What PROPELS you forward? Anti hold back post.

by 14 replies
The what is holding you back post was a one time poster, and we see more and more of those these days. And we also saw some answers, mostly about FEAR, as being the thing that holds Warriors back.

But let's flip that script, what propels you forward?

I'm old school, Earl Nightingale; "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal."

And along with Where the head goes, the body follows.

Having measurable results is what mostly propelled me along my journey.

A goal, or a destination on the journey, and knowing when you get there, help many a traveler to keep on truckin.

I can't work with anyone who doesn't know what they want or why...because the desire is going to be the fuel to keep going when the going gets tough and it almost always does.

What propels you to further success, or toward your goals? Instead of being all negative down here, how about we focus on some POSITIVE energy and not get held back to begin with.

Other than desire, what emotions drive you? Or what techniques or methods do you use to keep your eye on the ball?

#mind warriors #anti #back #forward #hold #post #propels
  • For me, it was always the opposite. I was never really motivated. So I would just get started physically. Even something so simple as sitting down in front of the screen.....or start writing. Anything to just start the process. Momentum usually carried me through.

    In fact, I used what I call my "One pushup theory".

    If I were going to do 100 pushups a day, I would never get started. But if I convince myself that I'm only going to do one lousy pushup, then It's nothing. No effort at all. So I get on the floor in position, and do that one pushup. But....I'm already on the floor in position....and that one pushup didn't kill me. So I just keep going..

    When I was knocking on doors to sell vacuum cleaners, I would tell myself that I would knock on one door. Just one. Of course, after I got dressed, got in the car and drove to where I was going to knock on doors, after the first door....well, it's stupid to stop, and I'm already there....So I would keep going.

    I'm not joking. I did that nearly every day for several years, until I started using referrals.

    I always followed a weekly schedule. It was usually three completed (and paid) sales a week.

    I would start on Saturday. I worked until I got three sales (or $2,000. It varied) If I got all three on Saturday, I might quit for the week. But usually not. If I needed to work a few extra days, I would. And I would make extra sales so I could goof off if I wanted to.

    This was in the 80s and 90s. When I did my in home sales to consumers.

    After that, the sales more or less came to me. And goals were not needed. It's very hard to just not answer the phone, or refuse to talk to a buyer. That's why I started depending more on advertising and marketing, rather than prospecting.
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    • Thanks Claude, I feel many, many new Warriors should adopt your one pushup idea. We see so many want to jump way ahead, but they won't even knock on that one door, metaphorically speaking.

      Get a sale. Before you scale. Too many multi millionaires in their heads, and they never get around to that one pushup.

      There is a mountain of evidence too, which supports your idea of doing, even a small thing, to jump start their other actions. It is one way to overcome depression, anxiety, and even the fear which apparently prevents some from success, maybe do ONE pushup and take things from there.

      Thanks for your insightful contribution.

      I would say my history shows a lot of that (Action) but my personality is more productive as I fulfill the PLAN, OR color in the lines. But I like to see the the full picture, before I reach for my Crayolas.


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  • Gotta remembah always how PROPULSE backwards typically involves fallin' ovah or bein' press-ganged inta submission by a crazed evangelist smackedya in the chest.

    Alla our easiest an' most constructive momentae depend on forwardin' on out -- an' you can see this daily as joggah guys zummy-zum past with their joyously witnessable bulges swingin' side to side as they powah on ... an' also with old gals been around since mebbe the Roman Empire, makin' slow but sure steps round the store for senior-specific products from outta the swamp of crap they don't even know how to want.

    Forward is a natchrl inclinayshwaah built into the homo sapes physiognomy.

    Even if'n we cain't walk, we kinda crawl along.

    So I would wish always to tap my nachrl propulsion for glories, rathah than imposin' 'pon it no kinda speedsydrivesy orientation ain't inherent in muh flesh & bones.

    Propulse as an activatin' force gotta foist considah what exists to be activated.

    Othahwise you jus' speedin' up schwango.

    One pushup, one step, one word, one kiss, one whatevah the next thing is in the moment you natchrly fallin' into.

