Like, he, she or it instinctively appeals to you.
Without thought.
Do you know what I'm talking about?
When it's a person we're talking about and they're showing signs that they might be attracted to you as well...that "connection" even from a distance is exhilarating.
Everything else seems to just fade into the background.
That's that primal, animal attraction.
It's lust.
To get past that primal stage, when you start getting into the intelligent phase, that requires so much more involvement.
If you want success in your business then not only do you want "instant attraction" you've also got to focus on maintaining that direct corridor of attraction....for the long term.
Your marketing efforts have to be directed at the folks that will resonate with you.
Especially, if they're the ones you WANT to attract.
They are the only ones that matter.
If you're not resonating with your ideal targets, and, for some reason, you keep attracting the ones you don't want then that means you've got to change something about what you're doing.
Change your approach.
Change your message.
Change your verbiage.
Change something.
Or, change your standards.
Maybe, you discover that you CAN work with these folks you're attracting.
I guess you won't know until you actually experience it.
The point is once there is a "match" and you've got them on the hook, that connection you have in place is all that matters.
I'd recommend not focusing on anything else.
Once you "reel them in" you can gain a lot of useful insight that you may not have had before.
You might discover why whatever you're doing worked the way it did.
Why, what you intended didn't.
Useful data, right?
For me, the folks I'm attracting and want to attract are all that matters.
No one else.
Not hatters.
Not critics.
No one that's not giving you money counts.
Maybe from a positioning vantage, but other than that...very little attention paid to those "others."
Once you've connected with those that respond favorably to your message....
You catch their eye...
They catch yours....
And maybe they've given you some money, then....
You turn up the influence.
Turn up the charm and persuasion.
Turn up the appeal.
Start deeper engagement with them.
Strategically, of course.
When you do, the whole world starts to fall into place for you.
There's a caveat to this, though.
Even after they've given you money, as they're falling for you, more and more, you've got to consider those folks, as well.
This can be a precarious situation.
You don't want to take advantage of them, right?
You've got to consider whether or not this is like a one night stand or is this something you're looking for the long haul.
If you've never experienced this before then you're probably gonna end up "breaking a few hearts" or two.
If you're doing it on purpose...then you're an asshole.
Nothing is good or bad until you compare it, so you can always learn from your mistakes and change your ways.
Discovery comes from trying, doing and failing.
Rarely, from succeeding.
Do you want more commitment?
Bigger commitment?
Bigger commitment usually requires more money and more time.
It also requires more of you, usually.
Is that what you want?
The nice thing about bigger ticket deals is you're, generally, dealing with better quality clients.
Again, I said generally.
There are exceptions to every rule, but this has proven a safer bet for me.
They're more invested.
More invested in you, themselves and take the relationship much more seriously.
On a side note, strangely, this is the very reason I don't give change to folks looking for handouts.
Not unless they're actually exchanging some sort of real value for it.
Shining shoes.
Washing windows.
Sweeping up.
And I'm not talking about them forcing their services on you, that's not cool.
That's extortion.
Managing expectations is key.
Learn to manage your own and learn to put in place what you want others to expect of you, as well.
As Colin Theriot recently pointed out, what you get out of life comes from what you TAKE, what you're GIVEN and what you MAKE.
Though he had some wise shit to say about why Making is the best choice to pursue your ideal life (look for it...it's pretty profound), obviously there are two other choices you've got to work with there.
IMO, they're at least worth consideration.
The problem with them is that they're kinda MORE reliant on chance or assholery.
"To make" means you've constructed things to your liking.
Learning to do that shit is awesome.
It also requires a great deal of focus.
That focus is hard, and developing it is a skill very well worth developing.
I'm doing it, slowly but surely, but I'm not to proud to consider what's given to me or taking opportunities.
Sometimes chances come your way.
I think you should go for them, but do it with thought behind it.
For goodness sake...learn how to focus.
Was this message attractive to you or was it all over the place?
Just Jess -
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