think we visualize all day long, I wonder if that is the start of the ideas that just pop into our heads at random times.

    IMO it's good to visualize and to verbalize, why not say out loud to yourself the image that formed in your mind. .


  • Profile picture of the author OzDesign
    Profile picture of OzDesign
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    Similar to other warriors here I visualize as i'm heading to sleep and first thing in the morning.

    It's important for me to start the day the right way as well as ending the day with the right thoughts and feeling.
  • Profile picture of the author Lady
    Profile picture of Lady
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    I do so often, but not to the point of distraction. I find a little mind brake now and then keeps me focused on me goal.

    Best Wishes Lee

  • Profile picture of the author Kitty Kiki
    Kitty Kiki
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    Originally Posted by Peace Of Mind View Post

    Every book on personal development says visualize the end result.
    It has been written from Think and Grow Rich to The Science of Getting Rich.
    Visualization is a very important factor to achieving success.
    Believe you already have the item, see yourself enjoying it
    and let go is the saying. right?
    Feeling as you already have achieved your goal and it will come when your ready to receive it.

    Like Einstein said " Imagination is more important than knowledge"

    So my question is when do you visualize and how long do you focus on seeing yourself with your desire whether its a spouse, money, freedom or a financial break though? Is there is specific time of the day which works best? Do you have a story to tell, about how the LOA has worked for you?
    Would you be able to visualize when you are in problem? if yes, how do you that? I find myself not apt on doing that especially when I am bogged down with problems.

    Fortunately, I don't give a damn on what other ppl think of me though when I am a sh** to them
  • Profile picture of the author Mandy Swift
    Mandy Swift
    Profile picture of Mandy Swift
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    Originally Posted by Peace Of Mind View Post

    Every book on personal development says visualize the end result.
    It has been written from Think and Grow Rich to The Science of Getting Rich.
    Visualization is a very important factor to achieving success.
    Believe you already have the item, see yourself enjoying it
    and let go is the saying. right?
    Feeling as you already have achieved your goal and it will come when your ready to receive it.

    Like Einstein said " Imagination is more important than knowledge"

    So my question is when do you visualize and how long do you focus on seeing yourself with your desire whether its a spouse, money, freedom or a financial break though? Is there is specific time of the day which works best? Do you have a story to tell, about how the LOA has worked for you?
    Thanks for starting the thread, interesting topic, because there are so many different ways to 'visualise' and 'meditate'
    Mandy Swift
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  • Profile picture of the author Mandy Swift
    Mandy Swift
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    I like to visualise while I am taking my dogs for a walk over the cliffs. Three reasons: first I feel 'busy' so my mind can be 'quiet' - I am not fretting about it being a waste of time as one other warrior said. Second, when I am surrounded by nature and beauty, it inspires me and I can dream big as a result. Lastly, if I am carrying a load of negative emotions with me, I can 'dump' them and leave them behind on the walk, and come home with a clear head - works a treat for me. I didn't even used to think of it as 'meditation' until someone pointed out to me that meditation didn't necessarily mean sitting of lying down somewhere
    Mandy Swift
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  • Profile picture of the author Vikram73
    Profile picture of Vikram73
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    I visualize what I need to do get done that day. This is something I learned from Tony Robbins - you can't just visualize about the end goal (having wealth) but about the specific steps to get to that goal.

    I've seen much better results when I visualize myself accomplishing what I need to get done that day in the morning.
  • Profile picture of the author amaechi007
    Profile picture of amaechi007
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    Each day i review my goals. That helps me visualise daily.

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  • Profile picture of the author dave147
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  • Profile picture of the author Lett
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    5-8 hours almost everyday. My job is boring for sure.
  • Profile picture of the author neil1976
    Profile picture of neil1976
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    I don't do that. I just keep an eye on my goal and want to complete that task successfully.
  • Profile picture of the author smoke.sessions
    Profile picture of smoke.sessions
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    I just got a couple books. One is called How I Went From Failure To Success In Selling, and the other is The Art of Dealing with People. Not sure if it has anything to do with visualizing the end result, but I just started reading. Anyone ever read these?