    You cain't take in all the air you evah gonna need in your life in one go.

    So you gotta go breath by breath, witnessable bulge by witnessable bulge, lasso by lasso ...
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  • Im 45 natural lifespan based on family history get s me to about 80. I have no expectation of retirement and no children to take care of me in my later years.

    There is plenty of research now on the consistent behaviors that lead to healthier years past 60 . First 40 years I had all the not so good habits. In every area.

    In short the effects of each positive charge make certain other changes much easier to make and stick with until those results start showing.

    In a similar vein as the one push up. I am more prone to asking what I will actually do. So instead of some big number. I aim for getting too three sets of ten push ups and reverse dips on a consistent basis that usually give s me the results I am doing those things to get.

    Diet is extremely important and a healthy diet starts with consistently eating the number of calories you use in a day.then you get in as many food s with vitamin d and minerals to get what you're body needs of those in a day.

    Eventually you build the right amount of muscle for you do the amount of cardio you need for you and eat too maintain your desired level of fitness.

    With all the information on the rich or millionaire s. To many people are trying to get to multiple streams of income.before they secure on stream of income that provides plenty of extra money to invest in the 6 other stream s of income.

    While I'm looking for the thing that will provide that I stay out of consumer debt and develop frugal life style to keep spending under control.
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    • Odahh, you've made remarkable progress over the last decade, and I now believe you will attain your goals, whereas, at one time, I had doubts.

      As for multiple streams, I like to see the one stream first too, but, also it can be then put into a venturi with redirects to other streams.

      I'd like to remind you of savidge4's advice to DOCUMENT your journey, even if only in a journal, because within your path there are the multiple streams...of information, and information can be sold over and over and over again. As you have become healthier and made progress on several fronts, there is within your journey many seeds which can be sprouted to income sources.

      Good luck and continue with your successes.


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  • I am pretty much convinced that the plot just thickens
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  • Thing is, we all here post-Halloween, tangibly changed from how we were since The Gourdster dropped his (real smart, yanno) Query-2-Unanteery post back when we all hangin' on to the embahs of Summer.

    So I gotta wondah what is is to walk 'longside the inevitabyool.

    Bcs you can neithah outpace WHAT IS nor slink back outta its slipstream.

    Likely tamara this weirdsy relationship with time we all gaht gonna be zackly the same but also zackly diffrent.

    All I know is, I eatin' a PIE latah.

    An' I don't evah eat pies bcs mosta 'em won't actshwlly FIT IN MOI.

    What a joyously rewardin' curiosity life is.

    So you gotta step forward in that kinda heart always.

    Worst case scenario?

    Satan husself looredya into DARKNESS -- an' you jus' threw away your implausibly girthy BASEBALL BAT in favor of a DINKY LOOKIN' ZUCCHINI from THE STORE.

    Hey, but yeah -- THIRSTDAY tamara.

    Ain't nuthin' related to THOR, or even DESIAH TO CHAHMP ON Chris Hemsworth's BARED BUTT CHEEKS ... it is like Friday in 2 days, an' I seek to celebrate abominably.

    Less'n I choke on my pie!

    Gotta cross that threshold foist, I guess ...
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    • Thanks Princess, it is perhaps a great secret you've revealed:

      The Speed Trains of Japan and other MODERN countries, not USA.

      The mag lev. Coal and electric propel American trains, where as, MAGNETISM PULLS the fast ones, and so after the Reese's rush, the Hershey's High and the Baby Ruth buzz...

      We aim for the trytophan treat of a nap between games awaiting the pumpkin pie.

      Then on to those stockings filled with either lumps of coal, or sox.

      Then to auld lang syne. As you note, the campground embers of summer are but a distant memory. So, the past may not provide the propulsion...it may or could provide the motivation to move forward, being PULLED toward and not pushed to.

      I hate marks of musts on my calendar, relieved when they are gone, but also looking to the next dread.

      If fear is the boogey man of self defeat, then maybe ANTICIPATION is the hero Or heroin(e) of success.

