Who's your favorite metaphysical guru/teacher/author?
He/she could be a traditional guru preaching ancient wisdom, a new age spiritualist/scientist exploring the power of the heart, quantum physics & applied metaphysics, he/she could also be a chaneller, philosopher, preacher.
Below are some of my favorites, few of them I've studied extensively - few I'm yet to.
Kindly share the name of your favorite teachers, for me to complete this list.
- Gregg Braden
- Stuart Wilde
- David Icke
- Bruce lipton
- Alan Watts
- Bashar
- Ramtha
- Abraham Hicks
- Ektart Tolle
- Kryon
- Tom Cambell
- Teal Swan
- Mooji
- Osho
- Sadguru
- Bentinho Massaro
- Wayne Dyer
- Thich Nhat Hanh
- Deepak Chopra
- Marshall Vian Summers
- Graham Hancock
- Jason Silva
- Neils bohr
- Delores Cannon
- Michael Talbot
- Neil tyson
- Richard dawkins
- Brian greene
It need not just be a popular authour or teacher, it could also be a channel like 'Spirit Sciene' or 'World Science festival' or a video series like 'Jason Silva's Shots of Awe'. Anything that has pushed you towards a deeper understansing of life.. or feel free to share a link where I could find a bigger list of metaphysical teachers & explorers.
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