How to Stay Motivated

Profile picture of matthewferry
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
31 replies
There are times when you are up and times when you are down. As a life coach, so often my clients try to push through the times that they are down. They try to motivate themselves. Unfortunately this extends the period of time that they feel unmotivated. When you resist where you are, you amplify it and make it worse.

They key is to relax into it and ride the waves of energy and they rise and fall. There will be times when you are hot and times when you are not. Times of great creativity and energy and times of no inspiration and you feel totally blah.

If you will honor the times of blah and just rest, inspiration will come back sooner. If you panic and try to GET MOTIVATED, then you will just get more frustrated.

What's the moral of the story? Chill out, relax and rest when the body is going in that direction. Don't worry. The waves of energy will return and you will soon be riding high again.
#inspiration #life coaching #motivated #stay
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Profile picture of Kenster
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    Originally Posted by matthewferry View Post

    There are times when you are up and times when you are down. As a life coach, so often my clients try to push through the times that they are down. They try to motivate themselves. Unfortunately this extends the period of time that they feel unmotivated. When you resist where you are, you amplify it and make it worse.

    They key is to relax into it and ride the waves of energy and they rise and fall. There will be times when you are hot and times when you are not. Times of great creativity and energy and times of no inspiration and you feel totally blah.

    If you will honor the times of blah and just rest, inspiration will come back sooner. If you panic and try to GET MOTIVATED, then you will just get more frustrated.

    What's the moral of the story? Chill out, relax and rest when the body is going in that direction. Don't worry. The waves of energy will return and you will soon be riding high again.

    Interesting thoughts. I always feel like I can overcome anything so I naturally try hard to get out of slumps. Perhaps just letting it happen and working with it is the best way out though. Will give it a try next time.
  • Profile picture of the author RichPirate
    Profile picture of RichPirate
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    Originally Posted by matthewferry View Post

    If you will honor the times of blah and just rest, inspiration will come back sooner. If you panic and try to GET MOTIVATED, then you will just get more frustrated.
    Good advice. I've also found that if i'm getting un motivated it helps to set up a small task and succeed at it. This puts me back in the habit of getting things done.
  • Profile picture of the author free2rock
    Profile picture of free2rock
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    Thanks for the tips, I think the point is to accept and be happy with yourself. When you understand yourself, you know what you want and know that ups and downs are just very normal for everybody.

    It's like a wave, there are ups and down. Try to change your attitude when you are on the down time, think it as a opportunity not a failure. Don't let your emotion runs crazy!

    I drink green tea to help me relax, and music too. When you are relax, you keep your mind fresh thus all the negative thoughts won't affect you that much.
  • Profile picture of the author the_master
    Profile picture of the_master
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    I think it's more important not to "stay motivated" but to realize that everything is life is not a straight line, but a sinus-like wave. It's important to know that you will ride the wave soon enough again and that it's useless to get frustrated about lack of motivation at a given point in time.
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  • Profile picture of the author THY
    Profile picture of THY
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    Well said. Sometimes the brunt can be too much to bear but I have always told myself that there will always be better days ahead. It's only a matter of time that things will start to turn around.
  • Profile picture of the author Neil Barrett
    Neil Barrett
    Profile picture of Neil Barrett
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    I think that writer's are a great example.

    When a writer has "writer's block" they have a couple of choices just sit there waiting for something to happen .. which I believe is not the greatest way or occupy the mind with something else .. this is important

    The OP is right without relaxation inspiration will not come .. the mind will slow down and you will become less productive and therefore motivation will sink.

    It's like dehydration if you start to feel thirsty you are already dehyrdrating .. if you are feeling tired when working you have already gone past the point when you should have relaxed
  • Profile picture of the author bfletch
    Profile picture of bfletch
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    That is some great advice. I often find myself frustrated and this will help. Most of the time I just try to push through with minimal results. Sometimes I just think about what will happen when I succeed and that also helps.
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Townsend
    Michael Townsend
    Profile picture of Michael Townsend
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    That is really good. It is like giving the body permission to take it easy and just wait for the next cycle.
  • Profile picture of the author dcrannik
    Profile picture of dcrannik
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    Matt, thanks for the advice. It is true. Being frustrated while trying to be motivated is a bad mix. For me, when I get to that point of frustration taking a break for a hour and going back to what I was working on truely makes you more relaxed and focused on the task at hand..
  • Profile picture of the author binarykeys
    Profile picture of binarykeys
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    Thanks Matt! What I do is just go to the gym. Also how can you work with folks that just pull you down, or those people that don't have the drive?
  • Profile picture of the author HomeBizNizz
    Profile picture of HomeBizNizz
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    Feels right to do just that...
  • Profile picture of the author jessiej
    Profile picture of jessiej
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    how to stay motivated?always keep in mind what your doing is your own good..avoid frustrations if you had one..always smile
  • Profile picture of the author Peter.Anthony
    Profile picture of Peter.Anthony
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    Great advice. I do believe that you need to listen to your body.

    Great eBooks at a great price! Email me for a quote or work samples.

    Peter Anthony

  • Profile picture of the author keithng
    Profile picture of keithng
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    Thanks for the great sharing Matthew!!!

