Without Consistency You're Like a Rocket That Goes Up then Crashes

Wayne Equity
Profile picture of Wayne Equity
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Are you sick of your life staying the same? Maybe you make a big change once in a while, adopt a workout regimen, perhaps focus on creating or growing a business, but here's the thing - without consistency, it doesn't matter how high you go, you'll just go back down.

Any endeavor you take to increase your health, wealth, relationships or any other life area you want to take care of, must be taken with the principle of eternal consistency in mind!

Whatever actions you do today to cause the growth much continue for the growth to persist. Once the actions that caused the growth stop, the cycle of growth ends and you'll gradually start losing what you've created at ever-increasing speeds.

The secret that the rich use is that they never neglect the income sources they created, they supplement and add more!

Nobody said that you have to be the one who keeps taking the actions that caused the growth, barring things like your physical body, you can simply delegate and hire other people to keep taking the actions that created growth for you.

You must come into any new project or endeavor with the mind that the actions that caused the growth must keep happening consistently forever if you want the growth to keep happening.

Again, you don't necessarily have to be the one doing the actions but someone has to do them if you want growth to continue, or else stagnation will kick in.

This is the single biggest mistake I see people making, they simply don't persist with their actions. They start something and either quit before the growth really starts, or worse, they achieve their goals and then stop making the efforts that got them the goal! (which means they'll lose it sooner or later).

Remember, consistency is a must. Consistency is the building block of growth, not effort or efficiency. Effort is the amount of energy invested to growth, efficiency is the amount of energy converted to growth - but without consistency no long-term growth exists and even fast spurts of growth are pointless since they'll disappear sooner or later anyway once the consistency stops.

So if you are sick of your life staying the same and not growing and changing, start being consistent in your actions. This guarantees growth, and growth equals change. If the habits are positive, than consistency guarantees positive change!
#consistency #crashes #rocket
  • Profile picture of the author technotronic
    Profile picture of technotronic
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    I just can't help myself when I see a catchy title, lol. Yet, it's not an easy thing to be consistent all the time. I'm talking about my own personal experience. Sometimes, I just need to press a pause button and regroup. Or, it also happens that when something isn't developing the way I planned that maybe a better option is to leave it be and try something else. But definitely, if you can't stick to your plans and goals, then you are going to fail sooner or later, just like that rocket you mentioned in flames and stuff. Cheers!
    • Profile picture of the author Wayne Equity
      Wayne Equity
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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Profile picture of Odahh
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        Originally Posted by Wayne Equity View Post

        Awesome. If you have trouble being consistent remember to lower your minimum criteria for being consistent. For example, if you have trouble going to the gym 7 days a week to workout, you could set the minimum as "have a nice workout", which means you can just do some pullups and pushups if you're feeling very tired/lazy/depressed and still consider it a win.
        Of-course just having a minimum doesn't mean you should always go for the minimum, and you most likely will go for much higher, but you need to always have a minimum to fall-back on if you don't want to lose the habit.
        I wrote a full short guide about it here: The Full Short Guide to Setting Effective Perfect Habits Robby Frank

        well there is the other option ..if you have trouble going to the gym to work out .. then don't box working out as needing to be done in the gym . i walk 6-12 miles a day ..every day .. because of the work i do ..and walking that much was pretty much normal for all humans up untill recently ..and i rarely sit in chairs now ..it destroys your body..I had compressed disks in my back from it..but they regenerated .. if you sit sit with your legs crossed and avoid slouching ..

        also reduce sugar intake from processed foods and stop eating at 80 percent full or know the portions you must eat to get just full enough ..

        if you consistently eat the standard american diet ..you will get the standard american body ..with the standard american list of medications.. high blood pressure, cholesterol drugs .. diabetes med .. and a longer list .
  • Profile picture of the author alextrevayne
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    This reminds me of the example of the airplane that is about to take off. It needs to get to a certain speed in order to take off. That's us when we are starting, it is difficult to start speeding up but once you have created that momentum you will definitely go up and into cruise control.
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  • Profile picture of the author marktman571
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    Originally Posted by Wayne Equity View Post

    Are you sick of your life staying the same? Maybe you make a big change once in a while, adopt a workout regimen, perhaps focus on creating or growing a business, but here's the thing - without consistency, it doesn't matter how high you go, you'll just go back down.

    Any endeavor you take to increase your health, wealth, relationships or any other life area you want to take care of, must be taken with the principle of eternal consistency in mind!

    Whatever actions you do today to cause the growth much continue for the growth to persist. Once the actions that caused the growth stop, the cycle of growth ends and you'll gradually start losing what you've created at ever-increasing speeds.

