Powerful daily habits

by 58 replies
I am 24 and working heavily on self improvement. I am starting to realize the power of habits and how they can make a HUGE change over time. Some of my favorite habits now are writing my goals daily and reading self help books everyday. I am still looking for more though to help myself grow and reach higher levels of success. What are some of your favorite daily habits that have helped you to reach success in your goals?
#mind warriors #daily #habits #powerful
  • let me ask my favorite question.. besides doing the stuff and putting the time in the books tell you to do..

    do you have real changes in your life.. is your body healthier, your relationships better .. are you learning actual skills .. that are of value to other people.. and are you doing anything that will put more real money in your bank account..

    are you doing anything to achieve the goals.. or just writing down the goals and reading more motivation books that tell you to write more goals .

    it great marketing for people that write motivational books to tell you to read motivational book or listen to motivational content every day ..

    put the time you are putting into being motivated every day..to actually doing stuff that makes your life better on a day to day basis ..

    even when things seem hopeless and a complete mess there is always several places in your life you can improve ..

    real results you can point to in your life are true motivation..

    adding this ..

    fine you may have one major goal you write down regularly .. or a dozen times a day..but if you are not identifying the skills you need to get and putting systems in place to learn those skills..and making progress in developing those skills ..

    here is the goal here is what you need to do to reach the goal..

    if you are just writing the goal and getting better at being motivated about the goal..but not doing anything to get closer to achieving the goal..

    then you are not really doing anything ..

    now there are thing you can stop doing ..stuff that puts on a show that you are doing something ..but does not produce any results and gets in the way of you actually doing stuff that produces results.. it is better to sit staring at the wall .. than to filll your day will fake action
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    • Thank you for the thorough response. I agree, it definiatly does take a lot more than just writing down my goals and reading about success. It requires action. Thank you for the advice though, it is really helpful!
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  • I have to say for me, exercise in the morning has been a game changer. It really sets the tone for the day, let's out excess nervous energy and helps with my overall daily focus.

    A few other daily habits that have helped me are:

    > Creating a to do/checklist for the day
    > Tackling your toughest task first in the morning
    > Meditation 10-20 minutes per day
    > Healthy eating (starting off the day with a good breakfast, possibly some sort of green superfood drink, bulletproof coffee etc.)
    > Limiting technology before bed (although I still have some work to do here)
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    • Awesome, thank you! Love the tackle the toughest task first, great advise!

      For you meditating, how did you learn to do that? Or do you just kind of relax for a few minutes and let your mind wander?
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    • Limiting technology before bed is the hardest to get rid of to be honest.
  • I would ditch most of the self help books, most motivate you to ...umm, buy more books on motivation, but not much else.

    I literally read a box of such books, and only two stood out, well, three which were...

    Rich Dad, Poor Dad
    Talk and Grow Rich
    Practical Intuition for Success

    These are still pretty popular and should be easy to find, and teach you how to use your subconscious for great ideas, how to create assets, instead of blowing it, and how to use your intuition in business.

    The rest tend to cover rich industrialists, and unless you are planning to sink an oil well, not much else of real benefit is covered.

    Self help is entertaining, and motivating to a point but seriously lacks taking action and getting somewhere.

    Same with goals, l wrote them down, then when l got sick of reading it day and night, went into vision boards and so forth, then after years of no BMW in the driveway ditched it.

    I visualize these days by seeing tropical getaways in the paper, and imaging being in the picture.

    Meditating can also help with the ideas part, but being in a quiet place for 5 minutes or so will do the same.

    I have been online for 10+ years and pretty much failed to get anything up to income levels, although l strongly believe that online trading shows great promise, and l can make it work, after ironing out the remaining bugs, or fleas, lol.

    Favortite daily habits, don't listen to idiots, and Always go with evidence, regardless of where it leads.

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    • Yes, l can relate to that or another way of putting it is unless the planets are aligned the right way forget it

      Or if things won't happen for 5 years, then l will be working on something that will work to a point but not enough to live off, or not work at all.

      Every failure for me was one more thing to cross off the list, or each failure, creates insights to cut off some corners to the list of things to try.

      You keep going til you end up with the one thing that overcomes all previous obstacles and can really work, finally.

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  • ^
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    • the real question is are we really failing..our standard of living is even for poor people in the western ..is far higher than rich people of 130 years ago or more.. even millionaires 50 years ago ..

      Greatness is a favorite subject of motivation.. the problem is there are only a few greats at anything living at any one time.. and they almost started working on the thing they are great at when they where almost still crawling .

