Who's your favorite metaphysical guru/teacher/author?

41 replies
Hey, I'm curating a list of all the teachers, gurus & authors that are helping people move towards the universal truths.

He/she could be a traditional guru preaching ancient wisdom, a new age spiritualist/scientist exploring the power of the heart, quantum physics & applied metaphysics, he/she could also be a chaneller, philosopher, preacher.

Below are some of my favorites, few of them I've studied extensively - few I'm yet to.

Kindly share the name of your favorite teachers, for me to complete this list.

- Gregg Braden
- Stuart Wilde
- David Icke
- Bruce lipton
- Alan Watts
- Bashar
- Ramtha
- Abraham Hicks
- Ektart Tolle
- Kryon
- Tom Cambell
- Teal Swan
- Mooji
- Osho
- Sadguru
- Bentinho Massaro
- Wayne Dyer
- Thich Nhat Hanh
- Deepak Chopra
- Marshall Vian Summers
- Graham Hancock
- Jason Silva
- Neils bohr
- Delores Cannon
- Michael Talbot
- Neil tyson
- Richard dawkins
- Brian greene

It need not just be a popular authour or teacher, it could also be a channel like 'Spirit Sciene' or 'World Science festival' or a video series like 'Jason Silva's Shots of Awe'. Anything that has pushed you towards a deeper understansing of life.. or feel free to share a link where I could find a bigger list of metaphysical teachers & explorers.
#favorite #guru or teacher or author #metaphysical
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    alan watts, kryon ,crimson circl/st germain ,

    i use to listen to Bashar a lot until most of the content was taken off YouTube .

    sahd guru i will listen to occasionally as with many on the list ..

    now as for alan watts i listento hiis older stuff.. not the conspiracy based stuff in more recent times.. i stopped listening to conspiracy based metaphysical stuff after 2012 .. when a lot of them just set a new date .
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    • Profile picture of the author brute77
      I'm yet to try out Crimson Circle - heard a lot.. Is it better than other Kryon, Bashar?

      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      alan watts, kryon ,crimson circl/st germain ,

      i use to listen to Bashar a lot until most of the content was taken off YouTube .

      sahd guru i will listen to occasionally as with many on the list ..

      now as for alan watts i listento hiis older stuff.. not the conspiracy based stuff in more recent times.. i stopped listening to conspiracy based metaphysical stuff after 2012 .. when a lot of them just set a new date .
      Originally Posted by palmtreelife View Post

      That's a solid list for sure. Thanks for sharing as I'm sure you've expanded most people's list. I don't think I have anyone to add to that list, but Jason Silva is who I resonate with the most right now. Just listening to him makes me feel more intelligent haha I admire people who can expand their minds to come up with these ideas and questions about life.
      Very true. He doesn't have any direct instructions - but listening to his 'Shots of Awe' series opens your mind in a subtle way.. I love it.

      I've curated all his Shots into four different playlists - on Love, on Flow State, on Creativity, on Depression & Happiness.

      You can give it a go here: https://www.nron.org/nron-discovery/...ilva-playlist/

      Hope you enjoy!

      Hey Gordon, great info. What u mean by 'Template Gurus'?

      Not just modern gurus, but modern teachers kind of use Quantum Physics references to explain mystical concepts - though I've thumbed through many the ancient greats mostly philosophers - but they didn't have the scientific/modern language to elaborate on the ideas.

      The curation of all modern teachers of Cosmic science will be available on our site at www.NRON.org

      BTW, I've also found profound knowledge from some of the chanellers on Youtube - will share that list separately.

      Thanks for your contribution - all the names you recommend were unknown to me. THANKS

      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      actuall to step back and go full woo woo on this one.. what has been happening for the last six months is i have been getting inspired with concepts and ideas.. and withing a day or so one of the metaphysical teachers i listen to.. even those i rarely listen to .. will pretty much nail that concept down ..

      so at this point in a way i am my own most favorite guru.. i just listen to others to hear from another source what i have been realizing

      EXACTLY - we all go through this phase.. all teachings are nothing but re-affirmation of stuff we already unconsciously know. and this concept of 'Inspiration' - I've some thoughts to share about this.. it might take a whole separate post though. But ya.. Inspiration is one of the many ways the higher self communicates with you..