    The secret that the rich use is that they never neglect the income sources they created, they supplement and add more!

    Nobody said that you have to be the one who keeps taking the actions that caused the growth, barring things like your physical body, you can simply delegate and hire other people to keep taking the actions that created growth for you.

    You must come into any new project or endeavor with the mind that the actions that caused the growth must keep happening consistently forever if you want the growth to keep happening.

    Again, you don't necessarily have to be the one doing the actions but someone has to do them if you want growth to continue, or else stagnation will kick in.

    This is the single biggest mistake I see people making, they simply don't persist with their actions. They start something and either quit before the growth really starts, or worse, they achieve their goals and then stop making the efforts that got them the goal! (which means they'll lose it sooner or later).

    Remember, consistency is a must. Consistency is the building block of growth, not effort or efficiency. Effort is the amount of energy invested to growth, efficiency is the amount of energy converted to growth - but without consistency no long-term growth exists and even fast spurts of growth are pointless since they'll disappear sooner or later anyway once the consistency stops.

    So if you are sick of your life staying the same and not growing and changing, start being consistent in your actions. This guarantees growth, and growth equals change. If the habits are positive, than consistency guarantees positive change!
    Sometimes it's hard to be consistent when you have pressure from the third party having stake in your business. Also it's in human nature that we expect results to pop up right away and become rich. Reason behind this impatience is that we often end up comparing ourselves with others. You life is different than the other dude around the block because he did his part to succeed. Now it's your time to play your part with utmost patience and let your strategy play the game.
  • Profile picture of the author Inspir8tion
    Profile picture of Inspir8tion
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    Great Topic! I really needed to stumble upon this. I know I need to be more consistent in some areas of my life. I really like this part:
    " Remember, consistency is a must. Consistency is the building block of growth, not effort or efficiency. Effort is the amount of energy invested to growth, efficiency is the amount of energy converted to growth - but without consistency no long-term growth exists and even fast spurts of growth are pointless since they'll disappear sooner or later anyway once the consistency stops."
    • Profile picture of the author Wayne Equity
      Wayne Equity
      Profile picture of Wayne Equity
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      Originally Posted by Inspir8tion View Post

      Great Topic! I really needed to stumble upon this. I know I need to be more consistent in some areas of my life. I really like this part:
      " Remember, consistency is a must. Consistency is the building block of growth, not effort or efficiency. Effort is the amount of energy invested to growth, efficiency is the amount of energy converted to growth - but without consistency no long-term growth exists and even fast spurts of growth are pointless since they'll disappear sooner or later anyway once the consistency stops."
      This is the most important paragraph from the article. You have a great eye!
      Took me many years to learn.

      Success Coach | Traveling | $2,000 / Month Coaching | 5 Videos Per Day

  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
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    Something awesome about my life over the past few months. OK it's been awesome for a long time , but goodness, maintaining a fun-loving, chill, relaxed vibe helped me consistently enjoy the ride without getting so caught up heavily in outcomes. Which has been REALLY fun. Consistently loving the ride, feeling grateful and connecting with new and old friends has been delicious.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
    • Profile picture of the author Wayne Equity
      Wayne Equity
      Profile picture of Wayne Equity
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      Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      Something awesome about my life over the past few months. OK it's been awesome for a long time , but goodness, maintaining a fun-loving, chill, relaxed vibe helped me consistently enjoy the ride without getting so caught up heavily in outcomes. Which has been REALLY fun. Consistently loving the ride, feeling grateful and connecting with new and old friends has been delicious.
      Great habit. Thanks for sharing!
      I'll keep it in mind, loved the idea.

      Success Coach | Traveling | $2,000 / Month Coaching | 5 Videos Per Day

  • Profile picture of the author we rate fun stuff
    we rate fun stuff
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    It's not just about consistency or trying to do the same things over and over again but it's also consciously trying to improve your processes, systems, or even looking at new opportunities that can generate higher income. So also check yourself if you are being too consistent and have stopped giving yourself bigger goals.
    • Profile picture of the author Wayne Equity
      Wayne Equity
      Profile picture of Wayne Equity
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      Originally Posted by we rate fun stuff View Post

      It's not just about consistency or trying to do the same things over and over again but it's also consciously trying to improve your processes, systems, or even looking at new opportunities that can generate higher income. So also check yourself if you are being too consistent and have stopped giving yourself bigger goals.
      I write my goals down every morning and every night so I'm not worried about that, thanks for sharing though!

      Success Coach | Traveling | $2,000 / Month Coaching | 5 Videos Per Day

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