Life, Past and Inspiration in the car... <--VIDEO

by maksym
9 replies
Hi to all!
As i promised to everybody this is another video from me about life and some past experience. I got this idea during driving in the car couple days ago.
I hope that you will like it.

#<video #car #inspiration #life #past
  • Profile picture of the author Jake Trainor
    Great video maksym.
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    • Profile picture of the author VilPietersen@

      Good explination of the law of attraction, Like it!!
      I build and deploy smart AI "customer service" ChatBots
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      • Profile picture of the author snapper
        I was thinking about our vision or dreams today as I was travelling... but I think there is more, not only do you need a dream but you need to commit to that dream.

        The reason this came about was where I was driving too I have often thought that I would like to live there, but it suddenly dawned on me that I wasn't committed, like really committed to moving there and so it probably won't happen.

        I notice maksym you state near the end of your video that you are 'pretty sure' you know where you are going. I would ask you are you totally committed as 'pretty sure' seems to be leaving just a little room for an escape clause. Sorry I don't want to be negative or discourage but I just got the feeling that you are 'pretty sure' you will achieve your dream rather than being totally committed to achieving your dream.

        I only say this because I suffer the same problem. I try to convince myself that what I desire I will achieve but often there is that nagging doubt which only makes me pretty sure, rather than being sure.

        Once again sorry - and it may seem like a little slip of the tongue. Overall your message is very good and thanks...
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  • Profile picture of the author maksym
    2snapper. thanks a lot for your comment.
    Well... here i used a little trick about my dream. :-)
    I agree with you in all parts. And that's why i don't like personally "SECRET".
    But right now i am using another method. I will post you update about does it REALLY work or not after 1st of March 2010. That's when i want my dream will come true. :-)

    2all - thanks. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author David Mcalorum
    Great message and video maksym. It definitely helps to have someone speak in a video about philosophic, mind altering, types of things rather than just writing it out. Thanks for postin'
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  • Profile picture of the author maksym
    2MJGrae. I am glad that you like this video even with my accent in English. :-)
    Well... more videos will come for sure from me
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  • Profile picture of the author Jake Trainor
    Have you done motivational speaking before or are these videos your first take at it? If this is the first time doing it, you're a natural. If you put out some type of product about life and motivation I'll before sure to buy it.
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  • Profile picture of the author maksym
    Actually, I have never motivated people before. This is my first time. :-) And yes, I have in my mind to make a product about motivation and life. I think, I will product launch of it at the end of 2010.
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    • Profile picture of the author JoeRemington
      Thanks for sharing Maksym,

      Good explanation on vision. You've got an amazing story. I just learned of you this morning through JVNotifyPro when I found out about your upcoming launch. I'm looking forward to promoting it. I will begin preparing as soon as I'm done supporting a current launch. I look forward to getting in touch with you soon. Thanks again for the great video.


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