      Keep going.. do share your story, I'm all ears.

      Dawkins is great in what he believes - but I find him to be too close minded and elitist - both detrimental in giving woo woo a chance. Everything is woo woo until it's not.. Dawkins literally looses his cool anytime he's having a discussion with a spiritualist - I get it where is coming from, but if you do not have the answer for the creation of the universe, mystical experiences, entanglement and such pace in QM discoveries making our reality look weirder and weirder .. it only makes sense to be humble and at least have an open mind to give metaphysics a chance..
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  • Profile picture of the author palmtreelife
    That's a solid list for sure. Thanks for sharing as I'm sure you've expanded most people's list. I don't think I have anyone to add to that list, but Jason Silva is who I resonate with the most right now. Just listening to him makes me feel more intelligent haha I admire people who can expand their minds to come up with these ideas and questions about life.
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  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
    If the teacher is a "guru",it begs the question: how do you call their followers? Cultists? Worshippers?
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by brute77 View Post

    Hey, I'm curating a list of all the teachers, gurus & authors that are helping people move towards the universal truths.

    He/she could be a traditional guru preaching ancient wisdom, a new age spiritualist/scientist exploring the power of the heart, quantum physics & applied metaphysics, he/she could also be a chaneller, philosopher, preacher.

    Below are some of my favorites, few of them I've studied extensively - few I'm yet to.

    Kindly share the name of your favorite teachers, for me to complete this list.

    - Gregg Braden
    - Stuart Wilde
    - David Icke
    - Bruce lipton
    - Alan Watts
    - Bashar
    - Ramtha
    - Abraham Hicks
    - Ektart Tolle
    - Kryon
    - Tom Cambell
    - Teal Swan
    - Mooji
    - Osho
    - Sadguru
    - Bentinho Massaro
    - Wayne Dyer
    - Thich Nhat Hanh
    - Deepak Chopra
    - Marshall Vian Summers
    - Graham Hancock
    - Jason Silva
    - Neils bohr
    - Delores Cannon
    - Michael Talbot
    - Neil tyson
    - Richard dawkins
    - Brian greene

    It need not just be a popular authour or teacher, it could also be a channel like 'Spirit Sciene' or 'World Science festival' or a video series like 'Jason Silva's Shots of Awe'. Anything that has pushed you towards a deeper understansing of life.. or feel free to share a link where I could find a bigger list of metaphysical teachers & explorers.
    Since 1965, my studies into the arcane, metaphysical, and mystical realm have always looked for people of RESULTS, who actually did what they taught. So, here are 3 who have added to the library of understanding of life...

    Frank Rudolph Young.
    Robert Collier
    Anthony Norvell

    And an unknown guy (outside of San Francisco), Russell Thomas, who operated the Metaphysical Bookstore on Post St, a block from Union Square during the 70's and 80's. He wrote many booklets, and they are as rare as hen's teeth. He was an expert on Cults and SF, at that time, had a guru on every street corner.

    Collier was a successful copywriter, one contribution to your curation might be SECRET OF THE AGES.

    Young was a chiropractor in Chicago, aka as Mike Marvel, the back of comic books guy who was like Charles Atlas. His HOW TO UNLEASH YOUR SECRET MENTAL POWERS is one of many titles.

    Norvell was astrologer/guru to Hollywood of yesteryear. His METAPHYSICS is considered classic.

    Many on your list are modern TEMPLATE gurus, and if they resonate with you, that's great.

    Where is your curation taking place? What will you share with us and the world?

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    St. Thomas Aquinas.
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  • Profile picture of the author naviown
    I don't have many.

    But I follow these 2 on instagram
    gary v
    david maltzher

    really good insights and the talks are to the point. Ofcourse 2 contrasting characters but that is what I need. Peace and Warrior at the same time.
    DFY(Done-For-You) Service. Building A $3k/Month Biz From Scratch.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Blip
    Metaphysics is a delicate subject that once you entrench in it, you won't look back again. Things are going well for me and my next car will be a Maserati. Check out this guy even if it's more than your brain can chew. Metaphysical success is for real. I have to warn you though, that's not a simpleton's food for thought.