      7.5 billion people on this planet ..a few million with great wealth.. and the motivation industry is there to make people doing relatively well and even much better than 6 billion of their fellow man.. miserable and like failures .. to try to get them to go for better ..

      rather than feeling grateful for how good they actually have it.. and aware of the many better thing they can have .. but also have time to enjoy those better things..rather than spend every waking our making money to buy the better things.. but not being the one who actually uses the better things ..
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  • tbh 'habits' sounds kinda SLAVERYCRAFT to Moi.

    Idea, I guess, is to max out on PRODUCTIVE SCHEMES & WAYS 'steada klutzin' stuff up all routinely PROCRASTINATION or POORLY DIRECTED or [insert your unavoidable personal curse here].

    This means ... noo mornin' habits, noo lunchtime habits, noo writin' habits, noo exercise habits, noo mindfulness habits, noo defacation habits (bcs people, you gotta show gratitood for all you been given), till your noo habits occupy evry second of your Bold Noo Day.

    Next mornin', world has MOVED ON from HABIT (neat trick, huh?) ... an' you suddenly rendered PARTIALLY INFLEXIBLE.

    It is like mebbe 0.01%, but the longer you STICK to your NOO HABITS, the less relevant they inevitably become to what is actshwlly gowin' on.

    That's why I wanna kick "productive habits" in the trash an' make a routine outta flexible vigilance.

    tbh as a yoga enthoosiast I try to take care always 'bout how my Princessly ass be exercisin' its momentum 'bout the place generally.

    Gotta figure if ima flooid an' free I can trust essential self-regulatin' stuffs like BREATHIN' an' NOT FALLIN' OVAH to life's miraculature while simultaneously makin' my intrinsic exotica available to other freewheelin' bodies on an inventorial conflux roll.

    In my experience, you put two HABIT people togethah in an underground dungeon, they gonna stress one another to DEATH with their up-my-ass rityools.
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  • once i read it a few time i found myself completely agreeing with what princess said ..i think

    haha ..world is rapidly changing.. always have to be willing to change with or ahead of.. those who try to fight the change .. or stick to habits that don't work any more.. will get the lack of results from that..

    only in a lab where you can control things do things stay the same when you do them over and over .. the same way..

    the world we live in today is not a lab ..and the people who will succeed the best or have the happiest lives going forward .. are those who stay ahead of .. or learn to ride the waves of change .. to forge the lives they want ..and who will probably also change what they want or upgrade.. as the world produces and endless amount of new things to want ..and exciting things to do ..

    goals or objectives are still great to have.. but they systems you build along the way .. and the skills you acquires .. are almost more important .. of and the acctual experience of doing what you need to do ..
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  • 1. Sleep early and get up early.
    2. Prioritize your tasks.
    3. Make exercise a priority.
    4. Avoid junk food.
    5. Read more books.
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  • Good habits are great if you redirect them towards your goals. Here are some that helped me achieve the things I wanted in life, financially, physically, emotionally etc.

    1. Read or listen to something positive. This is necessary simply because a negative mind cannot come with positive solutions. Simple as that. Good in, good out, or as most of the people consume, garbage in, garbage out.

    2. Eat healthy, drink plenty of water and get yourself moving. There's a lot of science behind the benefits of a healthy body, including but not limited to having a lot of energy and lots of ideas.

    3. Split your goals into daily habits. This is the most important part, because those goals won't come by "attracting" them. No matter how big a goal is, it can be split into small daily action that can get you closer. For example, if you want to write a book, a daily habit would be to write 500 words every day.

    4. Improve yourself. Not only by using self-improvement material, but getting better at your profession and any other thing that you want to achieve. Getting better at relationships for a better love life, getting better at eating healthy for a better lifestyle, getting better at discipline to achieve more and so on.

    That would be it for me.
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  • Now ..reflecting .. i should put in that i do have goals long term goals .. I just don't have them written down .. and i avoid talking about them in any detail.. accept to the woman who want me to marry her ..