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  • Profile picture of the author trigger1
    Profile picture of trigger1
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    I hope you guys are aware that there is a distinct difference between daydreaming and visualizing. Visualizing should be done with eyes closed.
    • Profile picture of the author sandra.IMqueen
      Profile picture of sandra.IMqueen
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      Visualisation is as really active and creative process one that engages all the senses, it gets you into a place where you can taste, touch, see, smell and hear that which you are visualising.

      So if you are really serious you have to set aside a specific time for it.

      Don't set yourself up to fail. Make sure you set aside a time when you won't be interupted and then whether it's twice a day or 3 times a week, do what works for you and be discplined.

      Good luck
  • Profile picture of the author Joe Teh
    Joe Teh
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    I made my goals into a wallpaper. I stare at it everyday. I also visualize the end results. Normally, it works and also boost your confidence.
  • Profile picture of the author Darren Tan
    Darren Tan
    Profile picture of Darren Tan
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    My visualization starts the moment I wake up every morning for 15 - 20 mins & before I sleep also for 15-20mins..

    Seems to work superbly well for me

    Originally Posted by Peace Of Mind View Post

    Every book on personal development says visualize the end result.
    It has been written from Think and Grow Rich to The Science of Getting Rich.
    Visualization is a very important factor to achieving success.
    Believe you already have the item, see yourself enjoying it
    and let go is the saying. right?
    Feeling as you already have achieved your goal and it will come when your ready to receive it.

    Like Einstein said " Imagination is more important than knowledge"

    So my question is when do you visualize and how long do you focus on seeing yourself with your desire whether its a spouse, money, freedom or a financial break though? Is there is specific time of the day which works best? Do you have a story to tell, about how the LOA has worked for you?
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  • Profile picture of the author theohanden
    Profile picture of theohanden
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    use the theta zone - first thing upon rising and before going to bed you brain is most receptive to new information. tape yoor goals and playthem back to yourself and put up a vison board of you lifetsyle on your ceiling so you see it before sleepinga nd upon rsing
  • Profile picture of the author Steve Dailly
    Steve Dailly
    Profile picture of Steve Dailly
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    I use a comination of visualisation and writing down my goals. I try and do this at least once a day, twice if possible. I find this more effective than just simply visualising.
    • Profile picture of the author webwriter
      Profile picture of webwriter
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      I tend to visualize the result of my reports or articles or whatever. That is, I see myself as the customer and ask myself if I would pay to read it. If not, then it's back to the drawing board to find out where I went wrong, lol.
  • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
    Profile picture of AwesomePossum
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    I might visualize too much but I do it every morning and before every major task I have for the day.
    This gives me the reminder and motivation I need
  • Profile picture of the author joedwi1
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    when im pray to good in mosque
  • Profile picture of the author antiquenh
    Profile picture of antiquenh
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    I do it during meditation, when the mind is quiet and still. I find it very effective.
  • Profile picture of the author Mountain_Mike
    Profile picture of Mountain_Mike
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    Hi Peace of Mind,
    The very best time to visualize is just before you go to sleep, and then just upon awaking. Here is a very powerful simple technique. Visualize you situation exactly like it is in real every day life as if you are watching it on a movie screen or TV. Be very vivid and detailed. Its really easy to do when you have a major problem, because the problem is usually going through our mind 24/7, but make sure you see it on the TV or movie screen as you were watching it from a distance.
    Here is the fun part. Once you view your entire situation on your screen, Totally destroy the TV or screen you are watching it on. (Mentally) blow it up, through it out the window and burn it, throw rocks at it until it is totally destroyed. Get creative and have fun getting rid of this awful situation.
    Now, once it is totally destroyed and gone, create another TV or movie screen. This time see the situation exactly like you want it to be. Be creative and get excited and be vivid and detailed. Make it REAL on your screen and in your mind.
    Now, this is the part that takes a little work for a day or two.
    Every time throughout the days that your mind tries to think about the situation, instantly in you mind, see yourself destroying the first TV and immediately only see the perfect situation you created on the 2nd TV. The problem was destroyed, it is no longer around to receive any power. From this point on, only see the 2nd. TV and build a knowing that this will be the outcome. Get excited about it as if it has already happened and believe me, it will blow you away, because it will really happen.
    This is a great little technique that can be used to activate the Law of Attraction.
    It has never let me down and never ceases to amaze me.

