Allow your Natural SuperPowers to empower your success.

Profile picture of GordonJ
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
29 replies
Be inspired, motivated and grateful because you have NATURAL SuperPowers.

Really? Oh yea. But chances are they have been INDOCTRINATED out of you to the point you no longer use or trust them. What are they? The big 3 are:


The classic book, THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill starts with the premise that THOUGHTS ARE THINGS, and having desire for things is the starting point for riches.

He talks mostly about monetary, or material riches, but our natural superpowers are all encompassing and include happiness, joy and the complete human experiences. For the purpose of this WF discussion, we'll keep it focused on IM success and material gain, although, including a joyful journey along the path to our financial goals, eh?

I see a lack of Imagination here at WF, maybe because of how the forums are set up and laid out, but there is a definite lack of creativity across the board for most a few successful Entrepreneurs who may attribute some of their success to their Imaginations.

Although Instinct most often refers to our body (safety, aware of potential harm), when coupled with Intuition (mostly regarding our thoughts)...they become a very powerful tool which can help you make better choices.

The old saying, if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is...needs more INSTINCTIVE reactions to IM pitches and IM copywriting geniuses, who have tremendous persuasion abilities. They can get us to overcome our Instinct, and fall for the ______ (instant, easy, plan, formula, blueprint, method, Guru du jour, etc., etc.).

When you learn how to reconnect with your Nature, and focus your Imagination coupled to your Instinct/Intuition, you can witness amazing results.

Do you have any examples of having used your Natural SuperPowers you can share with the group? I have several, and more on overcoming our childhood indoctrinations too, but would love to get a sense of what the WF community thinks? Fair enough?


P.S. If interest warrants, more details on the HOW TO aspect of the big 3 Natural SuperPowers...and of course, how to couple them with the ACTION needed to make it all manifest for the world to see.
#empower #natural #success #superpowers
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Profile picture of discrat
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Per usual great stuff, Gordon !!!

    Iam thinking about taking all your posts/threads and creating a Course around it. J/K but you should do it yourself if you ever find the time some day.

    Anyway, you bring up some really excellent points. Expounding on the indoctrinating as a child : I think to a degree all of us ( at least for me a lot) were indoctrinated as young sons/daughters to get an education and then get a good paying job for 'the man'.
    Our fathers/mothers did it and their fathers/mothers did it etc...etc...

    It's really brainwashed into us in our younger years. This is a very limiting mindset to say the least. And stymies any form of creativity and imagination.

    Personally, iam instilling into my own daughters' lives to think outside the box. Oh sure get your education but do not believe for one second that you can't start your own business or create a product that could potentially lead to other produces and eventually a Comoany.

    IMHO, I think we owe it to our children to present the vast amount of options they have available to them in a productive capitalistic economy !
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Profile picture of GordonJ
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      discrat, if you were to compile all my posts here (and elsewhere) you'd find just a few ideas repeated over and over: What do you want and why? AND with that clear want in mind, walk the steps back from it to see the path to follow.

      As for making money, boil it down to the steps of whatever TRANSACTION needs to happen. But, especially Warriors, we love to complicate the snot out of stuff.

      I tried to ANTI Indoctrinate my kids, and they are doing OK. One has been around the world, is a consultant/trainer and has done some pretty neat stuff. The other does work a mundane job with the State, which doesn't over exert her (by far) and has a lot of free time to do her things.

      I can remember the exact day when my America is the Greatest indoctrination ended, a neighbor boy sent home pics of his ear necklace he made in Vietnam.

      In business, after 3 years of college classes in Real Estate, getting my license with GRI designation, my Broker told me if I worked my ass off, in 5 years I could pull down the time I was making $1,000.00 a day doing singing telegrams. I left Real Estate shortly after his PEP talk.

      There are no rules except those we accept. And I do believe schools are mostly built to get a compliant work force which defers to authority, couldn't do it as a kid and my ass has the paddle marks to prove it.

      Anyhow, you are doing a very positive thing for your children, when she begins to examine the reality of things, she will say Why not me, and why not now? And hopefully the answer comes back...You can do it.


      Originally Posted by discrat View Post

      Per usual great stuff, Gordon !!!

      Iam thinking about taking all your posts/threads and creating a Course around it. J/K but you should do it yourself if you ever find the time some day.

      Anyway, you bring up some really excellent points. Expounding on the indoctrinating as a child : I think to a degree all of us ( at least for me a lot) were indoctrinated as young sons/daughters to get an education and then get a good paying job for 'the man'.
      Our fathers/mothers did it and their fathers/mothers did it etc...etc...

      It's really brainwashed into us in our younger years. This is a very limiting mindset to say the least. And stymies any form of creativity and imagination.

      Personally, iam instilling into my own daughters' lives to think outside the box. Oh sure get your education but do not believe for one second that you can't start your own business or create a product that could potentially lead to other produces and eventually a Comoany.

      IMHO, I think we owe it to our children to present the vast amount of options they have available to them in a productive capitalistic economy !
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Profile picture of Odahh
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am replacing the post I put up yesterday. Imagination is a super power or a tool one can use to tie themselves down with elephant peg and scary stories of the future.

    I attempt to apply my imagination to the progression of trends based on my observation of multiple trends in my marketing information marketing internet marketing has progressed based off technology advances and lower costs I have also observed the progression of video games online and the pay to win/ micro transactions model that has taken over the industry in the last 13 years.

    Without any judgment of weather it's a good thing or a bad thing I imagine the dominant model today and going forward is a cult of personality. So how do you use the available technology and the emerging technology to build some kind of celebrity status. While being able to develop a substantial income.

    There are a lot of poor internet celebrities though who constantly have to beg their audience for money or see a change in an algorithm cut their income.

    So imagine being a celebrity with an audience happy to buy stuff from you
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Profile picture of GordonJ
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Rather than a tool to tie down, maybe a CRUTCH to keep then hobbled? When the imagination runs toward the negative future, it could be debilitating for many.