    It more of an ultimatum.. this is the life i want to build for myself she can either be in or out.. if she pretend to be in and i marry her and she turns out to be out.. it divorce grounds .. but at this point she want the same things .. and she would be the woman i looked for after i got the goals.. she just showed up early ..

    now I have learned not to go to into detail about my goals to anyone else .. i will mention general stuff but even that gets push back.. and suggestions about being realistic ..or that is just weird ..

    the last year year and a half i have been going heavy at my health and mental stability goals.. and have had very positive changes ...so nearly every day i have things i can do .. to mak progress on those issues .. and can tick off big improvements .. when face to face with someone .

    but other people tend to only see the now ..of your state of being .. and if you are on 1000 mile journey.. at mile 995 .. people will still be pointing out you are not there yet and 5 miles can still be so far away .. and the 995 you have traveled so far .. doesn't matter . still got 5 miles still not there .. maybe you can't do it .

    so you have to track your starting point .. and the progress you make .. and not just what is left to go ..

    and you neeed to celebrate the wins along the way .. not just focus on the goal and the fact you are not there .. because the goal can tent to be just another win point along the way to the goal you will set after that ..
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Woke up, fell out of bed
    Dragged a comb across my head
    Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
    And looking up, I noticed I was late
    Found my coat and grabbed my hat
    Made the bus in seconds flat
    Found my way upstairs and had a smoke
    And somebody spoke and I went into a dream

    happy now?
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    • No because ...
      I read the news today, oh boy
      Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire
      And though the holes were rather small
      They had to count them all
      Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall.

      Oh to the Original poster, getting up every day and have my morning coffee.
    • Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
      Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
      Brown paper packages tied up with strings
      These are a few of my favorite things

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  • Banned
    Hi Jason.

    Yeah I like reading Self-Improvement/Personal Development books as well. (In fact some of the lessons/information has literally been kind of life changing.)

    The problem with many People is that they think they've got it all worked out which is sad because if they were more humble and were open to learning they would progress much more in Life. (That's my opinion, anyway.)

    We really are "Creatures of habit." I had to put in place the new productivity habits with my current venture which was difficult as first however now they're kind of "automatic." Every night before retiring I open up Notepad and write my list of goals for the next day then check them off as I go along during the day.

    There's some amazing advice here if you're interested.

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    • the word habit is a short for of the word habit .. before artificial lighting ,heating and the modern food system ..peoples daily habits where the result of the seasons and the foods available .. the weather and local environment ..

      We are still a creature of habitat .. even if that habitat is mostly synthetic at this time ..

      If you learn to adjust your habitat .. the best you can to support the habits you feel you need to have ..to succeed in what you want to to succeed in ..and identify how it nurtures the so called bad habits .. that prevent you from success .. then work to change that ..

      before people could search basically for anything they wanted to learn.. and be able to read it online or listen to someone explain it in audio or watch a video presentation ..or join a forum.. or read blogs on how to.. so basically before 10-15 years ago

      the only option was getting a college education.. reading a book.. or getting personal mentor ship ..

      same way to run a business to sell stuff.. you use to have to borrow money to open a store .. or some expensive option.. ..that has changed in the last 10 years ..so you needed to be an entrepreneur ..to own your own business ..because you needed to borrow money /..hire people to run the store ..and do all the other stuff ..to run and grow a high overhead business .

      blah blah blah ..
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    • Ok, l followed this guy 8 years ago, and for the most part he bored me to tears, but...

      Eben Pagan's Top 10 Rules For Success - YouTube
      Ok, he talks about putting rocks in a tank, (useless) and telling people about a great idea before selling it, (common sense, useless) taking action at the same time every day, (next to useless) and a few other points that don't help much.

      A newbie may get some useful info, from this guy, but he will also get a truckload of generalizations that don't equate to anything constructive!

      Tony Robbins, seminars same thing, he talks about scratching your car, and not getting a date, but ignore the scratch mark and you will be crawling with women.

      Whatever the hell that means?

      So follow this guy if you wish, but he isn't pushing free videos out of the goodness of his heart, more alone the lines of, selling his latest book or course.

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  • Thank you for your help, and I definitely agree about people thinking they have "it all worked out." For me, I feel like when I start to feel like I "have it worked out" and stop with the self-improvement books, is when I start to be less effective. Even if many of the books I read have really similar messages, hearing it over and over again is what keeps me on track.

    I love your habit with your notepad, I find it really interesting you plan your day the night before rather than the morning of. I really like that idea and will definitely try that out!.

    Thank you for your help!
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  • Nice guys finish last.
    No more mr nice guy.
  • Thats right habits are very important because its all about mindset and how you influence your subconstient mind
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    • I agree! What other practices do you use to improve your mindset and reach your subconscious mind? Or are there any habits in particular that have really helped you?
  • is it true nuns only have dirty habits
  • Gregarious Drive was the reason I started socializing without even noticing it at first but then I realized that I turned into an incurable socializer. I was timid, hiding in my shell and lost years of great potential until used this powerful program. And it's only the beginning of great things to come. I nailed a joint venture just by rubbing shoulders with the best in the industry. After a week in this hypnosis program I nailed a JV, boosted my subscriber base and feel more positive to make things happen.

