5 Main Investments

Profile picture of aduttonater
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1 replies
I have been working with small business owners for the past 10 years and one thing that I like to emphasize is the five main important investments to focus on.These are as follows. You want to invest your time wisely. Second invest your money properly. Third invest in the right people. Fourth invest in the right tools or assets. And last but not least number five, invest in the right systems and strategies.

I have stuck to this investment strategy when it comes to hanging out with friends, wasting money on stuff that does not make me money, people who do not care about my hustle, quality tools that won't break, and doing certain steps in a percise order to guarantee my results.

Find out for yourself and you just might find that your utilization of those five investment aspects are on point or need to be spruced up a little bit more.
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Profile picture of GordonJ
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by aduttonater View Post

    I have been working with small business owners for the past 10 years and one thing that I like to emphasize is the five main important investments to focus on.These are as follows. You want to invest your time wisely. Second invest your money properly. Third invest in the right people. Fourth invest in the right tools or assets. And last but not least number five, invest in the right systems and strategies.

    I have stuck to this investment strategy when it comes to hanging out with friends, wasting money on stuff that does not make me money, people who do not care about my hustle, quality tools that won't break, and doing certain steps in a percise order to guarantee my results.

    Find out for yourself and you just might find that your utilization of those five investment aspects are on point or need to be spruced up a little bit more.
    You gave us a LIST of of the five main important investments to focus on:

    1) Invest time wisely. What does this mean, isn't it just common sense. HOW?

    2) Invest money properly. DUH?? or not? What is properly mean?

    3) The RIGHT PEOPLE. Who are they, where to find them, how to know if they are right?

    4) Tools and assets??? Aren't the right tools dependent on the business? What kind of assets?

    5) The RIGHT systems and strategies. According to whom?

    Where is your strategy? Another BS post with nothing to add to the forum.

    In accord with your #1, it seems most here are wise enough (me being the exception) to ignore this post and not waste their time reading or responding to this nonsense.


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