      As for trends. For every influencer, personality or celebrity that has made 200k online, there are 100 UNKNOWNs who have done the same, so I doubt that is a real is a trend of your observations only. We may only observe those who want to be seen. And an unspoken trend is a fleeing of social media of certain groups...the trend is toward younger and younger and dealing with what that means.

      Applying the big 3 I's, with POSITIVITY, one can frame their future along the lines of and around developing technology, has many an IMer has done these past 25 years.

      We know AI is no longer a trend, it is here; active, useful and ready to be used.

      Trends are problematic, well, because they are trends, going up or down, but there are EVERGREEN NICHES within markets and these are stable and easily identified.

      A trend in Keto dieting, or Mediterranean diet, or Fusion diets, will be yo-yo's within the market of dieting...and if that is weight loss niche, everyone already knows going in the only answer is fewer calories in, more calories burned. The how that happens may or may not get a boost from technology, but the MARKET (fat people) will always be there.

      I do think you are right about so many Warriors having been tied to the small peg as "babes", like the baby elephant and they don't know their own strength which comes with their natural super powers. But get the mama elephant mad enough, and that little peg isn't going to hold her for long.


      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      I am replacing the post I put up yesterday. Imagination is a super power or a tool one can use to tie themselves down with elephant peg and scary stories of the future.

      I attempt to apply my imagination to the progression of trends based on my observation of multiple trends in my marketing information marketing internet marketing has progressed based off technology advances and lower costs I have also observed the progression of video games online and the pay to win/ micro transactions model that has taken over the industry in the last 13 years.

      Without any judgment of weather it's a good thing or a bad thing I imagine the dominant model today and going forward is a cult of personality. So how do you use the available technology and the emerging technology to build some kind of celebrity status. While being able to develop a substantial income.

      There are a lot of poor internet celebrities though who constantly have to beg their audience for money or see a change in an algorithm cut their income.

      So imagine being a celebrity with an audience happy to buy stuff from you
  • Profile picture of the author art72
    Profile picture of art72
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    @GordonJ - I have noticed the patterns you speak of in and throughout your postings, and as usual they are generally clear and concise and center upon applying the least amount of effort to return the maximum rewards.

    The subconscious programming is a huge factor, as I KNOW that breaking old routines, habits, addictions, or what have you... is without question what cripples most people's underlying desires, ambitions, and dreams... as I have experienced plenty of such intrusions myself.

    One of the most fascinating aspects of Napoleon Hill's works to me (*along with Earl Nightingale's brilliant use of the language and defining character avatars) is that "Master Key" they talk about unlocking one's imagination, intuition, and instincts. That "KEY" that 'unlocks' the innocence within or what remains of it anyway, seems to always boil down to the CHOICE to 'stay imprisoned in our self-wrought cages' or 'break-free and escape the mundane, mediocre, and multi-millinial standing TIME SUCK people are growing sick and tired of... as am I.

    I find it equally fascinating as disturbing that IF people focused their attention towards the ever-present problems, issues, and nuances... they'd likely awaken to the realization that the resources and opportunities are so abundant (*timeless, really) - it becomes terrifyingly exciting to explore, examine, and experience the (*calculated) RISKS, adventures, and/or GO BEYOND what is right in front of them.

    Yesterday... I sat on the front porch, sipping my coffee - and, thought; "most people only see what's in front of them right now - and seldom THINK about the future!' - I on the other hand, admit; I spend far too much time exploring (*THINKING) about the potential future... and outside family, a few real friends, and the basic essentials - I couldn't care less about what's in front of me, so much as the end result(s) being sought!"

    In essence, the working mindset from the top-down perspective or future to the present as a means to layout a path, plan, or even just an IDEA... is actually SMARTER than flying blindly into the unknown... obviously!

    Paraphrasing Old Honest Abe; "Give me 4 days to chop down a tree and I'll spend 3 days sharpening my axe!"

    OH BTW, Thank You GordonJ for mentioning MJ DeMarco's Fastlane Millionaire... something is budding from that seed and although I've tried 3X to start a new "War Path" - apparently I must be pissing off the mods as each attempt to document what I am building right now is met with great resistance and a message reading ;'doesn't follow the Warrior Path Rules!"

    I may have to "DUMB IT DOWN" to get that one approved...who knows?

    Probably, because I wanted to disclose a short-term 1-Year and a long-term 5-year plan with a potential *7-9 Figure Exit Strategy. And, somehow that's not relevant on a marketing forum, go figure!?

    Now that I have a worthy machine to build with and another on the way... I'll certainly be more apt and active to stay focused here and elsewhere online!
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Profile picture of GordonJ
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Harvey Brody, still working, has the idea that death is his exit strategy...and that reflects the LOVE he has for working, and making deals. Although, I recall when he got out of the publishing business due to being annoyed by employees.

      So I see from both sides now. I get the idea of building a business to sell it off and do something else and also understand the folks who just want to keep on working for as long as they can.

      Now I am not a moderator so have no idea as to their criteria for the PATH section, but maybe focus on the SHORT TERM plan and get around to the longer term as you get through the first part? MJ has an interesting story about his limo biz, building it up selling it off, buying it back, selling it again. He also has a lot of common sense too.

      Just my opinion here, but I'd hold any 5 year plans a bit closer to the vest, and lay down your cards as you go, short term; the next year, medium term-next 3 years and then exit strategy.

      One thing I see here at WF, a lot of potential...several people have good ideas, but also, they won't start off with something as small or as fast as a hotsheet/cheatsheet or an initial blog post...many seem to be waiting for someone's secret sauce, and when that is not forthcoming, TIME marches on. Small snowballs tossed down the hill can become avalanches, but not when the snowball stays in the hand waiting for the perfect time to throw it.

