Analysis Paralysis ~ A lack of DOING kills your Business

8 replies
Let me ask you, how much time do you spend THINKING about making money online??

And how much time do you spend actually DOING something that adds value to an online money making activity?

If you're like I used to be (still am sometimes) then you'll find that you can spend HOURS reading and researching stuff about how to make money online and you just become so overwhelmed with information and ideas that you just don't actually DO ANYTHING. I think many can relate to this??

This is often referred to as analysis paralysis because you just look at stuff for hours instead of putting time into value generating activities. This is especially common with newbies starting out as they just don't know where to begin. This can be harmful for your business in my opinion.

My advice on how to avoid the analysis paralysis is as follows:

1) Have a written down list of things to do that will add direct value to your business and don't do anything until you have completed them and ticked them off. Your list could be as follows:
-Post these adds to my facebook group
-Type this email and send out to my list
- Reply to these comments on facebook etc. etc.

Even if it is just 3 small things like that, it gets things DONE! This helps you to make progress before you get lost in stuff on the Internet and it helps to keep you accountable.

2) Set aside an amount of time each day for completing your list. eg Spend 1 hour fro 7pm. This will help you get your stuff done in a shorter amount of time and help you to not WASTE time. It will also take the stress out of always thinking about what you need to do for your business and when you're gonna get it all done. Bite size chunks friends.

3) When you do go back and get lost in information on the internet, try and focus on only 1 or 2 sources that you trust and you know that will give you value. This will help you to be more consistent and actually LEARN. Then just implement on a consistent basis.

When I started sticking to this approach was when I really started to see a noticeable change in my results online and since then I have made thousands of dollars online..

Anyways, I hope this is helpful to anyone!!

Drop me a coment if you so wish!

#analysis #business #kills #lack #paralysis
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  • Profile picture of the author beeks
    Solid post, im the epitome if getting side tracked with another link, ill have 8 tabs open all linked from the first opened tab where i went for info. Im a huge fan of making notes as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author joshdn10
      Haha, yeah it's so easy to get sidetracked and before you know it you're watching an unrelated YouTube video!
      Having a list of things is the way to go.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesdj1
    Imperfect action trumps learning with no action everyday.

    Still hard to believe I made money years ago with ugly websites and poorly written copy etc.. but money came in.

    Find a problem, help others solve that problem adding value for others, remove yourself from the equation... forget "what can I do to make money" and think... "how can I help someone today".

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11069454].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joshdn10
      Hahah, well that's pretty awesome that you made money still!!
      But you nailed it right there, if what youre doing is adding value to someone and literally helping them, then money will simply come as a result!

      Yeah we've all done it man!
      That's great to hear. I mean there's nothing wrong with doing research and stuff, because obviously it's necessary. But you just really need to focus on what you're doing so you don't get sidetracked. I hate the feeling of being overwhelmed. I love ticking things off knowing I've done something valuable for my business.

      Anytime mate!

      That sounds really interesting. Where can I get find that? I like the idea of working towards a desired feeling
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  • Profile picture of the author Shams Sikder
    I never thought about it like that, thanks for the advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I like it Josh.

    If anything I went in the opposite direction; going balls to wall action with little research. I eventually reined in my energies, doing things from a thoughtful, measured space to find that happy balance that made things pop for me.

    Fab post.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11069967].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author R0b328
    Great post! Nice to see someone address something so many face with a real solution you yourself do. I've recently been trying an rpm planning method, it's interesting how it works I really like it. You focus on how you want to feel and what outcomes you want at the end of the day and condense your list into several tasks that help you get that outcome.

    For me, it works so much better because I hate the idea of "having" to do something, and thats exactly what this method addresses.
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  • Profile picture of the author mge
    A phrase I've read from successful IM'ers is "Don't get it perfect just get it going."
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