What is your goal for October?

by 57 replies

- Close 2 more clients with my Agency

- Finish my second book

- Survive 30 day as Head of Warrior Forum

what about you?
#mind warriors #goal #october
  • Mine: Make atleast $1000 per month...
    • [1] reply
    • Must be easy , your signature says ">>>Make $100 Daily! <<<"

      you should make then $3100 this month right?
      • [ 7 ] Thanks
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  • Find my new home so my stress can reduce and I can focus on more work.
    Also to make as much money as I can, according to my health and other factors.

    Lastly, to get messages for this forum stating I am a newbie.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [3] replies
    • Awesome Mate. Stress is a killer for sure.
      Keep well buddy
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • KEEP well buddy and don't be stressed
    • I am a newbie..
  • My goal ,,,i m eager to waiting for diwalli festival ,,,because go and celebrate with my famliy,,,,,,,
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • how long Diwalli lasts?
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  • Hi Gabriel,
    My goal is to turn up a good agency client for my business who can offer me regular work.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • congratzzz ,, your goal is achieve shortly ,, i will pray for you priyanka
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • my objective in October to know and evaluate skills to the profits of the internet because I am a beginner in the field
  • Preparations for the holiday season income
  • Buy a bike and Go a long way with my girlfriend. That's mean earn about $1000-$1200 per month
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  • To spend time with family.. Yeah!! Diwali is coming!! :-p
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    • hmmm waiting for that moment
  • Serving more Customers and Selling More VPS to my clients
  • To be engaged in design
    To study arbitration
  • I have three SEO projects and my goal is to retain these three customers for next month minimum. So If I give them best work and progress in this month, goal achieved.
  • My goal is to get 10-20 small businesses and nonprofits that need to develop a fully integrated content marketing strategy.

    I will help small businesses and professional services firms get more sales with engaging content that positions them as industry thought leaders.

    I am also willing to analyse content strategy of 5 clients free of charge. It is my unique way of adding values to others.
  • i have nothing plan in october,
  • Keep working on building my list and optimizing for the best conversions I can find!

    More consistant with traffic and scalinng.

    Congrats with "Head" position.
  • Make at least $200 this month, hopefully even though i don't see anyone buying my product even after doing this for 2 weeks n I wonder what is wrong.
  • Start getting sales for my new service, SMS From Me, https://smsfromme/

    Get a new contract working on graphics.

    Sell a home.
  • Hello!

    My goal for October is:

    - Improve my knowledge about SEO/Adwords/Marketing

    - Increase sales for the company that I work for by 2% compared with the last year

    - Stabilize my personal life

    - Get in touch with old friends

    - Also get to know and interact more with this forum that seems to be really nice

    A great month for everyone out there!
  • Experiment a new strategy for lead generation, in a very untapped source niche

    Write an ebook.
  • Try to start a side import busness make extra cash hopefully i can achieve this dream of mine that doesn't let me be
  • Program the mind more.

    Success is just around the corner.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Increase traffic to my website by 50%. It's possible, since not many people visit me now.
  • correctly predict how many points the all blacks beat the springboks by
  • Want to try new marketing strategy this month.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • what strategy mate?
    • [DELETED]
  • Help my company get more affiliates.
    Visit mom and dad who live two state away from me and
    Get myself regular to gym
  • I have made my own cms system and it's working very nice
  • Supposedly, not get sick but it's only been the first week and I've already caught the flu.

    Other goal would be to improve my art skills.
  • Get through to November without ending up in the fetal position or in a Whisky bottle?

    • [1] reply
  • My goal is to find time to complete the last 3 Modules of my product and put it up for sale. Been on my desk for almost 2 years now. Must complete this month.
  • Recover/fix an end of September launch that didn't go as smoothly as we hoped and finsh preparations for an end of October launch for a different but related product/service on a new site.

  • Get better at time blocking for focus and more productivity.
  • Well, there's some very insightful answers here. And it makes me just a little embarrassed to even mention what my goal is. But, you did ask. So...

    My goal for October is to finish the creative story writing courses I'm taking.

    And if I don't finish them this month, then it will become my goal for November. Either way, as long as I finish them by the end of the year, so I can begin the speech writing classes I've already bought and paid for.

    (Good God... I make a living writing, and I take writing classes for fun. Maybe my kids are right, and I really am a big ol' Nerd?)
  • Build my subscribers list and more important offer better solution to help them. Give me 36 hours a day to do more!
  • Continue to work on setting up my new PLR website.

    I love the writing -- I hate the techie part. UGH.

  • Start making at least $2000 per month with Crypto investing.
    • [1] reply
    • $2000 per month?
      Great! what do you do? What is Crypto investing?
  • It would be to reach out to as many people as I can at least 20 regarding an affiliate marketing business opportunity that can change lives!
  • 1. Launch my coaching programme
    2. Complete two funnels for non-profit organisations
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    • my goal for october is to invest in a calendar so i know when october has finished and november has begun
  • Who do complete plan yet? My plan make 1 sell for my product, but not result yet, so sad
  • I think have issue with my site, content not good or one error, everyone visit my site and speak with me how to develop my site, (the first my sale) thank you
    • [1] reply
    • Can you help me? visit my site and tell me your review about it
  • Just starting my blog so for me to be able to get more traffic to my blog. So promote, promote, promote.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks

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