      I believe it is hard for most people to overcome their early childhood indoctrinations, but awareness is the first step, then DECISIONS to try a different way. Hope to see an acceptable W. PATH thread soon, I'm rootin' for you.


      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      I have noticed the patterns you speak of in and throughout your postings, and as usual they are generally clear and concise and center upon applying the least amount of effort to return the maximum rewards.

      The subconscious programming is a huge factor, as I KNOW that breaking old routines, habits, addictions, or what have you... is without question what cripples most people's underlying desires, ambitions, and dreams... as I have experienced plenty of such intrusions myself.

      One of the most fascinating aspects of Napoleon Hill's works to me (*along with Earl Nightingale's brilliant use of the language and defining character avatars) is that "Master Key" they talk about unlocking one's imagination, intuition, and instincts. That "KEY" that 'unlocks' the innocence within or what remains of it anyway, seems to always boil down to the CHOICE to 'stay imprisoned in our self-wrought cages' or 'break-free and escape the mundane, mediocre, and multi-millinial standing TIME SUCK people are growing sick and tired of... at I am.

      I find it equally fascinating as disturbing that IF people focused their attention towards the ever-present problems, issues, and nuances... they'd likely awaken to the realization that resources and opportunity is so abundant - it becomes terrifyingly exciting to explore, examine, and experience the RISK, adventure, and/or GO BEYOND what is right in front of them.

      Yesterday... I sat on the front porch, sipping my coffee - and, thought; "most people only see what's in front of them right now - and seldom about the future!' - I on the other hand, admit; I spend far too much time exploring the potential future and outside family, a few real friends, and the basic essentials couldn't care less about what's in front of me!"

      In essence, the working from the top-down perspective or future to the present as a means to layout a path, plan, or even just an IDEA... is actually SMARTER than flying blindly into the unknown.

      Paraphrasing Old Honest Abe; "Give me 4 days to chop down a tree and I'll spend 3 days sharpening my axe!"

      BTW, Thank You GordonJ for mentioning MJ DeMarco's Fastlane Millionaire... something is budding from that seed and although I've tried 3X to start a new "War Path" - apparently I must be pissing off the mods as each attempt to document what I am building right now is met with great resistance and a message;'doesn't follow the Warrior Path Rules

      Probably, because I wanted to disclose a short-term and a 5-year plan with a 7-9 Figure Exit Strategy, somehow that's not relevant on a marketing forum, go figure!
      • Profile picture of the author art72
        Profile picture of art72
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        Harvey Brody, still working, has the idea that death is his exit strategy...and that reflects the LOVE he has for working, and making deals. Although, I recall when he got out of the publishing business due to being annoyed by employees.

        So I see from both sides now. I get the idea of building a business to sell it off and do something else and also understand the folks who just want to keep on working for as long as they can.

        Now I am not a moderator so have no idea as to their criteria for the PATH section, but maybe focus on the SHORT TERM plan and get around to the longer term as you get through the first part? MJ has an interesting story about his limo biz, building it up selling it off, buying it back, selling it again. He also has a lot of common sense too.

        Just my opinion here, but I'd hold any 5 year plans a bit closer to the vest, and lay down your cards as you go, short term; the next year, medium term-next 3 years and then exit strategy.

        One thing I see here at WF, a lot of potential...several people have good ideas, but also, they won't start off with something as small or as fast as a hotsheet/cheatsheet or an initial blog post...many seem to be waiting for someone's secret sauce, and when that is not forthcoming, TIME marches on. Small snowballs tossed down the hill can become avalanches, but not when the snowball stays in the hand waiting for the perfect time to throw it.

        I believe it is hard for most people to overcome their early childhood indoctrinations, but awareness is the first step, then DECISIONS to try a different way. Hope to see an acceptable W. PATH thread soon, I'm rootin' for you.

        The IDEA or mention of an "exit strategy" was not to imply that I would or will likely ever stop working... that'll likely NEVER happen in my lifetime or the next!

        It was geared more towards the 40-years I've spent serving other people's interests... primarily in repairing, restoring, and renovating THEIR assets (i.e., homes, property, swimming pools, vehicles, etc) and the FACT - despite serving tons of people in various service-based industries... seldom did I truly 'get a chance' to work on building, restoring, or establishing MY OWN assets! OOPS!!!

        The mental shift or focus NOW has become a NEED moreover that of just a personal burning desire to still help others and provide services in exchange for my freedom, not just money!

        The priority now is to create assets and a more suitable return (or mutual benefit) on those investments of time, energy, and efforts exhausted helping others get what they want out of the exchange(s).

        I know most people would scoff at the idea of investing say $2500 (1X) and visualize a recipe for expanding that into a cloned system, franchise, or the industry multipliers that many business minded people use to generate an assessed business valuations - and/or to establish an exit strategy (of sorts) in the event they should choose to 'sell off' the business to explore other passions or personal interests.

        As you mentioned; Harvey Brody 'exited' the publications arena due to the slop & mess of dealing with employees.

        The dream of being able to afford the time to work on building assets for oneself seems to be scarce and almost non-existent amidst the majority's mindset. When I show my wife, daughter, or even my son-in-law this business plan... they say; "I like that idea" - "I think it could work" or "So how are you going to go from here to there?" And, these types of responses appear half-heartedly supportive these days. But... I don't think they truly grasp the potential - or - they'd stop cheerleading and start playing the game themselves!

        I'm not sure my immediate company (*family) is capable (or mental capable) of seeing the plausible reality that "could be" with proper execution, cooperation, and/or a shared vested interest in the families future... which usually generates the typical response; ' you should probably just stop dreaming and go get a regular job!"

        They believe "consistency is carrying debt, credit cards, and financing THINGS they do not own... but, wake up nearly every day to pay for it. I get it, people want nice cars, homes, properties, furnishings, and some bling... (jewelry, clothes, and accessories, etc.).

        But... they too appear to be silently forfeiting a bigger inheritance - and trading it for what I am now admitting to have been "guilty of" for most of my working life! I guess, we all have to learn, choose, and decide which path resonates well with our mindset and innermost desires.