      Maybe, it is just the treats. New Year's sweetened pomegranates, birthday cakes, Valentines chocolates, Irish Cream cupcakes, etc., etc. back to pumpkin lattes and one more full circle.

      So, perhaps...most of us are not propelled away from the fear of failure, but maybe we are pulled from the fear... by desire?


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  • I'm after a certain set of results. I start from there then I look to see if anyone like me has those results. Then I attemt the thing s people did to get those results. If one thing doesn't work I try other things that have shown to get the results I want.

    Then I also like to have many different options of things that work to get the results I'm looking for. And the autistic part of My brain may be terrible at multi tasking. But loves organizing tasks so I make progress on other things while I'm focused on doing the thing in front of me.
  • PROPEL = Action. no little no less. Where would you be today if you started a year ago?

    Studying and research are good things to a point. An instance of this is you can read about how to build a website all you want... GREAT... but until you actually start putting one together ( Action ) you will be no further along the path to success.

    You have to get your hands dirty and get into it - DO something - Something that provides a result.

    Like Claude stated ( Exercise ) - Exercise is a great example of the "PROCESS" of building something. A great example of this.. pushups... how do you get to 100 push ups a day? The method I preach is do 1 ONE push up on day one.. then 2 on day 2 and then 3 on day 3 until the 100th day and guess what? you are then and forever after doing 100 pushups a day.

    The PROCESS of consistent ACTION produces results
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  • That iam capable/worthy of earning at least .025% of the $50 mil Lebron James makes in a year

    I mean ,geez , i think everyone in here if they put their Mind to it could achieve that!!

    Actually way more. What about taking it to another level and do 5% of James' yearly salary. Ask yourself
    is he really, truly worth that much more than what you could possibly offer in value to people ??

    FULL DISCLOSURE : I have not even remotely come close to the 5% sum in my yearly earnings. But the more I think about it (and this notion is something that lately has hit me like a ton of bricks and really got me thinking ), why not ??
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    • Actually with endorsements he makes over 100 million a year. I don't know how much of that goes to agents. One thing is he spends close to 2 million a year taking care of his health. Personal trainers chefs dietitians massage therapists and whatever peak performance medical treatment is approved.

      I wonder if him and Tom Brady swap ideas.

      You seem to be earning enough money now to easily support a lifestyle you are quite comfortable with. The only thing you seem not comfortable with is the struggle with your weight.

      Lebron James focus on his health and physical longevity has helped him earn probably an extra billion dollars over his career so far. By allowing him to to play the game longer than most.

      Let's say the only thing you need to add to your current lifestyle is a personal trainer dietitian personal chef and maybe a visit to the massage therapist every week. How much would that actually cost. To be both happier with your current physical health and probably add a decade or more to your earning years and health span.
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    • Lets just say the guy makes 100 million a year... and 1% of that being 1 Million. I can tell you its duable.

      Here is the thing... Im not going to say you cant but the odds are not in your favor if you think you can do this alone - Unless you have a personal asset ( think only fans ) or a physical skill. Lebron has a skill. Michael Jordon had a skill Shaq had a skill, and so did many others... but more often than not when looking at sports figures it is crazy silly how many "retired" sports personalities are broke not many years after playing.

      The whole journey as I see it is a 180 flip in terms of "Life Style" to make 1 million in a year is not a clock in and clock out 9 to 5 job... you need to put on the hustle hat... find a thing that is scalable ( eBay has been one of those types of business' for me ) and when I say scalable... start with yourself.. add a family member.. and then get into the position of hiring an employee, then 2 then 3... at that point it becomes less hands on than in the begining.

      But look at my eBay thread and see what 2 hours a day built, more time will equate to higher earnings. My wifes business can attest to that.

      Building websites can easily get you there. Large format printing can get you there ( this has a high cost of entry ) Wood products made with a CNC machine can get you there. Growing micro greens can get you there.

      Its not so much the vehicle ( business ) that can get you there, its the driver. You have to point yourself in a direction and put the pedal to the floor and GOOOOO - you can easily lose a few years of your life but god willing you enjoy what you do and bring those that are close to you along for the ride.