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  • Thing 'bout Universal Truths is ...

    they already here.

    That is why there be no paaahsible "movin' towards" 'em.

    Tellya, problem we got is with CONJECTURE.

    Cool name for an LGBT undergarment brand ... but frick all use for sortin' potential gooroos into hooman pyramid hierarchies don't figure spangly groinwear.

    Best nooz is ... there is always tamara.

    We too stoopid to figure Universal Truths today bcs we wasted out ... hey it OK bcs same deal presents FOR ALL ETERNITY.

    That is why I am knittin' a celebratory bra an' panties outta SHLAPAGHETTI.

    Universal truths ain't choosy that way, I guess.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    actuall to step back and go full woo woo on this one.. what has been happening for the last six months is i have been getting inspired with concepts and ideas.. and withing a day or so one of the metaphysical teachers i listen to.. even those i rarely listen to .. will pretty much nail that concept down ..

    so at this point in a way i am my own most favorite guru.. i just listen to others to hear from another source what i have been realizing
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  • Profile picture of the author webgenco
    Reality Transurfing (see on YouTube)

    Neville Goddard
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by Mr Blip View Post

    Metaphysics is a delicate subject that once you entrench in it, you won't look back again. Things are going well for me and my next car will be a Maserati. Check out this guy even if it's more than your brain can chew. Metaphysical success is for real. I have to warn you though, that's not a simpleton's food for thought.

    Manifest More Abundance, Success & Fulfillment Metaphysically - YouTube
    More than my brain, don't know about that but the guy looks like he should get a good nights sleep, and stop playing Mystic Monopoly, and predicting stuff, (Lotto is a b***ch, believe me).

    Who do l follow, Steven Greer, Kermit the frog, (he is the real expert on saving the planet).

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Originally Posted by brute77 View Post

    - Richard dawkins
    I just noticed this in the list.

    'No, no, no' (says he). Dawkins is a naysayer of metaphysical - and not a very logical one.

    In fairness, I suppose a person is still involved in metaphysical if they are constantly opposing against it?

    When someone envisages the concept of 'God' as a bearded man in the clouds though, who's onus is to remedy issues in third world countries, we're surely not onto a winner.
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by brute77 View Post

    Hey, I'm curating a list of all the teachers, gurus & authors that are helping people move towards the universal truths.
    Who is the most succinct? Best actionable advice, in as few words as possible?

    Anyone have something? Mine comes from an uncle (albeit NOT a metaphysician), Eldred Alexander who told me...


    Although he was referring to something entirely else, these 5 words have withstood the test of time.

    Now, to get long winded about five simple, easy to understand words. You've been warned.

    It begins with a thought, an idea, and often quickly turns into a want or desire.

    Keeping it simple, here at a marketing forum, I'll pick MONEY.

    One wants more money. Easy enough to understand.

    The want or desire is there, but then it gets all kinds of convoluted ways and means...BECAUSE the one doesn't ask the right questions.

    So everyday at WF, we see people from around the world wanting to know how to make money, top promoted ways here are; affiliate marketing (because of low cost of entry). acquisition/creation of information products, service provider, etc.

    The answer they get to their question, how to make money online? is met with a torrent of anecdotal answers, and they quickly get overwhelmed, confused, start buying the promises, one shiny thing after another until months or years later, they lament their lack of success.

    The question, they should ask, first and ONLY of themselves, is, how do I make money doing something I want to do? And why?

    What is the motivation behind the want? Is it a loss of a job? Sick and tired of the boss? A low paying job, no job, desperation, or what?

    Before the what they should do, which is take time to understand their skills, knowledge, and what gives them satisfaction so they can look for something which might be easier to do...but more than likely, they jump in.

    Head first into the lake of IM. Buy a WSO, and read it. Maybe act on it, but with their own variation or take on it, and fail, of course, and back to the well.

    Just to pick ONE hot area, you don't want to be here all day reading this do you? How about FACEBOOK ads. They are a proven path to quick success (with a big enough budget) or they become a money pit where your nickles and dimes quickly become George's and Benjamin's.

    Back to Eldred. DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO.