        Ultimately, just 30 days ago my daughter said; "how are you going to get the $2500 to start this THING you speak of?"

        In the last 2 weeks, I cranked out $3900 in local work just putting myself and skills back in the way of those wanting their homes fixed... payed down the couple months of debt accrued in that winter stall... and am 1/2 way to having everything required to LAUNCH this venture by (no later) than April 22nd, 2024! (*My 52nd Birthday).

        Now she seems shell-shocked (*still supportive) - BUT, I can feel the shift in her attitude, as if she is almost pissed I am clawing my way out of the hole we've been in since late October.

        Granted... I do not THINK or BELIEVE this will be easy or without some slop and mess to build this business to the levels I aim to achieve, but it sure would be nice being in the company of those who CAN visualize, see, and feel the possibilities that are present and hidden in plain sight.

        IDK, I plan to close out the eBay thread soon... as a courtesy to savage4, yourself, and those who supported that venture. I'm not ruling out building a better eBay store in the future... I just feel we needed way more storage space, more patience, and the pending (and immediate financial demands) were not being achieved as fast as my expectations perceived that model to be. (*It was a lot of work and time, and the rewards were good... just nowhere near what I had expected from the onset). Which I take 110% responsibility for... as that model can work with the right merchandise, no doubt!

        I'm not sure if I thanked you for mentioning MJ's works, but the IDEA I am working on is a direct result of one of his followers making a simple mention of "clean drinking water" and I believe the demand, margins, and scalability is THERE for anyone qualified to build such a business.

        The exit strategy is the long term (*5-7 Year Plan), the short-term is $7500 - $10,000 per month working only part-time, with a seed of $2500 invested one time. That kind of money in many of my former industries is getting much harder to find these days... and besides;

        "You can labor your whole life away trying to give birth to freedom and never deliver that baby!"...

        Especially, IF you're stuck in the mental fog of only serving a few people at a time, limiting your potential, or under the influence of those who cannot conceive, believe, or achieve financial independence.' Worst part is; most of the people I've met who achieved huge financial wins were motivated by something outside of money... it was usually a spouse, family, or a passion to enlighten, benefit, or provision for others... then, the money followed!

        I just wanted to clarify; I certainly will not, or likely ever will STOP WORKING... be it on building other people's assets or working on building my own.

        My buddy, Sean W. (*rest his soul) - always use to say; "you learn something new everyday until the day you die!" - And, "if you stop - you die!" - I still believe that is 100% true!
        Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Profile picture of GordonJ
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          IF it is clean drinking water, then you have chosen a great product/service. Or if it is just to become an order taker for whatever it is with the demand, or to show others how to get people to raise their hand...all good stuff.

          There are those who refer to an EXIT strategy from their business as a means to do something else, even recreate and relax. Going into an arena that gives purpose, joy and fulfillment are always smart choices too.

          Cloned systems...VERY good thinking...franchises, distributorships, LICENSES, all are great toll positions, so it is great you have this forefront of mind as you begin again.

          Hope to see you have some big success this year.


          Originally Posted by art72 View Post

          The IDEA or mention of an "exit strategy" was not to imply that I would or will likely ever stop working... that'll likely NEVER happen in my lifetime or the next!

          It was geared more towards the 40-years I've spent serving other people's interests... primarily in repairing, restoring, and renovating THEIR assets (i.e., homes, property, swimming pools, vehicles, etc) and the FACT - despite serving tons of people in various service-based industries... seldom did I truly 'get a chance' to work on building, restoring, or establishing MY OWN assets! OOPS!!!

          The mental shift or focus NOW has become a NEED moreover that of just a personal burning desire to still help others and provide services in exchange for my freedom, not just money!

          The priority now is to create assets and a more suitable return (or mutual benefit) on those investments of time, energy, and efforts exhausted helping others get what they want out of the exchange(s).

          I know most people would scoff at the idea of investing say $2500 (1X) and visualize a recipe for expanding that into a cloned system, franchise, or the industry multipliers that many business minded people use to generate an assessed business valuations - and/or to establish an exit strategy (of sorts) in the event they should choose to 'sell off' the business to explore other passions or personal interests.

          As you mentioned; Harvey Brody 'exited' the publications arena due to the slop & mess of dealing with employees.

          The dream of being able to afford the time to work on building assets for oneself seems to be scarce and almost non-existent amidst the majority's mindset. When I show my wife, daughter, or even my son-in-law this business plan... they say; "I like that idea" - "I think it could work" or "So how are you going to go from here to there?" And, these types of responses appear half-heartedly supportive these days. But... I don't think they truly grasp the potential - or - they'd stop cheerleading and start playing the game themselves!

          I'm not sure my immediate company (*family) is capable (or mental capable) of seeing the plausible reality that "could be" with proper execution, cooperation, and/or a shared vested interest in the families future... which usually generates the typical response; ' you should probably just stop dreaming and go get a regular job!"

          They believe "consistency is carrying debt, credit cards, and financing THINGS they do not own... but, wake up nearly every day to pay for it. I get it, people want nice cars, homes, properties, furnishings, and some bling... (jewelry, clothes, and accessories, etc.).

          But... they too appear to be silently forfeiting a bigger inheritance - and trading it for what I am now admitting to have been "guilty of" for most of my working life! I guess, we all have to learn, choose, and decide which path resonates well with our mindset and innermost desires.

          Ultimately, just 30 days ago my daughter said; "how are you going to get the $2500 to start this THING you speak of?"

          In the last 2 weeks, I cranked out $3900 in local work just putting myself and skills back in the way of those wanting their homes fixed... payed down the couple months of debt accrued in that winter stall... and am 1/2 way to having everything required to LAUNCH this venture by (no later) than April 22nd, 2024! (*My 52nd Birthday).