    That's really get motivated now!
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  • Profile picture of the author ian rowe
    ian rowe
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    Staying Motivated is a skill and that you must have your gals written down and read them every day, that way you will build up discipline and remember what you want to achieve in life and online.
  • Profile picture of the author samhig
    Profile picture of samhig
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    You can download free motivational ebooks from my site

    You can find some classics include:
    Ask & It Is Given
  • Profile picture of the author samhig
    Profile picture of samhig
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    If you have no time to read a whole book, just remember it's important to never stop educating yourself, under no circumstances, because knowledge is power. And keep your ego in check, do not resist help and guide from 'being there and done thaters', because this is one business that you can't complete the journey on your own. When you are down, look up, when you are high up, do not forget to give back.
  • Profile picture of the author forwardtherapy
    Profile picture of forwardtherapy
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    When they are struggling with Motivation, some people find it useful to have a conversation with a counsellor or therapist. Counselling and therapy is not just for problems. It can be useful to speak with a counselor about goals and motivation, recovering Enthusiasm, finding Joy and discovering Confidence. Online Counselling is counseling over the internet. Online Counseling happens from the comfort or your own home, in privacy.
  • Profile picture of the author SamanthaHall
    Profile picture of SamanthaHall
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    I believe that burning desire makes us to stay more motivated.
  • Profile picture of the author frankgotgame818
    Profile picture of frankgotgame818
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    Giving yourself permission to step back is good advice. That gives me time to think about the goal I'm after. Is it going to bring me closer to my target or not?

    If not I might as well be trying to push a rope uphill which is a complete waste of time.

    Frank C
  • Profile picture of the author RJ.Moff
    Profile picture of RJ.Moff
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    Have a positive thoughts. Play cheerful music that puts me in a better mood.
  • Profile picture of the author Peter.Anthony
    Profile picture of Peter.Anthony
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    Originally Posted by matthewferry View Post

    There are times when you are up and times when you are down. As a life coach, so often my clients try to push through the times that they are down. They try to motivate themselves. Unfortunately this extends the period of time that they feel unmotivated. When you resist where you are, you amplify it and make it worse.

    They key is to relax into it and ride the waves of energy and they rise and fall. There will be times when you are hot and times when you are not. Times of great creativity and energy and times of no inspiration and you feel totally blah.

    If you will honor the times of blah and just rest, inspiration will come back sooner. If you panic and try to GET MOTIVATED, then you will just get more frustrated.

    What's the moral of the story? Chill out, relax and rest when the body is going in that direction. Don't worry. The waves of energy will return and you will soon be riding high again.
    Great post. I always struggle with this. It helps me to think of what I want to get accomplished and break it down into small chunks so that I don't get overwhelmed.

    Great eBooks at a great price! Email me for a quote or work samples.

    Peter Anthony

  • Profile picture of the author hally0301
    Profile picture of hally0301
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    I definitely think stepping back when your body tells you to is a great way to recharge and refresh yourself.

    I find reading and exercising great stress relievers.

    I also tend to find that when I am stuck if I step back and reassess things and do something different for a bit that when I come back a solution will present itself.

    I believe that when you step away you allow the subconscious mind to take over and find a solution to the challenge.
  • Profile picture of the author Vas^Co
    Profile picture of Vas^Co
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    How to Stay Motivated ? is never stop to try .....
  • Profile picture of the author Bhekizwe
    Profile picture of Bhekizwe
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    Originally Posted by matthewferry View Post

    There are times when you are up and times when you are down. As a life coach, so often my clients try to push through the times that they are down. They try to motivate themselves. Unfortunately this extends the period of time that they feel unmotivated. When you resist where you are, you amplify it and make it worse.

    They key is to relax into it and ride the waves of energy and they rise and fall. There will be times when you are hot and times when you are not. Times of great creativity and energy and times of no inspiration and you feel totally blah.

    If you will honor the times of blah and just rest, inspiration will come back sooner. If you panic and try to GET MOTIVATED, then you will just get more frustrated.

    What's the moral of the story? Chill out, relax and rest when the body is going in that direction. Don't worry. The waves of energy will return and you will soon be riding high again.
    Yes, relax!!
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  • Profile picture of the author ramcon
    Profile picture of ramcon
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    To stay motivated, one must Find Good Reasons, Take different approach and also Reward Yourself.
  • Profile picture of the author onlinesolutions1985
    Profile picture of onlinesolutions1985
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    how to stay motivated? be optimistic and dont pressure yourself that this is the right thing and that is the right thing.. Be conscious enough..
  • Profile picture of the author RestlessBlaze
    Profile picture of RestlessBlaze
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    I promised myself that to survive i need $30 a day. Everything else is a luxury. I am not afraid of misery and propsperity shakes hand with brave people.
  • Profile picture of the author joesfortune
    Profile picture of joesfortune
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    No one can be motivated unless he or she comes up with am answer to the question, "What is in it for me?"

    Joseph M. Dabon
    Blogger and freelance writer. I belong to Ezine's Expert Author, Diamond, level. Visit me at

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