    I am amazed by people who buy reports and info who have never read what FACEBOOK has to say about it. They have their own website just for business. And all the information is there. A complete step-by-step system of instruction, education, etc.

    IF you want to make fast money, spend a little time, LEARNING how Facebook thinks, what the rules are, what you can or cannot do. Facebook ads being a metaphor for any IM $ efforts.

    But ANY goal, wish, dream or idea one wants to manifest...to bring into the world via so-called metaphysical means comes with...

    a not so hidden TO DO list. To get that Maz or Lambo, the beach house, the yacht, the girls, to GET to that place in time where it all manifests

    YOU very simply, DO

    what you have to do. And that is the one thing that most "gurus" of Manifestation leave out...the idea, your future reality may be a complete and total picture ready to be rec'd, it is awaiting you, it already exists in the spirit world...

    NOW, do what you need to do to manifest it. Action.

    Well, do you have something just as good or better than:


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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Randy Gage
    Tony Robbins
    Les Brown
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  • Profile picture of the author GforceSage
    Tony Robbins?

    Has over 300 active Lawsuits asking for refunds and just got accused of sexual harassment, groping, flashing, and hugging attendees , kissing and pulling their hands down to his crotch as he searched for after seminar dates. First 4 women came forward and now 3 more this week. His staffers are now also talking to authorities as they can no longer keep quiet.

    When taking a closer look at much of what Robbins offers, what he does is sell some expensive Snake Oil and likes to include his Snake...Literally.
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    • Profile picture of the author brute77
      Originally Posted by GforceSage View Post

      Tony Robbins?

      Has over 300 active Lawsuits asking for refunds and just got accused of sexual harassment, groping, flashing, and hugging attendees , kissing and pulling their hands down to his crotch as he searched for after seminar dates. First 4 women came forward and now 3 more this week. His staffers are now also talking to authorities as they can no longer keep quiet.

      When taking a closer look at much of what Robbins offers, what he does is sell some expensive Snake Oil and likes to include his Snake...Literally.
      Hey man.. keep your hate aside.. this thread is not about accusing someone of their legal vows - Tony Robbin's contribution to the personal growth landscape is undeniable.. no one can take that away.. just like all the clowning Donald Trump does still one cannot take away from the fact he became the president through a democratic process. He probably would have more cases.. and proven track record of unspeakable treatment towards women.. still he is the 45th President.. Just like you cannot take away from the fact that Michael Jackson made great music irrespective of having a deplorable private life.

      This does not make it right, but we're not discussing or judging people based on their personal lives here.
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    • Profile picture of the author palmtreelife
      Lots of successful people have active lawsuits against them. People see others succeed and they want a piece of their success. That has never changed. Has he been convicted of any of these crimes? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Note: I'm not defending any criminal actions. I'm only saying it's not fair to judge someone based on allegations. If they're not true, it can ruin someone's life.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by GforceSage View Post

      Tony Robbins?

      Has over 300 active Lawsuits asking for refunds and just got accused of sexual harassment, groping, flashing, and hugging attendees , kissing and pulling their hands down to his crotch as he searched for after seminar dates. First 4 women came forward and now 3 more this week. His staffers are now also talking to authorities as they can no longer keep quiet.

      When taking a closer look at much of what Robbins offers, what he does is sell some expensive Snake Oil and likes to include his Snake...Literally.
      accusation is not profe of guilt.. and having his staff openly talk to authorities is acctually a good move .. not some sign they have been hiding something ..

      hey but we live in a world where everyone is guilty of something.. no need to prove them guiulty .. or give them a day in court.. accuse ..convict purge ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Blip
    So Tony is a horny little devil?
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  • Profile picture of the author brute77
    Ok guys, let's no digress.

    If you could suggest any other Spiritual/New age teachers that have greatly impacted your worldview - kindly share.. I'm still curating this list to share with the world.. your contribution will greatly benefit a large number of people.