          Now she seems shell-shocked (*still supportive) - BUT, I can feel the shift in her attitude, as if she is almost pissed I am clawing my way out of the hole we've been in since late October.

          Granted... I do not THINK or BELIEVE this will be easy or without some slop and mess to build this business to the levels I aim to achieve, but it sure would be nice being in the company of those who CAN visualize, see, and feel the possibilities that are present and hidden in plain sight.

          IDK, I plan to close out the eBay thread soon... as a courtesy to savage4, yourself, and those who supported that venture. I'm not ruling out building a better eBay store in the future... I just feel we needed way more storage space, more patience, and the pending (and immediate financial demands) were not being achieved as fast as my expectations perceived that model to be. (*It was a lot of work and time, and the rewards were good... just nowhere near what I had expected from the onset). Which I take 110% responsibility for... as that model can work with the right merchandise, no doubt!

          I'm not sure if I thanked you for mentioning MJ's works, but the IDEA I am working on is a direct result of one of his followers making a simple mention of "clean drinking water" and I believe the demand, margins, and scalability is THERE for anyone qualified to build such a business.

          The exit strategy is the long term (*5-7 Year Plan), the short-term is $7500 - $10,000 per month working only part-time, with a seed of $2500 invested one time. That kind of money in many of my former industries is getting much harder to find these days... and besides;

          "You can labor your whole life away trying to give birth to freedom and never deliver that baby!"...

          Especially, IF you're stuck in the mental fog of only serving a few people at a time, limiting your potential, or under the influence of those who cannot conceive, believe, or achieve financial independence.' Worst part is; most of the people I've met who achieved huge financial wins were motivated by something outside of money... it was usually a spouse, family, or a passion to enlighten, benefit, or provision for others... then, the money followed!

          I just wanted to clarify; I certainly will not, or likely ever will STOP WORKING... be it on building other people's assets or working on building my own.

          My buddy, Sean W. (*rest his soul) - always use to say; "you learn something new everyday until the day you die!" - And, "if you stop - you die!" - I still believe that is 100% true!
    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Profile picture of DWolfe
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      I've tried 3X to start a new "War Path" - apparently I must be pissing off the mods as each attempt to document Nope

      what I am building right now is met with great resistance and a message reading ;'doesn't follow the Warrior Path Rules!" If you have any questions ask Admin

      I may have to "DUMB IT DOWN" to get that one approved...who knows?

      Probably, because I wanted to disclose a short-term
      from the rules Announce a time frame
      A Warrior Path thread has a beginning - and an end. Set a time period for accomplishing your goal. The time frame should be reasonable for accomplishing the goal stated. From a few weeks to a few months is reasonable.

      "Forgive my misunderstanding as I believe; "A 5 Year Exit Strategy" is a short-term(*limited thinking) compared to most consultants, advocates, and advisors...bu†≤ what do I know?"
      • Profile picture of the author art72
        Profile picture of art72
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

        from the rules Announce a time frame
        A Warrior Path thread has a beginning - and an end. Set a time period for accomplishing your goal. The time frame should be reasonable for accomplishing the goal stated. From a few weeks to a few months is reasonable.

        "Forgive my misunderstanding as I believe; "A 5 Year Exit Strategy" is a short-term(*limited thinking) compared to most consultants, advocates, and advisors...bu†≤ what do I know?"
        I understand that they (*admins/mods) do not want a long, drawn out business plan in the Warrior Path threads, and it make sense to some degree... but it too leaves to question WHY so many Warrior Paths threads seem to fade out rather quickly, and aside from a select few who accomplish or exceeds their initial goals.

        It's really not a big deal having had the thread rejected, I simply wanted to announce it publicly as a way to try to keep myself accountable, but I can document the journey elsewhere, be it in private or publicly - wasn't seeking approval to launch the business, just to document the journey..

        Certainly wasn't aiming my frustration at Kay, she's been around and contributed a ton of info here over the years. TBH, I didn't even know if the thread(s) were even submitted as there is NO message or indication when starting a thread IF it even posted for moderation?

        The only way to know I guess; is to wait and see IF it gets approved or denied via; email.
        Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
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    Art72 -

    You KNOW your 'path' thread decisions were made by Admin, not mods. You were told to contact admin if you did not understand the decisions.

    I may have to "DUMB IT DOWN" to get that one approved...who knows?
    That was the attitude that permeated those declined path threads. That section is for time limited, step by step to a specified goal....not for complex, years long get rich 'plans'. If you do not understand, please contact Enzo to discuss it.

    GordonJ - sorry to 'invade' your excellent thread but the complaint needed to be addressed.

    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
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      Thanks Kay, I have NO idea how the WF works with Admin and mods. I do know you all are appreciated, doing the behind the scenes work that most of us (Me !) don't want to do.

      I do know that as a visitor, I accept any decisions made, and in fact, 24 years ago, it was the reason we started our own forum, if I have something that must be said, I'll do it there.

      The WF is and has been a roller coaster ride, hopefully, some of those babies tossed out with the bath water are now successful adults...whatever that means...ha!

      P.S. art72, don't know if this makes any difference, but I for one, would love to see a "closure" thought on your eBay journey, sort of give us an idea of what you learned from it, what you will do differently, what you got out of it...I know you developed a lot of skills during it, like lighting pics, and posting descriptions. Anyhow, just something I'd like to see before you begin your next journey, which I'm sure will be interesting too.

      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Art72 -

      You KNOW your 'path' thread decisions were made by Admin, not mods. You were told to contact admin if you did not understand the decisions.

      That was the attitude that permeated those declined path threads. That section is for time limited, step by step to a specified goal....not for complex, years long get rich 'plans'. If you do not understand, please contact Enzo to discuss it.

      GordonJ - sorry to 'invade' your excellent thread but the complaint needed to be addressed.

      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Frank Donovan
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        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        hopefully, some of those babies tossed out with the bath water are now successful adults...whatever that means...ha!
        Not to worry - I think we still have a few babies left.

        Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

        • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
          Princess Balestra
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          Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

          Not to worry - I think we still have a few babies left.
          Gotta figure a primordial swamp fulla babies beats a primordial swamp fulla jus' swamp.

          (Naht that ima seekin' procreatrayshwaahn offahs here to make any kinda point.)

          Thing is, there ain't no natchrl supahpowah evah gonna guarantee success, bcs the rightah you are genetically circumstanshly an' whatevah, if'n yr moment in the light is whim-determined, likely you gotta tool up with chainsaws fore'n you Insta on out, less' you jus' swamped.

          Don't wish to sound curt here, but as yr natchrl Princess ima kinda hangin' around for my MOMENT while stayin' troo to how my life in the (purported) shadows is like equally the moment.

          tbh if I were a purely material-minded an' selfish bitch I would BOTTLE MY SINGULAR SORROW an' sell it on to the GLOOM-HORIZONED, DESPRIT FOR 'LOOMINAYSCHWAAHN.

          Anyways, frick knows what they would ask for such a derilicktschwaahn of dooty on my part.

          *gathahs self*

          Anyways, it is Toosday tamara, an' that is kinda cool, yanno?

          Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

      • Profile picture of the author art72
        Profile picture of art72
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        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post


        P.S. art72, don't know if this makes any difference, but I for one, would love to see a "closure" thought on your eBay journey, sort of give us an idea of what you learned from it, what you will do differently, what you got out of it...I know you developed a lot of skills during it, like lighting pics, and posting descriptions. Anyhow, just something I'd like to see before you begin your next journey, which I'm sure will be interesting too.
        I may contact admins and see what is required to post a summary on the thread?, as I am still making a few sales, store is still open - but yes, I did learn a lot from the experience, and for those who followed the thread it would be appropriate to post a conclusion or close the thread out properly.

        Also, the info shared in your post is most certainly a subject of interest, as I too have taken a liking to the "quiet" - moreover that of the being too busy!

        Art72 - adding this here rather than take up more of GordonJ's thread:

        Just shoot a PM to myself or another mod and we'll re-open the thread so you can post a summary/results, etc. It would be informative to all those members who followed the thread.


        Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
    • Profile picture of the author art72
      Profile picture of art72
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      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Art72 -

      You KNOW your 'path' thread decisions were made by Admin, not mods. You were told to contact admin if you did not understand the decisions.

      That was the attitude that permeated those declined path threads. That section is for time limited, step by step to a specified goal....not for complex, years long get rich 'plans'. If you do not understand, please contact Enzo to discuss it.

      GordonJ - sorry to 'invade' your excellent thread but the complaint needed to be addressed.

      Forgive my misunderstanding as I believe; "A 5 Year Exit Strategy" is a short-term(*limited thinking) compared to most consultants, advocates, and advisors...bu†≤ what do I know?
      Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Profile picture of GordonJ
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    Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

    Do you have any examples of having used your Natural SuperPowers you can share with the group? I have several, and more on overcoming our childhood indoctrinations too, but would love to get a sense of what the WF community thinks? Fair enough?
    P.S. If interest warrants, more details on the HOW TO aspect of the big 3 Natural SuperPowers...and of course, how to couple them with the ACTION needed to make it all manifest for the world to see.
    Being gauche, I'll quote myself, because, I said I would share some of mine. When I first came across the idea of Singing Telegrams, I thought it was a good idea, but the problem was I couldn't carry a tune in the proverbial bushel basket.

    So, almost let it go. Then during a meditation/thought fest, my IMAGINATION came up with THE OFF-KEY SINGING telegram, and from that idea, a thousand dollar a day business was born.

    There have been periods of time when I trusted my 3 I's, and other times when I ignored my instincts and intuition and did something which was later regretted, or had not so good results. Having these Natural SuperPowers, and then actually using them (listening to the quiet) are sometimes very far apart.

    It takes some training and trust, and often, in the middle of a chaotic life or that of "being too busy making a living and not having time to make any money" it is hard to hear what your subconscious is yelling at you.

    Another time, I listened to my inner voice and my intuition led me to the perfect investor in my golf business, even though I was doing traditional financing pitches and taking a lot of rejection, it was on the practice range I found the right guy...and it was one of those slap on the heads, NO DUH moments, which I had ignored up til then.

    It seems quiet helps, to separate your conscious busy mind in motion and to get into the middle of your thought storms, to the eye of your hurricane thinking, and to see things from a different angle or perspective.

    Other times, INSTINCT needs to be listened to, as when you see a coyote on the trail, and it is pup season...not the time to try to make nice. Or as Kenny the Gambler might sing, "You got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them...know when to walk away, and know when to run."

    As it pertains to Internet Marketing and the Warrior Forum, we see a lot of knee jerk reactions and their opposite, over planning without any action. Oh, as a nod to Toby Keith, I want to send more than a few Warriors to his YouTube song:


    Taking focused action in the direction of a goal can be a very positive thing, and when combined with your Natural SuperPowers, especially your Imagination, well the journey becomes more fun and the efforts accumulate to build something really good.

    Many Warriors never get to the ACCUMULATE (savings) phase, being stuck in the doing/selling/making the money phase...but at some point you have to let your money/business/ideas/OWNERSHIP of the money machine do the work for you.

    It happens faster when you use your Imagination, Instinct, and Intuition.

    SuperPowers. Natural. Built in. Use them, eh?

  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
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    I had a longer post written out but some how closed the tab.

    Anyway the interesting part that has to do with imagination and instinct is I now have the most upper body muscle of my life.

    As crazy as this sounds the last few months the muscle is starting to change how I imagine myself . And it's pushing me to get in even better health. But I need to find a job . And on paper I'm just unemployable . My imagination has to be more than a super powers. It has to be sourcerer supreme level.

    Unlike the 7 years I have taken to slog through the issues with my mental and e health. There is a hunger in my belly now pushing me to figure this out. In the next few weeks and months at most.