    Hope this helps,
  • Profile picture of the author Sam Mlambo
    Sam Mlambo
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    IMHO I believe visualization is best when you set a time to do it. For example, I usually visualize before I go to sleep. And when I wake up. Then during my work day I'm busy actualizing my vision.

    Visualize enough to know clearly what you want to accomplish. Then spend the rest of your time making your vision an actuality.

    - Sam
  • Profile picture of the author Justin Says
    Justin Says
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    100% of the time for sure

    I visualize my future.

    My name is Justin Lewis. My digital marketing company has been in business for over 10 years with multiple six-figure years. We do provide a premium web design service.

  • Profile picture of the author Dan B Rusu
    Dan B Rusu
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    I need to start visualizing more, so I keep on target.
  • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
    Profile picture of AwesomePossum
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    Wow, Sorry for my unhelpful post last time.

    Try to focus on one image and situation and bring it to life as best you can and here's the power of it.

    It's said(those monks :p) that if one can hold an image in his head for only 57 seconds straight(not easy lol) it boosts your creation by 200X.

    With that said. I think it more depends on how often you visualize. 10 minutes is probably the max that I'll do each session. From what I remember, going past that might encourage day dreaming all day......that's breaking one of the laws in this method(living in the moment! Time is only an illusion with this law. If you can get your head around that, you'll be golden)

    Hope this post actually helped : 0
    • Profile picture of the author SEO-IM7
      Profile picture of SEO-IM7
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey guys
      As far as visualization, i do it all the time. I don't have a set amount of time,
      rather it's just when i feel the need to do it. For example, awhile back
      i would visualize what i expected to happen for a certain event and i
      would Also say it out loud(not in front of people and guess what,
      what i visualized and said actually happened as i said it would occur!

      The key is in actually *believing* that the event Will happen the way
      you expect it to happen aswell as verbally saying the event out loud.
      (stay positive and force yourself to believe it. You might have doubt,
      but just keep thinking that it is going to happen.)

      • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
        Profile picture of AwesomePossum
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        Originally Posted by SEO-IM7 View Post

        Hey guys

        The key is in actually *believing* that the event Will happen the way
        you expect it to happen aswell as verbally saying the event out loud.
        (stay positive and force yourself to believe it. You might have doubt,
        but just keep thinking that it is going to happen.)

        Very cool, quick question. What do you actually say verbally when visualizing? How to you phrase it verbally? And in what Tense? What do you actually focus on when verbalizing?

        Does that make sense? If not I'll try to rephrase lol I'm not the greatest at visualization and I'm always looking for ways to improve

        • Profile picture of the author SEO-IM7
          Profile picture of SEO-IM7
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          Well, to answer your question,...
          you essentially imagine the event and say what is happening in the event at the time it is happening. For example, say it's a job interview. You imagine walking into the building, meeting with the employer, shaking his hand, etc, and during all that you are basically acting out the event and saying everything that is happening.

          An example as such would be: You say... "i'm going to walk into the building and then i'll walk into the employers office and the employer will walk up to me and say:

          hi, james, glad you came in, have a seat. "Let me look at your resume."
          "Looks good." And then I'll say, "thanks". Then he will say, "hmm, i like
          your experience, what salary do you expect", And then I'll say.."well how about,$75,000.00 and he will say, "hmm, with the experience you have, Yes, i think we can make that happen!

          And you say, "That's great!"....

          That's an example of how it would essentially work. You basically act it out like a movie event. You imagine it all in your mind happening and say what is happening.

          Kind of like reading a script and acting it out.