      Strive for stability, and not lifestyle... invest in your business and start stockpiling cash...as in cash that could carry you for a year ( all bills expenses etc ) and work to have 5 years. Getting a 1 year cushion is life changing - the whole stress of money just falls away.

      Again not saying it cant be done... I am saying you have to be actively and consistently doing. No sick days... no vacations... no days off ( 7 days a week )... You want "Stability"? you have to earn it - LITERALLY and if you are not working, you are not earning. Look at Elon or Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, or Henry Ford or the Colonel or any number of business mogels... Look at Kobe's work ethic it all boils down to DRIVE - put that thing in a direction and floor it!

      Best of luck with your journey... and if you ever need help, by all means reach out, and I will do what I can.
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  • Here's a stoopid thing ...

    Despite ALL WE DONE an' ALL WE GAHT an' ALL WE SEEN, the natchrl propulschwaahn forward from the 'rignl post (by our incisive an' informative pal here, GordonJ) has kinda happened already.

    For'n it Janyooary 18 now, far as I can see, an' unless nowan died, we were all destined to be here c/o pedestrian default in spite of any entreprenoorial acumen we mighta schlumped uppa our assholes in pursoot of WONDAH BUZZ.

    Why do I say this?

    Frickin' I dunno.

    You expect I say sumthin' SMART evry time I SHOW?

    Herein commenceth pyoore deloosion -- despite I would wanna say always git past yr innah homonculus gimp blimp twazzmo thang.

    In a diverse an' energized Caaahsmaahs, it is only natchrl X%a people gonna be offa their plankpipes.

    You cain't evah save 'em, an' your mortality suggests you don't.

    So may I offah a SURFIN' ANALOGY?

    On the basis I cain't evin wash muh own hair without bein' blinded by shampoo, let alone live the Zero Cowabunga dream mid-Tsunami in the stoopidest beach pants evah been conceived AN' THEN manyoofacktyoored en masse?

    Hey, it is a rhtorickyoool question, so idk if you k I extemporise.

    Anti hold back post.

    Those are the rules.

    So ... wherein exists an' persists the momentyool forces in a WAVE?

    Like mebbe time pulsin' outta its trap, ad infinitum*?

    Evry time them jyoosily bronzed hunks down in Califoriaoz Central hunt down the waves get 'em secreetin' in their beach pants kinda confident the stains gonna be washed away in durrect proportion to how they gonna be ENERGIZED ... deah sweet jeezis I jus' wanna GRAB 'EM an' say, "toss that stoopid sticka wood aside! Dispense with ridin' dreams gaht sole focus on oceanic condishwaahns an' head ovah to abominably exotic pulsations dependent on you don't evin gotta be standin', let alone riskin' yr neck."

    Yeah, but like they gonna DO THAT.

    Bcs they SURF FIENDS before they ACTSHLLY SANE.

    So we all kinda time's wave ridahs ultimately.

    Here now, as then (so dead an' done) once was.

    Be cool to see what happens here in mebbe Spring.

    Gonna predict Max5ty willa shrunk to the size of a cat c/o his dietstuffs -- yet still possess sharp incisahs could mebbe bust a pregnant walrus's bubble.

    Claude gonna be here?

    Set yr emergency alarms for belly flahps from on high.

    Odahh gonna whinge abominably till'n Gahdzilla gotta show again simply to SPARE US?

    Not up to Moi, but I gaht high hopes.

    Savidge4 an' Discrat gonna oscillate like twin moons competin' for weirdsy aliases about a plannit could be cool to visit with like a telescope to hand.

    Skimmed past evrywan' else like a Goddess high on her own sweat, saaahry.

    Thing is (an' there is zero kinda propulse here): We are here.

    An' it is now.

    An' unless the rules change 'bout alla this schwango, likely next month it will be next month.

    So: What inevitable curves exist to enable you to persist?

    RIDAH: this is NAHT a once-in-a-lifetime offah for anywan to lick my actschwl tits. So plz don't message Moi in this doobly nibbly regard.

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