    The my self image doesn't fit anymore. I have never thought to imagine myself with a physique the was fit and muscular. But now I see fat boy in the mirror with my imagination super imposing the more muscular me.

    Now financially I need to earn enough to support my fitness goals. Then maybe set I goal to save enough money to travel and get dental work done . Teeth extracted and and implants made . Maybe get some clothes tailored.but that is off in the future.

    In the past when I broke down and looked for a job I found on in weeks with a lot of real effort.

    Now though my imagination need to pull of a big UN

    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Profile picture of GordonJ
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      I have a couple of OLD friends, one the HS Quarterback from mid 60's, and he cleans the place, empties trash, picks up...gets paid, and has a free pass to the place. I mention this because maybe your local gym needs someone to do what most don't like to do; clean, empty trash, etc. Maybe one of these might hire you, even if it is after hours to come in and clean the place up, and you can get paid and have a membership as part of your compensation.

      Also, if any malls still exist around you, they may have a night crew to clean floors, empty trash etc. I don't think they are too picky about these workers, come in at 10 and work to 2-4 in the morning. Maybe overnight stocking too, I don't think these jobs require you be a model, so look for things other people don't want to do and offer your services.

      A gym might work something out with you, few like to clean up others' sweat.


      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      I had a longer post written out but some how closed the tab.

      Anyway the interesting part that has to do with imagination and instinct is I now have the most upper body muscle of my life.

      As crazy as this sounds the last few months the muscle is starting to change how I imagine myself . And it's pushing me to get in even better health. But I need to find a job . And on paper I'm just unemployable . My imagination has to be more than a super powers. It has to be sourcerer supreme level.

      Unlike the 7 years I have taken to slog through the issues with my mental and e health. There is a hunger in my belly now pushing me to figure this out. In the next few weeks and months at most.

      The my self image doesn't fit anymore. I have never thought to imagine myself with a physique the was fit and muscular. But now I see fat boy in the mirror with my imagination super imposing the more muscular me.

      Now financially I need to earn enough to support my fitness goals. Then maybe set I goal to save enough money to travel and get dental work done . Teeth extracted and and implants made . Maybe get some clothes tailored.but that is off in the future.

      In the past when I broke down and looked for a job I found on in weeks with a lot of real effort.

      Now though my imagination need to pull of a big UN

  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
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    Jus' to say here, latent & natchrl talent an' outlook an' skillsets an' SHINY TEETH are only the START POINT.

    Nuthin' is evah guaranteed in a Caasmaahs where Satan is only banished till'n actschwlly she BACK.

    Thing is, what othah start point might there be beyond latent, natctrl, easy, preferred, RIGHT FOR MOI?

    You don't evah wanna be no kinda bitch to nowan, but trust yr natchrl instinct whenya cain't even speak or act or forward on out.

    Hey, bcs evin if'n you cruisin' on yr natchrl momentum ... the machinations of the planit may not be in accord with your joosiest effuse.

    Truth is, you gaht sumthin', evah, likely all evidence of othah sumthinness gonna rise up to smackya in the tits.

    So your path forward is same if'n you croozin' on success or bleedin' an' downbeat.

    What. Are my next best steps. Forward?

    Ask this, an' all the surest practical tools an' insight will present umselves before body an' brain.

    Evin if it seems like evrythin' ... or nuthin'.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Profile picture of GordonJ
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      (edited PB's quote to get to this

      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      What. Are my next best steps. Forward?
      Ask this, an' all the surest practical tools an' insight will present umselves before body an' brain.
      Great thought. What are my next BEST steps forward?

      It is a great question, IF, iffin the one knows which direction one is going. Some need to make a left flank, or an about face, and head in a different direction.

      Now I tend to harp on the BEGINNING, the reason why to take the first step, along with the direction to be taken. Having a goal, plan, wish, desire is often the starting point, the GO square of the journey...but knowing where you want to get to, or where you TRY to get to, is just as important.

      We see it everyday here at WF, someone asks a question about something, usually something they have never done before, and before long, they want the shortcuts, or the easy way to go about it.

      They have very foggy ideas, lack intent, and just don't know what they want or why they want it.

      Now there are other concepts, like JUST START, and adjust as you go, try a lot of things to find out the one you want to do...and there is enough anecdotal evidence these can the expense of TIME spent.

      Whereas, an INTENT, honed in on, and understood, will trigger that Instinct of what the next BEST step would be.

      So, to go FORWARD, one must be faced in the right direction before they take that next step...and maybe a rest, pause or day off would serve these people better so as to make sure they are facing the right direction when the next step is taken.

      • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
        Princess Balestra
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        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        (edited PB's quote to get to this

        Great thought. What are my next BEST steps forward?

        Natchrlly, I am inclined to agree.

        But what is my angle, zackly?

        Whethah you racin' ahead all acute, or stickin' same & troo an' right, gotta figure HERE is yr start point for accommodatin' most evrythin'.

        "Start where you are," ain't jus' the not-for-you wisecrack of sum holiah-than-thou schmuck -- it is how evrywan alive draws breath less'n they wanna die.

        Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author Raz
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    Is this a New Age stuff?
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
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      Originally Posted by Raz View Post

      Is this a New Age stuff?
      Maybe. I don't know what you mean. I googled... What is New Age Stuff?:
      New Age is a range of spiritual or religious practices and beliefs which rapidly grew in Western society during the early 1970s. Came up at the top, and below was What are new age beliefs>:

      The New Age worldview emphasises holism and the idea that everything in existence is intricately connected as part of a single whole, in doing so rejecting both the dualism of the Christian division of matter and spirit and the reductionism of Cartesian science.