          And at the end you say.... And that's what *Happened* when i went to the interview. The guy gave me the Job and the salary i wanted and it ALL worked out perfectly.

          Please note: You have to *Believe* it will happen AND
          You have to *believe* it *Already Happened*!

          Act out the whole thing like your reading a script of what Already happened.
          Basically it's a: *he said this and i said that and then this happened.*

          Hope that clears things up

      • Profile picture of the author Gandolfo85
        Profile picture of Gandolfo85
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        I try to visualize my desire/preferred outcome as often as possible during the day. The more your repeat it with intensity and focus the better.

        However, during the mornings and just before going as sleep at night are my preferred times because your subconscious mind is more receptive to suggestions/images and so on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
    Ron Killian
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    Great idea for a thread and some awesome ideas here. Thanks to every one that has contributed!

    I've read all the books and know this, like second hand, but I rarely do it. Why is that? It's simple and easy to do. That might be a good question, the why we don't.

    I do know that when I have even done some goal setting, I've seen improvement to my income.

    I am curious, how much does every one think visualization has helped them?

    Also, isn't the hardest part to truly "believe" it will happen? For example, it would be difficult for some one at the point where they are getting evicted, to really believe they will make a million dollars. That might be a little on the extreme side.

    One other thing I have wondered about, do you need to know "how" your going to get what you want, for it to work?
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    • Profile picture of the author SEO-IM7
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      Honestly, in my opinion, not necessarily. If you just constantly keep thinking, to yourself,..."how do i do it?" and think repeatedily over the idea, eventually you'll just get that Aha moment out of nowhere. Sometimes when you least expect it to happen. You could Not even be thinking about it, But most likely your subconscience IS thinking about the subject without you paying any attention to the matter.

      And then suddenly the idea/solution just pops into your mind out of nowhere.
      You could be focused on brushing your teeth and bam the idea/solution occurs and you think, "yeah, that's what i can do to get the *fill in the blank*(job etc) to work/happen/achieve the goal".

      I have experienced this kind of thing time and time again.

      Just keep thinking on the subject all the time and your mind will do the rest.
      Of course their are other factors that contribute to this overall effect.

  • Profile picture of the author Juris
    Profile picture of Juris
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    People here are talking a lot about meditation, but you don't even know what meditation means... cheeez... Meditation is a state of your no-mind.. you don't visualize, think or anything while you are meditative! Those of you who are talking about thinking or visualizing while meditating probably haven't been at meditative state even for a second...

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  • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
    Profile picture of AwesomePossum
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    Juris, there is more than one form of meditation : o
    The type we are focusing on here is to first calm the mind into a silent state and lower state of consciousness. Then we exploit this state by using visualization.

    We get into a meditative state yes we are meditating in the process.

    Ans Thanks SEO. Believing that something has already happened is such a tricky part. I always find myself saying when I attain this I will do that instead of saying oh I can't wait to go to Peru next month for my vacation! The hardest part is having to go out to spend fun. Looks like I'll be in isolation for a few months but I'm rockin so I won't have a problem with it.
    A few months of self transformation never hurt anyone lol

    I'm very good at letting things take their course though. One example is how I ended up in this forum and it's literally changed my life in a month. Insane. Just last month I was trying to save up money to open my trading account lol. Now I'm a Millionaire

    Very tricky but when I have that AHA! moment and I'll be smooth sailing for life
    I'm soo close I can feel it. I just have to make a few more tweaks with my state of mind.

    Thanks for your explanation too. That's truly the most helpful post I've seen here
    That was my missing link
  • Profile picture of the author Golden Armour
    Golden Armour
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    • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
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      Originally Posted by Golden Armour View Post

      Napolean Hills 16 laws of success is much better but when he wrote that book some people like Henry Ford were furious and insisted he take certain elements out. Thus came think and grow rich.
      I love this book but I'm going to have to finish studying it after this summer It's incredible....Every time I read another part I'm in awe.
      Ford and Carnegie were divine to say the least. I can't believe he published this :rolleyes:
  • Profile picture of the author nakkale
    Profile picture of nakkale
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    This is very good topics. I would say best time to visualise is just before you go to bed and in the morning just after you wake up.

