Allow your Natural SuperPowers to empower your success.
Really? Oh yea. But chances are they have been INDOCTRINATED out of you to the point you no longer use or trust them. What are they? The big 3 are:
The classic book, THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill starts with the premise that THOUGHTS ARE THINGS, and having desire for things is the starting point for riches.
He talks mostly about monetary, or material riches, but our natural superpowers are all encompassing and include happiness, joy and the complete human experiences. For the purpose of this WF discussion, we'll keep it focused on IM success and material gain, although, including a joyful journey along the path to our financial goals, eh?
I see a lack of Imagination here at WF, maybe because of how the forums are set up and laid out, but there is a definite lack of creativity across the board for most Warriors...save a few successful Entrepreneurs who may attribute some of their success to their Imaginations.
Although Instinct most often refers to our body (safety, aware of potential harm), when coupled with Intuition (mostly regarding our thoughts)...they become a very powerful tool which can help you make better choices.
The old saying, if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is...needs more INSTINCTIVE reactions to IM pitches and IM copywriting geniuses, who have tremendous persuasion abilities. They can get us to overcome our Instinct, and fall for the ______ (instant, easy, plan, formula, blueprint, method, Guru du jour, etc., etc.).
When you learn how to reconnect with your Nature, and focus your Imagination coupled to your Instinct/Intuition, you can witness amazing results.
Do you have any examples of having used your Natural SuperPowers you can share with the group? I have several, and more on overcoming our childhood indoctrinations too, but would love to get a sense of what the WF community thinks? Fair enough?
P.S. If interest warrants, more details on the HOW TO aspect of the big 3 Natural SuperPowers...and of course, how to couple them with the ACTION needed to make it all manifest for the world to see.
Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.