      That sounds more like Quantum Physics. So, I went to AI...but I won't paste all 10 ideas it gave, but chatgpt defined New Age as:

      what is new age stuff
      "New Age" refers to a broad movement characterized by an eclectic array of beliefs and practices that emerged in Western societies in the late 20th century. It draws on a diverse range of spiritual and philosophical traditions from around the world, blending elements of Eastern mysticism, Western occultism, psychology, and alternative medicine.
      Oddly, when I was growing up, New Age referred to those ideas of the late 19th century, post American Civil War and included New Thought movement as well.

      Help me out...What is new age stuff to you?

      So, Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I don't know what you mean.

  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
    Profile picture of socialentry
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    If people watched anime they wouldn't need this whole mind warrior section.

    All these questions have already been answered by One Punch man.

    If Tony Robbins were honest about wanting to help people, he would simply tweet:

    "save your $$$,go watch One Punch Man instead of reading my books"
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Profile picture of GordonJ
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      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

      If people watched anime they wouldn't need this whole mind warrior section.
      All these questions have already been answered by One Punch man.
      If Tony Robbins were honest about wanting to help people, he would simply tweet:
      "save your $$$,go watch One Punch Man instead of reading my books"
      Anime Mike Tyson lives in an alt universe where there are 4 moons, and like most SUPERHEROS, it is also fantasy land, probably more NEW AGE than most religions, beyond metaphysical, but if you prefer pretend power over real ones, by all means.

      After all Manga and Anime came from one of our REAL superpowers, IMAGINATION. So we see it is possible to have an idea, make in manifest in the real world, become an International best seller, and set the person who ACTED upon his imagination, as ONE who attained success with his natural superpower.

      So, POW. Take that.

      • Profile picture of the author socialentry
        Profile picture of socialentry
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        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        Anime Mike Tyson lives in an alt universe where there are 4 moons, and like most SUPERHEROS, it is also fantasy land, probably more NEW AGE than most religions, beyond metaphysical, but if you prefer pretend power over real ones, by all means.

        After all Manga and Anime came from one of our REAL superpowers, IMAGINATION. So we see it is possible to have an idea, make in manifest in the real world, become an International best seller, and set the person who ACTED upon his imagination, as ONE who attained success with his natural superpower.

        So, POW. Take that.

        that new age quip touched a nerve?

        But why not ? Mao Zedong and Iosef Stalin took inspiration from Chinese classic novels and Georgian poetry respectively. Its a shame if one doesnt find inspiration in fiction.

        All the best if said fiction has better answers than a multimillion $ industry with hordes of followers.
        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Profile picture of GordonJ
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          Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

          that new age quip touched a nerve?
          But why not ? Mao Zedong and Iosef Stalin took inspiration from Chinese classic novels and Georgian poetry respectively. Its a shame if one doesnt find inspiration in fiction.

          All the best if said fiction has better answers than a multimillion $ industry with hordes of followers.
          Not at all (that new age quip touched a nerve?). I admitted, I don't know what it is.

          If you include poetry in your fiction, then I will agree...but here at the WF, I doubt most wannabee IMer's have read the classics, let alone ventured into heavy fiction reading, and why would they?

          And most fiction writers (modern) would love to get $$ for their art. I don't see why $ is a problem with someone at an Internet Marketing forum, where they can learn a lot from the multimillion dollar industry with hordes of followers.

          There is, of course, the fiction of Ayn Rand, which has been endorsed, and put forward as an answer to the whole capitalistic viewpoint.

          There are tons of great lessons to be found in Literature, but to denigrate a self-help industry because there are hordes of people spending money, seems a bit beneath you.

          If you believe all the answers can be found in ONE PUNCH, then you have a great IM product, good luck with it. I think most Warriors are not going to benefit from neither the Manga or Anime.

          • Profile picture of the author socialentry
            Profile picture of socialentry
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            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            Not at all (that new age quip touched a nerve?). I admitted, I don't know what it is.

            If you include poetry in your fiction, then I will agree...but here at the WF, I doubt most wannabee IMer's have read the classics, let alone ventured into heavy fiction reading, and why would they?

            There is, of course, the fiction of Ayn Rand, which has been endorsed, and put forward as an answer to the whole capitalistic viewpoint.

            There are tons of great lessons to be found in Literature, but to denigrate a self-help industry because there are hordes of people spending money, seems a bit beneath you.
            Denigrating? Simplification make things more elegant not less.

            Of course, there's plenty to dislike about the self help industry.

            All of which is not in the anime so its not a 1 to 1 correspondence but still.

            And most fiction writers (modern) would love to get $$ for their art.

            I don't see why $ is a problem with someone at an Internet Marketing forum, where they can learn a lot from the multimillion dollar industry with hordes of followers.
            $ is not the problem. but dont you think that the phrase

            multimillion dollar ---self help-- industry with hordes of followers

            is a bit of an oxymoron? You would think that an industry that prides itself on teaching self reliance would not have such a large logistical tail.It seems to me that elaborate funnels and repeat sales in this particular case doesn't vibe with their mission statement.

            If you believe all the answers can be found in ONE PUNCH, then you have a great IM product, good luck with it.

            I do agree presented as such, it lacks decorum. Maybe if people paid me 5000$ they would act on my self help advice..I need a harem and a convention center
  • Profile picture of the author karencoleaaa
    Profile picture of karencoleaaa
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    It costs absolute nothing to stay loyal in relationship, but the modern relationship has turned out to be a thing of disloyalty, cheating and excessive manipulation. Being a victim of infidelity made me feel depressed and was mentally drained as I kept asking myself if I wasn't good enough or wasn't doing enough to warrant my partner to cheat in the affair. I was worried and curious about the crooked attitudes in the relationship and decided to see for myself if my instinct was right or wrong, hence why I requested the help of a pee pee (nineplanethacker@ Gmailcom) whose service granted me access into my partners phone to see who my partner has been texting and what my partner has been hiding in the secret chats, and deleted messages. It broke my heart that I was taken for a fool as i was completely cheated on, but I was glad I was able to confirm that my instinct was right about the whole situation.
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