    When we visualise it must be done properly. If it is not done properly it can bring negative affects in your life rather than positive. Because there can be so many negative thoughts and emotions in our mind that would become roadblock.

    We need to master techniques so that we can record our goals and desires in our subconscious mind through visualisation.

    I have my wish list made with my dreams and goals. I visualise my goals just before go to bed and morning just after I wake up. Even I read out my goals loud and visualise. These timings are ideal because our minds are more receptive particularly in the morning. With these techniques I have achieved most of my goals. But I move my goal post gradually.

  • Profile picture of the author Arun Kumar
    Arun Kumar
    Profile picture of Arun Kumar
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    I don't visualize much daily. I agree that this is my weakness. I will improve it.
  • Profile picture of the author hydseo
    Profile picture of hydseo
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    you can get this power by doing meditation in morning (monks do meditation daily to increase there concentration) .. i will try it

    Good luck
  • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
    Profile picture of AwesomePossum
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    Something to add that surprisingly no one's brought up yet.
    You need emotion in your visualization. It's a key ingredient. You have to bring visualization to life to help you stay clearly focused on your goals. Emotion is critical.
  • Profile picture of the author GaryJBloomer
    Profile picture of GaryJBloomer
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    Dear Peace Of Mind,

    I vizualise daily, sometimes as much as hourly. Neural pathways that fire together wire together. I hope this helps. --Gary B.
  • Profile picture of the author kwality
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    Usually when i jog.
  • Profile picture of the author Sandy Cormack
    Sandy Cormack
    Profile picture of Sandy Cormack
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    Visualizing is a form of visioning, and as such, is one of the four vital building blocks of creativity.

    Visioning is the process by which we identify an 'ideal' future. It is not based on alternatives and possibilities - it is based on an extremely clear, focused image of the desired future.

    Visioning can be an important first step of the creative process, because it propels you to the next phase - 'Now that I see the ideal future for myself, how do I get there??'

    From there, the gap between the present and the vision of the future has to be bridged by learning, exploring, experimenting, improving, and ultimately forming a strategy. Because often, even though the vision is clear, the means by which to achieve it are blurry.

    I think that's why most of us are here - to make the pathways to our vision of the future more concrete.
    Sandy Cormack

    Creativity Training, Strategic Planning, Personal Development, Organizational Development, and Lead Guitar
  • Profile picture of the author Marketstriker
    Profile picture of Marketstriker
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    The answers for your questions depend and will depend on the person, because it's personal. As for me I use a few ways for visualization:
    1. You mentioned it - imagine that you achieved your goal.
    2. I made a collage that consists of pictures that symbolize my dreams.
    And of cause visualization won't work by itself. I'm sure you heard about positive attitude.
  • Profile picture of the author sophiadixon
    Profile picture of sophiadixon
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    I have many days when I visualize for many minutes and when I do it I visualize where I want to be and the person I want to be standing next to me.

    I hope that one day all the things that I am visualizing will become true and I will no longer have to visualize for anything else than inner peace.
  • Profile picture of the author Chris30K
    Profile picture of Chris30K
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    I visualize with the end process first:

    1. The client's success with working with me for the long-term.
    2. A general idea of what the process towards success is going to look like (I fill in the details after the transaction)
    3. The client agreeing to do business with me (credit card or signing a check)
    4. Myself executing the sales process perfectly, presenting flawlessly, & overcoming the wildest objections.

    Chic Fil A > McDonald's

  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
    Profile picture of Princess Balestra
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    Way I see it, u can't function without visualizin'.

    So it's 24/7 defaulto, less'n ur asleep or havin' organs removed under anaesthetic.

    So mebbe the Q here is more about directin' what imagry.

    Pictures are slaves, pictures are masters.

