Thoughts on think and grow rich!

by 7 replies
I have an ebook of this and audiobook

what is your review with this book?

i think for me thought becomes things works for me, include it with action and it works!

what principle in this book that you follow and works!

#mind warriors #grow #rich #thoughts
  • Profile picture of the author FinishMyGoals
    I think it is one of the best books ever. I believe number one, everything begins in the mind period. The thing I like the best from the book is of being of service, and paying it forward. Bring more value than what is expected.
  • Banned
    This is the only book of its type that I recommend to anyone. The secret for me was when I finished the book, I did not put it aside. I immediately turned to the first page and proceeded to read it again.

    Whenever my batteries need recharging, it's my 'go to' life manual.

    Not a word of new age bullshit can be found between its covers. You can't ask for more than that. :-)

    Cheers. - Frank
    • [1] reply
    • If you heard about Bob Proctor.. He is reading that book for more then 30 years now... I learned a lot from him on youtube... For anyone who want's to make money online, off-line or start a business... Definitively this is a MUST read and act on the book contents.

      P.S: Napoleon Hill and his craft is responsible for all the millionaires and the counting multimillionaires, YET, all the yang millionaires that still doesn't know that they will become if they read at least once N.Hills book..
    • [DELETED]
  • I absolutely love this book, I have it in print form and I watch videos with his recordings on you tube. My fav quote of his is: “Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” Which gives me hope to find something good in every situation.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Great book.

    There is a point in the book where Nepolean mentions that behind all the successful businessmen mentioned, there was a spouse.

    I am not saying you have to be married to be successful but I do believe that having a spouse or partner that is like minded in finance and business sense is a huge benefit.

    Some of my best conversations and advice have come from my wife when discussing finances and business.

    She also keeps me in check when I'm getting too emotionally involved. Man she knows the exact buttons to push.
  • its a great book, taught me a few tips on where to put my focus
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I think you can think about it all day long but if you don't take action and put one foot in front of the other then it will never happen. Of course it helps to have a game plan, but for me success came only when I dove in head first and started doing.

    If you start thinking too much you will overcomplicate it and just spin your wheels. I believe in KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).

    It's worked great for me so far. I've never wasted one minute of my time reading self help books, and never will. I have all the help I need inside me already, and so does everyone else. You just have to dig deep and find the determination to succeed, and you will.

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