    Don't shy away from your maximum potential. A new habit is formed and I love it.
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  • For me starting the gym was the game changer.

    I also read for an hour as the first thing in the morning - I am too lazy to get out of bed straightaway but to start reading feels much more better and when I got up I have a 60 min of reading in my pocket and know that whatever the day brings I have made some progress towards my goal of learning new skills.
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  • Good daily habits can make you more productive. In my case, I have made a to-do list for myself. I use to write the tasks that I have to do. It has a benefit that I doesn't forget them. The other thing that I have tried to do is that I am trying to reduce the use of social media that is wasting my time. It is difficult because almost everyone is addicted to it, but it is not possible.
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  • That's right habits are very important because its all about mindset.
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  • Yes, you gotta push yourself and grind. If you always get back up you'll be good. Keep grinding for your goals friends.
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  • & You Don't Know What To Do?

    Say Voila to


    For less than it costs to heat your home for like 20 years?

    Powerful Daily Habits:
    So Powerful, You Can't Actschwlly CONTROL Them

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  • Before the Cosmic Master hypnotic programming, truth be told, my mental sharpness was rock bottom. I thought "I was good enough" and that people wouldn't appreciate my talent.

    Fast forward today, I'm a totally new man. The quirks and inadequacies of the past, are almost completely gone. I have not "recovered" completely but my payroll has increased because I finally escalated the corporate ladder... and in a few months, I will/can make it to the top. I was a fool, acting as if life owed me for things I didn't deserve.

    As the say, it's what inside that counts.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Where do l sign up.

  • I write my goals every 3 months and add checkpoints to the big ones. Also I recommend to prioritize your daily tasks and keep your finances on track. These two habits will help you to take control over your life and to get free time for your hobbies and sport. When you achieve some goal or finish some long and difficult task, don't forget to reward yourself
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  • I know its been said a bunch of times but make exercise a habit. It sets the tone for your day, wakes you up and gives you a great burst of endorphins (maybe fresh air if you go outside), gets your blood flowing. There are also studies which talk about how the most successful people make working out a top priority.
  • No success comes quickly. We need to strive for success in our life and to work a lot. I work hard to achieve my goal.
  • Habits are ambiguous. There are very good habits such as brushing your teeth in the morning. But there is a bad, like a harmful lifestyle. Get yourself just the right habits.
  • Meditation, reading
  • I think meditation works great for me, it is one the natural practice which helps me to activate my brain fully and make my thoughts in the sequence. I use to practice it on a daily basis after the morning run. Firstly the morning run helps me to get introduced to the amazing wind outside and with the smell of the flowers all over the garden which is another mood refreshing activity for me.

    Maybe you would be concerned that which type of meditation I use to on a daily basis so the meditation which I do is mindfulness meditation which helps me to get aware of my inner thoughts and also helps to declutter unwanted thoughts.
  • The idea is to be set free and then new doors open. I believe in the power of the Cosmic Master because I believe in me. People kick it to the curb and make futile attempts to wing it.
  • for me the most important part are the daily affirmations! do it twice a day, its unbelievable
  • Hi JasonVanDevere,

    I happen to write in the space you are asking about. Besides my own work, the 2 most practical books I can tell to read would be:
    Atomic Habits by James Clear
    How to be Better at (Almost) Everything by Pat Flynn

    The key here is Kaizen. Choosing small, repeatable actions that you stack upon each other. Over time, those habits and skills compound to make a huge difference in your life.

    Clear talks about habit stacking - changing one small habit at a time, then adding a related habit. This makes it easier for the habit to stick as you aren't trying to remember all of the new things you just changed. Focus on one at a time, i.e. Goal: lose weight - start by adding 30 minutes of walking per day, once that habit has stuck, you can do 25 pushups when you are done walking.

    Flynn talks about skill stacking - learning one skill until you are about 80% mastery and then starting a new skill. So you would start playing guitar and get really good at one riff, before trying an entire song.

    Kaizen is the Japanese principle of improvement, using similar tactics as those mentioned above. Get better at something every day. 1% better every day will compound just like the interest on your savings account.

    Hope this helps!


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    I am 24 and working heavily on self improvement. I am starting to realize the power of habits and how they can make a HUGE change over time. Some of my favorite habits now are writing my goals daily and reading self help books everyday. I am still looking for more though to help myself grow and reach higher levels of success. What are some of your favorite daily habits that have helped you to reach success in your goals?