    Figure the illo & all is brillo.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author Sir Eliot Dundee
    Sir Eliot Dundee
    Profile picture of Sir Eliot Dundee
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    An inexplicable form of power lures me in to start visualizing once every so often. I receive "the calling" to do so and connect with forces that govern the universe. I hear a voice telling me that he listens to me and loves connecting with's a spirit that manifested when I listened to my favorite hypnosis tracks.
  • Profile picture of the author mentat47
    Profile picture of mentat47
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    Originally Posted by Peace Of Mind View Post

    Every book on personal development says visualize the end result.
    It has been written from Think and Grow Rich to The Science of Getting Rich.
    Visualization is a very important factor to achieving success.
    Believe you already have the item, see yourself enjoying it
    and let go is the saying. right?
    Feeling as you already have achieved your goal and it will come when your ready to receive it.

    Like Einstein said " Imagination is more important than knowledge"

    So my question is when do you visualize and how long do you focus on seeing yourself with your desire whether its a spouse, money, freedom or a financial break though? Is there is specific time of the day which works best? Do you have a story to tell, about how the LOA has worked for you?
    You will be able to visualize the first when you know yourself. And if you want to achieve that task, you must start practice prays and meditation. Without them, you will never have a clear visions.
  • Profile picture of the author JenniferGiacoppo
    Profile picture of JenniferGiacoppo
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    What most people fail to realize is that Visualization is natural and should only be natural. If you are forcing it, it doesn't really work. The way you know is-that is should feel pleasurable. I often find myself having flashbacks about something and then find that it manifests. Sometimes it is about great experiences and sometimes it is about not so good. So I try to focus on things that bring me feelings of ease and enjoyment. My manifestations then come easily and effortlessly. Hope this has been helpful to someone- Jennifer

    "Attitude is everything. Your mind-set is your attitude. It is the difference between success and the lack of it!"

  • Profile picture of the author allanrsm
    Profile picture of allanrsm
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    I try to keep my goal as a constant in the forefront of my mind...not always the sole focus but always accessible as this is what is determining the actions I take, the feelings I have when I undertake these actions and the efficiency with which I take these actions.

    So persistent and faithful visualization is key to achieving anything worthwhile!
  • Profile picture of the author Gas Dumfarht
    Gas Dumfarht
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    I visualize the end result and *then* work on the details usually under hypnosis. I do it all the time. After a week of visualization I came up with something very lucrative and, that would normally wouldn't occur had I not gone through the procedure.
  • Profile picture of the author Kherk Roldan
    Kherk Roldan
    Profile picture of Kherk Roldan
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    I did this 3x a day. Before sleeping, when i wake up, after breakfast!
  • Profile picture of the author brewmeister
    Profile picture of brewmeister
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    I try to do it every morning for 10 minutes and then read for about an hour.
    It's helped me get up earlier, learn and accomplish more.
  • Profile picture of the author Priki
    Profile picture of Priki
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    Like Einstein said " Imagination is more important than knowledge"... True, but imagination is so powerful thing and if don't know how to control it, it can destroy you.

    Let me tell you a story... Last year I begin to research ''In what I believe'' and after a one year of working on the field I realize that I never really know in what I believe, because I never know myself so good.

    They key to success is to lost yourself in the journey of finding yourself, only then you will figure out that your really found YourSelf! And I did that by reading and practicing prays and meditations.

    Believe me, only then you will really know how it works the Law of Attraction.
  • Profile picture of the author outlawdawg
    Profile picture of outlawdawg
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    I have found with my lifestyle that visualizing can be done about anytime. What works best for me is when a thought about something comes up I take a few seconds (or more) and visualize the positive end result I want to achieve. Of course more regularly schedule mediation/visualizing works best - you just need to make it happen.
    • Profile picture of the author Priki
      Profile picture of Priki
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      Originally Posted by outlawdawg View Post

      I have found with my lifestyle that visualizing can be done about anytime. What works best for me is when a thought about something comes up I take a few seconds (or more) and visualize the positive end result I want to achieve. Of course more regularly schedule mediation/visualizing works best - you just need to make it happen.
      Nice words mate!