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  • Profile picture of the author vmitranchi

    My name is Namita I have done my Polytechnic course from VMIT, and I have got such nice teachers to guide.
    Here are their Name:

    Nityen Prakash
    Prashant kumar
    Aashirvad Kumar
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  • Profile picture of the author George Button
    Leo Gura from actualized.org
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  • Profile picture of the author hierundjetzt
    I have never heard of Jason Silva before (I'll need to check him out!) but I really think Jose Silva (even though he has already passed away) should be on your list as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
    Originally Posted by brute77 View Post

    - David Icke


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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelQuinn
    I think personally I prefer Eckart Tolle
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  • Profile picture of the author DharmaDev
    Have you listened to Prem Rawat? He is a renowned global peace ambassador . He teaches a simple and profound method to connect with the simplicity within us. It was a wonderful experience to learn more about life and our inner self from his speeches and teachings.
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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Beck
      Originally Posted by DharmaDev View Post

      Have you listened to Prem Rawat? He is a renowned global peace ambassador . He teaches a simple and profound method to connect with the simplicity within us. It was a wonderful experience to learn more about life and our inner self from his speeches and teachings.
      Yes I have.

      He tends to be entertaining and likes to portray himself as an authority.
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  • Profile picture of the author Martin Lee Jr
    My favorite is Dr. Eric Thomas
    How Can I help...
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  • Profile picture of the author MrFume
    One name I do not see very much in these lists is that of Arthur Young.
    This man is responsible for us having the Helicopter, which might sound strange, because the Helicopter was invented well before Arthur Young, who died in 1995.
    Well if you look up when the first commercially available helicopter came into service, you will encounter BELL in the year 1942 - this was Arthur Young's design, the first fully navigable machine, that was usable and safe.
    what many people don't know about this brilliant engineer/physicist is that he put together a re-working of Darwin's theory, into what he called the Theory of Process.
    Additionally, Arthur Young had some incredible insights into how the universe is put together, and advancements on Einstein's mathematics.
    This all might sound very academic, but Arthur Young's metaphysics and philosophy is really useful and positive, if you are not familiar with this man's work, I can recommend this YouTube documentary which delivers on his overall sphere of work: https://youtu.be/neegp54V5wE

    Journalism, the profession is undergoing a massive change since the WWW has arrived. I help people to build their personal profile and create a multi-media platform with WordPress, Podcasting, Writing and Video.
    Digital Media for a Noisy World

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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    Wallace D. Wattles. 100 years ago written Science of Getting Rich. Man was before his time. Now free public domain.

    Jay Abraham You can make deals from nothing.

    Tony Robbins. People that do not know how their brain works are slaves to it.

    Robert Kiyosoki. Rich Dad Poor Dad...trading time for money is not optimal to becoming wealthy.

    These are 4 guys that shape my thinking when I get out of bed each day.

    I do not give a damn about oh there was one detail was fictitious what matters is did that person give me tools to COPE and SOLVE.
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  • Profile picture of the author JMonaN
    ~YASHUA (Jesus)
    ~MAHATMA Ghandi

    ~Archangel METATRON
    ~Archangel MIKAEL (Michael)

    ~Nikola TESLA

    ~MICHAEL Luther King (Not MARTIN)
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

    If the teacher is a "guru",it begs the question: how do you call their followers? Cultists? Worshippers?
    Or lemmings.

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  • Profile picture of the author Bald Avenger
    The next time I hear somebody say that success is just around the corner, fear will get the best of me that he's out to mug me (in the corner). I invested 11K on a goo-roo and so far no huge dividends. A few far in and between but not what I expected. The response was that the program matures like a good old wine so it will take time.

    So heaven can wait.
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  • Profile picture of the author myob
    My all-time favorites are Charles Berlitz and William L. Moore (co-authors of The Roswell Incident)
    They were instrumental in my early astounding success in book sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author jellyfish76
    dan pena, wolfofwallstreet, valuetainment

    neville goddard

    abraham hicks
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  • Profile picture of the author missyogi
    Nice list! I also follow B.K.S. Iyengar,Caroline Myss, Judith Orloff and Joe Dispenza

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  • Profile picture of the author peterj
    I am my own favourite guru but, as I am not publicly available I would highly recommend Peter Ralston.

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  • Profile picture of the author reality gamer
    Ever since I had a Master Spirit guide me, all dues were paid off in advance plus I got the guidance.

    Life is a game that you play.

    Mark my last words.
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