      When I was reading about Nikola Tesla and his personal biography, I see that even he is using the method of visualize. But, according to him, visualize must come by it self, so if you forced or you try to think so badly on the thing you want, you results will be negative.

      Try not to think, just relax and go with the flow. Clear your thought so you can see your visions!
  • Profile picture of the author SpartanMarketer6
    Profile picture of SpartanMarketer6
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    When I think of mindset and the ability to visualize your success in work, in your personal life, and your everyday life I really do think the following quote applies to all three things:

    I heard this amazing quote: "Entrepreneurship, starting your own business, is like living a few years of your life like most people won't, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can't.
  • Profile picture of the author allanrsm
    Profile picture of allanrsm
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    This a facet of goal achievement that many people have not yet fully grasped the concept accurately and more importantly the effective change that can happen when visualization is done correctly.

    I try to have the image of my goal/new life always in the amongst the forefront of my mind as this is the on call resource that I draw upon when I need to get tasks done or keep motivated throughout the day.

    The positive effect of this is that when I do have my quite moments and i get to focus in immense detail the image of my goal it is not a massive effort to recall my image and then get mentally involved with my image.

    I try to have 3 to 4 moments throughout the day where I shut myself off and let my image be brought into focus.

    However the make or break aspect of visualization is the faith and belief we put into our visualization as well as how this belief manifests in the actions we take to realize our vision.
  • Profile picture of the author vLeopard
    Profile picture of vLeopard
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    I have two types of visualization. The first type is I visualize my major goals 3 times a day for at least 15min. I also visualize the immediate results I want before I do anything for 2-3min.

    The second type is active while I'm working on something especially if it challenging I visualize (In a way pretend) I am a pro I like or a future version of myself that has already done it. Its great because it changes the way I think and act.

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  • Profile picture of the author SuccesfulIideas
    Profile picture of SuccesfulIideas
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    Visualization is Important to your goals, you must first feel it or believe that you have it!, the purpose of visualization is to motivate you reach your goals

    It will boost you to make it happen, doubt's, fear and frustrations will come, it happens, but if you visualize and you know what you want, you will know how you will handle fear...

    I suggest you visualize every morning a fresh start, enjoy the moment that you have your goals already and enjoying it, as you open your eyes you know what to so and how to do it
  • Profile picture of the author macatum
    Profile picture of macatum
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    I can't live without visaulization. SOmetimes we even do it with friends, so called "improve our skills". When we order tea and coffe we always try to imagine that waite will make a mistake with quatity of ordered coffee and tea... It always works =)
    • Profile picture of the author Priki
      Profile picture of Priki
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      Originally Posted by macatum View Post

      I can't live without visaulization. SOmetimes we even do it with friends, so called "improve our skills". When we order tea and coffe we always try to imagine that waite will make a mistake with quatity of ordered coffee and tea... It always works =)
      Nice work mate, I am sure that you always getting higher by visualize things with a group of people.

      I am suggesting you to try to meditate in group. The effects are awesome! You will feel a great level of energy that can boost your body, mind and spirit. You must try it!

      Stay positive.
  • Profile picture of the author Net 700
    Net 700
    Profile picture of Net 700
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    I visualize on a perpetual basis.

    Why am I game to truncate the mind with amazing commands, while others can't? Why others find my transformation so complex, while I don't? The whole world is seducible and always succumbs if you know how to pronounce your demands with direct commands that alter their whole mindset. Where this hypnotic roller coaster take you? Eternity. Is with you. Hahahahaaa. Just an hour ago, I layed down in bed and imbibed the powerful affirmations of two programs. It has been ungodly. What a stupefying experience. I then wondered, this is the only thing the world has to offer. My mind opened like a crater and I cast off the remnants of worthlessness, the instant the inductions poured in my head.
  • Profile picture of the author jw22777
    Profile picture of jw22777
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    I visualize constantly. I don't know if you know this, but even Albert Einstein said that Imagination is far more important than intelligence. I might not have that verbatim though.

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